"KENOBI!!!!!!!!. Do you wanna go out for a drink." 8 months ago whenever I typed this out, in my head I hear Mauls screaming voice on the kenobi and just a calm maul voice on the rest.
28:00 going on like "I can be on this council. But I demand Maul and potentially his siblings to be a part of the Jedi without being in the order, Anakin to be in the Order, and his mother be brought to Coruscant." "...What? Do this, how could you? Outrageous, this is. Unfair, it is! Only a Master, you are. And yet, you make many demands to the council!" "Take a seat, Grandmaster Yoda." "...I understand..."
I really REALLY liked this what if. Really faithful to Qui-Gon's way to see the force, the individual and the universe as a whole. This may not be the Jedi Council way, but the living force way itself. Love how you treated Dooku, Jinn and Maul here. Love your channel, keep up the good work. Greetings from Chile.
@@PentePatrolStarWarsI also very appreciate you great work, sometimes people just need that good stories. Still, there is a shame of Yaddl's and Dooku death, but, someone have to die for a good plot
What if Luke was sent to Naboo instead of Tattooine? What if Anakin Skywalker encountered the Bendu? What if Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi were sent into a parallel universe? What if the chiss joined the republic? What if Ahsoka chose to stay and help Luke rebuild the Jedi order? What if Ahsoka Tano trained Mara Jade Skywalker instead of Sabine Wren?
hey mr. pente, you should do extensions or pt.2’s to some of your best stories, because i don’t think i’m the only one that doesn’t want the alternate timelines to end
I will always love a good Redemption Arc. And this was lovely to listen too. It's a good video when it makes me wish this happened in the actual SW: Universe. Great job as always PP.
Dooku noooooooooo! Lol. Honestly I don't think Sidious would be able to catch Dooku by surprise like that, but that aside good video! It was quite interesting!
Great video bro. I found myself smiling when hearing that Maul was smiling and his Light Saver had turned blue. It's nice to see this version of him after knowing what the main timeline is like.
This would reflect the true character of Master Qui Gon Jinn as a Jedi. Feeling pain, anger and shadows in Maul. Acknowledging the fact of Sidious's lies
Assuming this takes place on Naboo, and Qui Gon saves Maul there, this could seriously disrupt Palp's plans, I also wonder if Savage will be a character in this, brother vs brother potentially? Either way, I'm sure it will be a fascinating story as always! What if Darth Zannah was a Jedi? Either she refrains from killing the Jedi who originally comes for her, or another Jedi takes her instead soon after, assuming Bane doesn't find her or a twin of some kind exists. She undergoes training until she becomes a Jedi Knight or perhaps even a Jedi Master. Then, she receives one of two visions. The first vision portrays Anakin or Luke as the chosen one. She believes in the prophecy and enters stasis, intending to train them to confront Palpatine during the Clone Wars or the time of the Empire. The second vision involves Palpatine himself, maybe as the Emperor. Believing that she is the chosen one due to this, she enters stasis until the Clone Wars, awakened by the Force or some other catalyst. To fight him herself. To maintain her characterization as the Zannah we know and love, she excels as a master of Form Three and is proficient in Jedi Alchemy or sorcery, perhaps even both. I think the second vision would make for a better story, as training Anakin/Luke videos are already abundant on your channel. (Day 46)
Maul got the father figure he always wanted! Day 36 of my list. What if; Anakin never gave into his feelings for Padme, Aayla Secura was the chosen one and became Darth Talon, Shme Skywalker was adopted by the Tusken Raiders, Boba Fett saved his Tusken family, Count Dooku was a regular count for the CIS, Jabba the Hutt supported the Jedi at the Start of the Clone Wars, and finally, what if Sabine and Ezra fell in love?
"Its over anakin! I've got the high ground!" "You got the what?" "The high ground!" "The height sound?!" "THE HIGH GROUND!" "THE HIGH POUND?!" "Oh for Force's sake. HIIIIGH! GROOOOUND!!" "Oh that. Thank Force the time it took for me to get that allowed this platform to reach solid ground and now I can continue dueling safely" "Crap..."
What if Palpatine saved Padme from dying What if Darth Nox trained Anakin Skywalker What if R2-D2 joined Luke and Vader on the second Death Star What if Jango Fett was a Jedi What if Obi Wan told Anakin he was going undercover as rakto hardeen What if Vitiate was reincarnated as a light side force user What if Padme was a Mandalorian What if the Sith practice the light side of the force but are still rivals to the Jedi
I loved this one!!! Seems like something Qui-Gon would do. 😅 Maul and Obi wan being BFFS. Also Maul and Anakin almost like brothers! I can almost picture everyone coming over to “family”dinners with their padawans or grandpadawans. Everyone having a good time and an elderly Qui-Gon telling stories to the younglings. Qui is my favorite… and I really enjoyed this What if?
I loved this story. I love how Qui Gon's deffiance to the council was pushed to his limits. This could be a perfect story is Star Wars had a "What If" serie like Marvel.
