A day to clean and organize the house with IKEA itemsㅣIndoor Gardeningㅣeasy Cooking Recipes

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 2,3 тыс.

  • @elifkahrmn
    @elifkahrmn 3 года назад +445

    You're a motivator. When ım exhausted and ı dont want to do anything, ı watch you and my energy comes back. Greetings from Turkeyyy

    • @hamimommy
      @hamimommy  3 года назад +48

      Thank you Elif ! :)

    • @AzadAzad-bg7bs
      @AzadAzad-bg7bs 3 года назад +5

      Your correct

    • @razamughal9095
      @razamughal9095 3 года назад +3

      @@hamimommy what is the design of the clip called that you use to hang the gloves or the cloth over the sink?

    • @minijoshy4565
      @minijoshy4565 3 года назад +2

      @@razamughal9095 same question😊

    • @priscillaaugustine8509
      @priscillaaugustine8509 3 года назад +2

      I just like your house and all your kitchen ware,in which Country are staying,it so nice and green around..?👍👌🙏

  • @hoops8534
    @hoops8534 3 года назад +74

    “A house changes as much as a person touches it”. I love this 💗 so true.

    • @tuna8242
      @tuna8242 3 года назад +1

      I love that quote too

  • @deryat11
    @deryat11 3 года назад +23

    Slm Türkiye'den sevgiler yine çok güzel bir vlog olmuş eşyalar çok tatlı hami çok şirin sizde öyle sizleri artık bir aile gibi görüyorum mutlu olun

  • @cloverleaf4226
    @cloverleaf4226 3 года назад +104

    Какой у вас красивый быт, и вы всё делаете с любовью! Я любуюсь и отдыхаю с вашими видео...

    • @КатеринаКаплан-о2щ
      @КатеринаКаплан-о2щ 3 года назад +3

      Поддерживаю, настоящий зрительный кайф для хозяюшек🤗

    • @행운-x5x
      @행운-x5x 2 года назад

      @@КатеринаКаплан-о2щ 왜 다들 영어로 하시는건지 ㅠㅠ!!!

  • @0Nikorin0
    @0Nikorin0 3 года назад +96

    Thank you for this channel! My kitchen is clean and lovely now. Even though it's not really "mine", because I rent a very old flat that looks really bad, I managed to make it look nicer and cleaner thanks to you! And now I look at cleaning, cooking, and other daily chores from different perspective - they're important daily tasks that can be calming and beautiful. I'm no longer angry at cleaning - it became more pleasant and calming. THANK YOU!

  • @irinabarteneva4232
    @irinabarteneva4232 3 года назад +29

    Благодарю! У Вас хороший вкус. Учусь у Вас, как красиво организовать свой дом.

  • @НаталияНаталия-б9с
    @НаталияНаталия-б9с 3 года назад +58

    Как тепло и уютно в вашем доме!!!
    💯👍💟 Спасибо за такие изумительные, наполненные любовью видео!!! 💞🙏

  • @Wonderfulgirl12
    @Wonderfulgirl12 3 года назад +29

    Amazing! Залипаю на Ваши видео😻 они приводят мой ум в покой и умиротворение. Благодарность из России ♥️

  • @ЕкатеринаПанова-ю9э
    @ЕкатеринаПанова-ю9э 2 года назад +9

    Очень приятно смотреть на умиротворенную обстановку в вашей семье и в вашем доме, какие вы молодцы!!! Спасибо за видео!!!

  • @Людмила-ч1б5ы
    @Людмила-ч1б5ы 3 года назад +18

    Такой милый ребенок Хами, счастья и здоровья вашей дружной семье.

