Conservative convention: Poilievre promises to restore hope in election-style speech | FULL

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024
  • Conservative Party of Canada Leader Pierre Poilievre delivered an election-style speech to its convention floor in Quebec City, Que., on Friday, the first in-person policy convention since 2018 and Poilievre's first address as party leader.
    "I want to thank my own parents," Poilievre said to a sea of supporters bathed in blue stage lights. "It's because they made the decision to adopt me and work hard in front of a classroom that I now stand proudly in front of this room."
    Poilievre promised Conservatives would restore hope to a country weary of a high cost of living, amplifying his message-turned-rally cry of 'Bring it Home,' which supporters chanted before he even took the stage.
    Poilievre was introduced by his wife, Anaida, who spoke of the sacrifices the pair are making as a family with two young children, one with special needs, in pursuing the country's highest office. She added "The job ahead is great and it is not an easy one, but it is a very important one."
    Throughout his nearly one-hour speech, Poilievre listed what he would do if he were to win: Speed up credential recognition for skilled immigrants, incentivize cities to get more homes built, and develop more of the country's natural resources.
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Комментарии • 350

  • @alfyr.e.meyerakaa.r.e.m.4434
    @alfyr.e.meyerakaa.r.e.m.4434 Год назад +37

    First of all, thank you Global News.
    Now, watching this convention has proven to me that my faith in Canada and deciding to not leave my adopted country has been vindicated. My professional daughter, her professional husband and my professional son have all abandoned this, their native land.

    • @etherealfoxproductions
      @etherealfoxproductions Год назад +1

      I’ve been tempted to do the same. Another Trudeau government will guarantee my leave for good. Trudeau’s vision of Canada is not my Canada. Canada has the identity of True North Strong and Free. Trudeau believes Canada has no identity other than diversity being “our strength.” Freedom is our strength and Trudeau is trying to destroy it as he views us as serfs and peasants. We are all countrymen.

    • @dianajohn8723
      @dianajohn8723 10 месяцев назад

      A native Canadian will do a better job than the Power hungry Foreigners.

  • @theJoefamilychannel
    @theJoefamilychannel Год назад +60

    For the first time in a long time, I feel hope for our country.

  • @sharonjansz6446
    @sharonjansz6446 Год назад +52

    This is not drama, it's real...we are hanging out heads low, heart broken and crying 😢 c'mon Pierre, let's do this!!

    • @lornecadeau8172
      @lornecadeau8172 Год назад

      I'm a American French Canadian that's doesn't know French god bless her

  • @techeepeach9272
    @techeepeach9272 Год назад +14

    I’m watching these speeches again!! I wish I could vote now!! I hope Trudeau does the right thing and resigns!

  • @nolancummings9590
    @nolancummings9590 Год назад +32

    Bring it home!

  • @lgmnowkondo938
    @lgmnowkondo938 Год назад +27

    she absolutely OWNED it!!! I was misty a few times!

  • @AxionXIII
    @AxionXIII Год назад +38

    I’m in awe to see this powerful of a speech in Canada! This guys amazing!

    • @skillsgaptrainer
      @skillsgaptrainer Год назад

      Yes. It took a while for a hero to show up, as the economy and the services have been degenerating now for almost a decade in Canada. Kevin O'Leary will bite his lips one day when we surprise him by electing a quality leader. We think business leaders have been waiting for up to a decade to see a quality leadership rise in political area. With the intensifying crises in Canada, we are finally witnessing professionals rise up to the challenge, especially the Conservative MP's, who consistently demonstrate a strong work ethic, tenacity, allegiance to the citizens, attention to detail, attributes clearly visible in the meeting videos posted. Soon, these rising heroes will allow us to prove to the world that we do in fact have good leaders in Canada, and the business CEO will be able to calm a little and their faith will gradually begin to restore in Canada as a good place to do business. This is our chance with Pierre, :) to prove that we understand "how to recruit" a quality professional to a highly challenging role, based on competence, merit, value system and professional ability. When we do this, we will begin to fix the "value system problem" that has been degenerating over the last decade in Canada. Once we fix the "recruitment gatekeepers" of Canada problem, the country will be able to recruit from millions of available workers which do not participate in the economy, and this will begin to fix the "labour shortage" we keep hearing about from the businesses that are usually never satified with human labour availability, even if you threw 100x more people to apply 100x. :)

    • @farid7838
      @farid7838 Год назад +4

      Poilièvre is a demagogue and you fell for it.

    • @EileenJacques-r3n
      @EileenJacques-r3n Год назад +3

      If he becomes leader of this country you may have to swallow your words. This country is becoming like south ofthe border. He will say any thing toget in power.See if he produces all that he is promising.I guess not, like most who have become leaders.