Nice one. A very good video. Highly entertaining. I enjoyed it alot. Do you think that there's enough there to make a longer version of this video. Or even a possible part 2. It would be cool if it was so. Kind regards from Daniel Harman.
It'd be a very hard sell. Sidious ordered Dooku to kill her out of fear that she might herself destroy him. The only way I see the idea working out is if Dooku didn't become a sith, but rather a Dark Jedi working for the CIS. In such case, maybe Sidious could use her to his own advantage but I doubt he would ever plan on keeping her as a tool for very long before trying to replace her.
Here is a very interesting what if and it relates to Plo Koon. Plo Koon I'd argue is one of the most underated Jedi Masters in the Prequels but another Jedi I'd argue is even more underated was the Jedi who trained him: The Wookie Jedi Master Tyvoka who was a member of the Jedi High Council and Plo Koon's mentor it was his seat that Plo Koon filled after his Master's sacrifce to protect his former student during a mission at the start of the Stark Hyperspace War, Tyvoka was killed during negotiations between the Trade Federation and the Stark Combine when Nute Gunray who was the main representative of the Federation at the conference (And was still the Senator of Nemoidia at that time) gave an order to his battle droid security detail to kill the Pirates when negotiations broke down only instead of saying kill the pirates he said "Kill them!" and his droids fired on the Jedi as well as the Pirates. Tyvoka was mortally wounded during the fight and died in his former student's arms. After that the Stark Hyperspace War went full ahead and led to the Republic Jucidial forces to start rearming it was a test of then Chancellor Valoruum by Darth Sidious and Darth Plagueis to undermine his position the first of three major crisis's that occurred on his watch the last being the Blockade of Naboo which got Valoruum ousted by a vote of no confidence. But what if this didn't happen what if Nute Gunray had worded his commands to his Battle Droids and said "Kill the Pirates" which would have led them to not fire on the Jedi and kill Tyvoka
Qui gon if having the chance with a true conversation, would make maul cry emotionally and hold him and say everything is ok. Tbh that's what maul always wanted is love and family.
What if Yaddle was a Sith Lord. What if Bail Organa was a Jedi. What if Tyvokka trained Anakin. (Broken Bridge) What if Yaddle asked for backup to follow Dooku.
This looks interesting, I always appreciate a Maul redemption, which I wholly admit is because I am willing to ship ObiMaul, but the redemption is a key factor in that.
“I want the true sequels” Looks at The Force awakens “I said the true sequels!” Looks at Rise of Skywalker “I said-“ Maul & Kenobi: A New Bro theme song plays “Perfect” grabs popcorn
I have one, what if Palpatine decided to troll the jedi unto self destruction instead of building the Army and was openly sith while high chancellor making the jedi look not only foolish but getting them to self destruct in the process as being a sith was technically not illegal. You could have a civil war between though who where "true jedi" and those who where for the Republic, all the time Sidious is just fanning the flames and laughing. The total destruction of the Jedi with out so much as using his lightsabre. Then after spreading darkness as the empire (which the Republic vote in).
That would be really interesting. As Palpatine being a sith in this timeline would only be a prominent defense because that would prove via the Rule of Two that he was in league with Dooku. Without that piece, they really couldn't have Palpatine arrested.
@@shrimpwalk8230 To make it more interesting, Palpatine and Dooku create the separatists by getting their members to question, and instead of a clone Army, they make a none clone one as the separatists form naturally; as the Jedi are sent on a path of paranoia and self-destruction, as both Palpatine and Dooku do nothing technically wrong. Basically, the Jedi are destroyed, all while Palpatine just laughs at their increasing frustrations and paranoia, which ultimately leads them to do something very stupid.
Pente patrol, Star Wars, please make what if Anakin Skywalker was reborn with all his memories powers abilities in episode one were young Anakin Skywalker reaches his true full potential because both lives of Anakin and Vader are fused merged into one he achieves perfect balance of the force side and side you can also add Anakin going to ahch to the first Jedi Temple on this what if
What if the galaxy was under a sith controlled army and the Jedi following the rule of 2, were plotting to get rid of the sith and take their power away to create a democracy ? (Jedi being Palpatine, Maul, Dooku, Vader) 😃
15:15 pretty reasonable in all honesty considering how shity the sand world is. It’s almost like space Australia, except Australia has more terrifying wildlife
Hm, this is now among my faves. One thing was missing for me and that was the potential bond between Anakin and Maul. Perhaps a revelation from Maul when he distanced himself from Anakin when he was going through his fears for Qui-Gon. That could have become a true bonding moment between the two. The innocence of a child (albeit a slave) and the fears of a lifelong hell hole. Anakin could have been given a glimpse of what the Sith mentality was and did to someone and Maul could have been influenced by Anakin's outreaching in understanding and comfort. Heck, could have been a diyad moment for the two. That aside I did enjoy it. Added to my list. This story showcased why Qui-Gon would have been the best teacher for Anakin, but at the same time showed just what he could bring to the Order and the changes he never could achieve in canon. So yeah, I do get that it's mainly a Qui-Gon (and Maul) story...just a part of me also wants to see the growth and potential of the Order, Qui-Gon, Maul, and Anakin. A full story of you will. Sad to see that Dooku and Yaddle bought it, but so it goes. Not everything makes sense, nor should it.
