Marit Bjørgen løfter

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Marit Bjørgen løfter tunge ting episode 1.

Комментарии • 178

  • @ArcticPup
    @ArcticPup 10 лет назад +4

    I love to read the comments below. "A woman shouldn't look like that.", "It's a man!", "STEROIDS!" and whatnot. I find it hilarious actually, how judgmental and obviously envious some of you come across. Everyone that knows Marit praises her personality and warmth, and no one can fault her dedication to sports. And, yet, all some people see are muscles that contradict their own perceptions of beauty ideal, sex ideals and pushes their misogyny buttons.
    True strength is in the mind, and that is what I admire about Marit. She sets goals and achieve them, like so many athletes before her. I can only feel a sense of pride on her behalf. Same goes for Johaug and Steira and Nothug among other skiiers. I don't impose my own ideals on other people, because my preferences are personal, and shouldn't be used to... Wait, I just realized I'm talking to the internet... And the nature of the beast is to be ugly to each other. Nevermind, I'm reminded to simply cringe on humanity's behalf.
    Haters be gone.

  • @MrGreyDot
    @MrGreyDot 11 лет назад +1

    And thats why we should admire women with mustaches too! It's natural!

  • @crushni
    @crushni 12 лет назад

    La oss kjøre tommel ned på alle polske kommentarer. De prøver å forsure Marit-videoene med doping-snakket sitt.
    Keep it up Marit! :)

  • @mocthezuma
    @mocthezuma 14 лет назад +2

    I love the smell of bitter poles in the morning.

  • @kentornillson1
    @kentornillson1 13 лет назад +1

    @davd1986 I dont know when she started to use the new (legal)medicine. But if it is like you say that she suddenly got better performance when using it, is that so strange? Thats the whole point for Marit (and many other skiers) getting the permission to use it, because they suffer a very strong form of asthma. Offcourse she got better results, she could suddenly breathe in the same level as most of her competitors. Do you really think that WADA gives people access to doping, I mean really?

  • @BartekLC
    @BartekLC 14 лет назад +1

    Hehe brawo Marit ! Zyczę złota na 30 km. ! A Justysi która też jechała na koksie życze powodzenia...w narzekaniu :)

    • @KD-zw7km
      @KD-zw7km 2 года назад

      Dokładnie kowalczyk tylko narzeka a prawda jest taka że to ona wpadła a nie Marit. Widać że zazdrość ją zżera że Bjørgen tyle osiągnęła :)

  • @McArti0
    @McArti0 13 лет назад

    Doctor talkes to Bjoergen.
    - I have wrong message.
    - what?
    - Abaut your asthma.
    - You back on your feet.

  • @LimesNorrlandicus
    @LimesNorrlandicus 12 лет назад +2

    Pretty much all the cross country skiers are ripped in case you didn't know.

  • @Grand772
    @Grand772 13 лет назад

    And it again boy such śliczny Marit Bjoergen. Must win sick poor, let's ASTHMA lives!

  • @jafeth82
    @jafeth82 14 лет назад

    Justyna nie bierze wspomagaczy, samo mówiła, że mogła tak przygotować się pod badania że wykryliby i u niej astmę, ale powiedziała, że woli mieć kiedyś zdrowie dzieci.

  • @davd1986
    @davd1986 13 лет назад

    @abdobe Umm no, the only difference is the Polish team made a mistake in not reporting it to WADA/FIS, while Bjoergen was excused immediately, seeing how there are many Norwegians in FIS and WADA, I'm not surprised. What happened to Bjoergen from February 2006-November 2009? Why didn't we hear anything of her medicine back in that time period? She started using the medicine in 2009, and boom, from barely skiing in the top 10, she starts winning races by 30, 40 seconds.

  • @jonasz111
    @jonasz111 13 лет назад

    Think a little !!
    If Symbicort would have no effect on people without astma, why it is prohibited !!!

  • @Grand772
    @Grand772 13 лет назад

    It congratulates 3 golden >! Pleases it but if sincerely?

  • @nwalways
    @nwalways 12 лет назад +1

    shes not on drugs...she is ripped because she does skiing everyday!