  • @karinaalvarenga311
    @karinaalvarenga311 3 года назад +31

    Thank you for making such beautiful videos
    You have helped me enjoy my home again by showing me how you feel about your home. I have so much motivation to clean and organize.
    I pray God shows you how much he loves you and keep you and your family safe❤️

  • @dbartz5510
    @dbartz5510 3 года назад +27

    Gentle souls, living an Earth friendly life, making the world a better place. Thank you!🥰🙏💐

  • @hamimommy
    @hamimommy  3 года назад +42

    제가 구매하여 사용한 이케아 제품 정보는 '더보기' 란을 참고하세요 :)
    For information on IKEA products that I have purchased, please refer to 'More' section 🧡

  • @飞翔的番茄酱
    @飞翔的番茄酱 3 года назад +61

    이 채널을 주셔서 감사합니다! 내 주방은 이제 깨끗하고 아름답습니다. 진짜 '내 것'은 아닌데도 너무 낡아보이는 아주 오래된 아파트를 임대해서 그런지 여러분 덕분에 더 깔끔하고 보기 좋게 만들었어요! 그리고 이제 저는 청소, 요리 및 기타 일상적인 집안일을 다른 관점에서 봅니다. 그것들은 진정되고 아름다울 수 있는 중요한 일상 업무입니다. 나는 더 이상 청소에 화를 내지 않습니다. 더 쾌적하고 차분해졌습니다. 감사 해요!

    • @veneraderbishalieva8708
      @veneraderbishalieva8708 2 года назад

      ¹1 файл во★

    • @행운-x5x
      @행운-x5x 2 года назад

      @@veneraderbishalieva8708 보기는좋은데...본인은 일을 찾아서 고생 하시네요 죽으면 썩을,몸 개으런것보다 낳아요 ,

  • @elizabethpalu2447
    @elizabethpalu2447 3 года назад +135

    These videos are so addictive! I have no idea what it is about watching someone clean that is more interesting that anything else I've seen lol.

    • @logrisuba2936
      @logrisuba2936 3 года назад +3

      She is describing everything she is doing, like talking, but I also enjoy her format. Love it.

    • @sonialaverdec
      @sonialaverdec 3 года назад +5

      Jajajaja me pasa lo mismo!!! Es adictivo y me sorprende estar viendo el vídeo con tanta atención. 🙈

    • @tulayisik1774
      @tulayisik1774 3 года назад +3

      Ev hanımları ve çalışan bayanlar olarak bazen yorulup bırakmak istediğimizde motive edici oluyor, bizlere ev ile ilgili yaptığı dokunuşlar ilham verici oluyor, kendisine teşekkür ediyorum 🙏❣⚘

  • @azraceylan6505
    @azraceylan6505 3 года назад +27

    Senin sayende bazı tüyolar öğrendim şimdi daha temiz gözüküyor çok teşekkür ederim. ❤️

  • @mimi27513
    @mimi27513 3 года назад +76

    I’ve just discovered this beautiful vlog. Your cooking, organizing, & cleaning pales in comparison to the absolute perfection of your cinematography skills. The angles, the editing & music- wow! Of course the beautiful characters in this movie are top notch. The overall theme- intentional living, you capture it so well. I hope this translates to let you know that I firmly believe you are the next sensation. You absolutely will see the big lights. Stay humble!🥰🤗

    • @meditatingbuddha6004
      @meditatingbuddha6004 3 года назад +4

      so true

    • @Tere_tere
      @Tere_tere 3 года назад +2

      I'm 100% with you there. Above all she's an excellent film maker.

  • @marcellyzanovello6425
    @marcellyzanovello6425 3 года назад +60

    you inspire me and motivate me to be a better human, thank you for being part of my weekend and making it better! good week! love from Brazil 💜

  • @neideconceicaodacunhaperei6614
    @neideconceicaodacunhaperei6614 3 года назад +57

    Bom dia! Seus vídeos me inspira a organizar minha casa. Obrigada! Aqui no Brasil as vassouras tem o cabo longo pra ajudar nossa coluna e os móveis e utensílios compramos já montados. Sua filha é linda e abençoada de nascer no seu lar com uma mãe tão especial.