    • @skillsgaptrainer
      @skillsgaptrainer Год назад

      Hey internet friends! We get where you're all coming from, and while none of us has time to fully grasp every issue, or even partially grasp every issue, we have a few thoughts on current political leadership to share today after a year or two of pondering these difficult dilemmas.
      Supporting any political figure, especially without decades of firsthand collaboration and common work projects to check out competency and value system, is a massive gamble. We did that before, and learned quickly to do a bit of research ahead of voting. The geopolitical game, domestic entrenched land owner interests, and global corporate alliances (aka the new western tech order), is tempting leaders of nation states worldwide to lean more towards global alignments or alignment with wealthy land owners who bought the land in the 20th century, often sidelining the required allegiance a country has in law to its citizens based on the framework everyone grew and was raised under or based on the framework that is promised to aspiring immigrants via the media mechanism.
      But looking at Canada's position, our economic strength isn't just about tangible exports like products or services that we invent, manufacture or produce. We're also talking about a wealth of raw resources and energy. Our terrain, rich with minerals and vast lands, might just be worth dozens of trillions or a lot more. Think how many 7000 square foot lots fit within Canada. A lot. And with global inflation on a significant moderate inflation rising trajectory, beginning to infiltrate and spread into developing nations like ours, this Canadian "hard asset" "land and resources wealth" will continually shoot up even higher in dollar value, till one day we will be counting the value of Canada in hundreds of trillions of dollars, if we don't already. Yet, as Canada's resource wealth increases, it's national land and resource value continually increasing, due to the declining purchasing power or depreciating currency relative to hard assets that we own as a nation, it seems the financial well-being of its citizens goes in the opposite direction. There's an funny dynamic at play, which seems to trick a lot of people: as Canada grows richer, and it keeps doing that as the land and resources continually increase in dollar terms, the citizens are becoming poorer. Which is why we see Pierre Rise. They want this fixed. As Canada gets rich, citizens go broke. Only when the nation assigns a portion of that physical built in wealth to the citizens, will the citizens be able to keep up with the rising valuation and rising real asset wealth of Canada.
      For workers and business folks, economic downturns can be brutal. They're stuck navigating the fragility of employment, often with little choice. But countries? Especially one like Canada, bursting with resources and with a population so small in comparison? They've got choices. Wealth is something that 'a leader chooses' in Canada, and poverty is also a choice a leader can make, and has done in this case. While an individual might not have tangible assets, a country like ours has an almost limitless reservoir of natural capital just waiting to be tapped. For Canada, wealth is a choice, dependent on the leader’s vision, and leader's willingness to unlock some of the wealth for the citizens from the land and resource valuation held by Canada. However, it is likely the land owners that exist today will block this move at every legislative turn, so the real question that should be asked, "Will Pierre Poilievere go against pre existing land owners? and allow citizens who have little, to benefit from the natural wealth built and locked within the borders of Canada, instead of acceptiong a 21st century where half the population is a serf or a slave without ownership ability. And further, this is the second question people should be asking. And we are pretty certain they will forget this one, as they do every time. "Will Pierre Poilievre show global leadership, by working with other leaders around the world, so that when a natural project of energy or minerals is done, the people of that country get more than 200 million out of a 30 billiion dollar project? How about 2 billion or 5 billion from a 20 billion dollar project for the people? So that is the answer, projects and taking a fair share of the project for the nation the project is based in, at the global level. We don't know the answer to when such a leader that is both a national star and an international star arrives. But out of all the leaders of Canada, Pierre Poilievere has come the closest to making commitments relating to unlocking the value/capital of Canadian land. So from that perspective, Pierre has achieved more than the other leaders of Canada, in terms of an ethical and moral standing and an engineering society of the 21st century standpoint.
      Enter the Liberal Party, with their "de-growth" strategy and "control legislation". This feels a lot like the playbook of the elites, who might be more about maintaining the status quo than pushing for growth. Leaders from humbler backgrounds, however, seem to resonate more with growth-driven policies, maybe because they're more in tune with everyday aspirations.
      Now, Poilievre is bringing something different to the table. He's vocally and passionately making a case for a growth-oriented industrial and technological future for Canada. And when we're talking about leadership, it's all about playing the odds. If Trudeau's chances of pushing "freedom legislation" or advocating for a "growth-based economy" seem near zero, Poilievre starts looking like a pretty good bet. Even a chance greater than zero that he could help Canadians tap into our nation's wealth makes Pierre the favourable option.
      Here's the thing: this whole scenario? It's like being in a war. And in war, yeah, you're gonna take some hits. The question is, where and how bad? Some injuries you can recover from, others, not so much. Poilievre, uncertainties and all, seems to be our best shot at a future where Canada thrives. With him, there’s hope for a shift back to a traditional, stable Canadian economic model and a stable governance model as we had with all of the prime ministers except with the debts the Trudeau family has placed on Canada of hundreds upon hundreds of billions. In this war, while we might not have a fancy new hospital, having a reliable doctor .. might just be enough. A doctor might be all you need to make the difference during a war.

    • @skillsgaptrainer
      @skillsgaptrainer Год назад

      ​@@EileenJacques-r3n Yes, the political scene is starting to resemble the "instability" and "political aggression" and "aggression towards citizens", often found in political scenes in the rest of the Americas ... North, Central, South America, and many European Nations, especially South Europe and Eastern European nations. Sounds like you prefer the way it was before, when we weren't like south of the border. If this is the case, make sure to not change the country. The Liberal Party is changing the country to fully global demographics and an international rather than a national identity. This means, that our politics will not resemble the politics of the previous 22 prime ministers, but the new international and more tribal politics. Conservative Party would be more focused on nation state view of Canada, or how things were in the past, though we do suspect they will incorporate Liberal values as it makes sense and as it is reasonable and safe to do so, but most likely the adoption of Liberal values will take time for the Conservative Party to ponder and measure. Good things come to those who wait.