Qui gon : "I do accept to be a Jedi master. But you lot have to agree to my demands". Yoda : "Outrageous, this is. Unfair it is. Only a master you are. Threatening the entire council how can you"? Qui gon : "Take a seat grandmaster"
-What if the droid army rebelled against the Trade Federation on Naboo? -What if the droid army rebelled against the CIS & joined the Republic on the First Battle of Geonosis? -What if Dooku never joined the Sith, but still created the CIS & both the clone & droid armies with the help of Qui-Gon, Sifo-Dyas, Plo-Koon, Shaak-Ti, Quinlan Vos, Aayla Secura, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, Padme, Bail Organa, Mom Montha, & the Delegation of 2000?
SWPM option 1, Arbiter: The front half of the Forward unto Dawn carrying Arbiter teleports into the Star Wars galaxy at speed, passes the CIS blockade, who are left wondering WTF was that, but of course turn their attention to another approaching ship ( Qui Gon Jinn / Obi Wan kenobi journey stays the same for now ... ) Arbiter crashes into the ocean or large lake on the planet of Naboo, after salvaging what he can and escaping the sinking wreck Arbiter sets off in search of civilization ... only at first to find Jar Jar Binks !?! ... After setting up camp for the night and having something to eat ( either human ration packs salvaged from the F.U.D | or some form of creature that Arbiter would be able to catch/eat ) lured by the smell of food Jar Jar " Attempts " to sneak up! ... Only to get caught (detected via Arbiters hunter/warrior senses ... that or his motion tracker) after a lot of begging/bargaining Arbiter takes pity on him and offers Jar Jar a deal, guide him to the "Human" capital of Naboo in exchange for food/protection/knowledge ! (Jar Jar of course would accept this offer, what with being banished from going home for being clumsy) along the way perhaps they'll find a crashed but still operational Warthog (which is worse, trusting Jar Jar to drive or shoot? ... errr best to just put him in the passenger seat!) after some time driving through the jungle they'll come under attack from scouts of the droid invasion, Arbiter hits the brakes and jumps on the turret and takes out the scouts, hearing the sounds of combat the JEDI head over to investigate and provide assistance ... Arbiter seeing what looks like "Humans" approaching starts asking What, Where, When, Why !?! ... The JEDI being just as baffled about this new situation offer to answer / help the best they can in exchange for a ride! ... ( JJ will likely call Arbiter " Arby " for short throughout the story ) SWPM option 2, Chief / Cortana: The back half of the Forward unto Dawn carrying Chief / Cortana teleports into from their perspective a unknown region of space! Cortana of course will start running scans of the area and drop a beacon for potential rescue (for about 4 years, 7 months, 10 days she won't be suffering from rampancy yet) ... oh would you look at that its the ship that Qui Gon Jinn/ Obi Wan kenobi are traveling on, after introducing themselves / explaining their situation the JEDI will ask if MC/C would like to accompany them to the planet of Naboo or wait for them or another ship to give them a tow? 1a) If they stay some time later the JEDI will send a message saying the CIS have just attempted to kill them, rather than being sitting ducks, Cortana uses what control they have over the F.U.D to steer it to Naboo for a controlled crash landing, if the CIS blockade is able to detect MC's life sign, Cortana will activate the remaining F.U.D weapons to fend off any attacking Vulture droids and leave via one of many escape pods launched at once! 1b) If they leave with the JEDI, the F.U.D will be left behind for now, and potentially get caught in Naboo's gravitational pull and crash there, when arriving at the CIS blockade MC/C will have another two choices: 2a) Stay in ship until what should be " short negotiations " are over! ... outcome: ship gets blown up with MC/C just about escaping the blast or bursts out of the wreckage like a Demon to the bewilderment of the battle droids! 2b) Join the JEDI in the meeting to introduce themselves to this new galaxy or pretend to be acting security! ... outcome: oh boy, if the CIS were spooked about JEDI showing up in the original story, what are going to think Chief is ... Mandalorian perhaps ( they won't know anything about Cortana yet ) When Lord Sidious gives the order " kill them immediately " so the CIS blows up the horse they rode in on and " try " to gas the JEDI / Chief ... pfffft ha ha ha ha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA cue the song (Unyielding Soul) whichever scenario plays they link up and fight their way to the bridge! Unfortunately with MC likely only carrying a H3 Assault rifle, H3 Magnum pistol and maybe some grenades at the time, it may not be enough to deal with the Droidika's shields, leading to the group needing to sneakoff the ship ... but not before causing a "little" distraction via shutting off / damaging ship systems / trigger the ship self destruct / maybe even reprogram the droids (If Cortana can hack Covenant/Forerunner tech I'm sure she won't have a problem with the tech in Star Wars ... assuming there is a console/access port they can hack) SWPM option's 1/2 combined: When combining these perspectives most details stay the same, with the exception of Chief / Cortana telling the JEDI that Arbiter is about to crash-land on the planet of Naboo (or already has) they'll also be able to keep in contact with Arbiter via COM's until the CIS blocks communications! SWPM option 3, the Forward unto Dawn doesn't split ! Aside from a few scratch's , dents , scorch marks the F.U.D is ready for a another great journey !?! hahahaha get it :) SWPM option 4, sgt major Avery Johnson also made it " HOORAH " AJ: "When I joined the Corp, we didn't have any fancy-schmanzy glow sticks or magic tricks ! We had sticks ! Two wooden sticks and a rock for the whole platoon - and we had to throw the rock using our bare hands !" SW New Hope option 1, Arbiter: work in progress SW New Hope option 2, Chief / Cortana: work in progress SW New Hope option 1/2 combined: Once again most details stay the same e.g. MC /C / A | keeping in contact over COM's until Imperials block communications! More on the way :)
I’d like to see a what-if Master Qui Gon saved Dooku after he died. He was the one to teach Master Yoda how to preserve his consciousness after death. Surely he could have visited his old master had he had a desire to do so. Speaking to Dooku would’ve been irrefutable proof that Jedi became one with the Cosmic Force after death. This would also give Dooku a chance to speak with his old friend. A desire anyone who has lost someone they love has.
