인기가요 베스트 50 - Seo Ji-won - With my tears(M/V), 서지원 - 내 눈물 모아(뮤비), MBC Top Music 19960330

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 441

  • @chankaichenexo8376
    @chankaichenexo8376 Год назад +424

    my first time searching for this song.. while watching "A TIME CALLED YOU", i remember I heard this song before. and realized it was in HOSPITAL PLAYLIST.. now that ive read comments I felt sad knowing the story of Seo Ji Won.. its a great song indeed..

    • @노랑색-u6x
      @노랑색-u6x Год назад +1

      오빠 사연 내용 알수 있나요

    • @grow1820
      @grow1820 Год назад +6

      @@노랑색-u6x 19살에 자살했어요.

    • @노랑색-u6x
      @노랑색-u6x Год назад

      @@grow1820 만 19살 사망 했습니다

    • @노랑색-u6x
      @노랑색-u6x Год назад

      ​@@grow1820 처음으로 받은 계약금 95년6월에 아파트 제 계약 했습니다

    • @AfanGirlBBH
      @AfanGirlBBH Год назад +9

      Thats why im also saying why its feel like i've heard it before,,now i realise i listen it in Hospital playlist

  • @이슬비-p3h
    @이슬비-p3h Год назад +21

    우리 다같이 아픔없는 그곳에서 만나요.

  • @anissurayaothman6785
    @anissurayaothman6785 4 года назад +363

    hospital playlist brings me here ❤️

  • @Otakuu_25
    @Otakuu_25 Год назад +92

    People will come from k-dramas but people will find him in their hearts ❤️

  • @mohamedoussema8035
    @mohamedoussema8035 Год назад +351

    i come here after i watched " A Time Called You " ....
    Seo Ji-won legends never die

    • @nezasinubu
      @nezasinubu Год назад +2


    • @MrGiveMeYourMoneyTNAS
      @MrGiveMeYourMoneyTNAS Год назад +13

      I just finished it and idk how to feel anymore

    • @harizaiman5758
      @harizaiman5758 Год назад

      same!! i cant move on please erased my memory i need to watch it back for the first time 😭😭@@MrGiveMeYourMoneyTNAS

    • @yuliak3926
      @yuliak3926 Год назад +3

      Same 😢😢

    • @jenny16876
      @jenny16876 Год назад +2

      Igual vine después de ver el drama

  • @kinantilinggaputi4685
    @kinantilinggaputi4685 4 года назад +199

    The fans singing along just made this sound more sad

  • @gueungyeun
    @gueungyeun 3 года назад +174

    나의 어린왕자... 내 첫사랑 처음 울게 만든 사람..

  • @엄예은-n2c
    @엄예은-n2c 4 года назад +65

    얼마나 힘들었을까....얼마나 외로웠을까.....
    참 사람이 너무 맑고 순수해보여서 더 마음 아프고 안타깝다

    • @deuxist_f.l.w
      @deuxist_f.l.w Год назад +4

      참 안타웠어요... 국민학교 1학년인데 저걸 기억했다는 저도..

  • @mariethekittyofsan
    @mariethekittyofsan Год назад +168

    Thanks to the drama A Time Called You for introducing me to this wonderful song ❤❤❤

    • @roxanarcos
      @roxanarcos Год назад +9

      I do too, I came from k- drama, I feel so sad :(

    • @MK-xr4rf
      @MK-xr4rf 11 месяцев назад +1

      I am currently on the last episode, but can’t bring myself to watch it. Nothing will ever feel the same as watching A Time Called You for the first time. I haven’t found many others who have watched the series but this song has brought me to other people who know about it, so I’m very thankful. 😌

  • @darcyvarattre2721
    @darcyvarattre2721 4 года назад +87

    Fuck. He looked so happy. Who could have thought that pain was being hidden behind that beautiful smile?

  • @안되잖아-p5h
    @안되잖아-p5h 10 месяцев назад +4

    꽃미남이라고 난리났던 서 지원 가수 지금도 기억하고 있어 약 30년이라는 시간이 지났는대도... 한번씩 이 노래를 듣고 옛날 생각에 눈물이 나네요. 광고 없이 바로 들을 수 있어서 좋았습니다.

  • @sweetescape4489
    @sweetescape4489 4 года назад +436

    I keep coming back here after hospital playlist. When I heard the band cover this, tears keep coming. I don't even know you seo jiwon but this left a deep feels to my heart.