  • @sheilapahl1615
    @sheilapahl1615 Год назад +35

    Already working to unite the country. Good job you two.

    • @matguimond92
      @matguimond92 Год назад

      lol "united" thats why Maxime Bernier split the conservative vote two elections in a row making it easier for Trudeau to win. Good job you bozos.

  • @richardramfire3971
    @richardramfire3971 Год назад +34

    I will be proud to call you my pm sir.

  • @PleasantvilleLad
    @PleasantvilleLad Год назад +8

    Wow, no mention of diversification is our strength or LGBTQI+ ...
    A last leadership with focus on what Canadians actually care about ....

    • @shellygiani5461
      @shellygiani5461 Год назад +6

      I’m a brown lesbian and even IM sick of Trudeau and his alphabet mafia and diversity crap

    • @techeepeach9272
      @techeepeach9272 Год назад +1

      Oh thank you!! 100% agreed!! I think everyone is tired of the 87 gender insanity! And our freedom of speech taken away by it being called hate speech! I’m over liberal mafia!

  • @andrelin0913
    @andrelin0913 Год назад +18

    I am not neither a liberal nor conservative head, I voted for Liberal in the last election, but man, I know this guy can do much much better than JT who doesn't possess the capacity to answer questions. Let Poilievre be the next PM, we need to restore hope to Canadian

    • @richardbennett6715
      @richardbennett6715 Год назад +3

      ummm i have seen a few of his alleged town halls and he has never ever laid out his plans on any changes he would make. his standard response was " vote me in as PM and i will then tell you" . as we can see by their policy convention in their own words, they will strip rights from people. he talks about women's rights but where were they from Mulrooney, and Harper on working on equality for women over how many years? please the first 4 letters of their party name speak volumes....... c o n s put together spells cons. they talk about the Liberals being racist but they had members of their own party litterally wine and dine and photo op with German people in Germany who are known racists that are on world watch lists and yet the cons do nothing, no sanctions, nothing. yet they wanted Trudeau to step down after old photos came out of him in black face at a party. and fyi i dont approve of the black face either but imagine the hypocricy when it comes out in all media how con MP are seen in Germany with known racists and take no actions.

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад

      @@richardbennett6715 : Testify !!

    • @roller121984
      @roller121984 Год назад

      ​@richardbennett6715 lol racism card? That's the best you got? Typical liberal

    • @sillililli01
      @sillililli01 Год назад

      @@richardbennett6715 Conservatives would be better than the coalition government we have now. Period.

    • @richardbennett6715
      @richardbennett6715 Год назад +1

      @@sillililli01 sure, as long you dont mind bowing to religion and losing any rights you currently enjoy living by. the con artists have already shown their new policies they would govern by and you can kiss goodbye to all the social infrastructure, women will end up losing all rights. keep in mind their current leader caught himself in his statements about freedom of speech when people joked that someone should r a p e his wife. that particular word is nothing to ever be made light of nor joked about. but when it was brought to his attention - he says nope he doesnt want to press charges. he and his fellow con artists talk aobut the liberal party being racists yet 4 of their own con party were seen and documented going to Germany and having discussions with very known racists that most governments of the world refuse to have any business dealings with and are on watch lists. this one you support demands each and every time that the LIbs take sanctions against their members yet this leader of the cons takes no sanctions against his own members. keep in mind the Cons did nothing towards unifying the country under Harper. in fact nothing was done under Mulroney either. Campbell she was just a holding spot because she was such a joke and cost Canada millions and millions of dollars by trying to cancel contracts and replace them with other contracts. everything this joke of a leader is promising is stuff they promised under both Mulroney and Harper and they did squat. at least the Liberals are doing things to help everyone and not just the rich like the cons have done for decades. oh and another great thought for you to chew on. we need a new PM residence. the cons dont think we do but the con artist leader is living in Stoneaway which is the official residence for the leader of the opposition party. so mr con artist gets a free residence, free security, free staff that do the cooking and cleaning. the residence the PM is using is actually the residence the GG uses when heads of states are in Residence at Rideau Hall. and considering the Cons have had more time in office than the LIbs in the last 30 years............... pretty disgusting that the cons are the ones who cut budgets to spending for the PM residence. instead of blaming a current leader for a problem they did not create........... go back and research which party was in office when policies/laws were put in place. we only have to go look at the deceased Flaherty as fed finance Minister under Harper to see the joke and crooks that the con party has become. when a fed finance minister is blasting provinces for poor money management and he actually mentions Ontario and years........ and it was years he was the provincial finance minister under Mike Harris - you can see how crooked the con artists are.
      if you can tell me what changes to create equality for women or Indiginous people the cons have done i am curious. Mulroney did the how many referendums to amend the constitution and what policy was actually done? oh yeah, Quebec got a distinct society clause. did he do anything for women's rights and equality? nope. what about Harper? nope. at least Trudeau is doing things to ensure each and every single human being that lives in Canada has the same rights. u know things like women being paid the same wage as a man for doing the exact same job and in some cases the woman has done a far better job. ensuring women's reproductive rights are protected. ensuring that every single person regardless of sexual identity, race, religion is entitled to the same equal rights of marriage, work without being persecuted or having the snot beat out of them when they walk down a street.
      please keep in mind that the con party still holds to the practice of using personal religious beliefs when making public policy when they are the party in office. we all know how well that goes - residential school system. look up the founder of that little government progra. the cover has completely been blown off the sewer and you can see the corruption and evil that pervades the con party. once a con artist always a con artist.