  • @willothewispl
    @willothewispl 3 года назад +6

    Your daughter is precious. So cute when they are small. My son is all grown up. I loved when he was still small, so precious. I love him just as much now though, maybe even more. 😃🍪

  • @Tugcebr
    @Tugcebr 3 года назад +47

    o kadar rahatlatıci,sakinlestirici ve motive edici ki videolariniz ❤️ herseyin sakinlikle ne kadar guzel yapildigini ve hayatin ne kadar keyifli yasandigini gosteriyorsunuz.Videolariniz harika cok teşekkür ederim paylastiginiz icin ❤️💕💞

    • @hamimommy
      @hamimommy  3 года назад +19

      İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler! :) 🧡

    • @Tugcebr
      @Tugcebr 3 года назад

      @@hamimommy 💕🌞💜🪴

    • @busrains
      @busrains 3 года назад +4

      @@hamimommy sizlere teşekkür ederiz motivasyon u ve kendimize ayırmamız gereken vakti çok güzel gösteriyorsunuz

    • @Tugcebr
      @Tugcebr 3 года назад +2

      @@busrains cok harika değil mi,nasil sakinlikle herseyin hallolabilecegini gosteriyor 💕

    • @Neclaaslan_762
      @Neclaaslan_762 3 года назад +1

      Bu videoları izleyince bütün stres gidiyor terapi gibi bitek bende böyle zannediyordum harika😍

  • @abdullami5520
    @abdullami5520 3 года назад +23

    Ваши видео делают этот мир лучше ❤️

  • @aurecycamara4212
    @aurecycamara4212 3 года назад +20

    Como admiro você! Sua disciplina e organização me inspiram!! Amo assistir seus vídeos. Gostaria muito que os produtos Ikea também estivessem aqui em minha cidade. Ótimo fim de semana!!

  • @fernandasantos5579
    @fernandasantos5579 3 года назад +22

    Sua filha é linda, educada e inteligente, fico encantada com sua organização e a dedicação em cuidar da sua família e do seu lar.

  • @SuzanaMorales
    @SuzanaMorales 3 года назад +131

    It’s been two weeks since I found out about your channel and I am already making positive chances in the way I manage my house. It requires real persevereance and determination to shift old habits, but you showed me that is possible. God bless you and your family! Kisses from Brazil!

    • @patriciabelmares5304
      @patriciabelmares5304 2 года назад +4

      hami tN linda y ordenada tu casa ese es en verdad un hogar con cada espacio para cada cosa y todo en su lugar no es fácil pero la constancia da sus frutos saludos desde Monterrey México

  • @dianehess3706
    @dianehess3706 3 года назад +20

    Oh yum, chocolate chip cookies with walnuts! Makes me remember my mom. She was the best cook ever! She made slice apples taste better just because she peeled and sliced them. Hami will have those memories of you and share them with her family when she gets older. My son, who is 27 years old, has memories of both my husband and I doing things with him too. Even now, we get together as a family and share and do things together. So important to stay connected and I don’t mean by texting or Skype. Enjoy your family. From a loving friend, Diane 😘

  • @хлопотымамыдомохозяйки

    Привет из России! Очень нравятся ваши видео, единственно не всегда удобно читать субтитры. А так, супер! Столько тепла и спокойствия! Рецепты классные, особенно те, что из овощей готовите. Макароны с баклажанами возьму на заметку! Спасибо! Подписалась!

    • @АзаШаипова-й9м
      @АзаШаипова-й9м 2 года назад +1


  • @mariaelisangeladealmeidago5940
    @mariaelisangeladealmeidago5940 3 года назад +19

    Depois q comecei assistir seus vídeos passei a ter uma outra visão da vida, principalmente das tarefas domésticas. O trabalho se tornou mais prazeroso pra mim

    • @CinderelaModernaa
      @CinderelaModernaa 3 года назад +1

      Os vídeos dela trazem uma paz, né?! 😍

    • @gessicagoeller
      @gessicagoeller 3 года назад +2

      Eu já gostava de alguns vídeos assim mais esses dessa moça são um encanto.🥰

    • @CinderelaModernaa
      @CinderelaModernaa 3 года назад +2

      @@gessicagoeller são mesmo!! Eu amo assistir a noite, antes de dormir! 😍

    • @JS-iq6bm
      @JS-iq6bm 3 года назад +2

      Passamos a vida inteira buscando o sentindo da vida, mas esquecemos ou não percebemos que o sentido da vida está nas mais simples coisinhas diárias. Está no serviço ao qual prestamos a quem amamos, no trato do nosso lar, da nossa casa, no viver diário, aí está o sentido da vida: gastar-se.