  • @MrZhang-do8uc
    @MrZhang-do8uc 4 года назад +166

    if he's still alive i'm sure he's the one of a korean music legend

  • @just_livin9
    @just_livin9 Год назад +10

    Who is after A TIME CALLED YOU!!!
    I wish I could have come earlier.
    The song is awesome!!!!
    RIP for the great singer who sang this song😢🫶

  • @memoriesgolden4467
    @memoriesgolden4467 5 лет назад +56

    아직도 오빠를 기억하는 사람들이 너무 많아요 그리워요

  • @youngchae_lee
    @youngchae_lee Год назад +79

    Pantesan lagunya gk asing,, ternyta emng byk dimasukn dlm k drama, dan baru-baru ini dengerin di drama a time called you,, langsung suka 🥺❤️

    • @purpleyou04
      @purpleyou04 Год назад +9

      Bener banget kirain aku emang ost drama a time called you, susah banget aku nyarinya dan baru Nemu sekarang 😢

    • @rosyaruta3698
      @rosyaruta3698 Год назад

      Anch'io l'ho conosciuta grazie a call you time.... Meravigliosa serie che grazie anche alla canzone stupenda mi ha ipnotizzata ....❤

  • @janeclairegesulga4332
    @janeclairegesulga4332 Год назад +26

    A Time Called You brought me here, Seo Ji Won your voice touched my heart. ㅠㅠ

  • @kpopp_girls_groups
    @kpopp_girls_groups 6 месяцев назад +6

    I came from the kdrama a time called you😢R.I.P he was so handsome and his smile was everything,rest in peace Seo jiwon.I always remeber you this song is amazing,the song made the kdrama a time called you better 💔😿

  • @dise2107
    @dise2107 Год назад +10

    Stop this is actually heartbreaking, this made a time called you 10x sadder

  • @farahdiyana9082
    @farahdiyana9082 4 года назад +332

    This is such a beautiful song from a very talented young man. The lyrics and his way of singing make me cry, the melody sound so sad. He died at such a young age, when he was only 19 years old. He never knew this song will be super popular even after 20 years. I first listened to this in reply 1994. I came back here after ep 8 of hospital playlist :(

  • @찐찐-y5i
    @찐찐-y5i 10 часов назад

    초3때 처음 좋아하는뮤지션떠났다는 뉴스를보고 그날밤 이불을 뒤집어쓰고엉엉울었씀다.. 성인이된지금도 그립네요

  • @sna0_0
    @sna0_0 Год назад +19

    i come here after watch a time called you , then im attract to the song that keep connect between kwon min ju (1998) and han jun hee (2023) then start read about seo ji won’s story then i found out about his sad life . its so unexpected . rip seo jiwon 🕊️

  • @레토나-z7c
    @레토나-z7c 5 лет назад +105

    팬들의 떼창이 왜이렇게 슬플까... 옆에 가족들 있어서 방에서 눈물 날뻔한 것 참고 있는데... 정말 보고싶다. 서지원...

  • @andrreans87
    @andrreans87 Год назад +7

    Siapa disni yg abis nonton A Time Called You nyari ni lagu😭😭✋✋

  • @hengkypaneo1567
    @hengkypaneo1567 Год назад +26

    This song have a soul from the singer. Very beautiful song. RIP Seo Ji Won.

  • @floreshitazz
    @floreshitazz 4 года назад +83

    Now I understand the message back of scene in hospital Playlist T.T when Band Palasol play this song in the scene when Dr Kim JunWan and Dr Do. Come to funeral to the baby T T

  • @정민희-t7s
    @정민희-t7s 3 года назад +10

    이런영상이라도 볼수있어 행복합니다 늘 평생 잊지않겠습니다 보고싶어요 얼마나 많이 힘들었을까요 그때시절로 돌아간다면요 뜯어말리고 안아주고싶네요 ㅜ.ㅜ 늘 생각납니다 지금도 눈물이나네요

  • @ImaEca-wu6uj
    @ImaEca-wu6uj Год назад +53

    Setelah nonton dramanya langsung ke sini dengerin lagunya, lagunya tuh keren banget menyentuh hati pokoknya ❤️

  • @lexalexyyy
    @lexalexyyy 4 года назад +74

    Rest in peace, Seo Jiwon. It's been 25 years already on 1st January :((

  • @이슬비-p3h
    @이슬비-p3h 4 года назад +9

    서지원 영원히 기억할 거여요.
    너무 아까운 19살 푸르매.

  • @호선생-m1s
    @호선생-m1s 7 лет назад +53

    이른나이에 세상에 툭 던져진, 짊어지고 있던 짐이 너무 많았던 맑은 사람. 새로운 환경과 혼자 됨이 너무도 두려웠던, 부모님의 별거를 마음 아파하던...무엇이 자신을 초라하게 만드는지 늘 생각해왔던 사람..