  • @pt93music
    @pt93music Год назад +38

    Pierre is going to wipe the floor with Trudeau. This speech was perfect. It’s Trudeauver.

    • @whiteflyingmonkey
      @whiteflyingmonkey Год назад +1

      Oh he has done that plenty of times before, fortunately…or rather unfortunately.

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад +1

      Tonight's speech was written by the Three Stooges.
      Only one was on stage reading it.

    • @bobthodas7672
      @bobthodas7672 Год назад +4

      ​@@Megafoot2164Yup. Just as I thought. Cut and paste the same comment over and over. Bot

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад +1

      @@bobthodas7672 : Yo mama is a bot !

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад

      @@bobthodas7672 : You see, poeple like to plagurise other poeple's stuff and claim it for themselves, like they came up with it. I've had the New York Post steal one of my lines. So, since then , if i put i out in wide distribution then other poeple can't lay claim that they were the one who thought it up.
      Bot ? Not me me pal .

  • @KerryLozinski
    @KerryLozinski Год назад +30

    Great speech! From humble beginnings, understand what Canadians really represent.

  • @LT-xo3dj
    @LT-xo3dj 10 месяцев назад +3

    GO Pierre Poilievre GO he’s the man he has a plan he has common sense plan I vote for Pierre Poilievre For Canada not the fiberals

  • @barbodoherty1400
    @barbodoherty1400 Год назад +26

    My next prime minister!!!!Bring it home my home my Canada!!

  • @crazymarkiplierfan
    @crazymarkiplierfan 11 месяцев назад +4

    You can just feel this is a moment to really change the future for Canada. we need this guy!

  • @nasuselliven
    @nasuselliven Год назад +4

    I hope all of what Pierre says stays true if he becomes Prime Minister as once that happens PM’s seem to get dementia and forget their promises because that is all they are and he is just telling us what we want to hear to get elected!

  • @gordgord9666
    @gordgord9666 Год назад +11

    Trudeau might as well move to cuba after this speach . Maybe he could roll cigars on the beach.
    Probably not , that takes tallent and hard work. Things he will never know about.

  • @ShuaiXie
    @ShuaiXie Год назад +18

    Poilievre is the new PM of Canada!

    • @danielhouse1053
      @danielhouse1053 Год назад +3

      There is two years to go....plenty of time for PP to Eff it up

    • @revagreen2303
      @revagreen2303 Год назад

      Be careful what you wish for! This guy is my MP. Has done nothing for years!!!

    • @sillililli01
      @sillililli01 Год назад

      @@revagreen2303 Certainly would be better than what we have now with this coalition government.

  • @Campingadventure1943
    @Campingadventure1943 Год назад +8

    The PM we all need!❤ what a great speech!

  • @scootlifeforlife8128
    @scootlifeforlife8128 Год назад +5

    Heart felt and a Brilliant speaker. Three languages!! Liberals are rightly terrified

  • @JohnPartyka
    @JohnPartyka Год назад +4

    Why don't these news geniuses mute the speaker more during translation? Don't they know it garbles the speech when both the translator and translated speak at once? !!!!

  • @cirtvchannel1107
    @cirtvchannel1107 Год назад +6

    All work in Canada are so much harder. Like Loblaw supermarket.. small wages.. and the owners are gaining more.. the taxes are super high.. take home pay are so small… And Leaders And managers are so stupid.. they are making the employees robots to all the jobs in Loblaw.. we hits this to much.. we can’t afford to pay our bills and rent and food.. please help us employees of Loblaw supermarkets.. Godblessed… Best wishes.. Congratulations ❤️🙏🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 Saskatoon

  • @DungHuynh-th6sx
    @DungHuynh-th6sx Год назад +6

    Very moving speech, well informed!!!!!

  • @sylon7717
    @sylon7717 Год назад +8

    We are hurting badly. Two college graduated professionals under one roof with one child. Don’t over spend, don’t indulge in anything. And can’t afford our mortgage payments. 😢😢😢 Let’s go Pierre!!!

  • @sylon7717
    @sylon7717 Год назад +5

    Thank you Global for putting this out there. It’s some what restoring my faith in MSM.

  • @MichaelGeoghegan
    @MichaelGeoghegan Год назад +13

    Truly impressive

  • @petergardiner7290
    @petergardiner7290 Год назад +11

    Trudeau has absolutely no chance to out perform Mr. Pollievre on the election time debate stage.

  • @LZed-g4k
    @LZed-g4k Месяц назад +1

    Beautiful Family.

  • @Wayne-kx9ij
    @Wayne-kx9ij 9 месяцев назад +2

    Now this lady gets it... you will be a great first lady of Canada.. and will be proud to represent..

    • @RedundantHuman-CandyBites
      @RedundantHuman-CandyBites 3 месяца назад +1

      I would be so proud to have her represent us. She knows what most Canadian’s grew up on, what most of us want. We want to have families and homes and food. The time to spend with our families. Not to be used as pawns.

