+Benny Blanco from the Bronx I couldn't give a flying fuck about the box... so long as the item within isn't damaged when it arrives. Only chumps get excited about consumer packaging.
Sir, you have lost your mind. If you take a screenshot everytime he said plastic, you would run out of storage space in the first minute of the video. Thank you for your time, sir. That is all.
The title of this video suggests a review, but more than 4 minutes of this 5 minute video is just an unboxing. The content isn't bad but the title is misleading.
Agreed I was looking for a hands on review and "yes" or "no" answer, but I got a unboxing and no review at all. I don't even get a reaction comment or comparsion to the high end VRs. I'll be assuming he's waiting on his samsung paycheck.
Are you trying to send a subliminal message? You said plastic like 50 times. Wouldn't it just be easier to say there is a lot of plastic? lol. Anyway. Looks amazing. I'll be getting one for sure.
Hmmm, I didn't want to know how good the packaging is, I wanted to know how good the experience is. Is it comfortable is it and how good is the field of view???
Will text messages pop up when you are watching a movie in theater mode? And will the headset charge both the phone and itself when the headset is plugged in? Thanks, great review!
Can I use this with DCS world? I got one as a birthday gift yesterday. It seemed great as I messed around with it (I was gonna get a rift when it comes out but NOT now having seen is $599 price tag) but when I actually tried it with DCS world, I cant get it to run. Is it just for games you pay for and download for the VR?
+Peter Stubbs No, this and a few other of these phone devices out there are basically 'stereoscopy'..over 100 year old technology..the smartphone is doing the magic but the physics is 17th century..it's a 'taste' of VR.. The $600 Oculus Rift is immersive VR, everything fully rendered..you're phone couldn't do that.. Outside of the $600 for the Oculus Rift itself, you're going to have to have at least a $1,300 PC to run it on..but still, true VR for under $3,000... that's impressive. BTW, check out the 'View Master VR' pretty much does the same thing but for $20-$30.. You'll need to mod it for headstrap and audio/power ports but basically the same thing..
Well its to support me on DCS so it looks like it`ll have to be the Rift BUT, I`m not paying £499.00 for it. it either gets cheaper or I wont it buy especially as it was quoted by one of their head shed as costing $350.00...
This might be a dumb question but does the cell phone have to be activated in order for this to work? I have an extra cell phone that is not activated and was wondering if I can use it or not. Thank you!!!
Is it really worth it? or the cheaper alternative like VR box would do just fine? .. So this thing they say powered by oculus is just on the software side? or did they add mkre feat to the samsung gear vr that makes it the better option to buy compared to the cheaper $50-ish vr headsets?
please, can u tell me if 32GB phone will be enough for this. I have been 2 years on a note 3 and I am having 10 GB unused free space on it and I am expecting to have the same on my coming note 5. So wondering if 10GB enough for the VR apps and games? Thanks anyway and keep the good work.
How would a larger display offer a better experience? the large display will adjust the size of each split image your viewing so no matter what device you use your gonna see the same thing minus worse pixelation on larger displays other than that identical.
What it your issue with plastic? You said it is made of plastic several times! VR headset is supposed to be light weight for comfort. What do you want, glass and metal?
It's only compatible with Samsung smartphone and not other phone's then how is it a best decision to buy coz I reckon not every one uses samsung S5 or s6 or s7
God forbid someone asks a question on youtube! Too many rude idiots on this site! Tree Trunx, it seems it will not work with any phone before the s6.I checked on it because we have note 3's and I was wondering about it working with older phones also.
Daye Lu ik I have the note 4 but they stopped making them so if you're going to get that version you will have to either pay like 600 dollars for a new one or buy one used
the plastic is made of plastic, usually containing some plastic over the plastic covered with a form of plastic generating a plastic feeling for the plastic consumer plastic
+badman123491 you can play console games by streaming. Just google search and you get video tutorial from youtube. its pretty cool playing on big IMAX theater screen size with headtracking rather than your tiny 65 inch tv.
