I have no experience with what Sanderson's prose are like but I'm always in awe whenever I hear people say they read through 200 or 300 pages and here I am barely getting past a hundred pages after reading the whole day.
Same. I used to be able to read almost 400 pages in a day back when I was still in school but now I'm struggling to get to a 100. No idea what's wrong with me...
Sanderson has very simple prose. Vocabulary is generally basic in his books so 200-300 pages is pretty easy to hit if you're spending the whole day reading.
I was about half way in to The Way of Kings at the beginning of our quarantine which was March 17. I’m listening to Oathbringer at work now. I’m lucky enough to still be working and since there are no customers in the store while I’m here I’ve been able too listen 7ish hours everyday I work. It’s been pretty awesome.
You should be more responsible and not listen to books while at work, that's very irresponsible of you. If you worked at my company I would reduce your pay and beat you
I'm rereading TWoK now and I love it even more than the first time. I'll only say that, as in the rest of Sanderson's books, the headers are important!
emily talking about books between applying lipstick is a mood. Also, I have been waiting for you to read this The Stormlight Archives for so long! I’m currently reading Oathbringer and loving it.
The second half of the way of kings is definitely more fast paced and action oriented. I loved learning about the characters in the beginning but can see now I was distracted it took me way too long to get into it and knowing what I know now I definitely am ashamed of how long it took me to read! 300 pages is damn impressive for any book!
@@witchf4ce310 Seconding this comment! I was really disappointed with Elantris, but I'm currently reading Mistborn (110 pages left!) and liking it a lot.
The Way of Kings vlog!! was so excited when i saw this in my feed. but i was fasting so i waited until night time to watch bc i needed my cup of tea while watching this much anticipated vlog 😂❤️thank you!!! update: this was such a wholesome vlog! a cozy fort is a great idea... i might have to build myself one this month! Planning on starting LOTR this month but it's been so hard to focus on reading. maybe a fort will help hahaha
I'm so excited that you're reading Way of Kings! Can't wait to hear more of your thoughts! I think WoK was the first Adult Fantasy I read, and because of that I'm really attached lol. Currently rereading it on audio to prep myself for #4 Also, building a fort to read in is probably one of the most wholesome thing ever (Side note; you've officially converted me into a sci-fi reader lol currently binging The Murderbot Novellss because the full novel releases soon!)
I also started The Way of Kings for the first time this weekend! After having it on my shelf for like ~6+ years... and I had bought it as mass market paperback. My poor hands are getting a workout. Only about ~50 pages in, but looking forward to reading along with you! :)
Thank you so much for introducing me to Brandon Sanderson. I just finished 'Skyward" (my first book by him) last night. I went to sleep at 4am because I couldn't stop reading it. That's never happened to me before.
Stop being so irresponsible and reading until 4am, don't you have a job? If I caught you reading that late I would rain hell on you and break your phone 😡
Emily, how do you keep track of all the characters and the world building in fantasy books? I wanna be a fantasy girly so bad but get overwhelmed. After I finish my current read, I’m going to attempt WarBreaker by Brandon Sanderson! 😊
Just started Way of Kings this weekend. Think I've seen it around a lot more because with extra time people feel like they can commit to it. Hoping you enjoy it
I have been having such a struggle finishing books for like the past six months...I've had words of radiance halfway read for so long and I don't even know why because I was super into it when I was reading it but reading just seems like so much workkkkk
Omg building a fort! Okay, I think I've gotta do that soon. It looked so satisfying hahaha - yay for reading 300 pages of Sanderson! No easy feat, that's for sure. :)
I'm reading this atm! My book is the one that is split into two books so it's a lot easier to physically read. I'm currently at page 300ish. I've already ordered the next book, which again, it split into two parts xD I wonder what the reason is that some places split the book into two parts and some don't. A song of Ice and Fire has also done this for a few of the books in the series. I wonder if it's a money making thing.
Might be a language thing... we have 10 asoiaf-books (they are still about 800 pages each) in Germany because our words tend to be longer in general. Also, our pages are somehow more thick than the English ones. At least for me it's more convenient than carrying a book with me that is larger than my backpack 😬
Never heard of that book but i am starting it asap. I have recently started seeing romance books as problematic( ik i am late 😂) so now I am looking for new genres to enjoy.
