Why did God require blood sacrifices?

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024

Комментарии • 260

  • @mrsk-prekmarsh5959
    @mrsk-prekmarsh5959 Год назад +3

    Very thorough response! It really makes me want to cherish the blood of Jesus even more!! His blood is so precious.!!

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад +1

      Me too!!

    • @drdarrylschroeder5691
      @drdarrylschroeder5691 28 дней назад

      Blood and human sacrifice are an abomination unto the Lord. He was HORRIFIED at the Crucifixion, as He had never intended for His Second Son (Mikaal/Archangel Michael being the first) to be MURDERED. Sins are paid for by kharma and further incarnations as correctly taught by the Buddha, who is Makhimsih, one of the Twelve Rays or Sons of GOD. Blessings

    • @drdarrylschroeder5691
      @drdarrylschroeder5691 28 дней назад

      @@bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716 See my response to mrsk.

  • @14-Peaks
    @14-Peaks 9 месяцев назад +7

    God created everything.
    God is self sufficient, all knowing, independent, powerful and Greatest of all.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  9 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, He did create everything! He is "self sufficient, all knowing, independent, powerful and Greatest of all." I so agree! The word “need” is one I would question in any context, including this blood sacrifice discussion. I LOVE the verse, “...as though He needed anything...” (Acts 17). He needs nothing. He is, as you so fitly declared, “self sufficient.” But it is clear and testified throughout scripture that He requires from us. I just thought of that verse, as an example, ...”what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Mic 6:8). Requires is different than need. And there are things that satisfies Him. Justice, mercy, obedience, etc. all speak to His desires. Justice and judgment are met in blood sacrifices, particularly in His Son, “who gave Himself for our sins” (Gal1:4), “the just for the unjust” (1 Pet 3) “whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus” (Rom 3). Blood sacrifices “show His righteousness” as one of the reasons for Him to institute the sacrificial system. There was a need for us, both animal sacrifices as temporary substitutes and then the Second Adam, Jesus, to die on our behalf. The sacrifices were a sweet savor, as it says repeatedly in the first books of the Bible, suggesting to me a sort of satisfaction. Then Jesus satisfied justice through His giving up His life. In one sense, He doesn’t want blood sacrifices (Psa 51; Hos 6:6; 1 Sam 15), but in another, it was necessary.

    • @14-Peaks
      @14-Peaks 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716 Are you saying that it is just to kill an innocent man for the sins of other people?????

    • @dgtv71
      @dgtv71 9 месяцев назад

      It doesn't seem just that Jesus had to die for us. Even though he willing did so, it wasn't fair to require that of him for me.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  9 месяцев назад +1

      @@14-Peaks The answers are in the video and the comments I have shared. And more importantly, in the Bible. And to me, it makes a whole lot of sense. Sin deserves death. That sure makes sense! I deserve to die. Sin is THAT horrible. That makes sense. “You’re going to pay for it!” Is a common phrase people use when sharing their sentiment of revenge. Sin is hideous and detestable. When one sees the true nature of it, it becomes easier to see the need for recompense and death to it. I have seen the nature of it, and it is terrible. No mere ordinary man can die for the human race. God Himself must take it on Himself and “pay for it”. Yes, as Paul saw the truth of all this, He said, “...that He might be just, and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus.” (Rom 3:26). So yes, it was “just” and a voluntary act, motivated by love, to have an innocent sacrifice offer Himself “for the sins of other people.” It was all by choice. Or the verse I shared previously, “the just for the unjust.” You can reject all these notions, but I suggest to be careful not to refuse the offer of pardon because you think this whole thing is pie in the sky nonsense and foolishness. Death, sacrifice by choice, shedding blood are all parts of a beautiful demonstration of justice and mercy meeting together at a horrendous cross. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me...

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  9 месяцев назад +1

      @@dgtv71 I understand your point. It depends on the viewpoint of where you are looking at it from, or the angle. It one sense, He wasn’t obligated. He certainly didn’t have to. That’s the stunning significance of it. He gave himself voluntarily and graciously. Amazing grace! I don’t see it as a requirement and a matter of fairness. However, if mercy and justification was to offered, there is a “requirement” of shedding of (i.e. death, or giving of life in the blood), in order to satisfy justice. God just doesn’t sweep all our offenses and iniquities under some heavenly rug and ignore them. He Himself deals with them. He takes our place. No human being could take the sins of the world on Himself. God can and does! But back to your thought, “It wasn’t fair to require that of Him for me.” I agree to a point. I don’t believe the Father made or forced Him to do it. Yet he wanted Him to, as stated in this passage. “Therefore does my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.” But he didn’t demand it. Notice this word from Jesus, “Don’t you think that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?” The Father would have stopped the whole event of His crucifixion if Jesus would have requested it. They decided together and agreed that this was the way, the only way, to secure salvation for us. It shows a number of truths: The seriousness of sin. The hatred He has for it. The love of God in full demonstration. The need for sacrifice. The necessity of a substitute. The depths and extent of God’s mercy.

  • @Cardinal541
    @Cardinal541 Год назад +2

    After watching the video and reading a lot of your scholarly, wise, and respectful rebuttals to many of the commenters that disagree- I have to say you're truly one of the best and brightest of God's faithful! Awesome stuff sir!

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад +1

      I talk a lot, but now am speechless. This is one of the greatest things ever said to me. "Thank you," doesn't say it strong enough to show how I really feel. But I will again say, Thank you! I feel deeply humbled and moved. You're very kind.

    • @VeganBrianAnimalActivist
      @VeganBrianAnimalActivist 7 месяцев назад

      "Thou Shall Not Kill" Dont believe the lies that tell you to kill the innocent animals, be careful whose voice you listen to, remember what Jesus said "Do everything in love and you will be okay, love does not kill. Show the animals mercy and mercy will be shown to you

    • @KravMagoo
      @KravMagoo 6 месяцев назад

      @@VeganBrianAnimalActivist The same book that says, "thou shalt not kill (murder)", also says to conduct animal sacrifice. You said, "love does not kill", but the same Book also says, "God is love", while, concurrently in that Book, God demands the killing of animals. Here's a hard, cold fact: life ultimately ONLY has meaning and value to the extent that God attributes value and meaning to it--how humans feel about, think about, or value life is not a consideration, at least until people adopt the same perspective that God has on this topic. The primary reason life has value is because all living things belong to God--they are His. Taking life in any way that is contrary to His will is THEFT of what belongs to God. As the owner of life, God has absolute authority to deal with life as He sees fit, and that includes making any decision to end life whenever He chooses for reasons of His own that are unimpeachable. There are certain "lesson-producing" reasons that YHWH has chosen to require deaths. Whether humans like it, agree with it, are horrified by it, or "judge" it to be monstrous and immoral...these reactions are all IRRELEVANT. When you say, "life is more important than God's will", you become an idolator, where you favor the created over the Creator. That's your choice, but your "take" on this matter, and you personally, will eventually be blotted out. The better alternative is to just accept what God declares and go with the flow. Death, "the last enemy", will eventually be destroyed and cease according to the Bible, but until then, YHWH has sovereignly chosen to employ it to accomplish His intentions and purposes.

    • @VeganBrianAnimalActivist
      @VeganBrianAnimalActivist 6 месяцев назад

      @@KravMagoo isn't it true Jesus came to put an end to animal sacrifices because God was displeased with the aroma and had no need for blood or fat of rams, Jesus also turned the tables over in the temple when they were selling animals, it's not mandated that you kill and eat, God's original plan Genesis 1:29, says the plants are food. One, we will all stand before God and you will have to explain why you continue to kill and sacrifice animals not for sin anymore but for your stomachs, you also know in revelations on God's holy mountain there will be no more death or suffering, no killing. You have a choice to show mercy to God's creation or choose to destroy them

  • @metalroofing6708
    @metalroofing6708 5 месяцев назад +3

    If people want to complain about the necessity of blood sacrifice, we only have ourselves to blame. Sin carries a death penalty because only God's way is the way of life, God can't allow sin to be tolerated because sin is the direct opposite of God's way. Therefore, the penalty must be paid. Either it gets paid by us (the wages of sin is death) or by an innocent life. The animals were a substitute for the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus whose supreme worth is more valuable than all possible sacrifices, all human life and more valuable than his entire creation. Praise Jesus!