    • @missleoline5741
      @missleoline5741 9 месяцев назад

      Can you please tell me the full story behind him I wanna know what people in the comments section are talking about

  • @zhxhsp0._.0
    @zhxhsp0._.0 Год назад +3


  • @왕서방-r2h
    @왕서방-r2h 2 года назад +26

    현 2022년 여름.
    당시 서지원씨 좋아하던 1인입니다.
    가사하나하나 읽어내려가니 더 생각이 나네요.
    하늘나라에서 누구보다 더 행복하셨음합니다.

  • @김이쁘니-e4v
    @김이쁘니-e4v 3 года назад +6

    어머니 좀 잘 돌봐주세요 에서 눈물터짐.엄마생각해서 쫌 견디지ㅜㅜ너무 아까운 아이

  • @kimrara__
    @kimrara__ Год назад +2

    A TIME CALLED YOU bring me here😌

  • @CiciRorww
    @CiciRorww Год назад +4

    tenang di Sana Ya, Kamu Udah Sangat Bekerja Keras
    Lihat Sekarang Lagu Kamu Bener Bener Membludak
    Suara Kamu sangat Indah Dan Kamu Jauh Lebih Indahh😭❤️

  • @anamariaacosta3850
    @anamariaacosta3850 Год назад +9

    O sea llegó a grabar la canción y nunca la canto en público, que pesar tan joven😢

  • @piaa5266
    @piaa5266 Год назад +23

    His voice very beautifull and this song very touch, rest in peace seo ji won.

  • @lilymayfrog
    @lilymayfrog 10 месяцев назад +1

    Happy heavenly birthday Seo Ji Won, I hope you're resting in peace 🕊️

  • @titikterang3295
    @titikterang3295 Год назад +2

    I came here after watched a time called you, the song is so sad😢😢😢😢

  • @Na-kr9qp
    @Na-kr9qp 5 лет назад +37

    아 진짜 팬들 떼창 너무 슬프다 눈물나 이것만 들으면 ㅠㅠㅠ

  • @swaggiestbrownintown
    @swaggiestbrownintown Год назад +3

    listening to this song after watching a time called you and hearing seo jiwon’s story, it’s so sad.

  • @gzbraii
    @gzbraii Год назад +3

    A Time Called You brought me here. :")

  • @thegriffin_8
    @thegriffin_8 Год назад +79

    Came here because of Netflix's A Time Called You. Did a search on the artist, didn't know he's long gone.
    The feels, when I heard the song...
    The chills, when the girl first time travelled...
    The goosebumps, when I found out the artist is gone...
    I finished the series in one sitting, it's so beautiful. 🙂

    • @MK-xr4rf
      @MK-xr4rf 11 месяцев назад +1

      It’s taken me forever to finish because I don’t ever want it to end. I just got to the last episode, but I don’t want to watch it 😞

  • @ishtiaqahmed5789
    @ishtiaqahmed5789 Год назад +1

    I time called you 😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Gatsby1925
    @Gatsby1925 11 лет назад +69

    팬들이 따라 부르는데 왜 이렇게 눈물 나지....

  • @박성욱-v1f
    @박성욱-v1f 3 года назад +12

    2021년 3월 19일...

  • @savary23
    @savary23 Год назад +27

    Escuché la canción en un drama anoche y buscándola supe que ya él no está en este mundo 😭 descansa en paz 🕊️

    • @mili9268
      @mili9268 Год назад

      X2 😭

    • @fernandoalvarez9861
      @fernandoalvarez9861 Год назад +8

      Lo mismo me pasó
      Recien me estoy dando cuenta y tenia una preciosa vos y nos dejo musica muy hermosa descanza en paz hermoso!!

    • @irismaria3738
      @irismaria3738 Год назад

      En cuál drama?

    • @5ioij
      @5ioij Год назад

      농담하는 거야? 그 사람이 살아 있는 줄 알았는데?