  • @skillsgaptrainer
    @skillsgaptrainer Год назад +19

    The collective efforts of Conservative MP's, including Pierre, have ignited a fervour and inspiration that’s led us to pen an essay titled, “Why Canada is the Greatest Nation on the Planet.” We posted it on our RUclips page and website. Thank you to all the Conservative MP's for playing such a pivotal role. You’re ensuring that the message of Canada’s greatness isn’t just echoed among us, but via brands like SGT too! Here’s to continually making Canada great! 🙂

    • @patricktruelove464
      @patricktruelove464 Год назад +2

      So why does Pierre think Canada is so horrible. According to him, the place sucks.

    • @AC-zt2ky
      @AC-zt2ky Год назад +1

      @@patricktruelove464have you had a look around? Canada couldn’t definitely use a tune up.

  • @SinanQasha
    @SinanQasha Год назад +6

    This guy is good, even if you hate him. He is good. Our next prime minister will have a brain and not just fancy socks and slogans and gay parades

    • @patricktruelove464
      @patricktruelove464 Год назад +3

      A good con artist. A good liar. A good self-promoter. And that's IT.

    • @SinanQasha
      @SinanQasha Год назад


  • @BronsonWally
    @BronsonWally Год назад +14

    How could anyone vote Liberal ?

    • @whiteflyingmonkey
      @whiteflyingmonkey Год назад

      Well, i made that mistake in the election that put Trudeau in. I learned that Liberals can not be trusted EVER AGAIN. And I hope millions of Canadians in provinces like Ontario have learned the same lesson. If you voted Liberal and have not learned this lesson then something is really wrong with your judgment.

    • @patrickkirkby102
      @patrickkirkby102 Год назад

      It was once a viable option (if you consider any of them viable ever" but the new age neo-liberals are out of their mind.

    • @patricktruelove464
      @patricktruelove464 Год назад +4

      Maybe because they like Canada?

    • @patrickkirkby102
      @patrickkirkby102 Год назад +1

      @@patricktruelove464 Look, I voted for JT in 2015, but I have learned from my mistakes. He did a little bit initially for us.
      But let's face it, if we vote liberal at this point, after all the harm the liberals have done to Canada, we are not doing it for the best of the Country, we're doing it for our party loyalty.
      Vote for change, it's the only tool we have to show them that we have the power. (two elections with blatant and non-transparent election interference may say otherwise, but we gotta do what we gotta do)

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад

      Tonight's speech was written by the Three Stooges.
      Only one was on stage reading it.

  • @cristianaguilar3428
    @cristianaguilar3428 Год назад +4


  • @johndouglas6471
    @johndouglas6471 Год назад +20

    That was incredible! Both speeches! Pierre you and your wife were great!🇨🇦 Bring it on home!🇨🇦I’d be proud to have you as the prime minister of this once great country 🇨🇦🕊☮️🕊🇨🇦

  • @roller121984
    @roller121984 Год назад +3

    So glad the trudeau era disaster is coming to and end and Canadians are coming to their senses!!

  • @elieabi-lamah2209
    @elieabi-lamah2209 11 месяцев назад +2

    My Prime Minister is Pierre Poilievre
    Mon Premier Ministre est Pierre Poilievre
    On Vote 🗳️ Pierre Poilievre
    IC XC

  • @roshan4344
    @roshan4344 Год назад +22

    My favorite part, " Do not apologize for our culture, heritage and history. Instead, we should celebrate it".
    🎉🇨🇦 Bring it home.

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад

      Tonight's speech was written by the Three Stooges.
      Only one was on stage reading it.

    • @worstknightmayor4439
      @worstknightmayor4439 Год назад

      ​@@Megafoot2164how is your welfare Cheque lasting

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад

      @@worstknightmayor4439 : Pierre Poillievre without his glasses , Homer Simpson, same person ?

    • @worstknightmayor4439
      @worstknightmayor4439 Год назад +1

      ​@@Megafoot2164your pm is history deal with it 😂

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад

      @@worstknightmayor4439 : Did you go research how wind turbines work ? Because your creating enough to power one all on your own.

  • @varshajawkar4495
    @varshajawkar4495 11 месяцев назад +2

    We want only Pierre as our new PM...

  • @nicolenorm9456
    @nicolenorm9456 11 месяцев назад +3

    Merci d'exister !

  • @travislucy9394
    @travislucy9394 Год назад +4

    I am not embarrassed to admit I was brought to tears several times as Anaida spoke.

  • @billybailey713
    @billybailey713 Год назад +4

    PP4PM!!!!!!! a glimmer of light at the end of a very dark tunnel made by justin trudeau.

  • @KoryDaoust
    @KoryDaoust Год назад +9

    I hope Pierre will be our Prime Minister.

  • @Ace-is7ww
    @Ace-is7ww Год назад +8

    How can you hate this guy, forreal.

  • @roadtrip2943
    @roadtrip2943 Год назад +2

    Restore the rights of Canadians as citizens of a sovereign nation

  • @johnblok8656
    @johnblok8656 11 месяцев назад +1

    I honestly don't understand the mind of a Conservative. The first 30 min of this was so gross and cringe inducing for me to watch...
    I am not sure where there is common ground here.

  • @VladimirAvdonine
    @VladimirAvdonine 4 месяца назад +1

    Pierre Poilievre with his family in his house. Most of Canadian families can not afford to buy a decent house at present prices.
    Canadians do not need a low quality affordable housing projects as much as the decent houses prices slashed in half.
    Can Pierre Poilievre do that, if he comes to power ???

