Back to Life (Music Video) - Hillsong Young & Free

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 2 тыс.

  • @anthonyeatguitar
    @anthonyeatguitar 10 лет назад +1216

    I've been reading all the comments that criticizes this whole idea of the music and the music video. Sure, I totally get where all you Christian folks that are more traditional are coming from... It's not easy to get used to this kind of music in terms of worship. I came from a traditional Christian background - no drums, and no electric guitar. Just choir and piano. The thing is... You can't put Christianity in a box (more so, Jesus). There is a verse in the bible that says, "generation after generation will be in awe of Your works." I forgot where that is from, but to me it basically means that PEOPLE are gonna be constantly changing, but GOD does not. He is the same forever and always. Guys, we cant be critical at everything. Who are we to say that this is not of God. There are definitely more ways to connect with people who are lost instead of just handing out tracts, right? God Bless, to anyone who got my point and are still reading this.

    • @Toquenitup
      @Toquenitup 10 лет назад +35

      You are so dead on...the scriptures say sing a new song to the Lord, not because he gets bored, but because we get bored and just start going through the motions and not really press into the Lord and worship him with full out abandon!

    • @anthonyeatguitar
      @anthonyeatguitar 10 лет назад +22

      ***** yep, religion and relationship, two completely different things :) love God and love others!

    • @carolin3audr3y
      @carolin3audr3y 10 лет назад +29

      this is so well said. I go to Hillsong in Brisbane and I constantly have people criticizing how our music and the production that goes on in our night services. What an awesome response :)

    • @ccmoss1986
      @ccmoss1986 10 лет назад +23

      Dude ... Forget all those religious folks trying to make people feel bad for jamming out to this. Hillsong is great and they do nothing but give God Glory, no matter how the music sounds. I am so thankful for them and their gift to keep bringing awesome new songs to worship too.

    • @ashleymaria29
      @ashleymaria29 7 лет назад +22

      I grew up Catholic and went to catholic school and this kind of music not sung in a catholic church. That music puts me to slumber. When I first went to the church I go to now it was amazing and anyone who says this isn't music God would approve of well there is way more music out there that is totally garbage.

  • @AnaKaryRamirez
    @AnaKaryRamirez 8 лет назад +49

    I'm alive in Christ and He's alive in me!!!

  • @MarkusGhambari
    @MarkusGhambari 7 лет назад +16

    I was raised Muslim. Christ redeemed me from a dead religion!

  • @breannaalexuss
    @breannaalexuss 7 лет назад +36

    I was baptized to this song 😍 I love Jesus!

  • @natylovejc
    @natylovejc 10 лет назад +68

    Hello everyone commenting on how this video is wrong; its called Hillsong young and free! They are free in Christ and in this video it begins with a beautiful ocean and scripture. The youth are jumping and singing to Christ...they are enjoying life in a a healthy way. It nice because it shows that youth can rejoice in the Lord and in life and do fun things like surf and skate and what not-unlike the usual sex, drugs, and alcohol scene. Why are we so religious. God sees the heart in young people and is delighted when we learn to delight in Him in various ways. When I ride my bike I reflect on God's creation and on so many other things..

  • @rafaelbonfim1154
    @rafaelbonfim1154 11 лет назад +380

    Ótima aposta da galera do Hillsong em musicas para dançar... Ser cristão não é ser quadrado, fanático... somos jovens..... somos livres em Cristo!!!

    • @victorgomes5667
      @victorgomes5667 8 лет назад +11


    • @leonardonunes8284
      @leonardonunes8284 8 лет назад +2

      Claro Hahauakasuakshi

    • @Torrees22
      @Torrees22 8 лет назад +7


    • @creaprovisualpublicidade.i9432
      @creaprovisualpublicidade.i9432 8 лет назад +13

      Mientras lean la palabra de Dios todos los dias y mantengan todos los días tu comunión con Dios en Oración Todo Perfecto y te digo todos los Días. porque un cristiano tiene que andar todos los Días con las vestiduras(armadura) del espíritu Santo. Siendo usados todos los dias por nuestro señor se haga el propósito en nuestras vidas como Daniel. Un abrazo.

