Eu também! São tão lindos se os seus destinos estiverem traçados...certamente formariam uma família!'❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Amo os dois! São duas pessoas de alma pura.
Tan bello el coreanito me encantan todas sus series coreanas en las que trabaja ❤❤❤❤❤ tiene una sorisa de las mas dulces que hasta ahora he visto sus ojitos tienen mucha luz ❤❤❤❤
Me encanta, creo que sus ojos son los más cautivadores , sigo sus series , son espectaculares aunque sea un villano , su mirada cautiva❤❤❤❤❤❤ excelente actor
Actually, they look great together aaayyeeeeee❣️❣️❣️
Noo shipp
He has such a cute smile
Siiiiii 💥
I wish such edits were real it would be so much fun to see idols having love openly without worrying about toxic fans and being judged by society.
I second it
Right ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Para nada no me gusta ella para el que es tan bello😍
Eu também! São tão lindos se os seus destinos estiverem traçados...certamente formariam uma família!'❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Amo os dois! São duas pessoas de alma pura.
Как прекраснен Чон Хэ Ин! Его улыбка такая милая,добрая! Обожаю Чон Хэ Ина!
When he was shy he is smiling that's why everyone telling that his smile is cute ..
Ngl a drama about an Idol and an actor falling in love after meeting each other on set would be SUCH A GOOD KDRAMA
omg i started blushing at just the thought about it!!!
there is oneeee
well that person isn’t an idol but there’s a kdrama abt an actor falling in love
the main point is for a idol and a actor to fall in love
@@kawaiidiamond7581 no i’m saying that there is a kdrama similar but the girl isn’t an idol
El abochornado de ese coqueteo de ella tan bello mi niño ❤❤❤😍❤️🙏
I wish this is real !! ❤️❤️🥰
I'm dying inside, this is too cute
No, it's True bcuz Lisa call "Haesoo"
Me too
@@miraalzaga3140 noooo she said jiiiisoooo not haesooo
@@fatine.proflj maybe..
Me encantó la timidez con que el sonreía 😊😊😊
Yaa sen nasıl yakışıklı sevimli güzel bir aşksın haein🙏🙏🙏
Кулгону башкача ушул актёр❤.
Una sonrisa encantadora
Baby blink nice couple ✨💖
And blink :nice edit👍🏻👍🏻
I am not a blink even, buti understood 🤣🤣
Dont copy those bts fans who call others "baby/new army" and call themselves REAL army.. a blink is a blink.. nothing like new blink or blink
Ma quanto è dolce, diventa timido se gli si fanno i complimenti ❤
Tan bello el coreanito me encantan todas sus series coreanas en las que trabaja ❤❤❤❤❤ tiene una sorisa de las mas dulces que hasta ahora he visto sus ojitos tienen mucha luz ❤❤❤❤
Si así es me encanta el en todos sus k dramas
He's sooooo cute. Love his boyish smile.
Que casal mais lindo! Ele é uma belezinha, adoro.
A série "something in the rain" é maravilhosa! Parabéns ❤❤
he has such a pretty smile💖💕
He really is very habdsome❤
Eita é muito lindo perfeito 🥰🥰🥰
Lisa in the background 😂😂 just like me who support my bestfriend at everything
Sameeeee 😂
Te amo bombón, saludos desde Las Heras Mendoza República Argentina abrazos
Esa timidez de él junto con esa sonrisa y su cyerpo quienn no se enamora.Un hombre furra de ligas.Esta exacto.
He is handsome 😍
Haein sooooo cute reaction ❤❤❤❤❤
Unnie - flirting with her bf
Bf - blushing and smile
Maknae - cheerleading 🎉
He is not her bf it ahn boohyun
But now
Everyone is shipping her with ahn boohyun so , I guess soon our jisoo queen will meet her bf
@@yourslovelyghost4556ahn bo hyun and jisoo broke up
Bro nice editing!
둘이 너무 순둥순둥해 보이는게 닮았어~~
Is this really true
Lindos ❤❤❤
adoro esse rapaz ,e cantador
Jisoo has a cute smile❤
Gosto do trabalho dele, ele é lindo ❤❤❤❤
Jisoo : doing her best
Haein: acting cute
Lisa behind : dieing there😂😂
É uma montagem?
His smile can melt your heart so adorable 🥰💯❤️
Como se llama la serie o pelicula
@@negritarafrafin1022 snowdrop
Me encanta, creo que sus ojos son los más cautivadores , sigo sus series , son espectaculares aunque sea un villano , su mirada cautiva❤❤❤❤❤❤ excelente actor
JUNG AE IN é um de meu atores favoritos. Ele é lindo, carismático e talentoso. ❤
This Soo sweet 😻😻😻😻😮😮😊🎉
Damn Lisa cheering for Jisoo is sweetest thing ❤️❤️😭
Can u tell me the song name
@@tiyanegi6547 forever young
It's rose actually
@@athletes6724 it's actually both
Here after, knowing that jisoo and ahn byun broke up. Started my haesoo shipping again ❤️❤️❤️😏😏
❤❤❤ El es muy lindo su sonrisa es fascinante, lo amo!!!!!!!
