How Did Ancient Scribes Rewrite Genesis? Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Shorts, Episode 2

  • Опубликовано: 7 окт 2024

Комментарии • 9

  • @-kepha8828
    @-kepha8828 3 года назад +3

    Deuteronomy chapter 5 tells us that on the 2nd set of tablets given to Moses (after he broke the 1st set), God wrote on the 4th commandment that the 7th day sabbath is a memorial of the day he brought the Israelite out of Egypt. That means God is telling us that the day he brought Israel out of Egypt, which was the 15th day of the 1st month during the Exodus, was a 7th day sabbath! Its literally written in the 4th commandment forever as a time stamp to a specific 7th day sabbath memorial. if the 15th of that month was a 7th day sabbath according to the creator, then the 22nd of that month and the 29th of that 1st month must have also been sabbaths.
    Remember, the book of Enoch tells us that every single month either has 29 or 30 days in it.
    Exodus chapter 16 tells us that Moses and the Israelite spoke with God on the 15th day on the 2nd month of the Exodus. The Israelite's complained that they wanted to eat meat. So God told Moses to tell the people, that at evening, he would send quail for meat, and the following day (which is the 16th day of the 2nd month) God would send manna. God said the manna would fall for 6 straight days, but on the 7th day it would not fall because this was to mark his sabbath. God said this would be a test to see if the Israelite's would obey his sabbath. Friends, if the 16th day of that month was the 1st day of the week, the first day the manna fell, then we can conclude that the day prior, the 15th, was a 7th day sabbath. Since the 15th was a sabbath, we can conclude that the 8th day was also a sabbath. Therefore the 22nd and 29th days of this 2nd month had to be 7th day sabbaths as well.
    The Book of Jubilees chapter 1 tells us that on the 16th day of the 3rd month during the Exodus, God spoke to Moses and the Israelite's on mount Sinai. Jubilees tells us this day was THE FEAST OF WEEKS. Which means the feast of weeks took place on the 16th day of the 3rd lunar month during the Exodus (side note: who hear follows this instruction :).
    Leviticus 23 tells us that the feast of weeks must take place on the day AFTER a 7th day sabbath. This means the 16th day of the 3rd month was the 1st day of the week. making the 15th day of the 3rd month during the Exodus a 7th day sabbath! Which means the 8th day of the 3rd month had to be a sabbath as well.
    Friends, this now makes 3 straight months where the sabbath takes place on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of the 3 months recorded in scripture referring to the Exodus. And remember, God said this was all a big test to see if the Israelite's would obey this sabbath count.
    Now for some unbiased simple math. If the last sabbath during the 1st month of the Exodus occurred on the 29th day (remember theres either 29 or 30 days in a Hebrew month per Enoch), and the next sabbath did not occur until the 8th day on the 2nd month, then how many days separated those two sabbaths? The answer depends on ho many days were in that 1st month. if there were 29 days, then 8 days separated the two sabbaths. if there was 30 days during the 1st month, then simple math tells us there were then 9 days that separated the two sabbaths!
    The exact same scenario plays out in the following month, once again the sabbath ending on the 29th day of the 2nd month was NOT 7 days apart from the sabbath that fell on the 8th day of the 3rd month!
    So the scriptural fact is that you can deny a luni-solar sabbath all you want, but the proof of scripture says that you are wrong. Scripture does not lie and our amazing father has given us a way to prove his true sabbath through the Torah, just as the Israelite's were taught to obey its count.
    Side note: Leviticus 23 tells us the Feast of Weeks is a moedim. Psalm 104:19 tells us that the moedim are appointed by the MOON. So what does the feast of Weeks command tell us to do? it tells us to count 7 complete weeks! Weeks according to what? According to the moon! Here scripture is testifying that the only possible way to calculate his week i according to the moon!
    Test everything my friends, the word of God reveals much!!!!
    Funfact: The books of 2nd Baruch an 4 Ezra undeniably show proof of a luni-solar sabbath just like the books I referenced from the Torah do. If anyone is interested in that study just message me and ill provide the verses for your testing.

  • @joehinojosa8314
    @joehinojosa8314 5 лет назад

    Listen to Dr Perrin. HE WAS THERE!

  • @PeterScheeleAuteur
    @PeterScheeleAuteur 5 лет назад +1

    Eum, it says literally nothing about how scribes rewrote Genesis. The fact that some DSS-scribe did this, doesn't mean at all that this applies to all of Genesis too. That's an unproven assumption.

  • @joezias3539
    @joezias3539 4 года назад

    Care to tell how you got a Qumran jar?

    • @DrAndrewPerrin
      @DrAndrewPerrin  4 года назад +1

      It's a replica! It belonged to a colleague of mine who passed it on to me.

  • @kickinbackinOC
    @kickinbackinOC 4 года назад

    Doesn't sound right to me

  • @justbinobeatz
    @justbinobeatz 3 года назад

    .. So he made up a story