It definitely has its problems a lot of times but to be fair, even scifi and fantasy can have really weird views on relationships. I don't think the romance genre in itself is a problem but of course opens itself up to have more issues because it focuses so much on relationships in the first place. A lot of it seems to be dysfunctional and unequal and I can't always tell if it is intentional because the author sees no problem with it or what's going on 😄
That snow globe needs to back the frick up or at least put a mask on. As long as we're building forts you might as well play The Floor is Lava just so you can stand on the couch and throw her across the room and yell "Get melted bro!"
My face when you said 8AM is the latest you’ve ever woken up: 😮😧🤯
I keep waking up at 5 or 6... why can't I sleep in damn it lol
typical owl here - waking up at 8 am is hell for me 😅
Same... i've been waking up at 2pm since quarantine hit.... i have been having the exact opposite of Emily's problem. 😅😂😭
@@cussundriakneal9904 Me too xD
I've been waking up at 1PM these days.. lol
I have no experience with what Sanderson's prose are like but I'm always in awe whenever I hear people say they read through 200 or 300 pages and here I am barely getting past a hundred pages after reading the whole day.
I'm with you on this 😂 though it depends somewhat on the book, Sanderson's works take me a while, but I have finished "lighter" books in a day
Same 😔
Same. I used to be able to read almost 400 pages in a day back when I was still in school but now I'm struggling to get to a 100. No idea what's wrong with me...
Sanderson has very simple prose. Vocabulary is generally basic in his books so 200-300 pages is pretty easy to hit if you're spending the whole day reading.
I was about half way in to The Way of Kings at the beginning of our quarantine which was March 17. I’m listening to Oathbringer at work now. I’m lucky enough to still be working and since there are no customers in the store while I’m here I’ve been able too listen 7ish hours everyday I work. It’s been pretty awesome.
You should be more responsible and not listen to books while at work, that's very irresponsible of you. If you worked at my company I would reduce your pay and beat you
I'm rereading TWoK now and I love it even more than the first time. I'll only say that, as in the rest of Sanderson's books, the headers are important!
I feel so dumb because it takes me at least 2/3 times to actually understand what the headers mean at times.
@@cchelsea.y1 i’ve just finished TWoK and I’ve already committed to a reread of the whole series once I finish just to fully understand the headers XD
I'm so happy of seeing so many people reading The Way of Kings in the comments, hope you all love it as much as I do!
emily talking about books between applying lipstick is a mood. Also, I have been waiting for you to read this The Stormlight Archives for so long! I’m currently reading Oathbringer and loving it.
I just grabbed Way of Kings for Kindle today - on sale for $2.99 in the US!
The moment we've all been waiting for! Glad you love the illustrations too, they really make the book and bring the world building to life.
The second half of the way of kings is definitely more fast paced and action oriented. I loved learning about the characters in the beginning but can see now I was distracted it took me way too long to get into it and knowing what I know now I definitely am ashamed of how long it took me to read! 300 pages is damn impressive for any book!
More reading vlogs please!!
I’m reading The Way of Kings also!!! Really enjoying it!
I’m reading my first ever Brandon Sanderson book at the moment : Elantris !
One of his worst imo, if you don’t like it don’t let that make you not wanna read Mistborn cause that trilogy is amazing!
@@witchf4ce310 Seconding this comment! I was really disappointed with Elantris, but I'm currently reading Mistborn (110 pages left!) and liking it a lot.
Same here....
@@witchf4ce310 Mistborn is terrible unless you are 9 year old. Stormlight archive is way better
I'm glad to see that you found a good use for your Dune hardcover book: a way to hold up your awesome fort xD
The Way of Kings vlog!! was so excited when i saw this in my feed. but i was fasting so i waited until night time to watch bc i needed my cup of tea while watching this much anticipated vlog 😂❤️thank you!!!
update: this was such a wholesome vlog! a cozy fort is a great idea... i might have to build myself one this month! Planning on starting LOTR this month but it's been so hard to focus on reading. maybe a fort will help hahaha
Who asked?
I am reading the way of kings and its amazing...
I'm so excited that you're reading Way of Kings! Can't wait to hear more of your thoughts! I think WoK was the first Adult Fantasy I read, and because of that I'm really attached lol. Currently rereading it on audio to prep myself for #4
Also, building a fort to read in is probably one of the most wholesome thing ever
(Side note; you've officially converted me into a sci-fi reader lol currently binging The Murderbot Novellss because the full novel releases soon!)
This makes me want to reread the first 3 before the 4th comes out in November!
Was just thinking the same! And I NEVER reread books, haven't done it once in my whole life
Same! But I have so many new books I need to read too! 😭
I also started The Way of Kings for the first time this weekend! After having it on my shelf for like ~6+ years... and I had bought it as mass market paperback. My poor hands are getting a workout.