can we talk abt how gorgeous she looks in that outfitttt
Обожаю королеву Джису ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🔥🔥🔥🔥
Mr. Beautiful Sunshine is too adorable.🫰
Kim Jisoo⚡😎🔥 has a beautiful strong voice, and she is too beautiful,Jisoooo I love youuuu ❤
Love u too😍
@@KaushalSirothiya You're not jisoo
@@akankshababy7362 lol I was just joking
@@KaushalSirothiya I am also joking
this damn couple hae in is so cute🥺😘
Ele é muito bonitinho e bom ator❤❤❤❤❤❤
Here after jisso and ahn byun relationship got confirmed🎉❤😂
(Well the broke up)
They broke up 🎉🎉🎉🎉
@@Hypenbeethere is nothing to be happy about
They broke up!
Jung Hae In's smile is just too cuutteee and Jisoo too 🥺🥰🤣😁
The first kpop ship which is not hated ❤️❤️ I Love them together 😇
Jisoo is so gorgeous 😍
Thank You😘
Yess she iss!!
🥰So Cute & So Beautiful ❤
Even tho it is edited it feels so real
And I want this to be real
They both are perfect for each other
Whenever i see their edits my love increases for them everytime😭💕
New blink: wow jisso have a boyfriend
old blink: nice editing 😂😂
"Jisso" 💀
@Mansoor Khan same tho- it's so annoying
You literally spelled her name wrong 😂 guess you are a new blink
You copied someone's comment.... Btw it's jisoo not jisso 😅😁
Oppa hae in so handsome
Cool editing
She has a boyfriend.
His name is Ahn bo hyun.
Edit:They broke up😭😶😭
They already broke up due to their busy schedules so..
Yes , they break up
They broke up already!
My God!!! JUNG HaE IN... sem palavras
Past tense. Had... 😊
Me encanta su sonrisa de Ángel 😇
So cute 😍😍😍i Wish they are together😍😍🎀
Both together❤
Well if jisoo gonna have a boyfriend then Hein is the standard. 💯
yes i was about to comment on that.
Hein is the best choice for her!!
Agree 😍😍😍😍😍😇😇😇😇😇
The only ✨two persons ✨ whom I ship together in the whole f*cking world 🥺💗🖤
She is dating other man
@@saracamille6448 yeah I know, it recent it's Ahn bo Hyun✨🤧♥️
Pls give them moment like this😍😭😖💔
Ahn Bo Hyun seeing this be like : 😏😏😏
he is actually cute. they are perfect together
Omg they are cute ❤
I don't no
I always crack on lisaa litle voice 😂😂😂😂😂
Me Rose
@@Earth_1158 me Jichu😎
It feels like she is saying HAESOO.. 🤣
Sooooo cute he is😊😊😊😍😍😍😚😚😚. Beautiful smile
Всё залипла Хэ Ин❤
They look so cute together ❤
She has her bf now🤣💓
Her boyfriend raised standards even more
They broke up now😂
Baby blink nice couple 💑 😍 ❤️ 💖
And blink nice edit 👍👍
His reaction is sooooooooo sweet, she’ll never ever get another reaction to her flirting like that. ❤❤❤❤❤
Looking he is so cute... Shy boy
Nice edit they both are sooo cute 😻😊😊
The only ship which people don't hate.
After the break up i keep seeing haesoo reels❤😅
Jisoo so sweet 💓💓
I watched it more than 20 times so nice 😅
Beautiful Edit👌💯❤️❤️
Jung Hae In is a cute person Love you 😍 ❤️ 💗 💕 😘 💖 😍 ❤️ 💗 💕 😘 💖 😍 ❤️ 💗 💕 😘 💖 😍 ❤️ 💗
Hae-in siente vergüenza, que bello es, su sonrisa tan real ❤
Gemesin bgt omoooo❤
Blinks editing is in another level when it comes to haesoo ship😂😂
Jisoo c est la meilleure actrice du coréens je veux q elle fait un nouveau drama avec les meilleurs accords🥰
his reaction is soo cute.. and it's look like really real💜
❤Чон Хэ Ин , так мило, когда стесняется .❤❤❤
En q presentación fue esto de a premios
She's so cute & beautiful ❤️
Jisoooooooooooooooooooooo is so cute
¡¡¡Es tan lindo!!! ♥♥♥
his blushing and smiling got me blushing too 😊
Lisa's voice at the back 😂❤️
My bias KimJisoo😌🔥❤👑
Ele é muito fofo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊❤❤❤❤❤
Que homem lindo. ❤❤❤
I love this video edit 💘 haesoo couple💯💜💜💜
Sou apaixonada Por Ele
Muito Gato❤❤❤❤
no one could resist Jisoo's charm
hae in so cute and handsome,and a real gentleman
This too cute edit ❤️....
Baby blink: 😲nice JISOO😍😍
OLD BLINKS: good edit🤣🤣🤣
Oh shut up I'm tired of this "old blinks and new blinks"
I have nothing to forgive new blink and old blink😁. I just wanted to tell the author that he has a cool edit😉
@@nutrijelijel then just shut up ur mouth if u hate it 😎😎😎