Awesome video. Love how the performers always gets the spectators involved. That baritone sax is almost as big as the person playing it lol. Must take some strong muscles to make those big heavy looking instruments look light and easy to maneuver. Then you have tall students playing small instruments. The band is my favorite, happy, energetic and always in sync. Would love to see them in person someday. They are on my bucket list. Catch the Fever.
Każdy występ, niezależnie czy to 15 minutowy czy 2 godzinny przemarsz, czy występ na boisku, dziedzińcu, scenie czy też sali koncertowej pozostawia niezatarte wrażenie. Zmysłowość, ruchliwość, radość z robienia tego co się kocha niezależnie od wielkiego wysiłku wyćwiczenia tego spektaklu czyni go prawie dziełem sztuki. Godne podziwu. Gorąco pozdrawiam wszystkich uczestników wspaniałego spektaklu i życzę samych sukcesów.
A couple of future KT members from the "diablo de orange" channel were in the crowd in the front greeting KTSHS. They have some KT videos as well as other footage showing their own musical abilities at an even younger age than KT..and they are big fans, like us......
I am 76 years old and a bit more prone to value more the positive things in life and society than the negatives. My life has not been easy. BUT... i love the QUALITY. For example, these wonderful girls have a number of qualties one should value immensely : 1. They are really entertaining. Seeing them in action is a pleasure! 2. They show a great level of co-ordination and group performance. Fantastic. 3. In their training they show dedication and commitment. Their level of performance is tightly connected with the excellent result. Did you know that they do have an ACTIVE Role in their choice of repertoire, their schedule of training and their own exigence of perfection? This is Amazing! 4. Finally, their SMILES, their enthusiasm and their physical and incredible stamina - hours of dancing while playing - that's super-human. They are a part of why I feel fortunate!
🦂Bellissimo filmato, solo qualche ripresa iniziale un po' sfuocata, L'asse portante di questa Band è il 117 th che ha delle percussioniste molto impegnate ( al pari di quelle del 114 th). I brani musicali sono ancora quelli del Prof. Tanaka (per fortuna). Le ragazze, tutte, sono veramente brave. Peccato per un unico flauto, ma per compensare questa mancanza c'è una brava flautista nella parte di Drum Major. SUZUKA.
Thank you Kirschwasser 759! for compiling these videos and posting them for all of the Fans around the World that absolutely love Kyoto Tachibana SHS Marching Band!!! They are like no other Band on the entire planet. 🧡💛🧡💛🧡💛✨✨✨KYOTO TACHIBANA SHS MARCHING BAND✨✨✨🧡💛🧡💛🧡💛
I nominate the illustrious no-nonsense Drum Major as Prime Minister of Japan. After her leadership skills exhibited in front of KT, any other position of power will be "coasting" for her. KT, Japan's most precious gift to the world ... a new art form.
Thanks for sharing this video everyday I always look for more videos of KT, watching their them makes me feel relax. Hope they can perform in coming olympic game. Keep it up orange devils!!!
Hold on, your telling me that with all these intricate choreographed moves in steps, head gestures, flag movements and banner movements, these STUDENTS are also playing these instruments, no,way....I thought the music was pre-recorded and playing from some over-head speakers, how could these students do all the above and play the instruments, now that’s truly an amazing maestro, all the video photographers on the streets, great job presenting the KTSHSB to the world...thank you..
Im sure none of them playing the instruments they have a hidden sound system above them. The Asian people strive for perfection something you wouldn't no about.
I would like to add. This school has been doing this type of dance style for decades. Look up Tachibana Girls Senior High School, later became coed in 2005. There is a short video in 1993, another in 1998, and so on.
Thank you so much, Professor Hiramatsu. Your great gift to mankind was puchased with your hard work, sacrifice, dedication, foresight. courage and talent. Many many thanks! Yours is a most precious and beautiful and inspiring gift to us all.
For fun, my wild guess is the lead flag girl in the Blumen Hugel, Brass Expo and Garasha Festival. She's the best dancer for Sing x 3. Plays a clarinet.
Kyoto Tachibana SHS Wind Marching Band World’s Best Entertainment✨. Won Gold Award 🥉💗 because they showed the World 🌍 why are they the Best. Congratulations 🎉 for Kyoto Tachibana SHS Wind Marching Band for winning the Gold Award in Taiwan 🇹🇼🏆 and invited to participate at the 2025 Tournament of Rose 🌹 Parade in America 🇺🇸🎶.
This is the new contingent for 2019/20 I take it? I notice a new drum major (with the whistle) after the previous one presumably left school or retired? Good to still see them as polished and as well supported as ever. :)
The selected junior class DM takes over at the first of the calendar year as the senior class including the senior DM retire from the band to study for college entrance exams.