    • @CinderelaModernaa
      @CinderelaModernaa 3 года назад +1

      @@JS-iq6bm verdade!!!! 👏🏼

  • @rafahathibrahim
    @rafahathibrahim 6 месяцев назад

    I love the presence I feel when I watch your videos. Theres no music for the most part and listening to the sounds of things being moved around, it gives such a ghibli movie feeling. And it makes me appreciate my home more and helped me alot in realising that doing house chores is not a burden, its a blessing.

  • @donnalka8334
    @donnalka8334 2 года назад +3

    Добрый день! Посмотрела видео и обрела спокойствие. Атмосфера в вашем доме такая располагающая, без суеты и спешки. Всех благ вам.

  • @NataliConIFiori
    @NataliConIFiori 3 года назад +18

    🌿Your words of comparing small plants with children 💚 100%! I ALWAYS have the same feeling when I do floriculture! When caring for plants, I experience almost the same touching maternal care 💚

  • @dithcamberos
    @dithcamberos 3 года назад +8

    Que paciencia y dedicación se ve que tiene, yo siempre voy de prisa,trabajo y aparte limpiar la casa y ocuparme de los hijos y comida no es fácil. Pero ella lo hace todo tan bien. Bendiciones 🙏

    • @elizabethgalicia787
      @elizabethgalicia787 3 года назад

      CAMBEROS...Tiene mucha razón, el limpiar casa, comida, lavar trastes, ropa, lleva mucho tiempo, y ella todo limpio y muy bien, no se cómo llegué aquí pero me encantó su canal y la opinión de usted, CDMX.

  • @soben3954
    @soben3954 3 года назад +12

    L'atmosphère de votre environnement est très agréable et vous êtes une personne féerique
    Votre intérieur est magnifique je pense que le cadre aide à avoir de l'inspiration
    Faire ça dans un taudis c'est pas possible

    • @nefiseyildrm
      @nefiseyildrm 3 года назад +1

      actually it is possible but it needs some effort

    • @soben3954
      @soben3954 3 года назад

      @@nefiseyildrm je ne vois pas comment ? Même avec les efforts du monde si l'intérieur est immonde et le cadre de vie détestable , je ne vois pas comment la motivation viendra pour avoir l'envi de faire ça ...

    • @nefiseyildrm
      @nefiseyildrm 3 года назад

      @@soben3954 its all about the person

  • @miaschu8175
    @miaschu8175 3 года назад +27

    I loved hearing Hami counting her tubs of play doh. She sounded so like my little one.
    You have inspired me with your indoor plants. I have just started to care for plants, so your video was quite instructional. I also have a goldfish bowl vase, which currently has pebbles, shells and fairy lights, but I think that I'll copy your idea.

    • @ritaroad
      @ritaroad 3 года назад +2

      My son just like my mother, may she Rest In Peace, has a green thumb. My mom grew a beautiful palm from a stick in dry soil that I had abandoned. I only just recently decided to try and keep plants. Good luck with your plants.

  • @ednirbarbosa7461
    @ednirbarbosa7461 3 года назад +16

    Adorei seu vídeo, senti harmonia , amor e sua dedicação e manter tudo organizado .Seu toque delicado em tudo q fazia com carinho , um lar acolhedor, parabéns.
    Sou do Brasil e esse vídeo me inspirou verdadeiramente ❤️

  • @meryl9846
    @meryl9846 3 года назад +8

    I have a suggestion for that bottom shelf where you store spices. You can install sliding shelves. IKEA has a line called Komplement and they’re ready to install. That should make it easier for you to pull things out so you don’t have to keep digging through the very back each time. :)

  • @itscandy4597
    @itscandy4597 3 года назад +25

    I love your discipline ... everything around you is clean and this make me feel powerful when I watch your vlogs♥️☀️

  • @kmanzana537
    @kmanzana537 3 года назад +12

    I love your videos so much, they relax me, motivate me and I always learn something new. Your home is beautiful and so is your family. I send you many warm hugs. Thank you for your beautiful videos. 💕

  • @zadibiko
    @zadibiko 3 года назад +6

    Congratulation to your team! The camera work, the editing & the storyline are superb. And yeah, of course the ikea sponsor ads are smooth af!