    • @gabrielsantos1738
      @gabrielsantos1738 7 лет назад +2


  • @BargainistaKat
    @BargainistaKat 10 лет назад +16

    Super surprised to see Christians bashing a music group who is so passionate about God. This is the young and free album which is geared toward the YOUTH. If you watch their "Young and Free; Our Story" video you can see the story behind this album. I find it so refreshing that this music is so different from the other millions of basic Christian songs that are out there. God did not call us to all sound the same. It's about using our unique gifts (no matter how different it sounds) to glorify our amazing God. I'm baffled at how critical we Christians can be. Instead of acting in love, we're just tearing them down. But overall I love this song and the whole album! If this is not your style, go find an old Christian hymn. Remember this is 2013, and I like that hillsong is actually attempting to reach the youth of this day and age. I'm 19 so its so refreshing finding this type of music. it's so amazing that no matter how different our styles are, in the end it all points to Jesus. He made us all different for a reason.

  • @elishamiyahira4301
    @elishamiyahira4301 11 лет назад +10

    God is CONSTANTLY in the business of RENEWING so it makes sense to reach the next generation so that they in turn can reach the next. This is beautiful

  • @joshuafedelino3885
    @joshuafedelino3885 4 года назад +43

    I Still playing this song during Quarantine this 2020❤ I really love this song❣😇

  • @victorfirmansyah5194
    @victorfirmansyah5194 8 лет назад +207

    Here in my heart You have found Your place
    Replacing fear with Your freedom
    You lift me up
    You lift me up
    When all seems lost in my brokenness
    I call Your Name and You answer
    Held by Your love
    Held by Your love
    In the night
    Through the struggle, through the trial
    You have made my burden light
    You have brought me back to life again
    Your love it wipes every tear away
    You calm the storms that surround me
    You carry me
    You carry me
    Your light breaks through in my darkest hour
    Your love is strong in my weakness
    You are enough
    You are enough
    You won't let go
    So I will follow
    All I am
    Yours now and forever
    You won't let go
    So I will follow
    With all I am
    In the night
    Through the struggle, through the trial
    You have made my burden light
    You have brought me back to life again
    You won't let go
    So I will follow
    All I am
    Yours now and forever
    You won't let go
    So I will follow
    With all I am
    In the night
    Through the struggle, through the trial
    You have made my burden light
    You have brought me back to life again

  • @emmaisabuilder5093
    @emmaisabuilder5093 5 лет назад +18

    Im getting back to you Jesus, its diffiult to stay in faith when im a teenager so many things are going through my mind. Thank you Jesus, im now falling into your arms, I trust you.

  • @emanuelzambrana9971
    @emanuelzambrana9971 Год назад +8

    They never had to change their style. They were so cool at the beginning.

    • @FoxAPOLLO
      @FoxAPOLLO 11 дней назад

      Honestly.. This first album was SO ahead of its time..

  • @albertarchuleta6348
    @albertarchuleta6348 7 лет назад +9

    You guys are AMAZING, I'm in Afghanistan serving with the military and I can feel the ENERGY through the videos and music like I'm at the concert. Thank you for being MIGHTY disciples of Christ :)

  • @cxx1953
    @cxx1953 5 лет назад +25

    Who else is still jamming out to this in 2019 😳 Hallelujah God is good 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

  • @AngieeShipps
    @AngieeShipps 5 лет назад +16

    Thank you Jesus for Hillsong!! There music breaks strongholds and brings deliverance !!! Thank you Lord!!

  • @c.w5024
    @c.w5024 10 лет назад +31

    God said judge not! So I judge not. Thank you! God for all music that is in your name and it brings another person closer to you. Amen!Cant wait until I see you. Life is too short, to judge modern music. People let us save souls, in Christ Jesus's name. We can not do in front of the computer. An by the way I love this song.😝

    • @c.w5024
      @c.w5024 10 лет назад

      Thank you love and God bless

    • @anliima
      @anliima 10 лет назад

      That the Father bless you!

    • @c.w5024
      @c.w5024 10 лет назад

      Ana Lima thank you love😀God bless you too

    • @c.w5024
      @c.w5024 10 лет назад

      Ana Lima thank you love😀God bless you too

    • @2609israel
      @2609israel 10 лет назад

      OMG best comment ever God bless you! Greetings from México

  • @xannetigno5689
    @xannetigno5689 11 лет назад +8

    God is being glorified as we praise his name..its one way of reaching out to youth..a way of not putting GOD in a box..