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  5 месяцев назад

      Exactly. You said it well! Thanks!

    • @14-Peaks
      @14-Peaks 2 месяца назад

      you said "Either it gets paid by us (the wages of sin is death) or by an innocent life"
      *God created all things, Why do God need any sacrifices?*
      also *What do you mean by the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus?*

  • @lavitikis100
    @lavitikis100 7 месяцев назад +1

    Absolutely great answer.. Jesus is king

  • @shrinivaaspillai6327
    @shrinivaaspillai6327 Год назад +2

    God said it and we must accept it humbly, no ifs and buts.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад +4

      Yes. You're right! No ifs and buts, yet still one can ask Him questions for learning purposes.

    • @JamesDirette
      @JamesDirette 6 месяцев назад

      You’re a dangerous person. This thought process is what causes wars and cults.

    • @haitaelpastor976
      @haitaelpastor976 3 месяца назад

      But... no.

  • @Jaybird9005
    @Jaybird9005 Год назад +6

    I'm surprised there are not more views. This is a great question and I'm sure many people have not bothered to ask.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад

      Well, thank you! That's very kind of you.

    • @hashemisbeautiful6615
      @hashemisbeautiful6615 Год назад +1

      @@bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716 Mr. Havens, good video, thanks. I want to bring your attention to something as an Orthodox Jew and student of Torah: Leviticus 5:11 remedies sin without blood, "But if he cannot afford two turtle doves or two young doves, then he shall bring as his sacrifice for his sin one tenth of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering. He shall not put oil over it, nor shall he place frankincense upon it, for it is a sin offering." This verse makes it clear that the flour offering atones for sin, so how do we address the various places in the Tanakh that address sin without the need for blood?

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад +1

      @@hashemisbeautiful6615 Sorry for the delay! I have been very busy and also forgot to get back to you. “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.” Blood sacrifices obviously aren’t necessarily the only sacrifices. Yet this verse, the tenor and number of verses throughout the Torah, and for that matter, the whole Tanakh, clearly places emphasis on blood as an important means of getting right with YHWH. “...it was the blood that makes atonement...” expresses its importance. As you rightly suggest, it isn’t the only way, especially for the exception of the poorer among them. I love how G-d works with everyone! Still, it doesn’t negate the clear instructions and values of HaShem in regards to the constant repetitions of blood, blood, blood. Nevertheless, there are also specific instructions to recompense certain sins by restorations of thefts, for example, that doesn’t require blood at all. “If a man steals an ox or a sheep, and kills it or sells it, he shall repay five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep” (Exo 22:1). There’s also equal recompenses such as, “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot...” (Exo 21:24). I didn’t mean to suggest blood was the only way G-d has given as a means for reconciliation, but I appreciate that you helped clarify my video and share other aspects of the system that He set up. And I also indicated in the video that eventually I want to delve deeply in this subject and particularly in the marvelous Book of Leviticus and glean much more from its depths. Thanks for sharing!

    • @hashemisbeautiful6615
      @hashemisbeautiful6615 Год назад

      @@bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716 Hello Gordon, and thank you for writing "G-d" that way. I don't know if you did that for me or for Him, but I thank you either way.
      I appreciate (and like) your answer, as it addresses the breadth of this issue of sin and atonement. However, your answer itself piques my interest even more, for how does Christian theology deal with these other available methods of atonement in light of Hebrews 9:22?
      All-in-all, this makes the Christian Scriptures seem more unbending requiring the need for blood than the _Jewish Scriptures._
      I'll check back every once in a while for your further videos on Leviticus. Good day!

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад

      @@hashemisbeautiful6615 Aww, thank you for your kind words. It is my opinion that though G-d required other means (especially for the poor) and commandments to get right with Him, the basis of all reconciliation and being right with Him was the blood sacrificial system He set up with His people. Later, I will share a discovery I saw in the Torah about atonement that at this point suggests that pardon is about the blood and not the other items used in the system G-d set up. This seems to validate the statement in Heb 9:22. Again, the main focus throughout and constant repetitive injunctions is the shedding of blood. The author of the Book of Hebrews recognized that. (By the way, I kept thinking of that verse over and over when I was writing my first reply to you. :) .) It’s pretty obvious the author knew the Hebrew Scriptures well.

  • @julieryan9136
    @julieryan9136 День назад

    Timothy Alberino and Paul Wallis. Great explanation of other gods. Many many other beings good and bad out there working on us.

  • @clothedwiththesun
    @clothedwiththesun 3 месяца назад +1

    Jesus said the only condition for forgiveness is to forgive those who have sinned against you. Many sins according to the Law were not worthy of death.

  • @kellywiemerslage9407
    @kellywiemerslage9407 2 года назад +2

    Thank you! Now I understand

  • @blackrogue7545
    @blackrogue7545 Год назад +1

    Thank you

  • @GregVasquez777
    @GregVasquez777 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you!!

  • @gregtrottet9604
    @gregtrottet9604 3 месяца назад

    Ps 51.16 "For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering."

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 месяца назад

      In relation to the more substantial or "weightier matters" yes, it is true. Love, faithfulness, purity, faith, etc. Nevertheless, His justice required blood sacrifices until the ultimate blood sacrifice was given, namely Jesus. A perfect example combining what you so aptly said, with still the need of sacrifices, Psalm 51 came to my mind also. A few verses later, verse 19. God's definitely looking for the heart. Yet, again, He still wanted them to give animal sacrifices. It's throughout the scriptures.

  • @drdarrylschroeder5691
    @drdarrylschroeder5691 Месяц назад +1

    He did not. That is from the religion of Jehovah born in a previous Universes which is invalid in this in the face of the New Testament. Two different things altogether. Blessings

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  28 дней назад

      I just saw this response. Thanks for responding! Hmm. He did receive sacrifices until the ultimate sacrifice of His Son. Jesus, for example, told the leper He had healed to offer the prescribed gift that Moses commanded. Jesus recognized the validity of the old covenant's system ordained by God. He shut down the sacrificial system through Jesus shown in that famous divine act of the curtain tearing in the Temple. But, I agree with you, in the "face of the New Testament" there "remains no more sacrifice for sin" in the light of the "Lamb of God" coming to take away the sins of the world.

  • @joneslive586
    @joneslive586 Год назад +5

    Summary: It's the COST of our screw ups I like to simplify it as, and highest expression of being SORRY - Perfect lambs or cattle being the most valuable asset that provided both food and clothing.. BURNT! Leaving a time of hunger and sorrow to reflect on their cost of their sin, to grow spiritually.. until you'd inevitably mess up again and the circle continues..

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад +1

      You put it well, with some added insight. Thank you!

    • @abcd-wg2iq
      @abcd-wg2iq Год назад

      I still dont understand. Why not paying the cost with whipping yourself? Or serious fasting for few weeks? Easier to kill animals. Kill the animal and thinking it pays for your sin is just going deeper into self deception and sin. Nobody can pay the price of our crime instead of us, kill a thousand animals makes no difference. Jesus is different because HE WANTED to take our sin away.
      Probably the spilling of blood in ancient time was routine, nothing horrible. Blood was everywhere and it was a deep symbol. I guess for them in that time cutting animals throat was like cutting a carrot today.

    • @robertcampbell-r5u
      @robertcampbell-r5u 10 дней назад

      Keep your sin in hell 😶‍🌫️

  • @marcus.g.4273
    @marcus.g.4273 4 месяца назад +14

    Oh man, whenever someone can't give you a simple, straight forward explanation then the answer is a lie. ... The short answer is, the true GOD/Creator of the universe would not require a blood ritual. Why would "he/her/it"?

    • @franbatista9062
      @franbatista9062 2 месяца назад

      No idiot. There are just some people who have no knowledge to answer, but many do have. Just look otherwise lol

    • @d.b.2812
      @d.b.2812 2 месяца назад +2

      True, when they couldn't sacrifice children anymore they just switched to animals. It comes down to blood lust and they just loved to kill anything that was alive.

