From Self-Enquiry to Self-Abidance
- Опубликовано: 21 янв 2025
- Come to the ‘I-feeling’, remain there, and ask yourself: “where does it come from?” You cannot miss it! It comes from your own Presence, own Stillness. The ‘I’ does not exist by itself, it is just a device of the mind. Existence is only Awareness, that Awareness is not personal. It is shining everywhere. But when it is shining in many minds, every mind will add this ‘I’, and then will add a story, and then you have the impression that there are a number of entities here. No! It is just a superimposition of the insentient on Awareness.
Swami Atmananda Udasin is a teacher of Advaita (Non-duality) and Spiritual Head of Ajatananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India.