  • @__babyface
    @__babyface 8 лет назад +46

    I pray someone out there will read my comment and pray for me spiritually.

    • @sawwatkins3333
      @sawwatkins3333 8 лет назад +3

      Done. Thank you Father...
      according to the book of Ephesians in the Holy Bible, chapter 1:17-23, I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory may give to you the spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19. And what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power
      20. Which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the Heavenly places,
      21. Far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. 22. And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23. Which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.
      Ephesians 2:1. And you He made alive who were dead in trespasses and sins 2. In which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, 3. Among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lust of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and we're by nature children of wrath, just as the others, 4. But God who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5. Even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6. And raised us up together and made us sit together in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7. That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus
      8. For by Grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God,...10. For you are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that you should walk in them.
      God bless you.

    • @__babyface
      @__babyface 8 лет назад

      SAW Watkins thank you watkins and please seriously pray nonstop me because it is more than a 911 emergency. Please get Jesus Christ full attention as much as you possibly can nonstop to help me.

    • @kashfortheking
      @kashfortheking 8 лет назад +5

      What is going on in your life? God can resolve anything that you think is impossible. I used to be an atheist. I traveled all over the US (mountains, cities, etc) and couldn't see God at all. It wasn't until I returned home 7 years later that I started having visions of Jesus. Know that you are loved.

    • @__babyface
      @__babyface 8 лет назад +2

      Keith Ashford wow, I'm glad you're saved & know Jesus. Please know I love Jesus beyond words can express. It's a long story about what I've been going through. But I continue to lean my head on Jesus shoulders.

  • @danielcarrillosantamaria6067
    @danielcarrillosantamaria6067 9 лет назад +5

    Thank you Jesus for bring me back to life in a really dark time of my life.

  • @MissJChizz
    @MissJChizz 10 лет назад +10

    This is the perfect way for my generation to get into worship music. I love music that I can dance to and if I'm getting my worship on too what could be better? I love the fact that Christian artists are appealing to us teens to! Love it!!!!

  • @iyahkaneki9272
    @iyahkaneki9272 7 лет назад +3

    worshiping the Lord is the best thing we can give with an open heart

  • @neilldougherty939
    @neilldougherty939 7 лет назад +3

    Fellows, it is a wonderful thing to celebrate the Kingdom of God!

  • @Jacynth
    @Jacynth 8 лет назад +15

    This song has a deeper meaning than the lyrics.. The message is beautiful ☑️

  • @richardandrianto345
    @richardandrianto345 10 лет назад +3

    It doesn't matter what kind of genre the songs is and how they perform the songs. The only important things that we have to know is how the songs affect into our life and what do we feel while listen it, is it a peaceful song and make us close to God.

  • @jawarren1991
    @jawarren1991 8 лет назад +17

    I myself am Agnostic, recently "upgraded" from Atheist thanks to a very special friend who helped me find both faith in humanity and elsewhere. She introduced me to this group and I can't even begin to thank her for introducing me to you and for the songs you play. Just so uplifting! Thank you for what you do!

  • @RomanticGuitarMusic_No1
    @RomanticGuitarMusic_No1 3 года назад +5

    I feel absolutely incomplete without hearing this song atleast once before I wind off my day!!
    It's a wow!!
    Love you Christ!! ❤

  • @dianacastro8729
    @dianacastro8729 10 лет назад +9

    Love this song, Melody has a beautiful voice!! Young and Free is all about we are in Jesus Christ!! This message in AWESOME, thanks Hillsong!!

  • @foxskullzmathew4207
    @foxskullzmathew4207 7 лет назад +1

    Though we can't see the lord we feel him

  • @daniandra25
    @daniandra25 10 лет назад +2

    It's not an illuminati. The both ends of the triangle can represent as us on one side and God on the other.. And as we go higher & deeper in our relationship with Him, then it is where we can reach the top of the triangle which can represent the closeness to God joyful and happy together on top.

  • @gabriellachang2967
    @gabriellachang2967 9 лет назад +9

    I love how Christ God reveals himself through this song and video. God loves to expand our horizons. As children of the One True King, we shouldn't limit The Lord's capabilities, nor should we limit the way we invision Him! He is everlasting and beyond comprehension, He is revealed through each of us so differently--that's what makes Him so exquisite.