    • @heathheglar7898
      @heathheglar7898 Месяц назад +1

      The true God actually made the first sacrifice Himself when He slayed an animal to clothe Adam and Eve after they sinned. Then He ordered the sacrifices as a temporary covering of sin until Christ the final sacrifice which removes sin. He loved you enough to do that for you.

    • @thelinkofperfectioncharity9469
      @thelinkofperfectioncharity9469 10 часов назад

      So likewises, the true God wouldn't create the universels and humans, why would he?

  • @eatfrenchtoast
    @eatfrenchtoast 7 месяцев назад +6

    Can we please be honest? Human sacrifice was part of the old kingdom religion and those stories about pharaohs became scripture.

    • @VeganBrianAnimalActivist
      @VeganBrianAnimalActivist 7 месяцев назад +2

      "Thou Shall Not Kill" Dont believe the lies that tell you to kill the innocent animals, be careful whose voice you listen to, remember what Jesus said "Do everything in love and you will be okay, love does not kill. Show the animals mercy and mercy will be shown to you

    • @metalroofing6708
      @metalroofing6708 5 месяцев назад

      @@VeganBrianAnimalActivist well, we can't just eat them alive, can we?

    • @jamie5mauser
      @jamie5mauser 19 дней назад +1

      @@VeganBrianAnimalActivisthe also commanded that the old laws to be followed
      Jesus said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished” (Matthew 5:17-19)

  • @tinklebellakanatasha41
    @tinklebellakanatasha41 Год назад +3

    Thank you for this teaching! This was explained very well.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад

      You're welcome! Thank you!

    • @VeganBrianAnimalActivist
      @VeganBrianAnimalActivist 7 месяцев назад

      "Thou Shall Not Kill" Dont believe the lies that tell you to kill the innocent animals, be careful whose voice you listen to, remember what Jesus said "Do everything in love and you will be okay, love does not kill. Show the animals mercy and mercy will be shown to you

  • @genesioz
    @genesioz 2 года назад +13

    Excellent presentation. My humble thoughts:
    The Purpose of the Messiah.
    What kind of God would conceive of a plan that would require blood to forgive Sin? It seems rather petty and unjust (especially for innocent animals). If God's so pissed at us for our sins (we're only human after all) why can't He come up with a merciful plan to set things right so we all can be reconciled with Him? If you are detecting sarcasm, forgive me. This is really what I thought when Christians shared the Gospel with me. But I have since become a Christian and I have learned a lot.
    First, God’s Nature. If you believe in God (the Creator of the universe and all living things) then what would God's nature be? The Bible says we are created in God's image. Can we extrapolate from that and get an idea of His nature? To some, saying there is no God, might be an easy way out, but in my opinion it would be intellectually dishonest.
    Second. God’s dilemma. Here we are and there is God. At some point the idea of sin was introduced. We're all born with sin, just like we're all born with a conscience. I don't know of anyone who is perfect. So the dilemma for God is: what to do about it. God hates sin. Sorry, that's God's nature. Are we any different? Unless you're a psychopath, do you hate rape and lies? Should God just destroy mankind and try again? No. He really does love us after all. But He can't have a relationship with us because of our sin. It's like us trying to have a healthy relationship with a liar. We won't be happy. Would you want that? Of course not, especially if you want a long term relationship. God has the same problem. How does He resolve it? He could just forgive us every time we sin. But would we stop sinning? No. God commanded the Levites to sacrifice pure innocent animals to forgive the sins of Israel. All these sacrifices were a kind of Gospel, a metaphor for the blood sacrifice of Jesus. I know it sounds "pagan" but we're talking about God Almighty here. All we have to do is accept the sacrifice of Jesus the Messiah and we're right with God.
    Third, our choice. If this sounds too pagan for you then you can choose to reject the blood of Christ as forgiveness of sins. But that is what it is. I can't think of any other ways God could have done it. Sin is a big deal to Him. And Life is a big deal to us. So what better way for God to demonstrate how much He hates sin and how much he loves us, except by sacrificing His only son to make things right between us. Love and Life are not cheap. Blood is the ultimate price to pay to cleanse the sin for our lives. And Christ's blood is the ultimate sacrifice, once and for all. Jesus not a King of this world. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords of the kingdom to come.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад +3

      Wow! Excellent presentation, Genesio. Well done. Very impressive. It's deep and spot on, in my humble opinion. Thanks for sharing! Oh! that others might read your thoughts!

    • @LovePatience32
      @LovePatience32 2 года назад +3

      Awesome and a great and practical way to look at this faith walk thank u for the examples

    • @longinamakumbe6118
      @longinamakumbe6118 Год назад

      Well done , especially about how God can reconcile the sinful nature of his beloved humans and his need to maintain a relationship with us .
      God is pure holiness he is just so his nature calls for sin to be extinguished.sin can not abide in his presence so that would mean death of all humans.but he loves us so much he didn't want that so how to balance his nature and still preserve humanity. Blood sacrifice had to be done temporarily till the ultimate sacrifice of his beloved son ,Jeshua almighty. Now we can come before his holy throne through Jeshua who is now a shield between our sins and God ' pure and holy nature.

    • @JamesDirette
      @JamesDirette 6 месяцев назад

      @@longinamakumbe6118 Why require 4k years of blood sacrifice before sending Christ? Did God not think of that before? Lol. This makes no sense.

    • @alainstasse4602
      @alainstasse4602 6 месяцев назад

      @@JamesDirette I think God thinks of everything, just like He knows everything, which is why it makes no sense to you. Like Luther said (it may have been Spurgeon), Man trying to understand God is like a worm trying to understand man.

  • @mrbacon1
    @mrbacon1 Год назад +2

    Well there are many gods some just do crazy shit

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад

      Of course, as noted in my RUclips posts, I am definitely a believer in the Bible. Lots of reasons for that! But the Scripture definitely teaches that there is only one God. From Genesis to Revelation, that really can’t be refuted. There are plenty of false gods mentioned that not only other nations worshipped, but also the people of Israel in their rebellious times, until after the return of those from the exile until this day. Anyway, the notion of an eternal Being (evidence by logic as well the scriptures), who is supreme and necessary (by virtue of His eternity and not originating from any source), suggests that He alone must be God. It depends on one’s definition of God. There can be thought many lesser degrees of some supernatural beings, but that doesn’t seem to fulfill a true definition of what constitutes God. By God, truly being the Being, God, I would defend the position that God must be the Supreme Entity whereby all other entities and all else in the cosmos derived. He must be eternal, or else He would have been derived from something or someone greater, who then should take the rightful place known as God. There cannot be two identical deities who is eternal, perfect (this could be fleshed out with more difficulty, but still can be, especially by the revelation from Scripture), equal in sovereignty and control, etc. If there is a God who is in control of nature and all else, how can there be another? Who or which would be in control? I read somewhere, “If there was another Being equal to Him, neither would have control over another?” He is obviously, by being the Creator, the source of all else, and anything less cannot rightly or fitly be called God, being a creature by nature. It or they cannot be called gods. That seems reasonable.

    • @clothedwiththesun
      @clothedwiththesun 3 месяца назад

      Serve no other god besides me?
      Do not fear the gods of Egypt?
      Satan is the god of this world?
      The Old and new Testament teaches Monolatry.

  • @David-u5w2r
    @David-u5w2r 6 месяцев назад +1

    The day when the vail is the thinnest.
    Ever wonder why we carve pumpkins and put faces on them and candles in them?
    You were required to make a sacrifice. The fat was placed in the pumpkin and lit on fire,(god loves that savory smell) this showed that you made a sacrifice. If you didn't, they would come knocking and take one up to stone henge and do it for you. Wicker man ring any bells?
    We still celebrate this today.

  • @mrbacon1
    @mrbacon1 Год назад +2

    This is crazy to think that its ok to kill someone

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад +2

      Oh, I think there are plenty of good reasons at times that killing is not only ethical and moral, but necessary for the good of others. For the safety and protection of others, as well as justice being served, or an incentive or deterrent to help restrain others from killing, to name a few.