    • @RedundantHuman-CandyBites
      @RedundantHuman-CandyBites 3 месяца назад +1

      I think he can. I believe he has more of chance to do over JT who doesn’t remotely give an F.

  • @Vraptor1
    @Vraptor1 11 месяцев назад +1

    Watch him become PM and not only not keep any of his promises, but make the country at minimum 20x worse lol

  • @pleidieswilson6627
    @pleidieswilson6627 Год назад +5


  • @MrCanada1
    @MrCanada1 Год назад +1

    English canada preserve your culture

  • @KuruJimmy
    @KuruJimmy Год назад +2

    I did live in Montreal working class neighborhoods . At the same time came from the bloody English colony
    I don’t even know single French words

  • @calgarykid9940
    @calgarykid9940 Год назад +3

    I love my country but im starting to feel like we are too large and diverse to be one "country" under one governing power. West votes conservative, east (or the parts that matter) votes liberal. Make the masses happy and divide the two.

  • @KYurk
    @KYurk 11 месяцев назад

    No more building on flood plains and under big dams. That’s stupid and it costs us money every year.

  • @FrankVicino
    @FrankVicino Год назад +1

    Make sure the votting system is not riged , that is the only way we can get rid of Trudeau,,,

  • @darlene9154
    @darlene9154 Год назад +5

    Hope you’re watching Trudeau! You need to step down!

  • @pacalvotan3380
    @pacalvotan3380 Год назад +6

    How could Poilievre NOT win the next election with a wife like he has? With Trudeau, I saw an embarrassment, but with Poilievre I see an indestructible team.

    • @dr-enoch
      @dr-enoch Год назад +1

      Woah, are you suggesting that's what she's good for? Help the husband win the election? Way to reduce her into a commodity.

    • @pacalvotan3380
      @pacalvotan3380 Год назад +2

      @@dr-enoch, that's a pretty woke comment to make here. She's intelligent and well-spoken...that's what our country needs.

    • @dr-enoch
      @dr-enoch Год назад +2

      @@pacalvotan3380 Woke because I called out your covert misogyny? Her intelligence and eloquence are her OWN merit. She's not an asset of Poilievre to "win the next election" like you said.

    • @dr-enoch
      @dr-enoch Год назад +1

      @@Smozzle19 So I am no longer woke? Changed your mind? That's dumb because you were the one who called me woke.

    • @sillililli01
      @sillililli01 Год назад +1

      @@dr-enoch What part of "indestructible team" didn't you understand? Husband and wife being the team that's indestructible.

  • @pleidieswilson6627
    @pleidieswilson6627 Год назад +3

    Thank you Pieree!!!❤❤❤❤ Bring it home!❤❤❤❤

  • @DevilDog369
    @DevilDog369 Год назад +8

    He has MY VOTE !!!

  • @sheldonberg125
    @sheldonberg125 8 месяцев назад +1

    Maybe Pierre’s wife should be running for PM. She seems very intelligent and I assume she shares the same conservative principles as Pierre. I like her. I like the fact that she is a conservative woman. Women can be conservatives and they should be. The left is not friendly to women. Social progressivism of the last 40 years has done tremendous damage for women. Perhaps we will see more women coming out as conservatives.

    • @wyleecoyotee4252
      @wyleecoyotee4252 8 месяцев назад +1

      She's pro-choice, like every woman should be.
      Progressivism greatly benefits women, as it clearly benefits her, with her own business.

    • @RedundantHuman-CandyBites
      @RedundantHuman-CandyBites 3 месяца назад

      I could not agree more with what you said and how you said it.✊🏼

  • @perrycomeau2627
    @perrycomeau2627 11 месяцев назад +1

    This party skinks. He's all too neat. He's not progessive at all. I don't like either of them.

  • @beckreamondo5246
    @beckreamondo5246 11 месяцев назад +1

    Love this guy

  • @outlawm1
    @outlawm1 Год назад +1

    I like Pierre but he needs to leave his wife out of this

  • @VintageAudioFever
    @VintageAudioFever Год назад +12

    I can't wait to hear this guy....OUR guy all the way

  • @lography6917
    @lography6917 Год назад +6

    52:00 is where he starts

  • @lgmnowkondo938
    @lgmnowkondo938 Год назад +2

    ma-jor-i-ty, ma-jor-i-ty, ma-jor-i-ty!!!!!

  • @EileenJacques-r3n
    @EileenJacques-r3n Год назад +4

    Canada is the second best country to live in, next to Switzerland.

    • @whiteflyingmonkey
      @whiteflyingmonkey Год назад +6

      I lived here for 30 years. Over the last 8, Canada has become one of the worst to live in, work in, buy in, or raise kids in. Are you talking about Canada on planet earth? That’s the one I am talking about. In any case, this guy will change everything and it will be great again.

    • @Osprey23-o8l
      @Osprey23-o8l Год назад

      Yes they have a right wing government which is smart but better for what?

    • @wqv5423ln
      @wqv5423ln Год назад

      Canadais not what it was nine years ago!

  • @zincklesX
    @zincklesX Месяц назад

    I hope "Anaida /Ana" becomes Canada's First Lady. " I love her representing all Mothers in Canada!