"KENOBI!!!!!!!!. Do you wanna go out for a drink."
8 months ago whenever I typed this out, in my head I hear Mauls screaming voice on the kenobi and just a calm maul voice on the rest.
I think he would
I like how that wasn't even a question, it was a statement lol
@@nathanmeredith Kenobi always wants to go out for drinks
Ah, Maul. How are you doing today my friend?
@@MisterJay86 its over Kenobi. I have the high chair.
"Maul and his BFF, Kenobi" 🤣🤣🤣
Instently thinks about all the the battles and then knobi killing mull
I suppose, under different circumstances sworn enemies can be friends, even brothers
Maulnobi BFF's 4 EVEA
Maul: Kenobi! Did you bring us more food?
Kenobi: Yes I did but why can't you start with a "Hello there" it's just uncivilized not to.
So uncivilized 😤
28:00 going on like
"I can be on this council. But I demand Maul and potentially his siblings to be a part of the Jedi without being in the order, Anakin to be in the Order, and his mother be brought to Coruscant."
"...What? Do this, how could you? Outrageous, this is. Unfair, it is! Only a Master, you are. And yet, you make many demands to the council!"
"Take a seat, Grandmaster Yoda."
"...I understand..."
Mace Windu sensing the dark shift in Yoda: 👀
I LOVE how Qui Gon gaslighted the jedi council
Lmao only way to get them off their high horse
They deserved it lol
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Gon-boss.
29:51 "maul and his bff obi wan"
Never thought those two would be in a sentence like that
Kind of love it though
@@austinestep8461 kinda the closure i needed in their rivalry tbh
What if there were no Sith? The Jedi were just paranoid and corrupt.
Thats a freaking amazing idea. I wanna see this
That’s an interesting premise to explore.
Love to see how this might change Anakin in this version.
Please do this
The force really made the Jedi schizophrenic 😂😅
Honestly that sounds like that would be a massive pain to write. but boy would that be a great what if!
What if the Jedi used a deepfake of Palpatine to deactivated order 66?
Kinda like the Reko hardeen (obi wan)
Where one of them goes in disguise and deactivates it though only the senate can revoke order 66
If Jedi had a brain. 😁
@@hackman669there lost their brain when qui gon jinn was killed.
"Execute order sicky sick"
The Jedi would most likely just attack sidious before he had the chance to do it if they knew who he was
"Maul and his BFF Obi-Wan Kenobi"
Ah, different timeline, same results.
Honestly this wasn’t far from happening in this timeline on Tatooine
I really REALLY liked this what if. Really faithful to Qui-Gon's way to see the force, the individual and the universe as a whole. This may not be the Jedi Council way, but the living force way itself. Love how you treated Dooku, Jinn and Maul here. Love your channel, keep up the good work. Greetings from Chile.
I'm so glad you enjoyed!
@@PentePatrolStarWarsI also very appreciate you great work, sometimes people just need that good stories. Still, there is a shame of Yaddl's and Dooku death, but, someone have to die for a good plot
The “‘heloo’ our story begins…” hits every time
Especially when you consider that it's The Grand Inquisitor saying it
Especially when you consider that it's The Grand Inquisitor saying it
"KENOBIIIIIIIIIIIII, wanna have lunch together :D"
What if Luke was sent to Naboo instead of Tattooine?
What if Anakin Skywalker encountered the Bendu?
What if Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi were sent into a parallel universe?
What if the chiss joined the republic?
What if Ahsoka chose to stay and help Luke rebuild the Jedi order?
What if Ahsoka Tano trained Mara Jade Skywalker instead of Sabine Wren?
Heh, what if Anakin and Obi Wan were sent to the grimdark future of the 41st millenium? XD
hey mr. pente, you should do extensions or pt.2’s to some of your best stories, because i don’t think i’m the only one that doesn’t want the alternate timelines to end
I will always love a good Redemption Arc. And this was lovely to listen too. It's a good video when it makes me wish this happened in the actual SW: Universe. Great job as always PP.
