Love mine it's a backflippin machine on 3s 🔥🔥 and a stable beast on 2. they are a bit tricky to work on sometimes. Extra tip to keep your diffs together on 3s get some gpm aluminum skids front and rear they are inexpensive and will save your tiny diffs hopefully. Much cheaper then the hot racing diffs which are good but pricey. Thanks for watching Have fun with that beast. 👍✊
I like it but it's noisy compared to my Reefs servos. Just could find one then that was the right size and WP from reefs at the time. But its held up very well bout 2 seasons.
Nice upgrades! How durable is it for you? I have 2 stock which both are broken. Was thinking of fixing and upgrading them but from what I’ve read people still don’t find them durable. I also hate to work on this platform. Might sell them cheap and buy a mt10 or granite instead
So far so good on the durability 🤞I think the RPM arms the GPM Skid plates and the Center Diff. are probably the most important upgrades. I also Find it very hard to work on it is small and complex for a small truck. But all that said I ❤️ love my MERV. I have only ever broken a drive cup on mine $4 fix it is very cheap to upgrade and repair (drive cup is an upgraded part). So I say sell one fix the other one and get yourself a grom maybe if you want to stay small scale they look super easy to work on! Might be my next small scale truck. Thanks for the Comment ✊
Nice! I'm in the process of building mine, waiting on the servo and shock mounts
Love mine it's a backflippin machine on 3s 🔥🔥 and a stable beast on 2. they are a bit tricky to work on sometimes. Extra tip to keep your diffs together on 3s get some gpm aluminum skids front and rear they are inexpensive and will save your tiny diffs hopefully. Much cheaper then the hot racing diffs which are good but pricey. Thanks for watching Have fun with that beast. 👍✊
Savox is sweet, got that in my Gasser 5IVE-T. Nice upgrades
I like it but it's noisy compared to my Reefs servos. Just could find one then that was the right size and WP from reefs at the time. But its held up very well bout 2 seasons.
Nice upgrades! How durable is it for you? I have 2 stock which both are broken. Was thinking of fixing and upgrading them but from what I’ve read people still don’t find them durable. I also hate to work on this platform. Might sell them cheap and buy a mt10 or granite instead
So far so good on the durability 🤞I think the RPM arms the GPM Skid plates and the Center Diff. are probably the most important upgrades. I also Find it very hard to work on it is small and complex for a small truck. But all that said I ❤️ love my MERV. I have only ever broken a drive cup on mine $4 fix it is very cheap to upgrade and repair (drive cup is an upgraded part). So I say sell one fix the other one and get yourself a grom maybe if you want to stay small scale they look super easy to work on! Might be my next small scale truck. Thanks for the Comment ✊
You forgot to replace the plastic bushings in the bellcrank and rocker arms with bearings