  • @edgar-edgarton
    @edgar-edgarton Год назад +11

    Help Make Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives MAKE CANADA FREE AGAIN! 💙💙💙 We have been anything but free for the last eight years under the Trudeau regime.

    • @bobcrane9945
      @bobcrane9945 Год назад +5

      Vote for whomever you want but Canada is already free!

    • @patricktruelove464
      @patricktruelove464 Год назад +5

      How are you not free?

    • @bobcrane9945
      @bobcrane9945 Год назад +2

      @@patricktruelove464 LOL his mind has been taken captive by Pierre and the Libertarians 🤣🤣

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад +1

      Tonight's speech was written by the Three Stooges.
      Only one of them was on stage reading it..

    • @shannonpetryshyn183
      @shannonpetryshyn183 Год назад +4

      ​@@Megafoot2164you should wipe the side of your mouth you still have a bit of trudeau in the corner

  • @EM-uh7tk
    @EM-uh7tk Год назад +2

    I have always voted for conservative will continue to do that for ever, lets bring it home, hope the elections happen in 2 months , cant wait for 2 years

  • @broadstreet21
    @broadstreet21 Год назад

    This guy looks like Clark Kent - if he ditches his glasses, he ought to wear a Superman cape.

  • @canuckhq9486
    @canuckhq9486 Год назад +7

    PP 4 PM! 🇨🇦

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад

      Menstrual cramps ?

    • @wqv5423ln
      @wqv5423ln Год назад

      ​@Ann-lz7mhno olz! Dont unsult Pierre Pollivere! He's so much better than Trump!

  • @user-rs6gy9qp6n
    @user-rs6gy9qp6n Год назад +1

    Yah hopefully people don't waste their vote on PPC and just vote conservative

  • @colleenthorpe6590
    @colleenthorpe6590 Год назад +5

    The real Canadian Prince!

  • @jasondieser8939
    @jasondieser8939 Год назад +6

    All I ask Pierre is that you help all hard working canadians be able to afford a decent life. That they shouldnt have to worry about how to pay the power, gas, food bills. I know it will take time to fix what Trudeau has ruined but please stay the course on your promises and help us so we dont have to fear homelessness and starvation.

    @OMEGALFA. Год назад +11


  • @ENGRtube
    @ENGRtube Год назад +3

    PLEASE PIERRE, WIN THIS ELECTION!! We need real leadership with real results! SAVE CANADA!!

  • @randyf1876
    @randyf1876 Год назад +4

    Trudeau belongs in prison

  • @MichaelGeoghegan
    @MichaelGeoghegan Год назад +6

    I love the standing ovation for truckers

    • @wqv5423ln
      @wqv5423ln Год назад +2

      Yes... That was fantastic!

    • @wyleecoyotee4252
      @wyleecoyotee4252 8 месяцев назад

      That's why he's not getting my vote

  • @darlene9154
    @darlene9154 Год назад +10

    I’m afraid it’s early days. You know how the people forget all the terrible things Trudeau has done. He got in the 2nd time and people were sick of his crooked ways, but they still voted for him. People need to go VOTE!!!

    • @worstknightmayor4439
      @worstknightmayor4439 Год назад +1

      You can thank the 1 million immigrants and 1 million federal government employees

    • @canadiangirl
      @canadiangirl Год назад +3

      Just like they forget the terrible things Steven Harper did.

    • @randyf1876
      @randyf1876 Год назад

      Trudeau won because of China's interference in the last 2 elections

    • @randyf1876
      @randyf1876 Год назад +4

      ​@@worstknightmayor4439 more like we can thank China for helping him win

    • @whiteflyingmonkey
      @whiteflyingmonkey Год назад

      You have to remember how he got in again. He caused a snap election during covid when people were scared while handing out cash for pandemic relief and making all kinds of promises. He took advantage of that situation and people. You see, he knew that in a few years he may not be elected again so a snap election gave him 4 more years.

  • @perrycomeau2627
    @perrycomeau2627 11 месяцев назад

    We'll see.

  • @lornecadeau8172
    @lornecadeau8172 Год назад +1

    Listen to this women should be the next pm

  • @lornecadeau8172
    @lornecadeau8172 Год назад +1

    I was born snd raised ln canada shuch a dam shame

  • @wqv5423ln
    @wqv5423ln Год назад +3

    This proves Trudeau is finished! He might as well resign now so we can proclaim a national holiday called " Freedom Day"!

  • @broadstreet21
    @broadstreet21 Год назад +1

    The lady in the beginning, she sounds like a candidate for PM.

  • @alanhusband9422
    @alanhusband9422 Год назад +3

    It would have been interesting to see what Pierre would have done when COVID hit, had he been PM.

    • @wqv5423ln
      @wqv5423ln Год назад +5

      He would not have persecutedthe truckers & medical workers!