  • @natalidyakonova2468
    @natalidyakonova2468 3 года назад +28

    Ваши видео очень вдохновляют меня 😍😍😍

  • @eugenedavid450
    @eugenedavid450 3 года назад +7

    This is a Super Woman! her family is so lucky to have her.

  • @galynnmeek822
    @galynnmeek822 3 года назад +10

    Brings back memories of my 2 daughters…. Thank you for sharing this happy moment in your family, with us. 😊

  • @iryna4045
    @iryna4045 Год назад +3

    Прекрасный дом, прекрасная хозяйка, прекрасная семья, замечательное видео

  • @hayzelsnonna
    @hayzelsnonna 3 года назад

    You are the sweetest mother, wife, and home maker. I could watch you cook and clean all day. So precious

  • @ТатьянаПавленко-п7ь
    @ТатьянаПавленко-п7ь 2 года назад +2

    Очень понравился ваш канал,просто влюбилась❤️Спасибо вам большое,вдохновляете,умиротворяете☀️❤️
    Я теперь смотрю на уборку с улыбкой,мне нравится создавать уют и любить свою квартиру,и делать её ещё лучше,чтобы хотелось приходить домой и радоваться всему,что тебя окружает и твои родные люди,которые тоже любят…
    Спасибо вам и процветания!!!🙏

  • @reneehubbard5318
    @reneehubbard5318 3 года назад +11

    I love watching you cook and clean. You have a beautiful family and home.

  • @cris302
    @cris302 3 года назад +13

    Meu vício de todo sábado
    Quando eu ter a minha casa quero limpa-la assim ...
    Ter uma vida calma e cheia de ensinamentos ...
    Hamimommy obrigada por nos ensinar oque sabes ...😙

  • @go9462
    @go9462 3 года назад +7

    Este es el canal favorito de mi má, desde que le mostré estuvimos muy entretenidos, a ella le gustaron mucho las plantas en el interior, así que le conseguí unas orquídeas, saludos a usted porque nos motiva.

  • @letgo8118
    @letgo8118 3 года назад +3

    I bought the 2 large jars for my pasta last week. They look so nice. So today I ordered more jars in different shapes and sizes.

  • @Ole4ka_sky
    @Ole4ka_sky 3 года назад +8

    Спасибо большое! Как раз делаю сейчас покупки в ИКЕА и готовлю лангман. У Вас прекрасно сделано видео, талант. Пусть Господь спасёт Вашу душу и благословит Вашу семью 💜🙏🌸

  • @mariel3827
    @mariel3827 3 года назад +13

    cleanliness and love of family is wealth. I actually got sick after I tried your cleaning method. A healthy person can clean all over the place in a whole day.😁

  • @bettyolvera5474
    @bettyolvera5474 3 года назад +21

    Me fascina este canal , me tranquilizan y me llenan de paz mental ❤️😍

  • @dalam_mar
    @dalam_mar 3 года назад +7

    Очень теплое и душевное видео!😍 Поздравляю с миллионом подписчиков 🥳👍👍👍

  • @shmickyshmoe
    @shmickyshmoe 3 года назад +4

    I’m so glad I found this channel!!! I love it. So peaceful!!!!!, beautiful and calming !!! I love what you say too, so cute, and your daughter is adorable too!!! Thanks for sharing your life, this is not easy and can be exhausting. Please get rest and refresh yourself. Sometimes it’s good to say “no”when you need a break 😂

