Reaction to I Believe In Father Christmas Song Reaction - Greg Lake!


Комментарии • 35

  • @cutthr0atjake
    @cutthr0atjake 2 года назад +6

    My favourite Christmas song! "The Christmas we get we deserve" is a fantastic line!

  • @philcrockford5534
    @philcrockford5534 2 года назад +7

    It's not Christmas until I've heard Greg Lake! Apparently he was experimenting with the song and was struggling to come up with some suitable bridge pieces, and when he played the demo to Carl Palmer and Keith Emerson one of them suggested lifting elements from the classical piece Troika (Sleigh Ride). The video, shot in a desert location with camels and Arab tribesmen in the background, is rather bizarre but just adds to the story of a timeless Christmas classic!

    • @ReactionsToTheClassics
      @ReactionsToTheClassics  2 года назад

      Great info! Appreciat you sharing and watching!

    • @pedroV2003
      @pedroV2003 Год назад +1

      Beat me to the punch about the Sergei Prokofiev bridge. I don't think that the desert setting is all that out of place in as much as the first Christmas (if you believe in it) took place in the middle eastern town of Bethlehem. This along with John Lennon's 'So This is Christmas' are probably the only two so-called Christmas songs I am to stomach. The rest are so sugary that I have to switch them off.

  • @Bekka_Noyb
    @Bekka_Noyb 2 года назад +9

    One of my fave XMas songs! ♥ Had always heard this round the holidays on the radio, but didn't fully appreciate the song till I checked it out on RUclips while a teen

  • @CA5124
    @CA5124 2 года назад +7

    Good One Bekka 👍 🎅 A Christmas Classic . I did not know that Greg Lake was one of the Emerson Lake and Palmer Trio group from the 70,s ! The lyrics are interesting on this one and can easily pass you by with all the other hymn like instrumentation and Bells 🔔 but the message here of the Magic of Christmas being so easily lost in the commercialism is definitely true . I think more people are gradually becoming more aware of this though especially after the last 2 years ! Just being grateful to be able to spend time together again with family and friends and appreciating that more so with no restrictions and being thankful of this and to enjoy Christmas . Thanks Shawn 😊

    • @ReactionsToTheClassics
      @ReactionsToTheClassics  2 года назад +1

      So well said! The state of things for sure makes you draw back and appreciate things a lot more!

  • @babylonsister118
    @babylonsister118 2 года назад +4

    One of my favs, also! Thanks for this!

  • @lorimatthew2203
    @lorimatthew2203 Год назад +2

    Theme is from Sergei Prokofiev's Lieutenant Kije Suite: Troika.

  • @farmersteve661
    @farmersteve661 2 года назад +2

    “He Gives Us All His Love” - Randy Newman (1972) . Merry Christmas !🎅🎹👍

  • @jonathanlocke6404
    @jonathanlocke6404 2 года назад +3

    Big long time Emerson, Lake & Palmer fan. I bought this as a vinyl single when it was originally released. I must have been 13 or 14. I think I had a guy in a little retail record shop order it for me. Still have it somewhere...

  • @SWog617
    @SWog617 2 года назад +3

    A lot of people interpret the song differently. Some call it anti-Christmas. Others have gone as far as to call it an atheist Christmas song. I don't think it's either.
    Greg Lake wrote the music and thought it was speaking out against the over-commercialism of Christmas. Peter Sinfield wrote the words, and said it was about the loss of innocence and childhood belief. I think it touches on both of those things, and from the war imagery at the end of the video, it also sadly shows that there is NOT always peace on Earth. I see it as a song of hope, though... it's beautiful.
    If you want to do another Greg Lake song, you could do "Lucky Man". If you want to do a Christmas song from another rock band (sorta), you should check out "Riu Chiu" by the Monkees. Yes, those Monkees. They do a terrific job on it; it's a Spanish Christmas song that hundreds of years old.видео.html

  • @jemxs
    @jemxs 2 года назад +4

    Really enjoyed this! I don't think I've heard it yet does sound so familiar! Love the not quite Christmas melodies throughout and a hint of Cat Stevens (Yusuf)as well!

  • @jonathanlocke6404
    @jonathanlocke6404 2 года назад +2

    An interesting solo Lake track is "Nuclear Attack", which I believe was the main single released from his first solo album. It's more hard rock than what he usually did, and was written by the legendary Gary Moore. I think Moore also plays guitar on it.

  • @actorJSB
    @actorJSB 2 года назад +2

    Like this one and yeah, I almost always prefer to listen to a song rather than watch it as well! Also good timing as, just today Steve Rothery named this as his favourite Christmas song (h went with Fairytale of New York, another fine choice).

  • @burtonmediaprod
    @burtonmediaprod 2 года назад +3

    Also one of my favorites! Something to check out is Wonderful Christmastime. But not the version you think. The Version is by STRAIGHT NO CHASER and features Paul McCartney's vocals. Its great!! As always, I'm going to push for more DUKES OF STRATOSPHERE.

  • @uncnorseman2670
    @uncnorseman2670 2 года назад +2

    From the same era, Randy Stonehill's Christmas Song For All Year 'Round from his debut album, Welcome To Paradise is just as good, if not better! I always loved this song, however.

  • @edwardlosty549
    @edwardlosty549 2 года назад +3

    The last verse makes it a more hopeful song. Probably not one for the channel, but I’d recommend “It’s Cliched To Be Cynical At Christmas” by Half Man Half Biscuit as the antidote to Christmas grumpiness.

  • @pedroV2003
    @pedroV2003 Год назад +1

    If you are looking for Christmas material try John Lennon's 'And So this is Crhistmas'