Pray for all Khmer youths in South Korea stay true to what they have sacrificed to achieve liberty, human rights, and democracy just like South Korea. Khmer youths were casted away by CPP regime as laborers in others countries. The CPP regime has systematically made them poors by not creating any jobs rather the regime drive them out of their homelands to get works to pay for debts of CPP's traps . CPP regime has laid debts' traps and turned the majorities of Cambodian into debts' bondages under CPP elites unscrupulous microfinancing and predatory lending collaborations of CPP Vietcong Hun Sen's families businesses. The systematics debts bondages have made majority populations slaves to CPP elites and Vietcong Hun Sen/Hun Manet's families businesses who harvested over the back of general population.
ក្នុងវិស្ស័យធនាគារ ចំនួនឥណទាន រៀបចំឡើងវិញ និងឥណទាន អសកម្មហក់កើនឡើងខ្លាំង សបញ្ជាក់ថា សេដ្ឋកិច្ចកំពុងដាំក្បាលចុះ។
លោកពូគឹមសុខ វិភាគត្រូវណាស់ ឆ្នាំ2025ដល់2027ចាំមើលទៀត
ការបំភ្លឺ របស់លោក គីម សុខ ពិតជាត្រឹមត្រូវ 100% ។
បើត្រគូលក្បត់ជាតិនិះ មិនអើពើទេ ខ្ញុំជារាស្រ្ត ខ្មែរ ច្បាស់ជាគ្មានសុខទេ ត្រូវតែកំចាត់ ត្រគូលលក់ជាតិនិះចេញ់ 💪
ជំរាបសួរលោកគឹម សុខ🙇🇰🇭
លោកពូគឹមសុខ និយាយត្រូវណាស់ ប្រជាជនត្រូវតែស៊ូៗ❤❤🎉🎉🎉
ពូ គឹម សុខវិភាគត្រូវៗ
សូមលោកធំៗ អ្នកមានអំណាចគឹតគូឲ្យបានល្អជាងនេះដើម្បីប្រទេសយើងទាំងអស់គ្នា
លោក គិម សុខ ដងនេះ ប្រើ កាម៉ារាច្បាស់ល្អ។
ពូគឹម សុខវិភាគត្រូវៗ
លោកគឹម សុខ ជាវីរះកុលបុត្រខ្មែរស្នេហាជាតិដ៏ឆ្នេីម.
7n 😢
It's the utmost utopia of Cambodia, and it is at the end of Cambodian's history.
ឆ្នាំ ២០២៥ សង្ឃឹមទាំងខ្ញុំ និងប្រជារាស្ត្រផ្សេងទៀតមានលុយសងគេផងចុះ
Pray for all Khmer youths in South Korea stay true to what they have sacrificed to achieve liberty, human rights, and democracy just like South Korea. Khmer youths were casted away by CPP regime as laborers in others countries. The CPP regime has systematically made them poors by not creating any jobs rather the regime drive them out of their homelands to get works to pay for debts of CPP's traps . CPP regime has laid debts' traps and turned the majorities of Cambodian into debts' bondages under CPP elites unscrupulous microfinancing and predatory lending collaborations of CPP Vietcong Hun Sen's families businesses. The systematics debts bondages have made majority populations slaves to CPP elites and Vietcong Hun Sen/Hun Manet's families businesses who harvested over the back of general population.
អញ្ចឹងសុខឯងត្រៀមយកទៅទៀតទៅដល់ឆ្នាំ 2568 ជ្រាបយកទៅទៀតទៅដេកទៅស្រមើស្រម៉ៃទៅទៀត
ពីតួគីទៅសាយប្រ៉េះ(ស៊ីប) តាមសមុទ្រជិះដ្រូនទឹកយឺតជាងជិះយន្តហោះ💥
Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit. Your ignorance amuses me. Thanks for your input--no one cares.