Pride and joy amazing fantastic beautiful. Also nice to see they seem to always have a massive crowd in Japan. If they dared to put this playful style of happiness in the olympics I would make an exception and for once watch the opening. :)
07:13 CGの子が小さい子にハイタッチした時に兼城先生がニコッと笑ったのを俺は見逃さなかった…😎
❤😂🎉",Beautiful Champions ❤😂❤
京都橘高校オレンジの悪魔さん達のモットーは元気一杯!笑顔一杯!夢一杯!✌️まだまだ図り知れ無い可能性を沢山秘めてるでしょ😀😀 空中浮遊しながら演奏とか🤣🤣比叡山の修行僧の為せる技(笑)でも修行僧には感動しませんね~😀😀
yoshi ebbie
様 同感です。
moyuki はっきり言って病気ですね。俺も同じ症状です。
@@kirschwasser7593 僕は119期生推しですが、116期生にもハマってます👀‼️バイク🏍️&車🚘️&犬🐱猫(=^ェ^=)🐱動画もいいけど、橘ウイルスに一度感染すると抜けられませんね(;^ω^)😅
何度見てもワンダフル ビューティフルねえ、バンドのパワー
今頃になって遅すぎですが、116期から118期までの楽しくて素晴らしい映像、ありがとうございます。この時の新入生パーカッション男子部員さんはDM(○りんぷ)さんの弟さんだそうです。 この後、翌月の2019ブラスエキスポでは、この新入生さんたち(ジャージのラインが太い)はパレード初参加なのに信じられないほどに上達していて立派に演奏していましたね! 驚きました。
見ごたえ、聴きごたえのある動画でした。最初アーケードから出たところ揃っていてパンチ力が強い。これは楽しいでしょう。4月のさくらとブルーメではフルート先輩が一人で頑張っていましたが5月のブラスエキスポで6人になってる。スーザも4から8になって音量が増えてますか36:00のベースラインがいい。 伏見お城まつり、ガラシャ祭りは文化の日頃なんですね。覚えます。春から冬までの変化を感じました。
1:25:30頃から、画面正面に115期CGオセロ(白黒)コンビの黒の通称スポーティーな小麦さんが沿道(手拍子する男性の向かって左側2人目)から116期CGパートリーダー通称インド姫さん率いるCG隊やDMさんたち後輩を見守っています( ちょうど陰になって暗いけど)。 ちなみに白の通称はんなり京美人のちろっこさんは2019ブラスエキスポでは先頭の看板を持ってました。 この三人で2018のCG三人娘として支えていましたね。
kischwasser 759様UP有難うございます。いつ見ても三姉妹の姿を見るとほっこりした気持ちになります。特に三女のちびちゃんがお姉ちゃんを置いて走って先回りする光景が何とも言えません。絶対に橘に入部した姿見たいです。今年後期高齢者になりましたが、何としてもそれ迄は生きたいと思います。埼玉の爺さんより
@@kirschwasser7593 様 早速のご返信ありがとうございます。何しろ皆様にUPして頂いた動画を楽しみにしておりますので、こちらこそよろしくお願いします。
Kyoto Tachibana retrospectiva 2019
Awesome video. Love how the performers always gets the spectators involved. That baritone sax is almost as big as the person playing it lol. Must take some strong muscles to make those big heavy looking instruments look light and easy to maneuver. Then you have tall students playing small instruments. The band is my favorite, happy, energetic and always in sync. Would love to see them in person someday. They are on my bucket list. Catch the Fever.
Wow , Wow , Wow !
Każdy występ, niezależnie czy to 15 minutowy czy 2 godzinny przemarsz, czy występ na boisku, dziedzińcu, scenie czy też sali koncertowej pozostawia niezatarte wrażenie. Zmysłowość, ruchliwość, radość z robienia tego co się kocha niezależnie od wielkiego wysiłku wyćwiczenia tego spektaklu czyni go prawie dziełem sztuki. Godne podziwu. Gorąco pozdrawiam wszystkich uczestników wspaniałego spektaklu i życzę samych sukcesów.
Happy to see some them involve in O’VIL. KTSHS 💕❤️
A couple of future KT members from the "diablo de orange" channel were in the crowd in the front greeting KTSHS. They have some KT videos as well as other footage showing their own musical abilities at an even younger age than KT..and they are big fans, like us......
いつ見ても気分が晴れるね 若い人が頑張ってる姿を見ると色々なドラマがあるんだろうなと思います
I am 76 years old and a bit more prone to value more the positive things in life and society than the negatives.
My life has not been easy. BUT...
i love the QUALITY.