  • @uncoolben
    @uncoolben 13 лет назад

    @vre655u I do not know if or what kind of an advantage give Marit her medicine - but I know 2 things:
    1) her medicine is NOT ALLOWED to be taken by other sportsmen - why? why Kowalczyk, Majdic and the other skiers are not allowed to take the same medicine???? this is very, very simple question, does any of Marit Bjoergen defendants answer me?
    2) I like very much what Majdic said - if she is affected by some disadvantages - she should start in paraolympics,

  • @AwesomeSofus
    @AwesomeSofus 12 лет назад +1

    Nope.. She's the worlds best skier..

  • @occasional_touber
    @occasional_touber 10 лет назад +3

    Marit is a superathlete! indeed.
    But it was Polish, Justyna Kowalczyk to win 10 KM Cross Country in Sochi, Winter Olympics. - and that means , Justyna is a mega-superathlete :)
    Cheers to all sports fans.

    • @TheTwitchybird
      @TheTwitchybird 6 лет назад

      Win once and you think she's better? Marit has won fucking everything multiple times, she's the best female ski athlete to ever live.

  • @uncoolben
    @uncoolben 13 лет назад

    @abdobe no, she didn't use any medications that time; she started to win after she was allowed to take steroids; of course she had some successes back in 2002-2004, but it is uncomparable to what she has achieved now

  • @hellsG89
    @hellsG89 13 лет назад +1

    Bjørgen was at the top of the world in the sport 2005, with 3 gold medals in the WC. The following seasons she overtrained and got asthma. This blocked up her airways and she couldnt breathe normally. Without symbicort she breathes at 80%, with it: 95% compared to before. All the numbers and tests are on her side, she is now competing in a worse shape than before. She even had bigger muscles then!
    Houndreds of skiers are using symbicort, isnt it wierd that marit is the only one who's winning?

  • @nfn35
    @nfn35 12 лет назад

    @hellsG89 maybe she's using sth more then just symbicort ? !

  • @Reidar911
    @Reidar911 14 лет назад

    The Norwegian doctor of the team said today that several of the medicines are permitted from 1.1-2010 and that more will be allowed to come. Medicines against atshma attacks are not the same as anabolic steroids!

  • @rovernippe
    @rovernippe 13 лет назад

    A lot of skiers use asthma meds bcse training hard 10-20C below is very strainous for the lungs - and a lot of them develope asthma. A chronic inflamation in the lungs. The asthma meds does not give any advantage for a healthy athlete, it lessens the disadvantage of having a chronic disease...

  • @IndianaHenryJones20
    @IndianaHenryJones20 13 лет назад

    Marit transformed into SSB- Supet Steroid Bjoergen. Even Goku couldn't reach that level. Unfortunetly he don't have fake astma. Haha :D

  • @borewiczandgogol
    @borewiczandgogol 14 лет назад +1

    This is an insane muscular body. Most men would like to have muscles like that.
    I was sceptical about Kowalczyk's complaining, but seeing THIS monster, I think doping accusations are legit.

  • @piter2084
    @piter2084 13 лет назад

    we have Pudzianowski, you have Bjoergen- hahahaha

  • @uncoolben
    @uncoolben 13 лет назад

    @kentornillson1 2003 - 1 gold, 2005 - 1 idividual gold, 2 other were in team, as far as I know - cmon, the last results are the best in her career, yes, the results from 2003/2005 are incomparable to 2 x 3 golds on Olympics and right now; and I'm happy of you that

  • @wis12345
    @wis12345 14 лет назад

    Lovely Asthma

  • @uncoolben
    @uncoolben 13 лет назад

    @abdobe ...and remember - as long as Norwegians rule FIS, Bjoergen will be covered, sad but true

  • @jafeth82
    @jafeth82 14 лет назад

    Była zdyskwalifikowana bo w dniu zawodów wzięła środek Deksametazon, którym leczyła kolano. Za wikipedią.