    • @richardbennett6715
      @richardbennett6715 Год назад +1

      my guess is millions more would have died. also let us not forget he never spoke out when the anti vaxxers, anti mandaters were harrassing innocent people on the street. i dont care if it was only 200 complaints or 5 million complaints. it was public knowledge and being reported in the news all over the place(legitimate media) how residents in ottawa were being harrased. this person does not speak out about any crimes no matter how minor the protestors did. no he only throws accusations at the Liberals while he is busy taking photo ops with thugs and terrorists. i challenge him to personaly guarantee before he is elected that if he does away with mandates that he is responsible for anyone who chooses to wear a mask or get vaxxed. and i mean each and every single Canadian who have the same right to what he calls self body autonomy. if anti vaxxers, anti maskers, anti mandaters are demanding to not be harrassed in any way shape or form for their choices............. the same goes for the majority of us who want to do what is right for us. we should be able to walk down a street without someone going up to us and ripping our face mask off( considered assult), yelling racial slurs at people(considered a hate crime) etc. i dont trust him further than i can throw him and i cant even lift his weight.

    • @richardbennett6715
      @richardbennett6715 Год назад +3

      @@wqv5423ln of course he would not have charged the truckers with crimes. he supports criminals since he never ever spoke out to condemn the criminal actions that were committed. dont forget, a podcaster claims it was a joke but had suggested it would be funny to grab his wife and r a p e her. now i dont know about you but having known many women who have been r a p e d........ it is not something to make a job about. because some hear that and called to complain about it, it was investigated.. he said everyone had the right to freedom of speech. wonder how his wife likes the fact someone on air for everyone to hear attempted to make a joke about r a p e. let alone against her and her husband says nope no charges. i wonder how he would have felt about his belief in "freedom of speech no matter how harmful" and someone had actually done that to his wife?

    • @wqv5423ln
      @wqv5423ln Год назад +4

      @@richardbennett6715 He didn't speak out criminal actions because the truckers weren't committing crimes! The rest of your comments are not true and are heresay. Just slander because you dont like him.

    • @danielhouse1053
      @danielhouse1053 Год назад +4

      He would’ve let people starve in the streets and old folks die in their homes

  • @goodmorning1537
    @goodmorning1537 Год назад +2

    All ways before elections the same song " Love is in the air " after the elections " Arrivederci Roma "....

  • @pleidieswilson6627
    @pleidieswilson6627 Год назад +1


  • @kh2726
    @kh2726 Год назад +6

    Love it

  • @stephenletts4942
    @stephenletts4942 Год назад

    cut cut cut- put people in jail- tough love- bring back institutionalization. just what we need a American right wing government.

  • @galactic904
    @galactic904 Год назад +2

    It starts at 35:00

    @OMEGALFA. Год назад +11

    Finally, Canada has its very own Trump, and his name is Poilievre!

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад +1

      Tonight's speech was written by the Three Stooges.
      Only one was on stage reading it.

    • @jeffelder3583
      @jeffelder3583 Год назад +4

      ​@Megafoot2164 how many times are u going to say this completely stupid comment.. literally word for word

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад +1

      @@jeffelder3583: As many times as i like. What's a matter, don't you like free speech ?

    • @worstknightmayor4439
      @worstknightmayor4439 Год назад +1

      ​@@Megafoot2164you are going to lose your lazy money lol.

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад

      @@worstknightmayor4439 : Have you picked out your new bra yet, with the money you'll get if Pepe' cuts the carbon tax ?

  • @hellomyride7793
    @hellomyride7793 Год назад +2

    Nice touch lol Quebec French !

    • @HiRye
      @HiRye Год назад

      That was a very sharp touch lol brilliant wordsmithing lol

  • @AC-zt2ky
    @AC-zt2ky Год назад +1

    Hey haters. Post original comments instead of brain dead snarky reply’s to other people’s comments.

  • @allancanlas8638
    @allancanlas8638 Год назад

    Bring it home! Our New Prime Minister PP

  • @patrickrad1735
    @patrickrad1735 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @AnwarHassain-b5p
    @AnwarHassain-b5p 10 месяцев назад

    My from Bangladesh but not Indian Dhaka narsingdi shibpur south

  • @randyf1876
    @randyf1876 Год назад +3

    Poilievre for PM

  • @johnblok8656
    @johnblok8656 11 месяцев назад

    Did everyone here collectively forget Covid happened? Although the economic plans laid out here sound promising, if the Conservatives can deliver on these, and it could be true that Trudeau's government has a considerable lacking when it comes to budget. Most of the issues talked about that are the root cause were caused by the pandemic. Unless Poilievre wants to make an argument that he could have done better through the pandemic. Other than that he is just lying.

  • @bobcrane9945
    @bobcrane9945 Год назад +2

    All I feel is uncertainty from a potential government based on fear, anger, character assasination, and a promised slash and burn budget

    • @Megafoot2164
      @Megafoot2164 Год назад

      Testfy !! 😊

    • @bobcrane9945
      @bobcrane9945 Год назад

      @@Megafoot2164 I do not understand that comment? What are you trying to say?

    • @sillililli01
      @sillililli01 Год назад

      @@bobcrane9945 Ignore Megafoot2164 he's either a bot or a bought and paid-for troll.

    • @bobcrane9945
      @bobcrane9945 Год назад

      @@sillililli01 thanks, it certainly seems to be a bot gone wrong

    • @sillililli01
      @sillililli01 Год назад

      @@bobcrane9945 In reading further in the comments, I'd say he is a diehard Liberal or bought and paid-for troll. lol

  • @gabrielladots5990
    @gabrielladots5990 7 месяцев назад

    This guy has only been good at pointing out problems…..I’ll vote him in for the watchdog position. Theft prevention