    • @petratical
      @petratical 7 месяцев назад +1

      Right, as the ministers of God (police) "bears not the sword (in our day, gun) in vain"! Romans 13:4.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  6 месяцев назад

      @@petratical Exactly. That's one example. Thanks for sharing!

  • @Hanger18inotoomuch
    @Hanger18inotoomuch 3 года назад +2

    No God never intended for us to eat, abuse or kill purposefully for our sins.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад

      I am sorry, Donna. I didn't see that you commented. I just happened to see the above quotes. He certainly didn't enjoy the killing. Do you think it's not true that He set up a sacrificial system? Also, what do you think of the above message that Genesio shared?

  • @David-u5w2r
    @David-u5w2r 6 месяцев назад +1

    God does not require blood, only your faith. The god of this world and devils and demons might thou.

  • @ScurvyPir8
    @ScurvyPir8 Год назад +2

    If an animal is worth less than a human, then how can an animal's life suffice to substitute for a human life? Isaiah says God does NOT want blood sacrifice. Also, if God is just, an animal's suffering and death cannot expiate a man's sin. Animal sacrifice is a carryover from pagan practices.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад +4

      Thanks for sharing! I am certainly not a scholar on all this and don't claim to have all the answers. However, there is an accumulation of truths that seem to substantiate that this indeed was God’s plan. I’ll name a few here: I agree with you that an animal’s life does not fully suffice to substitute for a human life. If it wasn’t for the compassions of God and His Son, Jesus, it would have all been in vain. The great Book of Hebrews, which goes into the sacrificial system of the Old Testament throughout, pointedly states the same. It declares, “For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.” In context and in fair and honest interpretations, it doesn’t at all say not to do them. Please keep in mind that God did require it for centuries. To deny this, would be to deny that the Bible is God’s Word to us. (This claim could be discussed if you wish. I believe there is a long list of rational reasons and enough evidence that the Bible is actually the Word of God.) We could think of it, sort of, as a mortgage plan (animal sacrifices) until a relative (Jesus) comes and pays the complete debt. It was temporary until the great and sufficient sacrifice was offered. Jesus Himself quoted Hosea and his communications from God, saying, “I want mercy more than sacrifices.” Yet He acknowledged how the Old Testament with its law and sacrificial system was of God. An instance that came to my mind was when He told the leper to offer what Moses had prescribed after he got healed. The animal sacrifices had their place in the plan of God. The LORD described in great detail the requirement of them in the Torah, and how to even prepare them in Leviticus. It was His will. Yet if His people lived in rebellion, He wasn’t interested in their external show of religion. He wanted their hearts and holy living. That is the contextual meaning of the Isaiah passage that was also spoken a number times through other prophets. The formality without love was detestable to God. The same prophet said, “With their lips they do worship, but their hearts are far from Me.” Lip service in hypocrisy was despised. Does that now mean that worship of God in praise or song is wrong? The same can be said of sacrifices. The sacrifices were necessary due to the necessity of blood shedding. Death is indispensable. Sin deserves death. It’s either going to be the justice of killing everyone, because everyone has sinned, or animal sacrifices. (Below in another response, I suggest why animals. Maybe you could read that, if you haven’t yet.) The scriptures even show how the ancients who believed in the God of Israel looked forward til Jesus came, and we look back (Heb. 11:39-40).
      I would humbly caution you not take a verse out of context such as, “God does NOT want blood sacrifice,” or what I just quoted above, “For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins,” and misunderstand the intention of the author. They are not contradictions, but explanations of the intents and heart of God. To be correct in interpretations, it is important to place each passage in, not only the context of that, but also the whole Bible. It makes sense to me that God set up the animal sacrificial system from Cain and Abel onward. It is very illustrative of the hatred of sin that God has. I think the pagan practices are reflective of their sense of guilt and the demand for blood sacrifices. However, there are those that required human sacrifice, making it very different than biblical Judaism or Christianity. The seriousness of moral failure deserves death. Without it, many may not know the severity and wrath of God well. But please keep in mind the another side note to this. The animals became a BBQ. The priests and Levites received their portion of meat from the offerings. This however, wasn’t the focus or main reason. It was the constant reminder (that was also outlined in the Book of Hebrews: that the wondrous priesthood of Jesus, the High Priest, was to take away our sins. It was His offering that was accepted by God, and enabled the justice of God, to some measure be executed. It also fulfilled something deep in God and permitted justification to be graciously shared to the unrighteous. Paul noted this plainly, “Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus.” It demonstrated his justice and simultaneously allowed justification to an undeserving race of humans. What a gospel!

    • @dgtv71
      @dgtv71 9 месяцев назад +1

      Here's the thing, God never offers death. He offers punishment. No where ever does any person, angel, or demon get death. They receive ever lasting punishment. It seems to be fair that there would be a third option. Heaven, Hell, or nothingness (true death). I don't want to play, thanks for the invitation, but I'll choose not to exist. That would be fair and just.

    • @14-Peaks
      @14-Peaks 2 месяца назад

      @@bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716 dawg!
      you stated "(Heb. 11:39-40)"
      *do you know who is the author of the book of Hebrew?*
      - -- -
      You also stated Romans 3:25
      *who was Paul?*
      *Why do you believe in what Paul says?*

    • @heathheglar7898
      @heathheglar7898 Месяц назад

      Yes the animals life is worth less than the human life but the animals blood didn't remove sin, it was a temporary covering. All sacrifices pointed to Christ the final sacrifice that removed sin. Animal sacrifice is not carried over from paganism. God made the first blood sacrifice Himself when he slayed animals to cover Adam and Eve after they sinned. That blood trail continued through all the sacrifices until Christ.

  • @davej6312
    @davej6312 Год назад +1

    Blood and flesh? Pretty sick if think about it in a modern moral context.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад

      I understand why you would say that. I think we might disagree, but I would like to take a stab at why I think it's "amazing grace" right from the start. I'll be short in my answer, but if you still think the whole thing is repugnant or you think my attempt is lame, ridiculous or still "sick," I'll attempt again with a more elaborate reply.
      The atrocity and horror of our rebellion and sin deserves a severe act of punishment and actually in all fairness, death. Mercy has abounded from Him from the beginning! I know I should have been killed long ago. When truly analyzed deeply, the nature of our self-centeredness and wickedness against an incredibly wonderful and benevolent Maker speaks volumes of indifference, rather hatred, towards Him all rooted in a wretched selfishness, rebellion, pride, independence from Him, etc., etc. I also, in all humbleness, have experienced Him hundreds, maybe thousands of times and being near to Him and hanging out with Him has permitted me to see His great heart and love. To spurn, offend and act against Him is an indescribable monstrosity, injury, injustice and on and on. It sickens me to remember the multitude of my sins and failures. I would rather die than offend Him. His goodness and sweetness compels this response. In addition, knowing His holiness and moral perfections demands justice. Modern or ancient, morality doesn’t change. Sin is sin, disobedience is disobedience, rebellion is rebellion. Retribution is required on criminality. I am amazed that God doesn’t just right now wipe us out! The death and sacrifice of an animal, a completely lower level of life, though it is sad, offers a profound sense like nothing else does of the gravity and nature of sin and His infinite hatred of it. These aren’t just flowery or imaginative false notions of a make-believe Deity. These are facts and truths about Him and the nature of sin. It’s nothing but grace and mercy that led Him to substitute a temporary system of death until the “fullness of times” occurred when He sent his Son in, as you noted, “blood and flesh” to release His wrath and relieve us of our guilt. You and I must either take it, or leave it, either to our rescuing or detriment. I sincerely hope you choose the former. It’s a gracious offer, far beyond the old testament of temporary shedding of blood.

  • @David-u5w2r
    @David-u5w2r 6 месяцев назад +1

    The god of Abraham, Yahweh correct?
    Belongs to the cannonite Pantheon, beneath baal. Is a god of weather and war.
    Do you want to believe and worship this god?

