TANGO TIPS: Back Sacadas (Make them finally work!)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 13

  • @valeraxrennikov
    @valeraxrennikov Год назад +9

    Crossing in front seems to be a clever trick both to create space and to facilitate rotation. Thank you!

  • @georgetetoros7298
    @georgetetoros7298 8 месяцев назад

    Excellent demonstration, thank you

  • @jansrensen6891
    @jansrensen6891 Год назад

    You are just the best tango teachers on the internet :-)

  • @dennisfarley1918
    @dennisfarley1918 Год назад +1

    That’s the best description of how to do the Back Secada that I’ve ever heard! Thank you:-)

  • @estelasuarez3335
    @estelasuarez3335 Год назад

    He aprendido mucho con ustedes. Muy didácticos!! Espero más producciones en españolas. Hay mucha gente que no sabe inglés. Mucjas gracias!

  • @jamesankiewicz3141
    @jamesankiewicz3141 7 месяцев назад

    Great lesson!!

  • @bryon5284
    @bryon5284 Год назад +1

    Love it!

  • @Denortifixor
    @Denortifixor Год назад

    Buenísimo!! Mil gracias!! 😊

  • @tysont1732
    @tysont1732 Год назад +1

    Wow, muy bien explanation & safe back sacada sequence /steps

  • @yenang3578
    @yenang3578 Год назад

    I am a beginner I should learn from which one to start . Please advise me . Thank you

  • @23101979T
    @23101979T Год назад +1

    It’s beautiful how you are explaining it! :)
    I feel like I could do it with my partner, aldo I am a complete beginner..
    Thank you , very much!