  • @irinarudi7650
    @irinarudi7650 3 года назад +4

    Здорово 👍 и красиво показано 🤗 некоторые полезные мелочи взяла как пример 🌸🌸🌸

  • @haticeozcan8505
    @haticeozcan8505 3 года назад +18

    Merhaba Yeni vloğu izlemek keyifliydi. Teşekkürler 😊

  • @zahradashtizadeh5961
    @zahradashtizadeh5961 3 года назад +15

    Can you believe that I actually wait for your videos?! Like waiting for your favourite tv drama…

    • @hamimommy
      @hamimommy  3 года назад +1

      Thank you Zahra ! 🧡🧡

    • @AzadAzad-bg7bs
      @AzadAzad-bg7bs 3 года назад

      Meet too

    • @zamzamkayani9408
      @zamzamkayani9408 3 года назад

      Mee too

    • @wiolakonarska158
      @wiolakonarska158 3 года назад

      Me too

    • @Gulsina116
      @Gulsina116 3 года назад +1

      @@hamimommy Мне 67 лет и я подписалась на ваш канал! Ты молодец,хорошая хозяйка! Погоду в доме делают женщины,такие,как ты! Счастья вам и вашим близким!❤❤❤

  • @IM6AM
    @IM6AM 3 года назад +4

    Most importantly, thank you for your video, I always enjoy them! I just wanted to say that microfibers clothes might not be the best choice if you are concerned about environment, because it seems they release microplastics directly into the environment. I suggest to buy natural fiber clothes next time, although I understand they are not the same! I wish you all the best!

  • @pritathota
    @pritathota 3 года назад +8

    another wonderful video from you Hamimommy. Inspiring as always and love the way you put your meals together and present them to your family.

  • @SunriseTango
    @SunriseTango 3 года назад +3

    I don't speak a word of Korean but this was recommended to me and I'm so happy it was! So motivating and calming. I might even clean my own house today :) New subscriber.

  • @gamzepolat3579
    @gamzepolat3579 3 года назад +9

    Temizlikte ilham kaynağımız oldunuz :) Artık her izledikten sonra temizlik yaparım :D

    • @asiyeasiye2032
      @asiyeasiye2032 3 года назад +1

      İzleyen türk sayısı da az değilmiş:)

    • @gamzepolat3579
      @gamzepolat3579 3 года назад

      @@asiyeasiye2032 evet çünkü insanın içini ferahlatıyor :)

    • @arzu8620
      @arzu8620 3 года назад

      Aynen ☺️

  • @Adriana191813
    @Adriana191813 3 года назад +9

    Me encantó!!!! Me encantó!!!! Gran bendición tener un hogar y disfrutarlo, es hermoso, saludos desde México 🇲🇽 🇲🇽

  • @lauravaiani9085
    @lauravaiani9085 3 года назад +31

    Thank you so much for sharing the recipe of the biscuits: I can't wait to taste It! I'm in love with your videos, so much advices , and so many good vibes with your lovely family. Cheers from 🇮🇹

  • @user-ep4dc7ol3j
    @user-ep4dc7ol3j 3 года назад +5

    Maravilhoso VLOG!!!! Me inspirando a ter uma organização exemplar como a sua!! Um capricho e dedicação típicos de quem nasceu ou foi moldada para este fim: pacificamente, desenvolver todas estas habilidades com leveza de espírito ....e versatilidade de conhecimentos e atitudes!! Além do mais, admiro imensamente e passei a assistir todos os vídeos..... até porque, me transmitem uma paz, serenidade e equilíbrio!!! Grata pela disponibilidade em compartilhar momentos tão agradáveis do seu cotidiano!! Sua filha é linda!!! Uma benção a sua família!! 🙌💕🤩

  • @pilarsantana3726
    @pilarsantana3726 3 года назад +9

    Que maravilla ver cómo viven otras culturas.Un saludo desde las islas Canarias.