  • @lizbethflores2219
    @lizbethflores2219 7 лет назад +17

    Me encanta esta canción.. El nunca me dejará y nunca me fallara.. Gloria a Dios 😇

  • @Itskrob007
    @Itskrob007 10 лет назад +3

    Anthony Galang I totally agree with you. My pastor just preached on this subject. Christianity should never be boring and he is the God of creativity. Worship can never be on sided. It has to change, so that it may reach people of all ages. This way God's work can be done. Well said my friend.

  • @dagamepro3653
    @dagamepro3653 8 лет назад +2

    At church our pastor played this song through the speakers while we were eating and I found it quite cool.

  • @davidmagar5245
    @davidmagar5245 7 лет назад +5

    Every time i listen to this song i really come alive,, its lyrics are so alive and reminds me that there is a God who came to give us freedom, Jesus so loved us... I love ya'll hilsong young and free you all are amazing,,, your all songs have impacted me deeply,,,, Love from india

  • @fabiansaavedra2572
    @fabiansaavedra2572 4 года назад +8

    "You have brought me back to life...again". No puedo evitar las lágrimas cada vez que suenan estas líneas. Gracias, Jesús.

  • @constancefreak5204
    @constancefreak5204 9 лет назад +5

    This music video completely filled me with happiness and faith! Thanks young and free!

  • @mariagenesishiso-an436
    @mariagenesishiso-an436 8 лет назад +30

    I feel sad while reading some of the comments here, about this song not sounding like a true worship song and how it loses its meaning because of its video :/ I was at their concert yesterday and i've fully felt God's presence in that place while singing their songs. Is it really based on the rhythm or the way we sing it? I don't think so. I think it's based on our heart's desire to worship him and our sincerity. We can still have fun while worshiping God. I've heard many unbeliever youths that has been moved, touched and accepted God by these songs :)

  • @angelawalker7432
    @angelawalker7432 5 лет назад


  • @GalOnHunt
    @GalOnHunt 10 лет назад +2

    You have brought me back to life again!!! GOD YOU CARRY ME!! Your light breaks to through the darkness night..!! YOU wont let go so I WILL FOLLOW WITH ALL THAT I AM!!

  • @vittoriagargiulo5915
    @vittoriagargiulo5915 6 лет назад +3

    God not Dead 💓

  • @santikhiosida4543
    @santikhiosida4543 6 лет назад +9

    This is the kind of song that has me dancing with my 5 and 8 year old sons.

  • @greghackmann160
    @greghackmann160 8 лет назад +9

    This song has been such a blessing to me over the past few days. It has truly lifted my spirits and reminded me that there is life in Jesus, no matter what trials life brings. I'm in the over 30 crowd, but I praise GOD that Hillsong is writing a performing a style of worship that connects the younger generation and draws them into worship with Christ.
    To say that this song cannot be worship because it doesn't say the word Jesus, is completely ludicrous. There are hundreds of old Hymns that don't actually say the word Jesus. Worship is about the heart of the worshiper, Spirit and Truth, and a focus on bringing glory to God. Some of my most intimate worship experiences have not even involved music.
    Furthermore, to say that this song wouldn't be meaningful to persecuted Christians carries no weight. Persecuted Christians are some of the most joyful people I've ever heard of. They understand the beauty of the Gospel...the fact that life is found in Christ alone...and they understand the hope found in Roman's 8:28, that God will work all things for their good. Paul commanded us to REJOICE, in our sufferings...period! It's hard to do, but crucial to understanding the beauty of the Gospel.
    Praise the Lord for Hillsong, and the beautiful music they have written. I pray that it continues to be a sweat sound to our Lord.

  • @jackdaniels2363
    @jackdaniels2363 9 лет назад +1

    We want to praise Yahshua, I did not hear his name not once..... You, him..... Could be anyone....... In the name Yahshua/Yeshua.... I want to hear his name!!!!!!!

  • @zenn2794
    @zenn2794 6 лет назад +4

    LOVE IT!!!
    2018 anyone?
    I am back to Life!!!
    Thank you Jesus!