For example, these wonderful girls have a number of qualties one should value immensely :
1. They are really entertaining. Seeing them in action is a pleasure!
2. They show a great level of co-ordination and group performance. Fantastic.
3. In their training they show dedication and commitment. Their level of performance is tightly connected with the excellent result. Did you know that they do have an ACTIVE Role in their choice of repertoire, their schedule of training and their own exigence of perfection? This is Amazing!
4. Finally, their SMILES, their enthusiasm and their physical and incredible stamina - hours of dancing while playing - that's super-human.
They are a part of why I feel fortunate!
Saludos desde Chicago para la mejor. Banda de jóvenes de. Japón 🇯🇵 👍🇻🇪👍👋🇺🇸👍
🦂Bellissimo filmato, solo qualche ripresa iniziale un po' sfuocata, L'asse portante di questa Band è il 117 th che ha delle percussioniste molto impegnate ( al pari di quelle del 114 th). I brani musicali sono ancora quelli del Prof. Tanaka (per fortuna). Le ragazze, tutte, sono veramente brave. Peccato per un unico flauto, ma per compensare questa mancanza c'è una brava flautista nella parte di Drum Major. SUZUKA.
すばらしい これだけの物を作るのには大変な時間、ご苦労があったでしょう ありがとうございました また橘の演奏を生で聴くことが出来てうらやましいです
Toshiyuki Takahashi
様 お住まいは遠方でしょうか?大変でしょうがいつか機会があれば ぜひ生演奏を・・・
Kirschwasser 759様、総集編のUp有難うございます。
毎年入れ替わりがあり、新生橘が生まれ育っていくのですが、114期・115期の後半のイメージが強く残っている状態での船出は大変だったことと思います。特にドラメをはじめ3年生のご苦労は大変だったことでしょう。いろんな噂が学生の親御さん親戚やその周辺にも影響したのではないかと心配しておりました。 でも、やはり橘ですね! ガラシャ祭りでは素晴らしい完成度に仕上げてきました。本当に感動しました。
近くて遠い国でもタチバナを応援します。 日本の方々のおかげでこんなに遠くから近いように感じられる生々しい画面で応援できて嬉しいです。 naver翻訳だから気持ちが全部伝わらないけどありがたさにコメント書いてみます
으따 우덜 사람 님
기분 전해져 있어요
TACHIBANA의 음악에는 국경이 없습니다
댓글 감사합니다.
Google 번역하고 있습니다
Orange Devils Fan様
Thank you Kirschwasser 759! for compiling these videos and posting them for all of the Fans around the World that absolutely love Kyoto Tachibana SHS Marching Band!!! They are like no other Band on the entire planet. 🧡💛🧡💛🧡💛✨✨✨KYOTO TACHIBANA SHS MARCHING BAND✨✨✨🧡💛🧡💛🧡💛
I nominate the illustrious no-nonsense Drum Major as Prime Minister of Japan.
After her leadership skills exhibited in front of KT, any other position of power will be "coasting" for her.
KT, Japan's most precious gift to the world ... a new art form.
re Byron---yes! you are so right ! !
May be she will be the PM of Jp years later. I appreciate her too.
I miss Ron.
Exhilarating melodies, graceful dance and precise marching, these girls band is really outstanding, I would state it is the new Japanese icon!
15 minutes of the Kyoto Band will improve your day.
Perfect example at 55:46 that whole song has different movements stacked on each other throughout. Not much repetetive choreo there. Amazing!
Still myfavourite
Thanks for sharing this video everyday I always look for more videos of KT, watching their them makes me feel relax. Hope they can perform in coming olympic game. Keep it up orange devils!!!
この時期だからこその…粋な総集編… 有難う御座います❗
ブラスエキスポ動画辺りから私の目標が一つ増えました、それはいつかcome onたく
@@kirschwasser7593 さん、逆に、これまでコメント入れていない自分に歯がゆくて… … ごめんなさい・・
@@comeon2215 様 今後もよろしくお願い致します。
@@kirschwasser7593 さん、良いお年を… 116のみんな… サッカー部、バレー部の最後の応援、の…
応援してるよ❗(小声… ちょっと、ややこしい…w)
The best ever band tachhibana I love it from Philippines mangagoy castillo village Peter Alob
Muito muito lindo todas as apresentacão parabéns banda show
I am glad to discover KT , better late than never. Daily dosage of KT performance. Thank you for the upload. 🎼🎼🥁🥁👍
Que espectacular banda kyoto tachibana sin duda la mejor banda de todos los tiempos magnificos
awesome talent and choreography!
