@francisco Martinez That comment was from before they nerfed Parfait. I should have said she "Was" in no way balanced. She's better now but still annoying. For your information Parfait was the only legend I called broken upon release. I thought Ali needed a buff (because he did), Parfait was just bullshit on release.
Serem om deddy
Imagine using Parfait and then thinking that you have skill 😂
@francisco Martinez Parfait is in no way balanced
@francisco Martinez That comment was from before they nerfed Parfait. I should have said she "Was" in no way balanced. She's better now but still annoying. For your information Parfait was the only legend I called broken upon release. I thought Ali needed a buff (because he did), Parfait was just bullshit on release.
@francisco Martinez I only play Duels and I main Gumi and Molly but I do play Wolfgang and Ali. I play Victor sometimes as well.