  • @agustinaherrera7134
    @agustinaherrera7134 11 лет назад +6

    Hillsong should disable all the comments, they are spreading the love of God and had reached millions of lives. i'm not praising them or anything, but people should stop commenting and trying to explain every video, every lyric or every move they make. Instead you should focus on reaching the ones around you. Stop being so judgmental and worry about what God says about you.

  • @harveylieu
    @harveylieu 10 лет назад +7

    Please wake up! If you think you can change the standard of the Lord, you are in error. We must be a sample to other, not this! Don't compromise the standard of the Lord, remember your are spiritual Levites!!! Do you think this is Holy in the standard and in the eye of the Lord? Ask to yourself...
    Be Holy because I am Holy says the Lord
    WAKE UP!!!!!!!

  • @kyuttiesidi
    @kyuttiesidi 9 лет назад

    Talents are a gift from God. In whatever way you can offer to praise Him, you do just that! We all have different views and if you're really a Christian with our Saviour's qualities we do not judge. We unite together! So sing on! Because the words are beautiful.

  • @catalinafernandez9689
    @catalinafernandez9689 10 лет назад

    Back to life *---* God is Love

  • @spunkyfunky587
    @spunkyfunky587 8 лет назад +4

    I love this song! Makes me want to praise God forever!

    @XXxCHRISxXX 10 лет назад +11

    The lyrics,the voice,the music is superb! There is nothing like getting into the presence of God!

  • @patriciam.aguilar3959
    @patriciam.aguilar3959 4 года назад +5

    Estas letras son un testimonio de vida! Nunca olvido esta canción y cada vez que la oigo lloro de alegría y gratitud al que transformó mi vida Jesucristo! Soy tuya por siempre y te seguiré a donde me guíes! ❤️
    Gracias por esta canción!!!

  • @kurdapyadimagiba4861
    @kurdapyadimagiba4861 2 года назад

    Nothing is wrong with this music as long as you're doing it for God's sake to Glorify His name,,,like David he is willing to abase himself in the Lord's presence..(2 Samuel 6:21_22)our young people are free to celebrate God's goodness...

  • @ivormarillier5495
    @ivormarillier5495 7 лет назад

    becoz he wont let go i will folow him for all my life!!!!and if ur reading god bless you!

  • @kangheewon3088
    @kangheewon3088 5 лет назад +3

    This is a bop

  • @charismastartv
    @charismastartv 10 лет назад +450

    LOVE IT!!! Makes me think of what heaven will be like: a big PARTY!

    • @younghove01
      @younghove01 10 лет назад +6

      Yeah...something like that! LOL!

    • @1996breezybaby
      @1996breezybaby 10 лет назад +2

      lol so true

    • @Toquenitup
      @Toquenitup 10 лет назад +35

      "...Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN." The kingdom of God isn't just somber reverant worship but with praise and GREAT JOY we come to the King of kings!!!

    • @iyahkaneki9272
      @iyahkaneki9272 7 лет назад +1


    • @LittleFeet21-e5h
      @LittleFeet21-e5h 7 лет назад +11

      Yesssssss! praise Jesus!!!

  • @sarahgraceaquino8705
    @sarahgraceaquino8705 10 лет назад +9

    This is nice, in a way, a lot of young people could relate to this. But I think we should also be careful, as Christians, to not let the world define everything for us most especially the way we worship our God. We should encourage young people to express themselves, but not forget how should we revere and glorify the Great God :D

  • @johnreyes4546
    @johnreyes4546 2 года назад +2

    Who's still listening to this amazing glorious song 🎵 in September 2022 anyone?

  • @IvanilsonRibeiroConsultor
    @IvanilsonRibeiroConsultor 9 лет назад

    HILLSONG IS awesome.. JESUS is Our KING

  • @youngandfree
    @youngandfree  11 лет назад +492

    We've released Back to Life! Check it out!

  • @StEm-ey7tf
    @StEm-ey7tf 11 лет назад +32

    I had a man ask me, "How can I worship to this kind of music and possible call it "godly?"
    Nowhere in scripture does it say that worship music can't sound like secular music. It's so exciting to see my generation step us and start answering to the call that God has on all of our lives.

  • @truelight3736
    @truelight3736 10 лет назад +6

    may KING LORD JESUS ALONE BE GLORIFIED in EVERYTHING that we do for we may end up unconsciously worshiping the music, the beauty of the stage and the greatness of the singer's voice instead!