I hate how much people focus on packaging. you're literally opening the item and throwing away the box.
never throw away the packaging
+Cary Norton why the fuck not? unless it brakes..
+My Name Is Too Long resell. The original unbroken box increases the value!
+F1JunGT and makes returning a defective product much less of a hassle.
+Tyler Eberhardt i do enjoy a nice box though.
the box feels cheap?? who cares
Not phone dog is a phone donkey
+Benny Blanco from the Bronx well, it can't be all praise, must be at least 1 drawback, isn't it?
+Benny Blanco from the Bronx I couldn't give a flying fuck about the box... so long as the item within isn't damaged when it arrives. Only chumps get excited about consumer packaging.
Google cares
+Benny Blanco from the Bronx
exactly! It is a cheap VR headset, decent price for the kit, of course the box is going to be fucking cheap!
take a shot every time he says plastic
Sir, you have lost your mind. If you take a screenshot everytime he said plastic, you would run out of storage space in the first minute of the video. Thank you for your time, sir. That is all.
I'd be fucked up
+Beboabracadabra 234 no as in like drink a small glass of wine vodka or whiskey whatever you desire
+Beboabracadabra 234 fuckin idiot he meant a shot of alcohol
didn't answer the actual question in the title
+Alex Silcock 5:16
+Exactuallyable Thanks guys! ;)
+Beau HD Your name is on his knife. Porque?
+Beau HD Oh. dats u. Nevermind.
+Alex Silcock he did. he said it was totally worth it for the price.
The title of this video suggests a review, but more than 4 minutes of this 5 minute video is just an unboxing. The content isn't bad but the title is misleading.
Agreed I was looking for a hands on review and "yes" or "no" answer, but I got a unboxing and no review at all. I don't even get a reaction comment or comparsion to the high end VRs. I'll be assuming he's waiting on his samsung paycheck.
Fa Vang Short answer: yes.
Long answer: YEEESSSS!!
Are you trying to send a subliminal message? You said plastic like 50 times. Wouldn't it just be easier to say there is a lot of plastic? lol. Anyway. Looks amazing. I'll be getting one for sure.
+Michael Miller this review is plastic
very very True!
+Michael Miller IKR? ost things in our world is made from plastic... what does he want, Carbontanium Graphene? For 100 bucks? GTFO
+Michael Miller He's an 'auton'... (vague Dr.Who reference)..google 'auton'... ;)
+Rogue Qall You win GG well done made me laugh.
This or the Apple pencil? Same price, but we know who wins.
Ikr obviously the pencil
no I want that amazing looking iPhone case
+Ventroid First the Apple Pencil, then I'll buy the Apple case. Then I'd rather save up for the Apple erase... this is sarcasm btw
I'll tell u where to shove dat pencil
Do you know if a galaxy core prime is compatible with the vr?
Hmmm, I didn't want to know how good the packaging is, I wanted to know how good the experience is. Is it comfortable is it and how good is the field of view???
I couldn't take this seriously, I started laughing every time he said plastic.
of course it's plastic otherwise it's going to be heavy and uncomfortable.
can i use it on other android phones such as LG?
Sounds good, but there has to be some reoccurring fees. What is the cost for VR membership or the VR software and games?
3:51 and the next 20 seconds. how did you hold the phone THAT still. Very steady hand.
Does it work with the S7 edge?
is it worth to use it to watch movies?
Will text messages pop up when you are watching a movie in theater mode? And will the headset charge both the phone and itself when the headset is plugged in? Thanks, great review!
Got it for $17 last week on Amazon. Yes the new one. It was on sale.
Legends Universe, how do you like it?
John Kessler it's truly amazing. A lot of cool stuff on it. And the price is worth it
Can I use this with DCS world? I got one as a birthday gift yesterday. It seemed great as I messed around with it (I was gonna get a rift when it comes out but NOT now having seen is $599 price tag) but when I actually tried it with DCS world, I cant get it to run. Is it just for games you pay for and download for the VR?
