Some hints: Do 3 tests and take an average. Try different places in your house/flat, eg near windows, modems rotated differently, up higher on a cupboard. Btw, 5G only works WHERE IT IS! If you locked the CPE to 4G, it would do no better than the B818.
Currently i have around 200Mbps dl, and 21 latency on speedtest using b818, ping in cs around 40-60, BTS around 600m from my house, results on Cpe Pro 2 should be better? I mean mainly ping, will he be lower? No external antenna. Currently no 5g but it will appear soon
On my Huawei H122-373 i use a Freenet card with no data volumen, only 4G (30€ a Mon ) , i have in Frankfurt on IPhone 8+ 60+ Mb/s and on Huawei H122-373 80-100Mb/s. On IPhone 30ms Latenz on Huawei H122-373 24-26ms. With Phone i have a Static IP Adress, on Huawei not! Good for Games! But Latenz is not for Pro Gamer! Dont go to Berlin, only if your Woke, please go there, go away from Frankfurt! THX ;P
Thank you for the comparison. Was a huge help.
have you repeated the tests at lest 3-5 times? If not those values can vary hugely, I often get 2-3x times changes on the same connection
yes and i took the average
It was useful. Thanks 🤓
Nice review.. can i have 1 of that for my birthday
Thank you
Nice man, i love you
Some hints:
Do 3 tests and take an average.
Try different places in your house/flat, eg near windows, modems rotated differently, up higher on a cupboard.
Btw, 5G only works WHERE IT IS! If you locked the CPE to 4G, it would do no better than the B818.
Currently i have around 200Mbps dl, and 21 latency on speedtest using b818, ping in cs around 40-60, BTS around 600m from my house, results on Cpe Pro 2 should be better? I mean mainly ping, will he be lower? No external antenna. Currently no 5g but it will appear soon
your ping and latency will improve with 5g. DL will probably improve in theory but it is already very high so I don‘t know
Still using a b818 4G router and I'm getting 225Mbps and 29ms
On my Huawei H122-373 i use a Freenet card with no data volumen, only 4G (30€ a Mon ) ,
i have in Frankfurt on IPhone 8+ 60+ Mb/s and on Huawei H122-373 80-100Mb/s. On IPhone 30ms Latenz on Huawei H122-373 24-26ms.
With Phone i have a Static IP Adress, on Huawei not! Good for Games! But Latenz is not for Pro Gamer!
Dont go to Berlin, only if your Woke, please go there, go away from Frankfurt! THX ;P
Was the latency different on iPhone compared to this 5G CPE Pro 2 router?
sth tells me that thou sux as well, maybe different things, but always to dudes