  • @giovannisalamon2706
    @giovannisalamon2706 8 лет назад +2

    What an amazing worship song! This is the type of music you can listen to on headphones near a beach or lake during the summer time and feel amazing and connected with God!

  • @benjamintimothy1625
    @benjamintimothy1625 2 года назад +3

    My love for this song

  • @Jereton
    @Jereton 8 лет назад +296

    Who else is binging Hillsong while they study? haha.

    • @Attrox9999
      @Attrox9999 8 лет назад +1

      +Jereton i reallized too XD

    • @Attrox9999
      @Attrox9999 8 лет назад

      +Jereton oops wrong reply

    • @pixelpuppy6597
      @pixelpuppy6597 8 лет назад +1

      +Jereton DUDEEE ITS YOU MAN :D remember me bro? My names Jai, i tried contacting you on Facebook bro. And yes im doing that as well XD

    • @reemalxo
      @reemalxo 8 лет назад +1

      +Jereton meeeee

    • @karryllgenita8288
      @karryllgenita8288 8 лет назад

      Lol I'am ..

  • @ambernicotra700
    @ambernicotra700 9 лет назад +3

    I love Melodie! Her voice is so unique and beautiful! And she's just adorable!

  • @39rbadams
    @39rbadams 7 лет назад

    keep praising God don't give place to the devil.

  • @ratnak1
    @ratnak1 8 лет назад +2

    I loved this song from the first time I heard this, I love you Y&F, you are the best Christian singing group in the entire world.

  • @raydm4015
    @raydm4015 8 лет назад +22

    So many hatefull Christians here commenting? Please stop being so judgemental! Don't act like you know any better, because you don't. God loves us unconditionally. Try and do the same towards others and have grace. With hate and anger you will only create more hate and anger.

    • @slovesjesus
      @slovesjesus 8 лет назад +1

      thank you💯

    • @maixilee
      @maixilee 8 лет назад +1


    • @trickerdgaming
      @trickerdgaming 8 лет назад +1

      He who does not love does not know God. For God is love. 1John. Being a hateful Christian can't work... Christ followers love others

    • @slovesjesus
      @slovesjesus 8 лет назад

      +animetrickerd Amen!

    • @aqwgreenhairedsayian
      @aqwgreenhairedsayian 8 лет назад +2

      indeed Amen, Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger.

  • @GvannaLoves
    @GvannaLoves 9 лет назад +13

    I love the music video!!! Forget the negative "I'm holier than you because i listen to slow worship songs" comments and have a good time worshiping the Lord with this style of music everyone :)

    • @0mozart0the0great0
      @0mozart0the0great0 9 лет назад +3

      imSprungchickenbones Many Get save from their of music, If not Christians like them, who Will Stretch Arms to Reach out to people who likes partying, In the Old testament,The Lord Placed a snake in a Brass Pole to Save Israel from the Plague of snakes, Its the same Principle here, The Problem is the Solution. If the Sinners Like Partying We Should party For the Lord Too,The Lord Created All Things even Art of Dancing and Singing.

    • @dougiefresh9125
      @dougiefresh9125 9 лет назад +1

      +imSprungchickenbones With that reasoning it is safe to say that Apostle Paul was out of line using a famous line from a poem used to worship the Greek God Zeus and used it to worship the very same God these people are worshiping i.e the line is " In him we live and have our being..." found in the book of Ephesians.

    • @NatureShy
      @NatureShy 8 лет назад

      +imSprungchickenbones Oh geez. I rolled my eyes and laughed so hard at your reply. As if it makes any difference what kind of music Christians like.
      Those old-fashioned songs are SO BORING! King David in the Old Testament danced, used instruments, and sung praises to God. I'd imagine if he were alive today he would be all over Christian rave/dance music.

  • @Parish22
    @Parish22 10 лет назад +11

    Hillsong Young & Free through Jesus Christ. I love this video! I skateboard so its cool cause it really represents young christians :)

  • @priscillaromero7967
    @priscillaromero7967 10 лет назад

    It not about the video it about the song showing the love to god and our savior;)

  • @lotara3154
    @lotara3154 10 лет назад +2

    .. I still can't help but smile and Dance, every time i hear this song!!.. This is the second reason why I LOVE BEING A Christian!! .. OUR Music is Amazing!!. HHHAAA.

