PTTU131. LUKE Pastor Paul Vice
- Опубликовано: 29 ноя 2024
- PTTU131. LUKE. Pastor Paul Vice.
In this lesson you will learn some fantastically good kingdom principles found in Luke 19, and why certain things were rewarded. Do you understand what happened with the “ten pounds” given to the 10 servants? Why the Lord wept over Jerusalem? Have a listen!
#rightlydividing #kingjamesbible #resurrection #grace #freegift #God #LordJesusChrist #peace #love #joy #peaceofmind #wicked #mercy #callonGod #gracegospel. #judging #toil. #luke #actsofapostles #acts #kingdomgospel #gracegospel #rightlydividing #dispensation #butnow #agestocome #timepast #apostlepaul #mystery