  • @williamwekesa6109
    @williamwekesa6109 Год назад +1

    Blood is gory because sin is gory and it takes blood to cleanse the soul, sins descent from. The heart

  • @KT37915A
    @KT37915A Год назад

    We are justified by faith right? Why didn’t god just say that you only need faith in the savior who is to come? It would have been a lot easier on the thousands of people who brought sacrifice to the alter who didn’t need to do it to just live by faith.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад +1

      Yes! We are justified by faith. I think there were a lot of reasons He didn't just send Jesus right away and had all those sacrifices. Paul mentioned, “When the fulness of time came, God sent His Son...” suggesting His timing was perfect and that there must have been reasons for the waiting until “the fulness” came. These are my speculations in no particular order:
      * He had lots of lessons for humankind, particularly His people to learn. He wanted us to see that we can't live the law out correctly. We can't make ourselves righteous by the law. Over the centuries of trying, whom He entrusted the very oracles of God, the precious Jewish people failed over and over. It took lots of time to prove that. They kept rebelling, even as the whole human race does, and God continued to permit mercy due to the atonement of substitutes.
      * It also demonstrated things like His extraordinary patience. We couldn't see how much He had, without a vast amount of time exhibited.
      * The multitude of sacrifices were always a reminder of the continual sins that were being committed. The constant deaths with all its messiness and stench were vivid, graphic displays on the atrocity of offenses against our holy Maker. It was deep, experiential lessons that were felt by all the priests and the families of those who gave their animals.
      Faith always was an integral part of having any relationship with God, including those thousands who made sacrifices. For one, they had faith that their sacrifice was to permit the possibility of mercy. It also gave them opportunity to “sacrifice,’ that is, to give to the Lord some of their money in return for all His continual blessings. There were various offerings, including those that made them recognize that He was their total provider, and that helped them away from selfishness or self-sufficiency. Saying that one has faith should automatically cause corresponding action. The sacrifices, if given in a right and holy frame of mind, should reflect thankfulness, dependence on God, obedience to His system of atonement, etc. Many or most of the animals seem to have been used, by the way, as food for the many priests.
      All this, plus more, that suggests that they “needed to do it,” and that it was an outworking of faith.
      Thanks for asking!

  • @stevenwhite247
    @stevenwhite247 2 месяца назад

    I think most people don’t recognize that God Jehovah, performed the first blood sacrifice to cover the “sin” of Adam And Eve. He clothed them with skins of animals. Therein is the Genesis of blood sacrifices.

  • @alanaharris9488
    @alanaharris9488 2 месяца назад +1

    Nope makes no sense.God would not command you to kill an animal!

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 месяца назад

      It is sad, He didn't want this, but it was either an animal or us. The depths and atrocious wickedness of our sins required blood. It is confirmed continually in the scriptures,

    • @jamie5mauser
      @jamie5mauser 19 дней назад

      There are countless examples of god commanding to kill innocent people, children, babies..

    • @ΠέγκυΜπαρούνη
      @ΠέγκυΜπαρούνη 19 дней назад

      @@bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716 so now god had to choose between one or the other? for real?

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  15 дней назад

      @@ΠέγκυΜπαρούνη Below are some of the answers to this question. Maybe read the answer among others of @14-Peaks...

  • @JamesDirette
    @JamesDirette 6 месяцев назад

    Why wait 4k years?

  • @jonnyw82
    @jonnyw82 2 года назад +2

    Every culture sacrificed to their gods. Why? Because in their rudimentary understanding of God they anthropomorphized Him and thought He needed to eat just like humans did and the ancient Israelites were no different (Genesis even says God created Adam and Eve to tend the garden). Burning of the animal was introduced bc they noticed that God wasn’t eating the food they gave him so their clever ancient minds reasoned that if they burned the meat the essence would rise up into the heavens where God dwells. (Somewhere in Isaiah it even says Yahweh loves the sweet aroma of burning flesh). The ancients sacrifice animals to appease the gods and gain their favor, the Israelites were no different. The Israelites monumental moral advancement of this practice was to say that they are sacrificing to atone for sins, not to just gain favor from God which was transformative bc it is the announcement that we live in a moral universe.
    There is no need to rack our poor brains to try to make sense of why God needs a blood sacrifice to forgive us. He doesn’t!

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for replying, Jonathan! I am aware, yet haven't studied other cultures, that they, too had sacrifices. There is a sense of guilt and the need for punishment and the realization that God has indeed been offended by our rebellions and acts of unrighteousness. All you have is surmising and speculation about the similarities of ancient cultures with the true religion of Yahweh. I seriously doubt that you know that God didn't instruct and require His people to establish this sacrificial system temporarily until the "fulness of times came" when the sending of His Son, which He was not required to do, gave His life freely to atone for your sins and mine. Please be careful, Jonathan, not to miss your opportunity to actually be pardoned due to the gracious offer through His death on your behalf. "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins." Like it or not, the truth is in Jesus and must be received by faith and a commitment to Him. You have no hope if you reject Him.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад

      @user-go5bn5so4h Oh my. Really? Please explain.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад

      @user-go5bn5so4h How?

    • @Greymalkin-
      @Greymalkin- 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716 I know that this is from a year ago, but the comment containg the accusation of blasphemy wasn't directed at you, I don't think, rather the original post that you replied to. If it was directed at you, you would have been tagged directly in the response (as in your replies to the accusatory comment). RUclips sends notifications of replies to a post that you yourself replied to whether you're tagged or not, which personally I don't understand and it's actually more of an irritant than anything else, and causes unnecessary confusion. I don't like the thought of you or anyone being disconcerted by it. Have a lovely day and may God bless you.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  8 месяцев назад +1

      @@Greymalkin- Oh ok. Thanks for letting me know!

  • @blogger1851
    @blogger1851 Год назад +2

    Gnosticism and the demiurge makes sense now.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад

      Sorry for the delay. I just saw this. Please explain. I am curious if your comment is sarcasm or a genuine belief.

  • @dlm2133
    @dlm2133 6 месяцев назад

    But it's a food source minus blood. Do not eat or drink of the blood.

  • @dewbye63
    @dewbye63 9 месяцев назад

    dam = Blood; Ben a•dam = man; Adamah = earth - It is all part of God's redemptive, salvific plan

  • @tptp5118
    @tptp5118 2 года назад

    Wow brillant this guy is great

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад +1

      Really? Wow, thanks!

    • @tptp5118
      @tptp5118 2 года назад +2

      @@bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716 I see that you are doing a lot of videos for kids and I hope mine will take advantage of them I certainly will be encouraging them!
      I just can’t believe the low view counts and subs because you have immense talent of story telling and I don’t think there is hardly anything out there for children and bible education in the way you do it. Perhaps it needs to be promoted somehow onto larger bible channels so that parents can benefit from this wonderful provision for their children,
      Thank you and may God Bless you and your work.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад +1

      @@tptp5118 Wow, again. I am so humbled by your incredibly encouraging comments. I am really moved. Thank you. If your children were to become the only young people that watch my posts, it is worth every effort and will continue, by the grace of God, to share my thoughts through this medium.

    • @tptp5118
      @tptp5118 2 года назад +1

      Your words are touching and my children read your comment and it has created a bond with you as they watch your videos with me :)
      I will certainly be recommending you to all my friends :)
      Best wishes to you and Good Health.

    • @tptp5118
      @tptp5118 2 года назад +1

      @@bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716 my kids also love your smiles and laughter it is very contagious and spreads happiness :)

  • @patcummings6950
    @patcummings6950 8 месяцев назад

    Why does blood cry out for blood ? I think that's the base of the question.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  8 месяцев назад

      Hi Pat! I am not sure what you mean, "blood for blood." The question is "Why does God require blood sacrifices?" Please clarify.

  • @brookecaylor6734
    @brookecaylor6734 7 месяцев назад

    1Timothy 6;3 If any man teach otherwise,and consent not to wholesome words,even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ,and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;He is proud,KNOWING NOTHING,but doting about questions and strifes of words,whereof cometh envy,strife,railings,evil surmisings.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  7 месяцев назад

      Hello. Are you suggesting I am doing that in my attempt to answer questions or comments regarding the video post? You capitalized KNOWING NOTHING. Could you explain your intent?

    • @David-u5w2r
      @David-u5w2r 6 месяцев назад

      You take this out of context. It's saying if you both believe the same thing, don't be a jealous prick towards your teacher, and vice versa.