I'm so glad you enjoyed!
Dooku noooooooooo! Lol. Honestly I don't think Sidious would be able to catch Dooku by surprise like that, but that aside good video! It was quite interesting!
Lol honestly same, I was 50/50 on it when I wrote it XD I'm glad you enjoyed!
@@PentePatrolStarWars Aha, yeah, Dooku with how powerful he is, I can see being hard to manuver around in What ifs. But still, that aside, good video!
Great video bro. I found myself smiling when hearing that Maul was smiling and his Light Saver had turned blue. It's nice to see this version of him after knowing what the main timeline is like.
This would reflect the true character of Master Qui Gon Jinn as a Jedi. Feeling pain, anger and shadows in Maul. Acknowledging the fact of Sidious's lies
This warms my heart so much. Qui Gon is one of my favorite Jedi ever. Oh how I wish this could have been real
I love how you used the old school way kyber crystals change color rather than the new Disney canon way.
Thank you, it was nostalgic.
Thank you so much for the support!
Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Maul are always my favs. I love this version!
I'm so glad you enjoyed!!
Assuming this takes place on Naboo, and Qui Gon saves Maul there, this could seriously disrupt Palp's plans, I also wonder if Savage will be a character in this, brother vs brother potentially? Either way, I'm sure it will be a fascinating story as always!
What if Darth Zannah was a Jedi?
Either she refrains from killing the Jedi who originally comes for her, or another Jedi takes her instead soon after, assuming Bane doesn't find her or a twin of some kind exists. She undergoes training until she becomes a Jedi Knight or perhaps even a Jedi Master.
Then, she receives one of two visions. The first vision portrays Anakin or Luke as the chosen one. She believes in the prophecy and enters stasis, intending to train them to confront Palpatine during the Clone Wars or the time of the Empire.
The second vision involves Palpatine himself, maybe as the Emperor. Believing that she is the chosen one due to this, she enters stasis until the Clone Wars, awakened by the Force or some other catalyst. To fight him herself.
To maintain her characterization as the Zannah we know and love, she excels as a master of Form Three and is proficient in Jedi Alchemy or sorcery, perhaps even both. I think the second vision would make for a better story, as training Anakin/Luke videos are already abundant on your channel.
(Day 46)
Brother on Brother action sounds interesting. Also Zannah a Jedi still a good story idea.
:), i wonder who would win in a fight between, a fully trained and full potential maul and savage?@@brokenbridge6316
Never been so intrseted into a video. This one had me glued to the screen :D One of your best ones yet!
I'm so glad you enjoyed!!
Usually you take small what ifs. But this time i jumped out of my sit with WTF on my lips. I was very surprised
Maul got the father figure he always wanted!
Day 36 of my list. What if; Anakin never gave into his feelings for Padme, Aayla Secura was the chosen one and became Darth Talon, Shme Skywalker was adopted by the Tusken Raiders, Boba Fett saved his Tusken family, Count Dooku was a regular count for the CIS, Jabba the Hutt supported the Jedi at the Start of the Clone Wars, and finally, what if Sabine and Ezra fell in love?
I go one for you. What if the Jedi where the real villains and framed the Sith into looking like the villains?
I have a good feeling about this...
This is... a Really good story, you had me hanging on every word. Well done.
Noice as always Pente!
Day: 79: What if Talzin raised Maul?
Day: 10: What if Darth Plagueis trained Maul?
Hello Sith Warlock
Maul: I hate sand
Youngling Anakin: You are me friend now
Maul: What if I don't want that?
Y. Anakin: ):
What if Darth Tenebrous killed Darth Plagueis on Bal’demnic, trained Venamis, and they lived as the active dark lords into the prequels
This one warmed my heart.
I really like these new eras your doing
This was ur best story so far
I'm so glad you enjoyed!
What if Palpatine decided not to follow the rule of 2
I really enjoyed this one. Some good twists and turns.
I'm so glad you enjoyed!!
Joke What if: What if Anakin had hearing problems after his pod race.
"Its over anakin! I've got the high ground!"
"You got the what?"
"The high ground!"
"The height sound?!"
"Oh for Force's sake. HIIIIGH! GROOOOUND!!"
"Oh that. Thank Force the time it took for me to get that allowed this platform to reach solid ground and now I can continue dueling safely"
Sidious would go insane trying to tell Anakin the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise
What if Palpatine saved Padme from dying
What if Darth Nox trained Anakin Skywalker
What if R2-D2 joined Luke and Vader on the second Death Star
What if Jango Fett was a Jedi
What if Obi Wan told Anakin he was going undercover as rakto hardeen
What if Vitiate was reincarnated as a light side force user
What if Padme was a Mandalorian
What if the Sith practice the light side of the force but are still rivals to the Jedi
Yo this is good needs part 2!