  • @uncoolben
    @uncoolben 13 лет назад

    @abdobe - the head of Polish Ski Federation forgot to report to FIS the fact, that Kowalczyk took steroids as a medication for wounded knee - some say that he did it DELIBERATELY, because thay do not like each other...
    look at the length of the ban - 6 mths - that may mean that FIS investigated it and accepted that version (normally it is 2 years ban!), so do not exagerate with calling Kowalczyk a 'cheater' - besides, she paid for her - real or presumed - fault, while Bjoergen didn't...

  • @Basilisk195
    @Basilisk195 14 лет назад

    I think, the anchor had a weight of maximum 35 lb.

  • @LimesNorrlandicus
    @LimesNorrlandicus 12 лет назад

    She does a lot of heavy weight training and has looked like this for more than ten years. If you think cross country skiers only ski and run during training sessions then you are terribly mistaken...

  • @MrOpson9
    @MrOpson9 13 лет назад

    hardkorowa koksiara, SIŁA!!!

  • @UltimaSRi
    @UltimaSRi 14 лет назад +2

    "THIS monster"???
    she is cute!!
    sod off

  • @chrzanowianin
    @chrzanowianin 13 лет назад

    symbicort ? yes, yes, yes!

  • @duparek
    @duparek 13 лет назад

    8.Finland: Marit Steridottir and go on.... ?
    to mi raczej na Islandie pasuje, ale moze sie nie znam;D

  • @LimesNorrlandicus
    @LimesNorrlandicus 12 лет назад

    Marit has looked the same for 10+ years.

  • @BartekLC
    @BartekLC 14 лет назад

    Ciekawe czy Justynka w czasie kiedy brała koks też tak wyglądała :)

  • @voytaz88
    @voytaz88 13 лет назад

    Sterid Bjoergen

  • @alenushkaRu
    @alenushkaRu 12 лет назад

    Perfect Astma Queen

  • @arturj007
    @arturj007 14 лет назад

    @supersinna : you mean Sterid Cybjoergen is jewish?

  • @IndianaHenryJones20
    @IndianaHenryJones20 13 лет назад

    @lollehus in paraolimpic maybe...

  • @awma1975
    @awma1975 13 лет назад

    Is she from DDR?

  • @PatrickSavalle
    @PatrickSavalle 6 лет назад +2

    Clean as a whistle. LOL.

  • @davd1986
    @davd1986 13 лет назад

    @TheOneAndOnlyNub Nope. Because WADA and FIS is full of Norwegians, plus we know that professional endurance athletes of the highest order have a lot more access to doctors (i.e., Fuentes, Ferrari, Balco) than the regular joe. The use a thing called masking agent. I am not saying that Bjoergen is the only one that cheats, but she definitely cheats. Kowalzcyk probably does as well. It is what it is.

  • @BartekLC
    @BartekLC 14 лет назад

    Ale ja się ciesze że zdobyła medale :) Szkoda że nie złote. Ale wkurzające jest to że sama brała doping a teraz krytykuje innych. To czysta hipokryzja :)

  • @BartekLC
    @BartekLC 14 лет назад

    Jafeth to za co Kowalczyk była zdyskwalfikowana ? Za to że wypiła szklanke mleka ? :)

  • @bartoliniog
    @bartoliniog 13 лет назад

    wszystkie astmatyczki tak wyglądają? ;)

  • @BartekLC
    @BartekLC 14 лет назад

    Bo takim jestes fanem :) Jak było źle to stałeś odwrócony plecami :) A teraz co, problemu nie ma ? Świat się po 2005 roku zaczął ? To że inne brały to ma być usprawierdliwienie dla Kowalczyk ? :) Tak samo nikogo nie bezie interesowała Bjoergen po olimpiadzie :)

  • @LimesNorrlandicus
    @LimesNorrlandicus 12 лет назад

    Charlotte Kalla is not all that different, and remember that Marit focused on sprint skiing early in her career.

  • @beawwww
    @beawwww 13 лет назад

    @kraftsportNO om du tror det er derfor de har lagd denne videoen, for at marit skal vise seg frem, så har du ikke skjønt det helt.