  • @emilyogrady7238
    @emilyogrady7238 10 лет назад +13

    To answer everyones questions, yes the video might seem worldly to you. And thats ok. Everyone is entitled you their own opinion. However think of it this way... How can you pull somebody up if you are too busy sitting on your own little pedestal. How do you expect unsaved people to relate to you and feel welcome? You have to hit them on their level, and be strong enough to bring them up with you. As far as the video content, the songs name is Back to Life, about God breathing new energetic, loving, passionate love back into your soul. The video is about living free and giving God All the glory in everything you do in the process. Just something to think about.

  • @mariangelaperdigao7410
    @mariangelaperdigao7410 6 лет назад +4

    I love Jesus😍❤💕

  • @tgojenola878
    @tgojenola878 8 лет назад +11

    Absolutely adorable! This young lady is lit up with joy with her love for our Savior! Very inspiring, she shows you that you can also have this joy in your life through Jesus.Perhaps that is what all the haters are afraid of.... Losing that awful impending doom feeling in their heart that they hold on to so tightly. We should all pray for them! 💗 me some Jesus

    • @tgojenola878
      @tgojenola878 8 лет назад +1

      Love me some Jesus it was supposed to say

  • @justliketheothergirls420
    @justliketheothergirls420 10 лет назад +2

    Guys, like for real. It's just a shape that could symbolize so many things... Let's not be the Christians who try and cause problems and instead enjoy the presence and freedom in Christ!

  • @theultra1890
    @theultra1890 3 года назад +1

    Something so beautiful about the connection with our father. It's unexplainable but so beautiful!! JESUS TOLD US THAT TO HIM, WE ARE TO DIE FOR!

  • @perfectxgigi
    @perfectxgigi 10 лет назад +23

    En la noche
    Mediante la lucha, mediante la prueba
    Has hecho mi carga ligera
    Me has traído de vuelta a la vida (8)

  • @kurtisc.8343
    @kurtisc.8343 9 лет назад +68

    Can we get these people from the old testament out of the comments? Music is art and all art forms are given as a gift from God. If this is what works for you then let it be. I MYSELF was saved with this music, and I have FULLY devoted my life to Christ. Now I plan to go to Baptist Bible College to further advance in my faith.

    • @jonathonbyson8581
      @jonathonbyson8581 9 лет назад +5

      Kurtis Cooper Amen MAN!!!!! I was filled with the Spirit of God at a Jesus Culture concert (similar to Hillsong young and free) it was there that I felt called to be a missionary, I leave next month at 16 to traverse the globe and show others the great depth of JESUS'S love!!! Keep up the good work my friend!!! And may God bless you and keep you on your journeys! Remember the Father's love is extravagant! And!..When you cant... :)

    • @thyroid2488
      @thyroid2488 9 лет назад

      does that mean we also kick out moses

    • @KE100able
      @KE100able 9 лет назад +5

      We can still learn from the Old Testament, In fact Jesus said himself he came to not banish the old laws but fulfill them. Yes we are free from the old covenant but that doesn't mean that there isn't wisdom or isn't any truth we can learn in the Old Testament as well in the New Testament. Have a good day.

    • @jctvcmedia1109
      @jctvcmedia1109 8 лет назад +1

      +Kross Exe 2 thumbs up! Peaceout

    • @NaranchuluunDavaanyam
      @NaranchuluunDavaanyam 8 лет назад +1

      +True Vine Community е

  • @moment4lyfr
    @moment4lyfr 11 лет назад +5

    Hey, did you know that this is the same way people felt about christian rock music when it first came out? They thought that the church is sinful and unholy and letting too much of the world into the church. But please tell me that you haven't been blessed by the music hillsong united provides. isn't that rock music? Look at it this way- if people in the 1900s saw women in the church today wearing trousers, they would have had a major fit.

  • @corinneobrien6947
    @corinneobrien6947 7 лет назад +1

    He brings me back to life whenever I call on His name. Thank you will never be able to cover it, Jesus!

