Your ideas are fascinatingly creative and overwhelmingly charming. They will make the abstract, daunting, and extremely sophisticated scientific computing and numerical simulation a joy and fun to do. I owe you many thanks for your enlightening presentation and the way you've been trying to implement. Hats off to you all.
Beautiful. This feels like the beginning of a potentially profound paradigm shift in education. Thank you all for this - it's very exciting and inspiring to see.
The HW exercise checks in Pluto are really slick! Are there plans to incorporate a way to keep the code hidden, incorporate grading (a la Jupyter's nbgrader), etc?
Your ideas are fascinatingly creative and overwhelmingly charming. They will make the abstract, daunting, and extremely sophisticated scientific computing and numerical simulation a joy and fun to do. I owe you many thanks for your enlightening presentation and the way you've been trying to implement. Hats off to you all.
Beautiful. This feels like the beginning of a potentially profound paradigm shift in education. Thank you all for this - it's very exciting and inspiring to see.
Very pleasant to see this approach! We need more and more and only more of this in all universities and all scientific disciplines!!!
The HW exercise checks in Pluto are really slick! Are there plans to incorporate a way to keep the code hidden, incorporate grading (a la Jupyter's nbgrader), etc?