  • @villegizer
    @villegizer 13 лет назад

    @Poksuuuu no ainaki sen että mul ei oo noin isoo habaa, mutta ei mulla mitkää narukädetkää oo

  • @uncoolben
    @uncoolben 13 лет назад

    @kentornillson1 it's true - it's complex topic, it is hard to determine how much steroids affects Bjoergens performances, but we know few things for 100% 1) it IMPROVES her performance (she herself told, that steroids improves her performance by 20% - sic!, 2) it EXTENDS her bronchis, 3) she improved herself dramatically just after she was allowed to use steroids - for me it is enough to either ban that medicine or allow everybody to use it - I think it is obvious

  • @BartekLC
    @BartekLC 14 лет назад

    Najlepiej zapomnieć, może następnym razem weźmie mocniejsze środki :)

  • @Basilisk195
    @Basilisk195 14 лет назад

    A very pretty norwegian women.

  • @kalisz33
    @kalisz33 14 лет назад +1

    I wish all the best for Marit Bjorgen, congratulationes for a great succes,she is beautiful girl:) have a lovely smile, and i am shame to be a Polish when im reading all this shit from polish people !

  • @selmerpwns
    @selmerpwns 13 лет назад

    @beawww hvilken annen grunn?..

  • @lepalek
    @lepalek 11 лет назад +1


  • @paastoo
    @paastoo 13 лет назад

    Doping ? Well astma medicationg reduses fat and makes "bigger" lungs. But what else there has been eaten :)
    By the way astma medication is so big help that everybody should be able to use it. Or at least person who uses that should have astma :)

  • @kreda0
    @kreda0 14 лет назад


  • @Nystad555
    @Nystad555 12 лет назад

    MARTIN Bjørgen :-D

  • @davd1986
    @davd1986 13 лет назад

    @TheOneAndOnlyNub Just do a little research. I should be the one telling you that it aint always how it seems.

  • @uncoolben
    @uncoolben 13 лет назад

    @abdobe THAT'S why it looks so suspicious...

  • @renegatt
    @renegatt 13 лет назад

    Its a fucking Terminator on steroids!!!

  • @lepalek
    @lepalek 11 лет назад +1

    how much did the anchor weigh?

  • @vencyngetoryx
    @vencyngetoryx 14 лет назад

    Justyna Kowalczyk - pure sport
    Marit Bjoergen - pure sterid

  • @antivalente
    @antivalente 13 лет назад

    she is an real VIKING

  • @Reidar911
    @Reidar911 14 лет назад

    For all the polish comments of accusations I have nothing to say because they dont understand english.
    For all the others; asthma has been common in these athletes for decades and they have permission to use medication for this condition. It opens the airways that are closed for those with asthma and does nothing for those who do not have asthma.

  • @davd1986
    @davd1986 13 лет назад

    @TheOneAndOnlyNub I'll start being real when you start being real, how's that sound?

  • @Hep3e
    @Hep3e 13 лет назад

    Naiselle ja varsinkaan vielä kestävyysurheilijalle eivät lihakset kasva noin ilman kiellettyjä aineita. Naisen on erittäin vaikea saada lihakset näkymään käsivarsista, mutta varsinkin pullistelemaan noin!

  • @kentornillson1
    @kentornillson1 13 лет назад

    @uncoolben uncomparable to what she has achieved now?
    In 2003 she won 2 gold medals, one silver, and one bronse.
    In 2005 she won 3 gold medals, one silver, and one bronse
    Is that uncomparable?
    And offcourse, you can be as suspicious as you want. But its a long way from beeing suspicious to accuse someone of using doping as most polish poeple are doing. That is just mean! This is a complex topic that 99,99% of us have no prerequisite to judge. I trust the experts in this matter, not Kowa

  • @tvih84
    @tvih84 13 лет назад

    Haha, funny with the "news" sites claiming it to be an metal anchor. Yeah right. Anyway, I wouldn't say she's necessarily using "illicit substances". However making guesses one way or another is fruitless. If she is using something she shouldn't, chances are she'll be busted sooner or later. Until then, innocent until proven guilty in my books :) Besides, she'd be silly for bringing out her exceptional physique like this if it was the result of foul play.

  • @MaximusAdonicus
    @MaximusAdonicus 13 лет назад

    That anchor was obviously fake as evident from the lack of physics on its supposed weight.