    • @savary23
      @savary23 Год назад

      @@5ioij 😭😭😭😭😭 it's true😭

  • @widdyerlinasari9958
    @widdyerlinasari9958 7 лет назад +92

    I don't know who is seo jiwon, but i am feel bad now. I want cry. Seo jiwon your song so good and your voice make my heart broken. Sure i am sad when you was died

  • @mayssiii
    @mayssiii Год назад +5

    Beberapa hr setelah nonton a time called you, mengulik tenteng lagu ini dan penyanyi nya. Lagu nya sopan bgt ngajak menggalau. RIP Seo Ji Won

  • @alvarez1373
    @alvarez1373 Год назад +4

    Hi my heart is break. I come here beacuse i like know who sing "Gather my tears" in series A time called you. Im looking for, im listening all his songs and I dónt understand but this is not important. The really important is his history, the feelings of his songs, himself and that he is in our hearts. I Love him. ❤

  • @JessicaSoldado
    @JessicaSoldado Год назад +32

    Música boa, vi que ele já faleceu há muitos anos 😢.. vim por causa do drama A Time Called You

  • @sitirizqiah747
    @sitirizqiah747 Год назад +3

    Selamat beristirahat seo ji won💐 maaf aku telat menyukai mu

  • @roxanarcos
    @roxanarcos Год назад +20

    Vine después del kdrama A time called you, no había escuchado la canción pero leí que sale en otros dramas, me voy con mucha tristeza de saber lo que paso en la vida de Seo Ji won 😢

  • @n.castro
    @n.castro Год назад +26

    Príncipe obrigado por esse hino descanse em paz!🤍:(

  • @lost_incalico
    @lost_incalico Год назад +5

    I'm here from "A Time Called You". This song is great

  • @eaudeyongs2144
    @eaudeyongs2144 4 года назад +62

    When he’s gone I was 4 yrs old and now I know this song thru a certain drama and decided to look up for the original singer and found this 😥 Rest in paradise Ji Won~ssi, you are amazing still to this day because your songs are loved by many people 💖

  • @Slyvieskies
    @Slyvieskies Год назад +8

    I've just finished "a time called you" and i really love this song sm

  • @도토리치킨
    @도토리치킨 2 года назад +3

    저는 이제 스무살인데 같은 마음으로 노래를 들으니 더 슬프네요

  • @megadesvia3618
    @megadesvia3618 Год назад +2

    A time called you' calling me here

  • @msmimichi6621
    @msmimichi6621 8 лет назад +55

    god this is still hard to watch... after all these years... still cry Everytime

  • @ECW5320
    @ECW5320 Год назад +33

    I love that the fans sang along and cheered his name.

  • @nanafahana897
    @nanafahana897 Год назад +1

    Im here during watching A Time Called You... ❤

  • @aishanori8794
    @aishanori8794 Год назад +6

    I love how kdramas bring back these great songs ♥️🥺

  • @존-e9x
    @존-e9x 4 года назад +11

    내눈물모아 뮤비는 넘 맘아파서 차마 다시 못 보고 있다가 오늘에서야 오랜만에 보는데...오빠의 마지막길이 찍혀있었다니ㅠㅠ눈물난다 진짜

  • @장미-l9p
    @장미-l9p Год назад +2

    주차장 장면에서 여자분 이랑 정말 친한 게여 보이네요. 오빠 하늘에서 꽃 길만 걸어 쓰면 좋겠습니다 🌸 미소 이쁜 가수 서지원 미소천사 된 오빠 영상 잘봤습

  • @silverpark6162
    @silverpark6162 3 года назад +13

    나의 스무살때의 명반..대학 ot때 동기가 불렀던 그 무대도 생각이 나네요.그때로 돌아가고 싶네요.

  • @rabbit9096
    @rabbit9096 3 года назад +5

    난 또 울 것 같아😢

  • @beeetris
    @beeetris 9 лет назад +33

    Cant help but crying.

  • @말랑이-s8u
    @말랑이-s8u 2 года назад +4

    푸르매 서지원~~
    아직도 이노래와 그를 기억하는분들이
    들을때마다 슬프고 마음이아파오는

    • @장미-l9p
      @장미-l9p Год назад

      저도 그래요 마음에 아픔내요 고생만 하다가 너무도 빨리 하늘에 별이 된 오빠 ❤️

  • @rifkyandriana5064
    @rifkyandriana5064 Год назад +2

    Kesini gara-gara abis nonton A Time Called You

  • @yurilove19
    @yurilove19 Год назад +5

    오늘 2022년 12월 31일 한시간 반 있으면 2023년 1월1일 .. 형님 생각나서 와봤어요 저때로 돌아가고 싶습니다 메리크리스마스입니다 😂

  • @tessalonika9053
    @tessalonika9053 Год назад +2

    Gara-gara drama a time called you jadi ke sini, tapi emang seenak ini ni lagu 🥰🥰🥰😢

  • @namakusu437
    @namakusu437 Год назад +4

    A Time Called You director really pick the best song for their serial adaptation. It’s perfect match, made me thinks that “A Time Called You” is “what if version we can travelled back to Seo Ji Won timeline and save him from dying”.

