Sorry, no Spanish! How did you know it was Anthrax? Did all these pictures come from the doctor's office or hospital? I'm curious about this as I haven't ever seen Anthrax. What was the treatment?
Eso no es carbuncosis por bacilo grampositivo, eso es ántrax estafiloestreptococcico común en pacientes diabéticos altamente curable con cefalosporinas de 3° generación y necrectomia.
isso e horrível doi muito o meu sogro teve exatamente igual este do vidio o meu irmão teve também.
Quero ver mais,tem pouco!
How did you find out it was anthrax?
Es cierto bueno y efectivoyo ya lo probe con una herira de bala
Glad it healed
Sorry, no Spanish! How did you know it was Anthrax? Did all these pictures come from the doctor's office or hospital? I'm curious about this as I haven't ever seen Anthrax. What was the treatment?
Its portuguese
I Think he goes to the hospital...
Spider bite ?
Eso no es carbuncosis por bacilo grampositivo, eso es ántrax estafiloestreptococcico común en pacientes diabéticos altamente curable con cefalosporinas de 3° generación y necrectomia.
ese mismo bicho tengo yo una porquería. me inyecte penicilina dos millones cuatro cientos.
I jus wanna pour peroxide on it and watch it bubble!!!
that little special effect where the picture rotates is very annoying.
Now-now, eventually... you go to Doctor? Or simply growq them for a teaching hospital?
From 00:25-00:32 does anyone else see the outline of Hello Kitty?! XD
taca lhe penicilina
Boo hiss, no video : )
C'mon lick that cheesy crust