Creo y pienso que estas jovencitas son lo más grande que tiene el mundo, ojalá pudieran viajar por los países para mostrar toda su sabiduría.
Beautiful Band I Love Their Moves Very Well Performed...Love it
Thank you very much for this amazing video. It seems like each year the crowds get larger.
25:21 おでちゃんら先頭の新1年生が「わーキャー」叫びながら踊りだすも、後ろから「ダメダメ」と注意されるww
They're amazing, I really love them.
Hold on, your telling me that with all these intricate choreographed moves in steps, head gestures, flag movements and banner movements, these STUDENTS are also playing these instruments, no,way....I thought the music was pre-recorded and playing from some over-head speakers, how could these students do all the above and play the instruments, now that’s truly an amazing maestro, all the video photographers on the streets, great job presenting the KTSHSB to the world...thank you..
You cant believe it right!? This girls and boys are amazing!
Im sure none of them playing the instruments they have a hidden sound system above them.
The Asian people strive for perfection something you wouldn't no about.
I would like to add. This school has been doing this type of dance style for decades. Look up Tachibana Girls Senior High School, later became coed in 2005. There is a short video in 1993, another in 1998, and so on.
Thank you so much, Professor Hiramatsu.
Your great gift to mankind was puchased with your hard work, sacrifice, dedication, foresight. courage and talent.
Many many thanks! Yours is a most precious and beautiful and inspiring gift to us all.
Kirschwasser 759: Thanks for the song list. I was wondering what music they were playing :)
Nessa pandemia só a banda Tachibana para a alegria é show
Hope the Covid cure comes quick. I don't care about my job or my girlfriend or anything like that, I just want to see more KTSHS Band videos!
Hermoso la mejor banda de Japon Kyoto Tachibana mil felicidades.👏👏👏👏👏🙏
O Carnaval brasileiro é muito legal mais meu modo de ver é pouco sem organizassao mais essa banda é o máximo sem erro algum
🍊😈 #柑仔色惡魔 😈🍊實力堅強な~~ღ❤
.não canso de ver essas meninas ou melhor a banda toda já vi todas as apresentação no mínimo umas 20 vezes quero mais show
may i know who will be the next 2020 candidates for a NEW DRUM MAJOR of SHS TACHIBANA ?,,i really love SHS TACHIBANA a world class marching band..
For fun, my wild guess is the lead flag girl in the Blumen Hugel, Brass Expo and Garasha Festival. She's the best dancer for Sing x 3. Plays a clarinet.
Torombonist(2020drum major)
K Nakano
様 こちらこそコメントありがとうございます、すごく励みになります。
Kyoto Tachibana SHS Wind Marching Band World’s Best Entertainment✨. Won Gold Award 🥉💗 because they showed the World 🌍 why are they the Best. Congratulations 🎉 for Kyoto Tachibana SHS Wind Marching Band for winning the Gold Award in Taiwan 🇹🇼🏆 and invited to participate at the 2025 Tournament of Rose 🌹 Parade in America 🇺🇸🎶.
This is the new contingent for 2019/20 I take it? I notice a new drum major (with the whistle) after the previous one presumably left school or retired? Good to still see them as polished and as well supported as ever. :)
The selected junior class DM takes over at the first of the calendar year as the senior class including the senior DM retire from the band to study for college entrance exams.
Pride and joy amazing fantastic beautiful. Also nice to see they seem to always have a massive crowd in Japan. If they dared to put this playful style of happiness in the olympics I would make an exception and for once watch the opening. :)
Original video compilation go ahead marching KT band.
💚💛💜💘 대단하다^^awesome👐👐
The Generation Next of KT
Thank you for an AWESOME video, and thank you 116th term for some most memorable performances, best of luck to you all in the future!!!!!
Não me canso de ver
Very nice
if i have a chance to go in japan ..i would like to see your band in live performance . i like it so much
@@MegaCristovalYeah, me too 😊
Já vi revi e acho que vou ter que ver de novo
Live long and prosper Tachibana!!!
Thank you Kirschwasser 759
Paddington 60
Thank you for watching the video
Great to see them again and hope there is more to come Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Derek Munro
Have a good year
Sounds like they're singing about the lergy at the start of this segment!
Seeing how packed the streets and malls are has anyone been smacked around the ears by a flagpole or a trombone slide ?
A photographer got whacked in the arm by a flag here:видео.html
京都橘いいね!いろんなマーチングバンド観てるけど 何か確率してます。
Thanks for the video..really appreciated.. KTHB the best high school band in the world! P E N G U I N fan here from the Philippines!!
The band marches this street a lot! Does anyone know where this is?
Go forward KT band be standstill in 2020.
Me encanta.... DESDE ESPAÑA