Impressions of Chinese Music 印象国乐 | NUS Chinese Orchestra
- Опубликовано: 22 янв 2025
- NUS Chinese Orchestra 新加坡国立大学华乐团
Orbis 三月天 · 界 | 12 March 2017 | SOTA Concert Hall
Conductor: Mr Moses Gay En Hui | 指挥: 倪恩辉
Composer: Jiang Ying | 作曲: 姜莹
Another of Jiang Ying’s compositions, Impressions of Chinese Music aims to portray the blossoming and rejuvenation of an ancient musical culture in a contemporary world by reshaping the musical code and cultural addendum of the Chinese music through the vivid use of modern aural aesthetics. This piece encompasses the unique performing styles of different instruments layered upon and juxtaposed with
one another, exuding the rich culture and history of the Chinese civilization.
《印象国乐-大曲》是由中国当代青年作曲家姜莹作曲,她以现代听觉审美的音乐语言, 重塑了千年古谱中所传递的音乐密码和文化外延,这是古老音乐文化在新时期的绽放与重现。利用华乐乐队那独有的印象体系,加上各组乐器声部的音色特点、音乐语言、演奏风格,使得《印象国乐-大曲》有非常丰富的音乐层次与叠加。《印象国乐-大曲》具有浓厚的历史气息和华夏之魂,节奏舒缓与紧迫并入其中,塑造苍凉、悲切、壮阔、激情等意象,给予听众无尽的震撼。同时,作品也展现了出泱泱大国的文化辉煌,体现了中华民族的精神传承与信仰追求。