  • @olafek98
    @olafek98 12 лет назад

    współczuje jej mężowi...

  • @michala7565
    @michala7565 10 лет назад +1

    POLSKA !

  • @MrSilentDoubleA
    @MrSilentDoubleA 13 лет назад

    @anula63 umad?

  • @LimesNorrlandicus
    @LimesNorrlandicus 12 лет назад

    Oh really? Many long-distance runners have even less body fat.

  • @Grand772
    @Grand772 13 лет назад


  • @nfn35
    @nfn35 12 лет назад

    @hbxcskier Wrong name.You can't call them misogynists , she doesn't look like a woman !

  • @KISSbestfan
    @KISSbestfan 12 лет назад

    Ta kotwica jest ze styropianu

  • @biagr
    @biagr 14 лет назад

    Who's that guy? I don't know him. But I think he can do a little mess in The World's Strongest Man Competition. Zydrunas Savickas and Mariusz Pudzianowski, BEWARE!!! There is new man in a town.

  • @boges21
    @boges21 12 лет назад

    WARNING!! Polish youtube watchers incoming

  • @BartekLC
    @BartekLC 14 лет назад

    Więc skoro sama jest koksowniczką to czemu tak sie rzucasz ? :) I po co obrażasz ? :)

  • @MrAtlein
    @MrAtlein 11 лет назад +1

    try again..

  • @uncoolben
    @uncoolben 13 лет назад

    @abdobe back to benefits from inhaled steroids (btw. I've noticed that you consequently omit to use word 'steroid' as far as Bjoergen is concerned and use 'asthma medication' instead ;-) - when used by healthy person, it extends your bronchis by few % and allow to breathe more effectively - just ask ANY laryngologist
    abdobe, we may put some things too strong here, but try to be objective - one can be at least suspicious if Bjoergen plays fair with these steroids

  • @Kasiek243
    @Kasiek243 13 лет назад

    Ale z tymi ukłonami to się nie wysiliła.

  • @waspazian
    @waspazian 13 лет назад

    @anula63 napocilas sie przy tym niezle

  • @vencyngetoryx
    @vencyngetoryx 12 лет назад

    She looks as "Made in GDR"

  • @ubinek
    @ubinek 13 лет назад

    ohyda fe

  • @duraabeli
    @duraabeli 13 лет назад

    Normaali lihakset. Ruisleipää on syönyt.

  • @renegatt
    @renegatt 13 лет назад

    @anula63 Poland: Cyborg na Koksie

  • @MarcinDK
    @MarcinDK 14 лет назад

    This ist man ? :)

  • @norkompt
    @norkompt 14 лет назад

    Astmatyczka. One tak mają

  • @Reidar911
    @Reidar911 14 лет назад

    Marit just have the genetics to put on muscle. She trains no different than the others, its just that she is an easy gainer. But I dont expect most people to understand the concept of genetics. Athletes are for the most part made from birth (genetics) and then rise to the top with training and nutrition, the last perhaps 10%. Got it?

  • @Kela89
    @Kela89 13 лет назад

    wiecie co, osłabia mnie to pojeżdżanie Marit.Kowalczyk musi mieć takie same, bądź podobne mięśnie. taka jest rzeczywistośc sportowca.fakt, p.Justyna ma bardziej kobiecą twarz i fryzurę. ale to naprawde nei jest tak, że tylko Marit tak wyląda. to hiporyzja, gdyby Marit była Polką, wszyscy by się cieszyli, że wygrywa, nieważne czy ma 50 czy więcej w bickach.

  • @DANUTA49
    @DANUTA49 14 лет назад

    Ten film to antyreklama dla sportu . To chyba mutant.

  • @flyingcookie
    @flyingcookie 13 лет назад

    ej, a moze to nie ona taka silna, tylko kotwica lekka.

  • @LimesNorrlandicus
    @LimesNorrlandicus 12 лет назад

    She is not at 5-6% bf.

  • @rrobi1231
    @rrobi1231 13 лет назад

    Astmatyczna maszyna i nic po za tym
    Justyna jest prawdziwa

  • @Finnishim
    @Finnishim 13 лет назад
