Well done. As avid as I am about my/our lifestyles (being into firearms), this video along with the audio really puts into perspective the parallel of the reality that so many of us, in order to live our own lives "more comfortably", we will pour the energy of our whole being/all of our cells, time, and effort into pushing ourselves in order to maintain/preserve our own lives via potential battle. I love life and what I've come to know about nature, but as I've aged (going on 28 now) I've come to understand the reality of the danger/threats that present themselves to myself and my loved ones, and although there's a balance and you don't ever want to go too hard into the "paranoia" field, this video encapsulates a level of commitment and dedication that many folks take pride in following through and fulfilling. Both the mind and body are both very capable "muscles" as long as you're willing to stick to something.
@@seanl7856 “Only through RUclips”? Projecting much? Lol whatever you need to tell yourself, brother. Lived on a ranch my whole life and have dedicated most of said life not only to practice, but to military service, hunting, and more hands on experiences than you’ve likely had in your life. Go ahead and keep calling people who dedicate their lives to things their passionate about “cringe”, see how that flies long term for ya 🤠🤙
@@darwyxd5508 thanks man, I felt like the people needed to hear the natural audio of us chit chatting and shooting. Glad you enjoyed it! More to come! 🤙🏻
I love the simplicity and relaxation of this video, great shooting guys!
this is really well done. good music, good videography, good audio.
@@nrth121 I appreciate it! Thanks a ton!
Well done. As avid as I am about my/our lifestyles (being into firearms), this video along with the audio really puts into perspective the parallel of the reality that so many of us, in order to live our own lives "more comfortably", we will pour the energy of our whole being/all of our cells, time, and effort into pushing ourselves in order to maintain/preserve our own lives via potential battle. I love life and what I've come to know about nature, but as I've aged (going on 28 now) I've come to understand the reality of the danger/threats that present themselves to myself and my loved ones, and although there's a balance and you don't ever want to go too hard into the "paranoia" field, this video encapsulates a level of commitment and dedication that many folks take pride in following through and fulfilling. Both the mind and body are both very capable "muscles" as long as you're willing to stick to something.
Well said brother
Couldn't have typed a cringier comment if I tried.
@@seanl7856 GL on that then m8 - Passion ain’t for everyone, & makes the weak uncomfortable 🤙
@@Benitentiary I'm weak, but you wrote a paragraph about a lifestyle you only know through RUclips.
Spare me your insidious blather.
@@seanl7856 “Only through RUclips”? Projecting much? Lol whatever you need to tell yourself, brother. Lived on a ranch my whole life and have dedicated most of said life not only to practice, but to military service, hunting, and more hands on experiences than you’ve likely had in your life. Go ahead and keep calling people who dedicate their lives to things their passionate about “cringe”, see how that flies long term for ya 🤠🤙
You guys are sharp. Hats off to you and thank you for your service!
Very nice guys. Fantastic editing and great choice of music
@@johnsmithwesson9996 appreciate it! More to come!
tactical helmet with nvision, black tshirt, tattoes...badass
Feels like a fever dream. Absolutely well done video,
Thanks a ton! Appreciate the words, glad you enjoyed it. More to come! 🤙🏻
This is sick. FOG vibes
@@codyb7089 appreciate the words man thank you
Beautifully done
going to look back on this like an old memory
Greetings from the UK! Music fits perfectly with the visuals. Hope to see more boys! 👊🏻
@@Steggioni Greetings! Thanks so much brother! Cheers 🍻
Awesome brother❤ beautiful
Absolutely love the vibe
Nice editing and music. Look like FOG 🤙
First time look this, i thought this is forward observation group channel
Do it so much, that you literally dream it and that it self is perfection at best, than perfection just becomes art.
Nice editing.
This makes me wanna go out on a range 😭😭
boys.... ultra chill vid. nice work.
Amazing vibe perfect color correction and audio choice brotha keep it up!
@@GhostzAE thanks man! Appreciate the words!
Very nice guys. Fantastic editing and great choice of music. Name song ?
I get Forward Observation Group vibes from this. Its also a nutty asf video
song is awsome love that you let audio from the range
keep on solid fog vibes
you nailed it
@@darwyxd5508 thanks man, I felt like the people needed to hear the natural audio of us chit chatting and shooting. Glad you enjoyed it! More to come! 🤙🏻
Sick video
Poetry in motion
@@Skout17 thank you! Appreciate the words!
Subscribed! Stay Dangerous brother's
Raid with the fire every time!
@@DAMDIndustries thanks so much man! 🍻
Wich brand are those brown/khaki pants the one guy is wearing?
b ready
nice video
beautiful, whats the name of the song?
@@pucken- nyctophilia - zozeyety
Hell yeah
Had to search 3 specific times even tho it's in my likes and favs. Thanks RUclips
Damn I didn’t know yall were chill like that
Been a while since you put a video out
@@Minor1623 yea man, I'll be putting out new stuff really soon. Been working on new content.
this was cool
@@LickableLemonz appreciate glad you enjoyed it!
This looks like a Vegas desert you guys from Vegas? Lol
@@MalWick yes it is, Sloan Nevada
What desert is this?lol I too dwell in the desert.
@@Slydc5 this is out at Sloan Nevada, BLM land
@@raidsocietyvisuals nice. Hope to see more content from you guys.
@@Slydc5more to come 🍻
Sick vid! Song?
Nyctophilia - zozeyety
Nice Video. Whats the Songs Name?
Darude Sandstorm
Nyctophilia by Zozeyety
Not falling for that this time @@Revirantless
@traps_0122 Sorry sir
nyctophilia - zozeyety
whats the song?
@@Noimcuban nyctophilia - zozeyety
@@raidsocietyvisuals real one
Nope, not Slade.
Night stalking is cool
Hellcat 82
I dont understamd this
@@920WASHBURN *understand
@raidsocietyvisuals I always do that. Also I hit the 5 instead of t. Stupid small keyboards