I love your take on this. I would have loved to see a movie, or maybe many movies on this story playing out
I loved this one!!! Seems like something Qui-Gon would do. 😅 Maul and Obi wan being BFFS. Also Maul and Anakin almost like brothers!
I can almost picture everyone coming over to “family”dinners with their padawans or grandpadawans. Everyone having a good time and an elderly Qui-Gon telling stories to the younglings.
Qui is my favorite… and I really enjoyed this What if?
I loved this story. I love how Qui Gon's deffiance to the council was pushed to his limits. This could be a perfect story is Star Wars had a "What If" serie like Marvel.
Loved this a lot good stuff mate 😁
Great work as usual man keep going 🔥
I'm so glad you enjoyed!
Always do man stay consistent & keep it up ✊🏾
This was wonderful!
Nice one. A very good video. Highly entertaining. I enjoyed it alot. Do you think that there's enough there to make a longer version of this video. Or even a possible part 2. It would be cool if it was so.
Kind regards from Daniel Harman.
Incredible story keep up the great work
I'm glad you enjoyed!
What an excellent Redemption
Nice. I'll have your channel in the description when I'm done my reaction, PPSW 😉
Yay those 20 bucks I’ve spent on his patreon are those that I don’t really regret
What if Sidious took Ventress as his new apprentice?
It'd be a very hard sell. Sidious ordered Dooku to kill her out of fear that she might herself destroy him. The only way I see the idea working out is if Dooku didn't become a sith, but rather a Dark Jedi working for the CIS. In such case, maybe Sidious could use her to his own advantage but I doubt he would ever plan on keeping her as a tool for very long before trying to replace her.
i was seriously shocked when i checked that he only has 107k subs.
Great story !
Here is a very interesting what if and it relates to Plo Koon. Plo Koon I'd argue is one of the most underated Jedi Masters in the Prequels but another Jedi I'd argue is even more underated was the Jedi who trained him: The Wookie Jedi Master Tyvoka who was a member of the Jedi High Council and Plo Koon's mentor it was his seat that Plo Koon filled after his Master's sacrifce to protect his former student during a mission at the start of the Stark Hyperspace War, Tyvoka was killed during negotiations between the Trade Federation and the Stark Combine when Nute Gunray who was the main representative of the Federation at the conference (And was still the Senator of Nemoidia at that time) gave an order to his battle droid security detail to kill the Pirates when negotiations broke down only instead of saying kill the pirates he said "Kill them!" and his droids fired on the Jedi as well as the Pirates. Tyvoka was mortally wounded during the fight and died in his former student's arms. After that the Stark Hyperspace War went full ahead and led to the Republic Jucidial forces to start rearming it was a test of then Chancellor Valoruum by Darth Sidious and Darth Plagueis to undermine his position the first of three major crisis's that occurred on his watch the last being the Blockade of Naboo which got Valoruum ousted by a vote of no confidence.
But what if this didn't happen what if Nute Gunray had worded his commands to his Battle Droids and said "Kill the Pirates" which would have led them to not fire on the Jedi and kill Tyvoka
Great work I really like it
I'm so glad you enjoyed!
Qui gon if having the chance with a true conversation, would make maul cry emotionally and hold him and say everything is ok. Tbh that's what maul always wanted is love and family.
Good advice for non force users too 👍
Bro I thought the general grievous joining the rebels was the best ending, but this hits a different level of different.
Hearing about hero of the galaxy Grievous was odd
"Be better than you were yesterday"
lol I thought I herd it wrong but at 0:07 I hear you say darth moff
That was really good!
What if Dooku became the master of the Jedi order
"What if" The Jedi before the Clone Wars discovered that the Dark Side Nexus under their Temple on Coruscant was draining their strength int he Force?
"What if" Sidious, Vader, and Luke all died on the Second Death Star?
"Somehow Palpatine returned."
@@oofdoge3960---Still asking for this
What if Yaddle was a Sith Lord.
What if Bail Organa was a Jedi.
What if Tyvokka trained Anakin. (Broken Bridge)
What if Yaddle asked for backup to follow Dooku.
What if Plo Koon died instead of Tyvokka.
I really like this one.
This should be a fanfilm
Do what if Darth maul was the Chosen one
This looks interesting, I always appreciate a Maul redemption, which I wholly admit is because I am willing to ship ObiMaul, but the redemption is a key factor in that.
The friendship factor is there, so my shippy side is appeased.
Obi-Wan just smelled a sith fart
Ah yes, my favourite force move:
Nice work. 😊
What if Rahm Kota trained Anikin ? What if Chewbacca was a jedi?
what if maul actually died in the phantom menace
Damn, this one was wholesome.
We now have the Maul saved trilogy
Maul being saved in TPM
Maul being saved in TCW
Maul being saved by Kenobi in Rebels
Omg I didn't even realize this ahah, I love it!
“I want the true sequels”
Looks at The Force awakens
“I said the true sequels!”