  • @Deniz00012
    @Deniz00012 3 года назад +28

    RUclips'de böyle kaliteli içeriklerin olması muhteşem bir şey

    • @duygu2070
      @duygu2070 3 года назад

      nesi kaliteli kadın çorabı mutfakta ıslatıyo şakamı

  • @lizfabiolamontiel4113
    @lizfabiolamontiel4113 3 года назад +8

    Gracias por poner los subtítulos 🥰 ya que puedo verlo en español❤, me ayuda y alegra mucho ver como haces los que haceres del hogar con tanto amor.

  • @cerenaydn8080
    @cerenaydn8080 3 года назад +19

    Bayıldım çok güzel bi kanal hele temizligi düzeni çok severim izlemesi zevkli 👍

  • @ekimduygu7124
    @ekimduygu7124 3 года назад +15

    İzlemek beni rahat ve huzurlu hissettiriyor 🤭

  • @권소이-z2i
    @권소이-z2i 4 месяца назад +1

    하미마미님의 미적센스가
    돋보이는 영상들.. ☁️☁️
    너무 소중합니다!
    또 보겠습니다!

  • @VenusAtiny
    @VenusAtiny 3 года назад +13

    Hayata dair çok güzel ip uçları veryorsunuz.Bir kere tesadüfen izledim ve o günden beri takipteyim.Umarım bir gün sizin gibi huzurla yapabilirim ev işlerimi.❤

    • @azeserpil8305
      @azeserpil8305 3 года назад +1

      Değil mi? Ben de çok etkilendim sakinligin verdiği huzurdan 🙏🌸

  • @country_life_
    @country_life_ 3 года назад +13

    *Как всегда максимально уютное видео 👍👌🤗*

  • @ТатьянаГеннадьевна-й9з

    Вы всё делаете очень красиво и хорошо. Девочка подросла, куколка!🌞❤️😊

  • @simonebrooks1124
    @simonebrooks1124 Год назад

    Thanks for inviting us into your home and your life. You have made us your extended family and we have nothing but love for you and yours ❤

  • @user-Marina25sha
    @user-Marina25sha 2 года назад

    Ни что не вдохновляет на уборку, как труд другого человека!!! Спасибо за видео, всегда с радостью их смотрю ! Ваш дом и ваша садик с верандой великолепны!!)))

  • @lizlhsanchez5293
    @lizlhsanchez5293 3 года назад +25

    Todo lo que hace, me encanta 🥺💖
    No pierdo la fe de que algún día tendré un hogar tan acogedor como el suyo.🌱

  • @dayanecaroline9900
    @dayanecaroline9900 3 года назад +4

    Eu adoro ver seus vídeos 😍me expira demais a olhar a limpeza de outra forma,eu fui procurar mais dos seus vídeos,porque as notificações não aparecem mais para mim,você é muito caprichosa ❤

  • @danielapastor6225
    @danielapastor6225 3 года назад +24

    Tu casa,es hermosa y muy cálida.Me encanta la serenidad que transmitís❤

  • @Li_ShuWei
    @Li_ShuWei 2 года назад

    I like your videos as a matter of fact that they don't have music, I can feel the flow of your work, very relaxing to watch, a good video doesn't need any music to make it good.

  • @eleonoramaria
    @eleonoramaria 3 года назад

    I found your channel just now and watching this video realxind me after an insomnia. I like the way you take care your house and you cook. Unfortunately I don't have your patient 😏. I'm really anxious people , but now I try learning to do my housework with more calm . Thanks 😊 Have a nice day !

  • @batsheeba1
    @batsheeba1 3 года назад +5

    The house changes as a person touches it ! What a lovely saying. 👏 Beautiful video with so many things at just the right proportions. 😍

  • @aysevural7955
    @aysevural7955 3 года назад +26

    Harikasınız. Türkiye’den size kocaman sevgiler 💋❤️ Hami’yi benım için öper misiniz bir kere ❤️❤️

    • @asiyeasiye2032
      @asiyeasiye2032 3 года назад +1

      Ben de çok sevdim bu aileyi temizlikleri flan bize çok yatkın

  • @priyapri4395
    @priyapri4395 3 года назад +33

    "The house changes as much as a person touches it" - True lines 👍 Hamimommy.....👏👏👏I just love the way you organize your house to make it a home🤗. Every time i watch your video i get a pleasant feeling full of peace and harmony🥳🥳🥳. Loved it 🥰 Wishes from Priya, 🇮🇳

  • @sanfran59
    @sanfran59 3 года назад

    어쩜 이리 깔끔하고 정리를 잘하시는지 매번 놀라고갑니다. 정말 부지런하신 것 같아요.

