You say that the Bible translation used by the authors of the Bay Psalm Book was the King James version. Actually, they used a slightly earlier translation called the Geneva Translation. This was, in large part, because they oppose using any book any translation that has been prepared by a committee convened by the King of England: particularly since the very reason he had committed that that committee was that he thought the wording of tneGeneva Translation wasn’t properly enthusiastic about the divine rights of kings.
Imagine the stress of trying to speak that whole complicated intro in a rare language to an audience of top linguistic students
he probably understands that messing up isnt that big a deal
You say that the Bible translation used by the authors of the Bay Psalm Book was the King James version. Actually, they used a slightly earlier translation called the Geneva Translation. This was, in large part, because they oppose using any book any translation that has been prepared by a committee convened by the King of England: particularly since the very reason he had committed that that committee was that he thought the wording of tneGeneva Translation wasn’t properly enthusiastic about the divine rights of kings.