+Peter Stubbs No, this and a few other of these phone devices out there are basically 'stereoscopy'..over 100 year old technology..the smartphone is doing the magic but the physics is 17th century..it's a 'taste' of VR.. The $600 Oculus Rift is immersive VR, everything fully rendered..you're phone couldn't do that.. Outside of the $600 for the Oculus Rift itself, you're going to have to have at least a $1,300 PC to run it on..but still, true VR for under $3,000... that's impressive. BTW, check out the 'View Master VR' pretty much does the same thing but for $20-$30.. You'll need to mod it for headstrap and audio/power ports but basically the same thing..
Well its to support me on DCS so it looks like it`ll have to be the Rift BUT, I`m not paying £499.00 for it. it either gets cheaper or I wont it buy especially as it was quoted by one of their head shed as costing $350.00...
+Ian Heier I just saw some bundles for the oculous rift and an Alienware computer for 1,000-2,500 bucks.
Seems really cool! What material is it made of though?
I'm pre-ordering the s7 edge and it comes with a gear vr! I'm so excited!
preorder the phone get it for free, I did it today for s7
can you watch RUclips with this? I see the option for cardboard but didn't know if it was a proprietary thing to Google
This might be a dumb question but does the cell phone have to be activated in order for this to work? I have an extra cell phone that is not activated and was wondering if I can use it or not. Thank you!!!
does it have a different battery of its own or it uses the battery of the mobile phone
question. i just ordered this for my note 5. will i get virtual surround sound in the oculous cinema using my beats headphones? or is it just stereo?
What is the different between this one and the vr pro box?
How is this with people that get motion sickness? Also, you would not recommend getting if you have the s6? Thanks.
Got mine yesterday with my brand new S7 Edge and it's great.
hows the contrast i have problem with that cant see properly and my friends too on video and games screen is not clear
Can you use Netflix or cable network apps???
my phone does not have gyroscope or magnetometer . are there gyroscope sensors in the gear vr ?? so that i can use apps which rely on head motion
can i use it with the note 4 or do i need to buy the older version on te gear vr?
Can i watch the cinema mode in this (like where u feel like ur there in the cinema) ? i know you can in the $250 version but what about this ?
Hello, grewt vid. Isthis compatible with the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge ?
Plastic? As opposed to all those metal VRs right? Plastic makes things light and that helps. Stop making up negatives.
I have a question. I am deciding if I should get the Gear VR or an all-in computer with the top of the line Graphics Card. Which one do you recommend?
But I heard that you can get a controller for games... how do you get it?
Is it really worth it? or the cheaper alternative like VR box would do just fine? .. So this thing they say powered by oculus is just on the software side? or did they add mkre feat to the samsung gear vr that makes it the better option to buy compared to the cheaper $50-ish vr headsets?
so it won't work with no other phone only the ones that r labels or as long as the screen is between 4-6inches ?
were the do headphones plug into ?
Shouldn't it work with the Samsung Galaxy Mega 2 because of its large size or not?
is that micro-usb for charging or something else?
so it works with the note 5, since its the same as the note 4 in size, will the note 4 work with this version of Gear VR?
it's a good thing that it's made of plastic, you wouldn't want a heavy chunk of metal on your head.
could you try the note 4 with it and give your thoughts on that
My galaxy s6 edge has a very very little black dot on the screen , will this effect it too much or not ?
Very unprofessional, Unsubscribed.
Plastic plastic
please, can u tell me if 32GB phone will be enough for this. I have been 2 years on a note 3 and I am having 10 GB unused free space on it and I am expecting to have the same on my coming note 5. So wondering if 10GB enough for the VR apps and games?
Thanks anyway and keep the good work.
For some reason my headset is not letting me continue with the application it keeps on saying error error error
when wearing, can you see the edge of the phone?
does it run with small galaxy s6 edge? 5.1 inch one
How would a larger display offer a better experience? the large display will adjust the size of each split image your viewing so no matter what device you use your gonna see the same thing minus worse pixelation on larger displays other than that identical.
