I would like to draw attention to the rider and horse that first appear at 7:32 , where a horse that looks like it should be in the child hunters pops around an intermediate XC like it's a walk in the park
The good riders keep up a good pace the whole ride through. Other riders are maybe here for experience for their horses, and have no pace, they go fast, then oh so slow. Some riders don't help their horses at all, and depend on the horse to figure things out. Some take a 2 point position, some just sit on their backs the whole way through, tiring them out.
I will never get bored of this.
Veronica è un amore di cavalla
5:55 "Good Boy Elliot" ... I like this. Nice team there.
Great video!! Thanks so much for sharing! :)
I would like to draw attention to the rider and horse that first appear at 7:32 , where a horse that looks like it should be in the child hunters pops around an intermediate XC like it's a walk in the park
yea that's a tiny and talented horse, if you wanna see more look up The Dark Emporer, he's amazing
Fernhill Fearless looked real happy in his happy mouth. I'm glad to see he hasn't lost his mojo.
Good work BB
This. Is. Great!!!!!!
The good riders keep up a good pace the whole ride through. Other riders are maybe here for experience for their horses, and have no pace, they go fast, then oh so slow. Some riders don't help their horses at all, and depend on the horse to figure things out. Some take a 2 point position, some just sit on their backs the whole way through, tiring them out.
Do you ride too?
That one kid named his horse, "Muggle?"
Tucan Tango sta bene
Tucan tango vuole fare una festa per il suo compleanno
Non dare la colpa al quad
Tucan Tango è ferito alla zampa posteriore fratturata
Tucan Tango è ferito
A tucan tango non piacciono gli elefanti marini che lottano
Prima i cavalli grigi
Tucan tango ha una freccia conficcata sulla schiena povero tucan tango ha una freccia conficcata sulla schiena gli fa molto male
È stato spiaccicato dal cavallo in corsa
Some of these riders really need to lose a significant amount of eight (#'s). Their butts are as big as their horses'! Tragic...
Yes, but certainly not at this level, lol.
Tu salti la siepe e vai