  • @kevinaditya861
    @kevinaditya861 Год назад +1

    A time Called You bring here ,this song 👍👍

  • @kimnini6246
    @kimnini6246 Год назад +1

    I am here because "A Time Called You" touched my heart 💕😭 And I don't know... very very very thank you 😭😭😭🤍✨️💕

  • @dayanamishell8224
    @dayanamishell8224 Год назад +2

    a time called youu 🥹🥹🥹

  • @saniarifqia
    @saniarifqia Год назад +3

    bakal gamon dari a time called you 🥺🥺🥺

  • @nanangsandoval4171
    @nanangsandoval4171 Год назад +3

    Lagu yg indah smpai membuatku menangis

  • @shyuanistephanie2807
    @shyuanistephanie2807 Год назад +22

    Que canción tan hermosa y a la vez que historia tan triste🥺😢

  • @방세희-l4m
    @방세희-l4m 11 лет назад +13

    그리운 사람..

  • @dewi4169
    @dewi4169 4 года назад +36

    Forever young, seo ji won. This song song always make me cried even though i don't know the meaning. Every cover of this song from many singers just that good. But this original version sounds more heartwrenching. This song make me literally gathering my tears.

  • @Kpopnkrnbluvr
    @Kpopnkrnbluvr 5 месяцев назад +1

    Recently started watching A Time Called You and this song really stood out to me not only because it was the signature song used in the drama but because the emotion it made me feel. I looked into the artist and hearing his story just made me feel even more emotion 🫠 He was so young. But to see how people are keeping his memory alive and that his music is still played to this day truly makes me happy because his hard work deserves to be appreciated 🥹 and he should continued to be remembered

  • @배이름-p4z
    @배이름-p4z 5 лет назад +36

    그어린나이에 어떤짐들이 당신을 힘들게했는지..참..

  • @grNati94
    @grNati94 11 лет назад +51

    answer 1994 brought me here

  • @RitushkaRi
    @RitushkaRi 10 дней назад

    Это моя любимая песня. И я каждый раз плачу

  • @horytrue
    @horytrue 11 лет назад +30

    응답하라 1994 bring me here...
    r.i.p 서지원 T~T

  • @lndphm
    @lndphm 5 лет назад +65

    today marks 24 years since you’ve been gone.. every time i see those small clips in the beginning of your funeral it breaks my heart. we love u ❤️

  • @paselokpase
    @paselokpase 5 лет назад +17

    안타깝다. 이때 우리 교실 눈물 바다였는데.

  • @indahsasoe
    @indahsasoe Год назад +1

    I'm crying

  • @userS29900
    @userS29900 Год назад +3

    Who's here because of A time called you series ㅠㅠ I'm having a last song syndrome!! This song is so good!😭

  • @ainatiyaazmi7435
    @ainatiyaazmi7435 Год назад +1

    A Time Called You ❤😢

  • @zunaidaafrilia8339
    @zunaidaafrilia8339 Год назад +3

    Lagi gak sedih, tapi tiap denger lagu ini selalu merinding sedih 🥹😭 rest in love mr ji-won

  • @glomashinee
    @glomashinee 3 года назад +8

    nangis dengernya..
    sekarang 2021, dan lagumu masih terkenal..

  • @4fourseason
    @4fourseason Год назад +1

    Siapa yg kesini abis nonton a time called you? Suka banget lagunya. Rest in love

  • @adrianabrillithruizvaldivi7312
    @adrianabrillithruizvaldivi7312 Год назад +1

    I am from Peru 🇵🇪 and in 2023 I am listening to your music, rest in peace 🕊❤️

  • @colortherapyasmr38
    @colortherapyasmr38 Год назад +6

    descobrindo essa preciosidade pelo dorama o tempo traz voce pra mim

  • @stevejobs_official
    @stevejobs_official 2 года назад +14

    He's such a pure and innocent angel that he couldn't stand this hard world and went to heaven.

    • @노랑색-u6x
      @노랑색-u6x Год назад

      오빠 받은 돈 금액 요즘 초딩 중딩 용돈 정도 입니다 밥도 제대로 먹는 적이 없습니다

  • @rubisichacardenas8200
    @rubisichacardenas8200 Год назад +2

    Desconocia esta canción hasta ver A time called you....😢

  • @subham97
    @subham97 Год назад

    After watching A Time Called You, this is my favorite song of 2023, it's so very soothing song. when i searched this song on RUclips, I knew that the great legend was no more i was so depressed. All the way to this song Never Dying❤❤❤❤❤❤