I am a mualaf being enlightened by your speech. May Allah swt bless you with all the good things this life and hereafter has to offer. Jazakallah Khairan.
Jorge unfortunately ur religion is based on dreams n vision...it cannot be dealt with reason because ur religion is illogical n unreadonable...how can u proof a claim from someone who claimed seeing Muhammad in hell?..no..because it was a dream..how can we muslims proof Jesus is not God?..it has been proven by logic n scriptures..
I am a mualaf being enlightened by your speech. May Allah swt bless you with all the good things this life and hereafter has to offer.
Jazakallah Khairan.
Alhamdulillah...HAMKA era baru.
30 Muharram 1445 / 17 Ogos 2023
makin cerah ilmu kita dgn pandangan yg baik. setuju tak???
YaAllah berilah kesehatan dan keberkatan umur kepada dr maza.ilmunya sangat bermamfaat.semoga Allah selalu menjaga beliau.
Terimakasih... saya sangat bahagia memperoleh pencerahan Beliau, Jazakallah khairan
Terima kasih Dr Maza atas ceramah yang penuh maklumat..
Thanks for uploader and jazakallah khairan. Semoga Allah berkati Dr Asri selalu
thanks ustaz dr asri
Ilmu yg amat bermanufa'at
Alhamdulillah. Feel blessed
terima kasih
hidup berhati-hati permata perjalanan hidup berbicara penerang perjalanan
Napa ade orang dislike?
geng2 magic mmg dislike la
Jorge unfortunately ur religion is based on dreams n vision...it cannot be dealt with reason because ur religion is illogical n unreadonable...how can u proof a claim from someone who claimed seeing Muhammad in hell?..no..because it was a dream..how can we muslims proof Jesus is not God?..it has been proven by logic n scriptures..