Check Out the New Spray Drone!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 42

  • @michaelsurratt9593
    @michaelsurratt9593 16 дней назад +11

    You take FAR BETTER care of your equipment than most others. You wash everything and clean it instead of just saying “that’s good enough.” Good job.

  • @nickjewart9351
    @nickjewart9351 16 дней назад +3

    If you get a harness you can give the boys rides with the drone!!

  • @mathdj01
    @mathdj01 16 дней назад +2

    I think there are two things becoming helpful to have.
    Big air compressor for blowing off equipment.
    Portable vac for cleaning up spilled grain around the elevator or other areas. We've seen the Browns make many messes at their place....
    Both items are rarely used, but are handy to have, just like a telescopic Boom Lift.

    • @BorderViewFarms
      @BorderViewFarms  16 дней назад +1

      I'll agree on the air compressor but they are kinda expensive and I can usually rent 1 the 2 or 3 days we need it without much trouble. The grain vac though, how many times have you seen us spill grain?

    • @mrdio4625
      @mrdio4625 15 дней назад

      ​@@BorderViewFarms gotta give you credit there, a grain vac should be around 105 on the top 100 things we need list

  • @randydev1020
    @randydev1020 16 дней назад +2

    Bet the boys are eyeing up that drone

  • @wallyhuppert9077
    @wallyhuppert9077 15 дней назад

    Like the way you take care of your equipment

  • @tedlambert1988
    @tedlambert1988 15 дней назад +1

    Just got home from work and my rx and hodge are here now 😊

  • @curtisowens4588
    @curtisowens4588 15 дней назад

    I hope I get one I ordered some of your items. The temp tattoo I mean sounds cool.

  • @geraldraber4375
    @geraldraber4375 16 дней назад +1

    This fall I went past a field that had a spray drone in it. This was west of Howe, IN. This drone might have been from the same guy you are dealing with. I had to stop and watch it a little. Pretty cool.

  • @LarryLindsey-i8c
    @LarryLindsey-i8c 16 дней назад +1

    Proud you got drone!!

  • @tracksidebc5854
    @tracksidebc5854 16 дней назад +2

    Pay particular attention to battery maintenance for longterm storage. I had batteries become unusable after one year storage.

  • @thomaskjellin9161
    @thomaskjellin9161 16 дней назад +1

    Thanks for the video

  • @mikekenyon3322
    @mikekenyon3322 16 дней назад +1

    Good morning

  • @AThing4Iorn
    @AThing4Iorn 16 дней назад +1

    You can take the class and the test online for your 107, little bit of study time but should get it first time!

  • @burtzorn4059
    @burtzorn4059 15 дней назад

    Any idea what's up with Brock. You may want to check with him. Good help is hard to come by.
    Who knows, but we no he is a good guy.

  • @gaj71961
    @gaj71961 16 дней назад

    Good morning 😎🇺🇸

  • @tylermorrow2846
    @tylermorrow2846 6 дней назад

    I work for a co-op as a custom applicator we run john deere equipment and I don't know if they use the same oil coolers like your buggy but the techs from deere tell us not to spray the oil cooler with a pressure washer because it can damage it. Just a fyi don't know if your is the same or trying to tell you what to do just trying to help... thanks for all the great videos

  • @johnbucklerfarms
    @johnbucklerfarms 16 дней назад +1

    Rinse the inside of the Spreader!

  • @gregcatlett1458
    @gregcatlett1458 16 дней назад

    Good old BEAGLES 😂😢NOSE DOWN deer goooo. THANKS SIR

  • @DavidKing-ig6jy
    @DavidKing-ig6jy 16 дней назад

    Good morning

  • @josephtoscano5475
    @josephtoscano5475 16 дней назад +1

    If you don’t mind saying. What’s the warranty like on the drone. Also seems like a logical small purchase would be a diesel air compressor as you often rent one. Thanks for the videos. I’m looking forward to all the maintenance videos.

  • @maryannshirkey5098
    @maryannshirkey5098 16 дней назад

    Good morning from Lebanon, ohio

  • @stanbrow
    @stanbrow 16 дней назад +1

    Do you spray the inside of the spreader? I would think that would be the section most needing cleaning.

    • @BorderViewFarms
      @BorderViewFarms  16 дней назад +2

      Yes but everything inside the spreader except the inverted V is stainless and really doesn't need it.

  • @geesss8675
    @geesss8675 15 дней назад

    Did you see there was a riot town at Ohio stadium?Apparently someone from Michigan planted a Michigan flag in the middle of the fit.Didn't go over too well kind of like

  • @michaelsurratt9593
    @michaelsurratt9593 16 дней назад

    You definitely need more equipment storage.

  • @b_lumenkraft
    @b_lumenkraft 16 дней назад +1

    "Happy December"... Yes i hate it!

  • @evg0015
    @evg0015 16 дней назад +1

    Oil the crap out of the drag chains. You won’t regret it

  • @volvojohn9036
    @volvojohn9036 16 дней назад

    A dust mop will clean the shop floor 50 times faster than a broom. Tradition says no, give it a try.

  • @georgedavidson7986
    @georgedavidson7986 15 дней назад +1

    How much volume can it carry

    • @BorderViewFarms
      @BorderViewFarms  15 дней назад +1

      10.5 gallons

    • @georgedavidson7986
      @georgedavidson7986 15 дней назад

      @@BorderViewFarms What kind of rate can you mix up ??

    • @BorderViewFarms
      @BorderViewFarms  15 дней назад

      @georgedavidson7986 probably a minimum of 2 gallons per acre for decent coverage. It can spray much higher rates but I don't know why you would go over 5 gpa.

  • @sandman8424
    @sandman8424 15 дней назад

    Wait until that chain breaks on that spreader from rust. Have fun fixing that.

  • @johnnywheeler8311
    @johnnywheeler8311 16 дней назад

    What is the price of pump

  • @tangovictor6505
    @tangovictor6505 16 дней назад

    Moores law is the reason electronics become obsolete every 3-5 years.

  • @sandman8424
    @sandman8424 15 дней назад

    Why would anyone want the headaches to own a drone. You just proved the point.They are worthless after a couple years. It will never pay for itself.That thing probable cost 25000.

    • @BorderViewFarms
      @BorderViewFarms  15 дней назад +2

      I paid a $15,000 custom application bill for the Hagie this year. 2 years doing it myself pays for this

    • @sandman8424
      @sandman8424 15 дней назад

      Have fun sitting out in the hot sun all day and getting 10 to 20 acres done.

  • @maxfender6886
    @maxfender6886 16 дней назад

    Good morning