  • @FelixFortunaRex
    @FelixFortunaRex 3 месяца назад

    Seems the ancient Jews believed sacrifice at temple was for unintentional sins. If “normal” intentional sin then u go to god and ask forgiveness with contrite heart. But for unintentional sins u bring animal to sacrifice. Also seems Christian have turned unintentional sins into sins of intention and then blame us for not knowing the difference. My thought was to find the real teachings of jesus I would need to know what he learned as a Jew growing up doing Jew stuff thru the Jewish religion. That research has brought me closer to god then the Christian religion allows because Christians believe jesus “is” god.

  • @bengordon7635
    @bengordon7635 5 месяцев назад

    The creator says THE WICKED use the gods and the bible to promote themselves above all and use it to quell their thirst for blood , and when the wicked out weigh the righteous judgement day will be upon us ,, how could a creator be happy with destroying his creations ,, the creator loves all his creations ,, not just human ... anyone who takes a life should have its life taken ,, period ,, there was a time when Man and all creation lived in harmony ,, the only way the tree of life will grow again to make life eternal is to end all murder and hate in the world .. all should be under the creators protection .. Putin also uses the Bible to promote the destruction of creation ,, we are the witnesses and all that defy the law of life will suffer horribly for what you do in this life will echo for eternity

  • @arpthirteen6713
    @arpthirteen6713 2 года назад

    God requires death, not sin. Sin and the penalty for it was created by God.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад

      I understand that God required death. But what do you mean by sin was created by God?

    • @arpthirteen6713
      @arpthirteen6713 2 года назад

      @@bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716 He created "all" things. Was evil created?

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад

      ​@@arpthirteen6713 Oh, I see what you're saying. Thanks for clarifying. No, I don't think He created evil, but created the possibility of evil by making beings, human and angels, with free will. I don't think of evil as a thing exactly, but a decision to not do what's right or what's good. Maybe it's the same way that darkness is the absence of light, or death, the absence of life, as evil is the absence of good, or cold the absence of heat. A hole in the ground is the absence of dirt, but it isn't exactly a thing. "Sin is the transgression of the law" (1 John 3:4) and "all unrighteousness is sin" (5:7) and that wasn't created by God per se, but enacted by choices. Evil is not a thing like a hammer or a car. But the harmful use of either can become an evil.

  • @gregjones2217
    @gregjones2217 9 месяцев назад

    Tyrannical insanity might have something to do with it.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  9 месяцев назад

      I suppose it all seems ridiculous and rubbish to you. You may never get it. I am sorry. It all starts with the acknowledging of an actual creator, and the necessity of that. Once one sees the absolute rationale of the concept, and the sad and rebellious absurdity of atheism, then one must take the next steps of finding out why He created and designed this universe, including the purpose of humans. There is a sure innate nature of morality in us, and a sense of justice and injustice. Passion is strong with those who have developed this nature. How much more an infinite Being? I know I personally have an acute awareness of the atrocity of immorality and vehement hatred to anything contrary to what’s right and a strong sense of deserving death. How much more this great Deity? His mercies and forbearance are extraordinary! Yet He doesn’t completely set aside penalties and justice. Thus, the need of sacrifices. I guess you just don’t get it, maybe the train of logic of thought starting again with His existence. Once one gets into His actual Presence and experiences His goodness, love and holiness, the eyes are opened to the disgust and despicable wretchedness of the tiniest sin, and realizes that death should have occurred the moment a thought, said or act is enacted in rebellion.

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 Год назад +1

    He DIDNT! He abhorred it. Jer 7:22-23, Isaiah 66, and no one died to pay your sin debt. Since he is alive he didnt pay my debt, which is death. Not 3 days of death.
    Christians and others have been deceived by the lying pen of the scribes and the pagan blood cult. . Jer 8.8.

    • @PersianApologetics
      @PersianApologetics 7 месяцев назад

      Yes , You told a great joke especially the last paragraph 😅

    • @PersianApologetics
      @PersianApologetics 7 месяцев назад

      You love cherry picking verses
      Jer 7:22-23 God tells us that he didn't Command the people To sacrifice to show him that they obey this

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@PersianApologetics God never commanded anyone to give blood sacrifices nor did any blood sacrifice ever atone for willful breaking of the Commandments. And Jesus didn't die to pay your sin debt of ETERNAL DEATH.

    • @PersianApologetics
      @PersianApologetics 7 месяцев назад

      @@RoseSharon7777 Source : Maybe your own false idea of christianity
      God Didn't command us to sacrifice animals regularly , we just had to obey him but if we didn't obey him we had to pay for our sins by sacrificing BUT Jesus Christ was the final Sacrifice for All of us
      Sources : the bible

    • @PersianApologetics
      @PersianApologetics 7 месяцев назад

      @@RoseSharon7777 Jesus is The messiah that was promised to come in the old testament (Torah)
      Just google some prophecies in the old testament that were Fulfilled by jesus in the new testament

  • @Lili-Benovent
    @Lili-Benovent 3 месяца назад

    Because he's a sadist?

  • @skyisthelimitreadyornotfor2
    @skyisthelimitreadyornotfor2 2 месяца назад

    Blood ritual like sacrificing a lamb on the spring equinox is a known pagan holiday. Blood sacrifices are a pagan idol. One of the 10 commandments is no idols. Follow/obey the law don't just believe in Jesus.

  • @skyisthelimitreadyornotfor2
    @skyisthelimitreadyornotfor2 2 месяца назад

    Jesus never wanted sacrifices. Though shall not worship idols. Animal sacrifices are pagan rituals. Those blood sacrifices are idols, obey Jesus don't just believe in him. It's one of the 10 commandments. Though shall not worship idols.

    • @jamie5mauser
      @jamie5mauser 19 дней назад

      Yahweh commanded sacrifice. He loves the aroma of burning flesh..
      Just shows how Christianity is just another religion, Yahweh came from a caananite pantheon, if course it’s pagan. Christmas is so pagan

  • @merehoro2801
    @merehoro2801 Год назад

    He had human sacrifices he had hundreds

  • @jdaze1
    @jdaze1 2 года назад

    he didnt. the people wanted to go back to being like they were in Egypt. as Jeremiah 22-23 says. just like they wanted judges and kings like the pagan nations. He allowed it but only ever required mercy not sacrifice. They DID NOT atone for sins. only Repentence as its ALWAYS been. and no human being died as an atoned either.
    The Father hates violence and the killing of innocent animals for sacrifices was never required. it tells us this thruout scripture.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад

      Thanks for commenting! I agree with some of what you stated. They did want to go back. They wanted to exit otherwise they wouldn't have left. It was the challenge, discomfort and difficulty in the wilderness that caused them to remember the variety (besides the constant diet of manna), and the good tastes of these, "We remember the fish we ate in Egypt that cost nothing, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic" (Num 11:5). Later, they did want to follow the cultures of the other nations, just like so many in our world today, and choose a king. Followers are like sheep. Fickle we tend to be. Yahweh was their King, but they didn't want to depend on the invisible, but a physical man to fight for them. It reminds me of their idolatrous act at the holy mount when Aaron submitted to their demands of carving an image of a god.
      I don't understand, however, when you say there are no scriptures showing how God wanted a sacrificial system? Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy, particularly, with lengthy detailed descriptions of the necessary blood to be shed were required by the Lord as substitutionary atonements, besides the many animals sacrificed in Genesis before the law and its systems were instituted. God ordered them to be set up. It makes perfect sense, since sinful man cannot get close to the holy God without justice meted out in some form or other. Fines need to be paid at court for human offenses and how much more before an offended Righteous Judge of the universe?! The wages of sin is death. I agree repentance was always an integral part alongside the blood shedding. Atonement was mentioned throughout the whole of the Bible! Look at the judgments throughout and even what the prophets Isaiah through Malachi said. It is also true that the Father hates violence but it is a matter of record throughout that He Himself (Noah and many other instances) killed violently and His commands for others to execute are irrefutable. "There's a time to kill," (Eccl 3:3) plainly declares the need at times and even "a time for war" (vs 8). Then He had prophesied throughout the Old Testament about one coming to atone, wherein John, the Baptizer, declared, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" referring to Jesus.