Can you use this with the Note Edge?
how is it compared with google cardboard?
The connection on the bottom is just a pass through to charge the phone...... I believe I heard u say it was to power the headset
dod you tried if it works with the note 4 ?
where did you buy it
Do they make one for the s5....???
What it your issue with plastic? You said it is made of plastic several times! VR headset is supposed to be light weight for comfort. What do you want, glass and metal?
+PhoneDog Is the application to download on the note 5 free or with money ?
It's only compatible with Samsung smartphone and not other phone's then how is it a best decision to buy coz I reckon not every one uses samsung S5 or s6 or s7
hey I bought it but, how can I watch movies installed on my phone?
I preordered a samsung s7 edge and got the Gear VR for free. So ye worth it. Only reason I bothered to preorder.
+Sindre Eide and now I saw how old this video was XD
Dose the Galaxy note3 fit 🤔🤔
I have one but what does the A and B thing mean on the USB
You slide the bit where the phone plugs in to either position A or B depending on what device you have (bigger or smaller devices).
how do I put my Samsung s note 3 in the vr
can i use this vr for samsung note 4????
by any chance can we use it with Galaxy Note 4???
Can it support the s5 due to the s5 and s6 are both 5.1 inches
Do this one work with the s7 edge?
i wanna ask. is it possible to watch normal video with this? am i gonna feel immersed into that normal video?
Unless it's a 360 view video, it will not work.
does it play normal videos or non-VR videos too?
SeEfa Sola thank you for your information.
Will it work with a note edge?
There's this really cool new search engine called Google.
God forbid someone asks a question on youtube! Too many rude idiots on this site! Tree Trunx, it seems it will not work with any phone before the s6.I checked on it because we have note 3's and I was wondering about it working with older phones also.
Will it work with the s5 neo or not?
one stupid question ...if i put lg phone at vr will not works ?
Good work man ... Very nice review
what luancher is on the gs6
I hope I'm not the only one who noticed that sweet Mel Pardue knife at 0:58.
Can you please tell me if it will work with my samsung galaxy note 4.
+Obaidur Rahman it does not
+Obaidur Rahman it does not
Thats a shame.
Uh oh.
Daye Lu ik I have the note 4 but they stopped making them so if you're going to get that version you will have to either pay like 600 dollars for a new one or buy one used
Shall I wait for Sony's VR headset that would be compatible with my PS4 or Should I buy this one ?
does it work with the s7edge ?
I took a shot everytime he said "plastic" I'd be dead within 3 minutes
Can this new VR work with Note4?
can u use this with the Note 4?
the plastic is made of plastic, usually containing some plastic over the plastic covered with a form of plastic generating a plastic feeling for the plastic consumer plastic
bought it. doesn't feel cheap AT ALL. i absolutely love mine.
will it be compatible with the Note 7?
NOTE: If you didn't know, the Gear VR is compatible with Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. :)
+TJT kid
+Daniel Lee lmao
+TJT wow! so funny! hurr durr!
thx I was trying to figure out😆😆😆
does he meen that u should not charge ur s6 when plugged into the vr?
does it work with samsung galaxy core prime
Is this compatible wirh the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge?
+PhoneDog How to download or get the games?
What Samsung phone do you use it
can i insert other phone in gear vr ?
I shouldn't have read the comments about plastic, I'm dying of laughter, the word of the day is "Plastic"
so is my image not very. clear because i use s7 on this model
Can you play the insidious game on this ? And can you also use RUclips show box ?
+badman123491 you can play console games by streaming. Just google search and you get video tutorial from youtube. its pretty cool playing on big IMAX theater screen size with headtracking rather than your tiny 65 inch tv.
+andy sky by console games do you mean like on ps4 I can connect the vr headset to it or not and can I use show box on it ?
Just got mine for Christmas
I tried it in the store. Very bad quality. Is that the video that I watched? Or because they used a s6 (edge )
+Django Groen you watch the recorded video thats why its bad
would it work with a HTC desire s6