Only about ~50 pages in, but looking forward to reading along with you! :)
I’m reading that right now too! Only about 300 pages in. So far I love it, Kaladin is my favorite chapters
Nice! I love Brandon Sanderson. I can't wait for the next book in the Stormlight Archive to finally come out!
Thank you so much for introducing me to Brandon Sanderson. I just finished 'Skyward" (my first book by him) last night. I went to sleep at 4am because I couldn't stop reading it. That's never happened to me before.
Stop being so irresponsible and reading until 4am, don't you have a job? If I caught you reading that late I would rain hell on you and break your phone 😡
Emily, how do you keep track of all the characters and the world building in fantasy books? I wanna be a fantasy girly so bad but get overwhelmed. After I finish my current read, I’m going to attempt WarBreaker by Brandon Sanderson! 😊
I loved when you were describing The Dark Forest and had a bit of lipstick on and the curler, you straight up looked like Padme from Star Wars! 👍
Looks like a perfect day to me!
Just started Way of Kings this weekend. Think I've seen it around a lot more because with extra time people feel like they can commit to it. Hoping you enjoy it
I have been having such a struggle finishing books for like the past six months...I've had words of radiance halfway read for so long and I don't even know why because I was super into it when I was reading it but reading just seems like so much workkkkk
@@killkennylive6569 Have you read the dark forest - book 2?
I read that one and now I’m on the second book! Thanks for recommending Brandon Sanderson :)
Yayyy Way of Kings!! Please check out Elliot Brooks’s first book Peace and Turmoil as well 😍
Really wanna read the way of kings!
The way of kings is on my may tbr and I am so excited to read this book it will be my first Brandon Sanderson book 😍
That whole fort sequence was cute as hell 😂 . Idk why I've never tried that before!
Omg building a fort! Okay, I think I've gotta do that soon. It looked so satisfying hahaha - yay for reading 300 pages of Sanderson! No easy feat, that's for sure. :)
I’m reading this book right now too. I just passed 500 pages after 5 days. It feels like a slow crawl!
I read it a few years ago and don't remember much, I think I'll have to reread that before I move on with the rest of the series.
Finally... yeeey! Can't wait for your thoughts on them... and can't wait for Rhythm of War
I'm reading this atm! My book is the one that is split into two books so it's a lot easier to physically read. I'm currently at page 300ish. I've already ordered the next book, which again, it split into two parts xD
I wonder what the reason is that some places split the book into two parts and some don't. A song of Ice and Fire has also done this for a few of the books in the series. I wonder if it's a money making thing.
Might be a language thing... we have 10 asoiaf-books (they are still about 800 pages each) in Germany because our words tend to be longer in general. Also, our pages are somehow more thick than the English ones. At least for me it's more convenient than carrying a book with me that is larger than my backpack 😬
Completely off topic to the point of the video but that lipstick is so pretty, does anyone know what it is?
Please do more reading vlogs 💕
Now I feel like I need my own fort as well... Thanks, Em! :P
can I ask why you rubbed your lipstick off, right after putting it on?
I used it as a stain!
I just found out that you are an even bigger beauty book tuber! That's amazing that you have two very different, successful youtube channels!
Is that The Mothers on your shelf? If it is, have you read that yet? I’m wondering if I should buy it...
Never heard of that book but i am starting it asap. I have recently started seeing romance books as problematic( ik i am late 😂) so now I am looking for new genres to enjoy.
It definitely has its problems a lot of times but to be fair, even scifi and fantasy can have really weird views on relationships. I don't think the romance genre in itself is a problem but of course opens itself up to have more issues because it focuses so much on relationships in the first place. A lot of it seems to be dysfunctional and unequal and I can't always tell if it is intentional because the author sees no problem with it or what's going on 😄
Now I want to build a fort as well 😂
That snow globe needs to back the frick up or at least put a mask on. As long as we're building forts you might as well play The Floor is Lava just so you can stand on the couch and throw her across the room and yell "Get melted bro!"
How is a fort more comfortable than a bed?
I miss building forts but I used cardboard instead of blankets lol
And here I come not reading during this lockdown. Time to change that today!
when this is uploaded on the day that you, too, are redoing your room to include a reading fort
I feel like I'm watching survivorman
I’m sorry 8am... THAT IS NOT LATE
Did anyone else want to straighten the yellow books behind her?
Meanwhile my new bedtime is like...4 AM....fucking yikes @ me
I guess your probably quite relieved that you were able to get fully moved before all this Virus BS blew up !