    • @jdaze1
      @jdaze1 2 года назад

      @@bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716 The Lamb of God is the Holy Spirit. As noted in Revelation. And yes the Spirit of God lives in us as sinful beings so blood sacrifice was never required. Only Mercy, Repentence and obedience to the 10 commandments. This is the hidden mystery of the bible. God always made his burden light, man has always made the yoke heavy. If people search hard enough in scripture and rightly divide, they will find the hidden pearl of great value. No one died for our sins, we must crucify our own flesh on our own cross of self sacrifice. This is the propitiation for our sins. Blessings. :)

    @CHRISTIANCATALANO-dh7vh 6 месяцев назад

    My sheep hear my voice it's symbolic of you now present yourself as a living sacrifice your animal beastly understanding so the Lord can kill your old man mindset and through the cross you can be washed by truth which is the blood spiritual symbolic now the mysterious of the kingdom mark 4:11

  • @mrbacon1
    @mrbacon1 Год назад

    You just better hope its not yours

  • @VeganBrianAnimalActivist
    @VeganBrianAnimalActivist 7 месяцев назад

    "Thou Shall Not Kill" Dont believe the lies that tell you to kill the innocent animals, be careful whose voice you listen to, remember what Jesus said "Do everything in love and you will be okay, love does not kill. Show the animals mercy and mercy will be shown to you

  • @VeganBrianAnimalActivist
    @VeganBrianAnimalActivist 6 месяцев назад

    The reason it says animal sacrifices are required. He wants you to stand up to him and say no. I will not kill. He's separating those that show Mercy and no mercy

  • @patrickbass3542
    @patrickbass3542 6 месяцев назад


  • @parinitashaileshramteke7454
    @parinitashaileshramteke7454 11 месяцев назад

    Well said, I don't understand why is a blood sacrifice required anyway 😂?😳hahaha they are crazy

  • @jessevergreen3797
    @jessevergreen3797 2 года назад

    Nuts. Very clever of the high priest elite though. Free food!

  • @eatfrenchtoast
    @eatfrenchtoast 7 месяцев назад

    Blood for blood oh ok sure spin no straight answers from these religion content creators.

  • @ricklannoye4374
    @ricklannoye4374 2 года назад +1

    If it were true that Jesus' earliest followers, like Peter for example, really thought what happened on the cross was some sort of human, blood sacrifice in which God took out his revenge, meant for all of humanity, but on Jesus instead, because that was the only way to keep us from all going to Hell, because God doesn't actually have the ability to forgive sins (though he asks us to!) and even if this were all true, then it would be quite incorrect to say Jesus provided a way for God to "forgive" us our sins because the whole idea behind Substitutionary Atonement is that someone HAS TO PAY for offending a deity, if not whoever it was that angered the god, someone or something else...then why didn't Peter mention this fact in his first two sermons as recorded in the Book of Acts (2:14-41 and 3:11-26)??? Surely, his audiences, in both cases, were all Jews who would have easily understood what he meant, had he declared the reason Jesus died was to be just like the goat (not the lamb) sacrificed on the Day of Atonement for the sins of the people, but instead of just for the sins committed in the preceding year, for all time...but he said no such thing!!!
    Instead, all Peter said about the purpose of Jesus' death and resurrection was that it was all part of God's plan to perform such an awesome miracle, it would prove to all the Jews HE, Jesus, was the Messiah they had been waiting for!
    Peter and the disciples were fully convinced Jesus had risen from the dead and was, at any moment, going to pop up out of wherever he was secluding himself to ride back into Jerusalem in order to seize the Throne of David, kick out the Romans and begin setting up the new, independent, theocratic, Jewish government the Jewish prophets had said was going to come to pass. So, when people asked him, "What should we do [that is, in the meantime]?" Peter just said (Acts 2:38) they should repent of their sins and make an formal declaration of their conviction that Jesus is the Messiah. Why? So they can experience God's forgiveness and be considered worthy to be admitted as full-fledged citizens at the Grand Citizenship Court Hearing (Judgment Day) that Jesus, as the Messiah will soon be conducting! There was NOTHING about human blood sacrifice! There was NOTHING about going to heaven or not going to Hell! There was NOTHING about being SAVED FROM GOD! In fact, there was NOTHING about JESUS doing any saving of anybody!
    That's right! Peter did NOT say, "Ask Jesus to save you...."!
    Instead, he said (Acts 2:40), "SAVE YOURSELVES [emphasis added] from this untoward generation!" In short, all this nonsense about God having some crazy need to get revenge and incapable of forgiveness and having some insane need to be appeased by blood...all of that, came from the pagan Gentiles who took over the church many decades later, toward the end of the First Century!
    Rick Lannoye, author of www.amazon.com/Real-Life-Jesus-Nazareth-Really-Stood-ebook/dp/B09V4BJ62D
    Got questions? Go to ricklannoye.com

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад

      Thanks Rick for replying and offering your thoughts! Just a quick answer (not exhaustive) that you may not agree with, but I will take a shot at it.
      1. I think because they were the Jews, they understood, more than most, the sacrificial system and atonement after centuries of it. His death would be understood far more than many. Although, I believe this was also a Gentile and even pagan concept, for I believe man from the beginning (even Cain and Abel) recognized the guilt and sins that they sensed needed atonement. Thus, the pagans sacrificed to their deities from a sense of guilt. Guilt is universal. Therefore God helped alleviate this part also. 2. Even though I think you are right in suggesting that he didn’t go into this atonement doctrine here, or in other places, the whole sermon wasn’t and others weren't recorded, in my opinion, so who knows what he elaborated on. It did say that with “other words did he testify" which we don't know what he testified and it wasn’t mentioned. But let's go with what you're saying and let's assume there was no mention of this concept of dying for sins. This doesn't mean the doctrine isn't correct. On the contrary, there is too much in the scripture that shares the invaluable truth of it. 3. When I got saved, I didn't understand hardly anything, but received a sufficient amount to get saved, and then gained more and more knowledge over a long time. I didn't hardly know anything! So, it is true that a major emphasis that Peter may have had on His mind is especially first realizing that Jesus, "whom you crucified" was actually the long-awaited Messiah and they needed to hear and get that straight! That was major, especially to the Jewish nation! So, Peter says, now turn from your sins, be baptized, etc. Let's start there, His messiahship. In time all the other wonderful ways in which Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and the depth of the precious doctrines of God will be shared and revealed to you. But to say that because he didn't mention it in this sermon, doesn't negate the fact that he didn't believe or teach it over time. (He does say it elsewhere.) This also was just after the great event of the death-resurrection and it'll take time for these dear apostles and everyone else to realize all that it meant and all that actually transpire! Give them some time and the revelation will come. Look how challenging and yet pretty fast it actually took for these Jewish fishermen and others after their whole lifetime being taught a certain way, to actually see how they had just a partial understanding of the wonderful plan of what the messiahship would include! Remember, the several (maybe 5?) times after the revealing (to Peter himself!) that happened at Caesarea Philippi, Jesus predicted His death. That was not what they had in mind for the mission and job description of the promised Messiah! But, lo and behold, there He is, on the cross! What?! Why? Give it time. It will be fully unfolded.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад

      4. Peter, in 1 Pet 1:18-19; 2:24; 3:18 surely understood this to be one of the meanings of His death, yes, the primary meaning, when putting it all together with MUCH of the Old Testament! One of the threads of the whole first part of the Book is atonement for their sins through animals. The Torah, writings, history, prophets, all the way through. In Peter's later sermon in the 10th chapter, I would suggest that the combination of the death and resurrection message leads to what he says soon after that "through his name whosoever believes in him shall receive remission of sins." His death and resurrection are the reason God sent Jesus into this world, to save us from our sins through, "whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins..." (Rom 3:25). God saved us from his wrath through the efficacious death of His Son (Rom 5:9). I believe if Peter was raised from the dead today he would say, Amen! In light of it all and in light of what He in his letter, and what the Savior Himself said. 5. Jesus Himself explained it out of His own lips on the Passover right before His sacrifice (Mt 26:26-28; Mk 14:22-24 the writer that has been strongly suggested that wrote from Peter's sharing; Lk 19:19-20). 6. John, the baptizer, supernaturally by the Spirit saw Jesus being the Lamb of God which takes the sins of the world! (Jn 1:29, 36). 7. The point of the ripping the veil in the Temple signified His death giving open and free access by His death/blood sacrifice (Mt 27:51; Mk 15:38; Lk 23:45). These Gospel writers all shared various things that they deemed important. This is one of them. There’s meaning...