Looks at Rise of Skywalker
“I said-“
Maul & Kenobi: A New Bro theme song plays
“Perfect” grabs popcorn
I have one, what if Palpatine decided to troll the jedi unto self destruction instead of building the Army and was openly sith while high chancellor making the jedi look not only foolish but getting them to self destruct in the process as being a sith was technically not illegal. You could have a civil war between though who where "true jedi" and those who where for the Republic, all the time Sidious is just fanning the flames and laughing. The total destruction of the Jedi with out so much as using his lightsabre. Then after spreading darkness as the empire (which the Republic vote in).
That would be really interesting. As Palpatine being a sith in this timeline would only be a prominent defense because that would prove via the Rule of Two that he was in league with Dooku. Without that piece, they really couldn't have Palpatine arrested.
@@shrimpwalk8230 To make it more interesting, Palpatine and Dooku create the separatists by getting their members to question, and instead of a clone Army, they make a none clone one as the separatists form naturally; as the Jedi are sent on a path of paranoia and self-destruction, as both Palpatine and Dooku do nothing technically wrong. Basically, the Jedi are destroyed, all while Palpatine just laughs at their increasing frustrations and paranoia, which ultimately leads them to do something very stupid.
Awesome story.
What if Iden Versio stayed in the Galactic Empire.
Pente patrol, Star Wars, please make what if Anakin Skywalker was reborn with all his memories powers abilities in episode one were young Anakin Skywalker reaches his true full potential because both lives of Anakin and Vader are fused merged into one he achieves perfect balance of the force side and side you can also add Anakin going to ahch to the first Jedi Temple on this what if
Also amazing story
What if the Jedi Council followed The GREY JEDI CODE?
What if the galaxy was under a sith controlled army and the Jedi following the rule of 2, were plotting to get rid of the sith and take their power away to create a democracy ? (Jedi being Palpatine, Maul, Dooku, Vader) 😃
What if Obi Wan and Anakin both died in the lava.
15:15 pretty reasonable in all honesty considering how shity the sand world is. It’s almost like space Australia, except Australia has more terrifying wildlife
You say that but I can’t imagine the kind of wildlife that’s on Tatooine if you look for it.
@@austinestep8461 yes, the only one up it has on Australia is that Australia doesn’t have massive deadly sand worms *yet*
@@LanderKoenig that’s a pretty big difference 🤣
Sure, but they're the most venomous snakes too...
Actually, most of the deadly creatures have venom...
Noo way dooku would be dispatched that fast unsuspectingly especially around sidious. His guard would be waay up for a jedi master.
Hm, this is now among my faves. One thing was missing for me and that was the potential bond between Anakin and Maul.
Perhaps a revelation from Maul when he distanced himself from Anakin when he was going through his fears for Qui-Gon. That could have become a true bonding moment between the two. The innocence of a child (albeit a slave) and the fears of a lifelong hell hole. Anakin could have been given a glimpse of what the Sith mentality was and did to someone and Maul could have been influenced by Anakin's outreaching in understanding and comfort. Heck, could have been a diyad moment for the two.
That aside I did enjoy it. Added to my list.
This story showcased why Qui-Gon would have been the best teacher for Anakin, but at the same time showed just what he could bring to the Order and the changes he never could achieve in canon. So yeah, I do get that it's mainly a Qui-Gon (and Maul) story...just a part of me also wants to see the growth and potential of the Order, Qui-Gon, Maul, and Anakin. A full story of you will.
Sad to see that Dooku and Yaddle bought it, but so it goes. Not everything makes sense, nor should it.
I'm so glad you enjoyed! & absolutely, in hindsight a bond between Anakin & Maul would've def added positively to the story!
What if Darth Maul was the chosen one but Palpatine dint know so he would have to be redeemed during the battle at nabo
What if Palpatine was brought to the Jedi temple as a youngling and became Yoda's Padawan.
What if Anakin and Obi Wan brought ventress back to the light
Qui gon : "I do accept to be a Jedi master. But you lot have to agree to my demands".
Yoda : "Outrageous, this is. Unfair it is. Only a master you are. Threatening the entire council how can you"?
Qui gon : "Take a seat grandmaster"
What if Anakin could bond with technology through the force? Like create his own droid army maybe or something with his power
What if palpatine was a hotdog stand worker in New York or threw them at baseball games 😂😂😂
Maul tried to run Skywalker over then in this almost steps on him lol
-What if the droid army rebelled against the Trade Federation on Naboo?
-What if the droid army rebelled against the CIS & joined the Republic on the First Battle of Geonosis?
-What if Dooku never joined the Sith, but still created the CIS & both the clone & droid armies with the help of Qui-Gon, Sifo-Dyas, Plo-Koon, Shaak-Ti, Quinlan Vos, Aayla Secura, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, Padme, Bail Organa, Mom Montha, & the Delegation of 2000?
"What if" Hera was Force-Sensitive?