  • @JOJOPranksters-o6p
    @JOJOPranksters-o6p Год назад +5

    *who's still listening this beautiful song in 2023♥?*

  • @miyuizuki2033
    @miyuizuki2033 2 года назад +1

    wah, i feel so old. we use to play this on our church when we were still kids. :( i miss church so much.

    • @powderpit3102
      @powderpit3102 2 года назад

      Go back! Especially if you have children

  • @jahzieelmejia3083
    @jahzieelmejia3083 3 года назад +3

    Glory a Dios todo poderoso que reina en los cielos y la tierra amén 🇲🇽 ✝️ ⚡

  • @pablogabrielibanez3084
    @pablogabrielibanez3084 4 года назад +4

    esta cancion ha sido de mucha bendicion para mi! saludos desde Argentina

  • @kennethbirch8682
    @kennethbirch8682 11 лет назад +6

    Wow i do really love this new hilsong band

  • @jeancarl5614
    @jeancarl5614 2 года назад +2

    Who is still listening to this song in December 2021?

  • @benjaminham1900
    @benjaminham1900 8 лет назад +2


  • @Agustin_Arg
    @Agustin_Arg 10 лет назад +67

    Si se fijan bien, hay dos triángulos juntos, que forman el "monte de Sion", y los triángulos que se ven de fondo están invertidos y forman la "estrella de David", con un significado espiritual muy bueno!

    • @lennydelgado4327
      @lennydelgado4327 3 года назад +3


  • @Andeano52
    @Andeano52 11 лет назад +5

    The message the message. Listen to the message. Wow!! Remember, it is not about us, it about Him, Jesus.

  • @paulinagonzalez9432
    @paulinagonzalez9432 11 лет назад +7

    Me encanta su música, me hacen enamorarme cada día mas de Jesucristo :"D

  • @lydiavilums3058
    @lydiavilums3058 4 года назад

    Jesus is King forever and ever

  • @jessicasuzanne___
    @jessicasuzanne___ 7 лет назад +2

    Jesus is so amazing; I love that we can make music about Him! 😁

  • @stephaniapl6706
    @stephaniapl6706 9 лет назад +7

    Los escuche en medellín en soluciones juveniles y me encantarón ..........
    son genialessss
    sus canciones . todo
    Dios los bendiga

  • @TheQuinnFelipe
    @TheQuinnFelipe 10 лет назад +18

    This should be on MTV,instead of the worldly garbage they play in the morning. I love Hilllsong!!!!

  • @arielfuentes3249
    @arielfuentes3249 10 лет назад +3

    In the night
    Through the struggle through the trial
    You have made my burden light
    You have brought me back to life again.....

  • @francheskalei900
    @francheskalei900 10 лет назад +1

    When i watch Hillsong Young and Free videos, especially this song, "Back To Life", it makes me wonder and ponder on "replacing fear with His Freedom". Seeing these youths dance and sing passionately free for Jesus that their enthusiastic overflowing wireless message speaks, well more than just 'speaks' but sings to me that we are capable of attaining His Freedom not because of what we have done but of what He did.

  • @LizzieCandelario
    @LizzieCandelario 10 лет назад +2

    Wow !! We need more Christian music like this , with a message and good quality . I'm loving this song so much !!!

  • @whitew0lf1998
    @whitew0lf1998 9 лет назад +154

    Since when was Hillsong Y&F an electronic rock Christian band? I love this kind of music. There aren't many Christian bands that use synthesizers and have an electronic feel. Including Hillsong Y&F I've only found 2 bands. I wish I could start a band that made this style of music.

    • @xanahn
      @xanahn 9 лет назад +3

      What's the name of the other band?

    • @whitew0lf1998
      @whitew0lf1998 9 лет назад +5

      Ahn Vojkovic They are called FMLYBND (pronounced "family band"). Listen to Electricity and Come Alive by them. I'm pretty sure you will love them as much as I do.

    • @TimonRamstein
      @TimonRamstein 9 лет назад +4

      Try Citizens & Saints as well!

    • @f3erral
      @f3erral 9 лет назад

      ARISE is another christian group that has a similar style you may like c:

    • @xanahn
      @xanahn 9 лет назад

      Oh thank you, I will listen to them :)

  • @dhirupranadheer
    @dhirupranadheer 10 лет назад +4

    1 of my fav song from hillsong!!!