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад

      8. The many passages in which His blood gave access (Acts 20:28. Note that this is the same writer of the initial sermon of Peter. No contradictions here. Just more understanding; Rom 3:24-25; 5:9; 6:23; Col 1:20; Eph 1:7; 2:13; Heb 7:27; 9:12, 14; 9:22; this verse is potent and shares a great deal on why there is a necessity of an ultimate sacrifice. Herein comes Jesus!; 10:1, 4, WOW, there it is!; 6-9, 19; 12:24; 13:12; 1 Jn 1:7; 9; Rev 1:5; 7:14; Jn 6:55-59; 1 Cor 6:20; 11:24-30. Notice Paul’s declaration : “For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.” That says a lot. Sure helps the understanding of the Old Testament and how Jesus fulfilled it (Mt 5:17 This is at least one part of it.) Much of the Book of Hebrews shows the necessity of blood being shed. 10. The great passage; in the Hebrew Scriptures points to Jesus fulfilling them and granting atonement (Isa 53; Ps 22). 11. Going back to your original suggestions that Peter didn't mention anything: "There was NOTHING about human blood sacrifice!" Yes, there was. His death had meaning and was as he said, "this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. God raised him up..." Human death for what purpose? Repent...for the remission of sins" based on that offering. Though he didn’t directly say it here, it doesn’t mean it didn’t occur. Look what he said in another sermon in Acts: “The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you killed and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Savior, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.” Notice the connection again with His death to forgiveness offered. If there was no need of a once for all death (Heb 10:10), then it could have been like God, in the past saying turn and I will forgive you. In other words, I will just arbitrarily forgive you. But even that wasn’t enough considering the arrangement of a system of blood sacrifices throughout. 12. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." Wonderful Savior! His blood gives many, many benefits! Debt paid (Heb 9:28), justification (Rom 5:9), forgiven (Eph 1:7), spared God’s wrath (Rom 5:9), cleaned up (1 Jn 1:7; Rev 1:5; Heb 1:3), power over the Satan (Rev 12:11), redemption (1 Pet 1:18-19; Rom 3:24-25; Eph 1:7), brought near to God (Eph 2:13), protected from judgment (Exo 12:27; 1 Cor 5:7), curse removed (Gal 3:13), no longer strangers to the covenant of promise (Eph 2:12-13), enemy’s power stripped (Col 2:15), reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:15-21), healed in spirit (1 Pet 2:24), peace from His punishment taken (Isa 53:5), guilt free in my conscience (Heb 10:22), have access badly into His Presence (Heb 10:19-22).

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад

      BRIEFLY about other things you mentioned:
      “Peter and the disciples were fully convinced Jesus had risen from the dead and was, at any moment, going to pop up out of wherever he was secluding himself to ride back into Jerusalem in order to seize the Throne of David, kick out the Romans and begin setting up the new, independent, theocratic, Jewish government the Jewish prophets had said was going to come to pass.” Jesus’ answer to that question is recorded in Acts1:7-8.
      “So, when people asked him, "What should we do [that is, in the meantime]?" Peter just said (Acts 2:38) they should repent of their sins and make an formal declaration of their conviction that Jesus is the Messiah.” Not exactly what he said, but partly; “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” I believe, and he did too, as mentioned in his letter, that there was a direct connection that he mentioned before in his sermon between the death and resurrection and the pardon offered.
      “There was NOTHING about human blood sacrifice!” I disagree. I mentioned this above. Human/divine sacrifice. That’s the point. He could have just came and tore it up in a military conflict and set up His kingdom in the same way David did. This is different, which many of His parables clearly indicated. Different than what they anticipated. He needed to die. You and I both need a substitute as they did under the Tabernacle/Temple system showed.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  2 года назад

      “There was NOTHING about going to heaven or not going to Hell!” Nobody covers everything in every sermon. But his letter 2 Peter chapter 2 sure shows a hell to fear and avoid. Also, he mentions it in 3:9 and a bit in 1 Pet 4. Peter believed in the teachings of Jesus. Besides, I don’t think it’s obvious they didn’t needed that part shared at this time. They were “cut to the heart.” Jude mentioned that in preaching, “some have compassion, making a difference: and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire...” Jesus, in Matthew 23, mentioned hell to that group, and others He didn’t mention it at all. It depends on what the Lord is leading and what that particular group needs to hear at that time.
      “There was NOTHING about being SAVED FROM GOD!” Dittos to what I just said. Jesus elsewhere said, “And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed has power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.”

  • @danielhopkins296
    @danielhopkins296 9 месяцев назад

    This dud is shucking and jibing

  • @merehoro2801
    @merehoro2801 Год назад


  • @christinaking7697
    @christinaking7697 Год назад

    So what it all boils down to is that God requires a blood sacrifice because God is barbaric and small and not as large as we think. It sure puts God in a box.

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад +5

      On the contrary, it's stunningly amazing that God is so ridiculously merciful that He, in His holiness and justice, allows any moral agent (all of us) that continually defies Him, live in such self-centered, God-dishonoring, unthankful, rebellious lives, chooses to allow substitutes to die, many or most of which become food for these rebels (us, and more particularly Jewish priests as representing the community) for sustenance. He then sends His very own Son to voluntarily offer Himself as an ultimate blood sacrifice to literally give you and me the possibility of free pardon. I think this flips your blasphemous opinion and words demonstrating that He is not barbaric, but gracious. And displays how big He is rather than small as you charged Him to be. It is evident that you haven't yet seen the atrocity, barbarism and horror of sin and rejection of our Maker who has blessed us rebels with everything we have, including life itself. He is patiently allowing you and me to change and receive His gift of forgiveness, in recognition of our need of a Savior and redemption. Hopefully, you will you see, now or in time, the truth of justice that demanded satisfaction, and mercy all over His actions, and will not end up under a dreadful future of fierce justice and wrath against you, when He is presently restraining it due to His goodness, forbearance and long-suffering.
      So it all boils down to a just God who demands justice, but gives a way out of our rebellion and sin through blood sacrifices, initially in the form of animals until THE blood sacrifice of Himself. He wasn't "in a box," but freely and liberally showed His love to us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. That includes you, dear Christina.

    • @christinaking7697
      @christinaking7697 Год назад +1

      You have made God human, and have made him/her think like a human. I think he/she is much bigger and beyond our understanding. Why would there ever be a God that requires a blood sacrifice ...EVER??!. I am anything but blasphemous, and my post was being facetious to show how ridiculous you are. I love God and I love Yeshua. YOU have belittled God.

    • @christinaking7697
      @christinaking7697 Год назад +1


    • @StacieHaneline
      @StacieHaneline 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716Amen!! ✝️

    • @TranscendingTrauma
      @TranscendingTrauma 10 месяцев назад +1

      The word sacrifice in Hebrew translates to “drawing near”. I know it’s hard for us to imagine being in the presence of someone, so holy holy holy, but we can’t be in His presence and be full of sin. He requires the sacrifice because he wants us near him! The pure blood of Jesus washes away our sinful nature to allow us sacred access.

  • @SureshBabu-qn6vf
    @SureshBabu-qn6vf 2 года назад

    Bulshit 👍

  • @blogger1851
    @blogger1851 Год назад

    What is so just about someone else dying in your place?

    • @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716
      @bibleteachingsbygordonhave3716  Год назад

      "Justice served" in the sense that I deserved punishment and death for my offenses. I have deeply offended God, who is holy and just. For Him to literally send His Son to take my place in order, "that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus" (Rom 3) is rightly stated as, "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound..."