SWPM option 1, Arbiter: The front half of the Forward unto Dawn carrying Arbiter teleports into the Star Wars galaxy at speed, passes the CIS blockade, who are left wondering WTF was that, but of course turn their attention to another approaching ship ( Qui Gon Jinn / Obi Wan kenobi journey stays the same for now ... ) Arbiter crashes into the ocean or large lake on the planet of Naboo, after salvaging what he can and escaping the sinking wreck Arbiter sets off in search of civilization ... only at first to find Jar Jar Binks !?! ... After setting up camp for the night and having something to eat ( either human ration packs salvaged from the F.U.D | or some form of creature that Arbiter would be able to catch/eat ) lured by the smell of food Jar Jar " Attempts " to sneak up! ... Only to get caught (detected via Arbiters hunter/warrior senses ... that or his motion tracker) after a lot of begging/bargaining Arbiter takes pity on him and offers Jar Jar a deal, guide him to the "Human" capital of Naboo in exchange for food/protection/knowledge ! (Jar Jar of course would accept this offer, what with being banished from going home for being clumsy) along the way perhaps they'll find a crashed but still operational Warthog (which is worse, trusting Jar Jar to drive or shoot? ... errr best to just put him in the passenger seat!) after some time driving through the jungle they'll come under attack from scouts of the droid invasion, Arbiter hits the brakes and jumps on the turret and takes out the scouts, hearing the sounds of combat the JEDI head over to investigate and provide assistance ... Arbiter seeing what looks like "Humans" approaching starts asking What, Where, When, Why !?! ... The JEDI being just as baffled about this new situation offer to answer / help the best they can in exchange for a ride! ... ( JJ will likely call Arbiter " Arby " for short throughout the story )
SWPM option 2, Chief / Cortana: The back half of the Forward unto Dawn carrying Chief / Cortana teleports into from their perspective a unknown region of space! Cortana of course will start running scans of the area and drop a beacon for potential rescue (for about 4 years, 7 months, 10 days she won't be suffering from rampancy yet) ... oh would you look at that its the ship that Qui Gon Jinn/ Obi Wan kenobi are traveling on, after introducing themselves / explaining their situation the JEDI will ask if MC/C would like to accompany them to the planet of Naboo or wait for them or another ship to give them a tow?
1a) If they stay some time later the JEDI will send a message saying the CIS have just attempted to kill them, rather than being sitting ducks, Cortana uses what control they have over the F.U.D to steer it to Naboo for a controlled crash landing, if the CIS blockade is able to detect MC's life sign, Cortana will activate the remaining F.U.D weapons to fend off any attacking Vulture droids and leave via one of many escape pods launched at once!
1b) If they leave with the JEDI, the F.U.D will be left behind for now, and potentially get caught in Naboo's gravitational pull and crash there, when arriving at the CIS blockade MC/C will have another two choices:
2a) Stay in ship until what should be " short negotiations " are over! ... outcome: ship gets blown up with MC/C just about escaping the blast or bursts out of the wreckage like a Demon to the bewilderment of the battle droids!
2b) Join the JEDI in the meeting to introduce themselves to this new galaxy or pretend to be acting security! ... outcome: oh boy, if the CIS were spooked about JEDI showing up in the original story, what are going to think Chief is ... Mandalorian perhaps ( they won't know anything about Cortana yet ) When Lord Sidious gives the order " kill them immediately " so the CIS blows up the horse they rode in on and " try " to gas the JEDI / Chief ... pfffft ha ha ha ha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA cue the song (Unyielding Soul) whichever scenario plays they link up and fight their way to the bridge! Unfortunately with MC likely only carrying a H3 Assault rifle, H3 Magnum pistol and maybe some grenades at the time, it may not be enough to deal with the Droidika's shields, leading to the group needing to sneakoff the ship ... but not before causing a "little" distraction via shutting off / damaging ship systems / trigger the ship self destruct / maybe even reprogram the droids (If Cortana can hack Covenant/Forerunner tech I'm sure she won't have a problem with the tech in Star Wars ... assuming there is a console/access port they can hack)
SWPM option's 1/2 combined: When combining these perspectives most details stay the same, with the exception of Chief / Cortana telling the JEDI that Arbiter is about to crash-land on the planet of Naboo (or already has) they'll also be able to keep in contact with Arbiter via COM's until the CIS blocks communications!
SWPM option 3, the Forward unto Dawn doesn't split ! Aside from a few scratch's , dents , scorch marks the F.U.D is ready for a another great journey !?! hahahaha get it :)
SWPM option 4, sgt major Avery Johnson also made it " HOORAH " AJ: "When I joined the Corp, we didn't have any fancy-schmanzy glow sticks or magic tricks ! We had sticks ! Two wooden sticks and a rock for the whole platoon - and we had to throw the rock using our bare hands !"
SW New Hope option 1, Arbiter: work in progress
SW New Hope option 2, Chief / Cortana: work in progress
SW New Hope option 1/2 combined: Once again most details stay the same e.g. MC /C / A | keeping in contact over COM's until Imperials block communications!
More on the way :)
I’d like to see a what-if Master Qui Gon saved Dooku after he died. He was the one to teach Master Yoda how to preserve his consciousness after death. Surely he could have visited his old master had he had a desire to do so. Speaking to Dooku would’ve been irrefutable proof that Jedi became one with the Cosmic Force after death. This would also give Dooku a chance to speak with his old friend. A desire anyone who has lost someone they love has.