My opinion may not be relevant like most comments except those that are actually good criticism. I believe March is so crazy due to the 1 mandatory yellow is just crazy. "Storm" is extremely crazy due to swap, is fine honestly I mean the swap to gotten is alright but the fact u can simply swap out with no target in hand just to protect the card is crazy. Herudigarn honestly is crazy for the draw power however he is the first leader to contest ss3 against which finally a leader can do it. Chain attack/ zeno is needed honestly because the board the decks apes can do and storm although honestly it's just not that it's the point that we don't really have a answer for barrier itself so personally chain attack/zenoh is needed for now until we have more answers to these card. Thanks for reading this if anyone does so
Chain Attack Zen-Oh might be too strong. Thinking that they need to errata Trunks to say “play a Red card with 15000 or less”. Being able to drop the Zen-Oh board wipe whenever you want is..... well...
and March of the Great Apes spam, SS3 awakening in turn 1 and gaining massive hand advantage, Hirudegarn discarding 1 and drawing two every turn isn't "oh....well......" ??? Chain Attack Zeno is literally the only counter we have to all this cheap shit lmao. Chain Attack Zeno is perfectly balanced
Fundamentals _ a complete reset that goes live on turn 2-3 isn’t balanced at all lol. SS3 Apes can obviously be dealt with, sure March will always be a strong card. With the explosion of B/Y Hirudegarn over the weekend, maybe Chain Zen-Oh isn’t the worst thing. But it certainly isn’t balanced
I was the starterku player at the event. I 2-0 the only hirudegarn storm deck I faced. Knowing when to take damage and when to senzu is very important
My opinion may not be relevant like most comments except those that are actually good criticism. I believe March is so crazy due to the 1 mandatory yellow is just crazy. "Storm" is extremely crazy due to swap, is fine honestly I mean the swap to gotten is alright but the fact u can simply swap out with no target in hand just to protect the card is crazy. Herudigarn honestly is crazy for the draw power however he is the first leader to contest ss3 against which finally a leader can do it. Chain attack/ zeno is needed honestly because the board the decks apes can do and storm although honestly it's just not that it's the point that we don't really have a answer for barrier itself so personally chain attack/zenoh is needed for now until we have more answers to these card. Thanks for reading this if anyone does so
So where can I find the deck list?
Mtg for life lol its a storm deck
Chain Attack Zen-Oh might be too strong. Thinking that they need to errata Trunks to say “play a Red card with 15000 or less”. Being able to drop the Zen-Oh board wipe whenever you want is..... well...
SSJFutureGohan62093 trunks is ok they just need to change zen-oh to 16000
and March of the Great Apes spam, SS3 awakening in turn 1 and gaining massive hand advantage, Hirudegarn discarding 1 and drawing two every turn isn't "oh....well......" ??? Chain Attack Zeno is literally the only counter we have to all this cheap shit lmao. Chain Attack Zeno is perfectly balanced
Fundamentals _ a complete reset that goes live on turn 2-3 isn’t balanced at all lol. SS3 Apes can obviously be dealt with, sure March will always be a strong card. With the explosion of B/Y Hirudegarn over the weekend, maybe Chain Zen-Oh isn’t the worst thing. But it certainly isn’t balanced
Are you serious? It’s the only counter to gay meta aggro that spams crap out. It’s necessary
Hold on, how good is Hirus of the storm vs red blue chain zeno decks?
Jason Sordi hiru destroys you turn 1 and if your lucky turn 2. Chain attack wont go off lol
JboyDavid yeah man thats insane, i just have a hard time picturing these games not getting to turn four with senzu being a thing
Is there a deck list?
Demigra or Mira?
Jared Lopez i love mira, but after switching to demigra i can't go back. The double OR it's legit strong
will this deck be as crazy as it is after flute goes to 1??
No. They won't be able to recycle gotens.
ralph gonzales nope. You won’t be able to reward yourself for bouncing Goten back. Which honestly just makes the deck fair. It’ll still be very good
SSJFutureGohan62093 will still be good but not as stupid as it is right now..
ralph gonzales wait for the power overseeing time trunks for extra cards.....
The Los that would take skill to pull off and it burns more resources..
Bardock goten flute is disgusting.