  • @linmcc9467
    @linmcc9467 3 года назад +2

    Oh my gosh! This is like a dream house for everybody! Thanks for the healthy video🙏 I wish I can have this kind of house in my life, too!

  • @TheMugglebees
    @TheMugglebees 3 года назад +9

    Hi Hami mommy, you’re new indoor plants are so sweet. I love your adorable new terrarium! My father made large ones when I was a little that had tiny fish and salamanders. Watching your videos always makes me feel happy. Thank you for sharing! ❤️

  • @rosimeyrealmeida4162
    @rosimeyrealmeida4162 3 года назад +4

    Estou tentando assistir todos os seus vídeos, e então a cada vídeo assistido eu deixo um like ❤️. Obrigada por compartilhar tantas coisas lindas!!!! 😘

  • @elvinastamouli2439
    @elvinastamouli2439 3 года назад +7

    In Greece, we call this Greek salad ‘ horiatiki “ salad.

  • @민정씌-j8q
    @민정씌-j8q 2 года назад

    세상 힐링 하는 영상 이네요
    딸아인 또 어찌나 이쁜지^^
    영상은 누가 찍어주시나요?
    솜씨가 완전 전문가 인걸요
    배경음악도 편집도 완전 멋져요

  • @deerahma3609
    @deerahma3609 3 года назад

    When i watch your video i just imagine living there with fresh,clean environment….nwhile enjoy the cooking just like you always did…

  • @Humana_daLilith
    @Humana_daLilith 3 года назад +11

    Amo os seus vídeos. A forma que vc os produz nos passa muita tranquilidade❤ Um abraço do Brasil 🇧🇷

  • @CinderelaModernaa
    @CinderelaModernaa 3 года назад +11

    Que paz os seus vídeos me transmitem… não consigo parar de assistir! 😍❤️

  • @elenatolst5642
    @elenatolst5642 3 года назад +4

    Как всё просто и спокойно, мир вашему дому. Есть чему научиться от вас.

  • @stellaburini1704
    @stellaburini1704 3 года назад

    Hola! Soy de Argentina. En América del Sur. Es el país de Leo Messi.
    Veo tus videos y me gusta mucho el orden y la limpieza que hay en tu casa. También como cuidan el medio ambiente.Felicitaciones! Saludos a Hammi, es una niña muy educada y simpática.

  • @Mahananda1998
    @Mahananda1998 3 года назад +1

    Hi...I am from India,I just started watching your vlogs....they are amazing and so pleasing....your home is so beautiful...you cooking is so nice...and you are so organized and hard working....love watching you❤❤

  • @cevriyeyalcn7767
    @cevriyeyalcn7767 3 года назад +6

    Cok tatlisiniz sizi yeni takip etmeye basladim ve izlerken dinleniyorum huzur veriyorsunuz.

  • @ВладиДаня-е4з
    @ВладиДаня-е4з 3 года назад +12

    Любим вас мотреть. Удачи и процветания каналу))

  • @soobinpiuu
    @soobinpiuu 3 года назад +11

    Videolarınız harika çok sakin ve huzur veriyor ❤️

  • @arleenbatac2038
    @arleenbatac2038 2 года назад +1

    Hamimommy, I love watching your vlogs. Just chanced upon it this morning while browing youtube and now I cant help but watch all of your videos! Your doing an awesome job being a homemaker! I love the food that you cook and will definitely try cooking some of them! I love the way your organize and clean your home! Love it, love it, love it!

  • @julianavargas2390
    @julianavargas2390 3 года назад

    Those cookies looked delicious. It's very important to cook healthy for our families and you show it with these videos.
    Greetings from Colombia!