The patent or ingredients do not show graphene, and No independent test has ever shown graphene in the V. (I'm not counting the made up stories of fake tests by fake doctors).
@@paulg666 And their list is all inclusive?You trust that though?Since they tell us everything ( the truth) so often and never exclude information from the public domain...🙄
Thank you for all of the work you have done. We are heading for a better future technologically but our humanity needs to improve to remove our greed for our societies to survive.
@Chemical Craig yep, here alone at the university of Groningen there were TWO occasions where students "found out" about the characteristics of graphene - even farther, they made it to an usable application. One of which was the making of photovoltaic paint of it.
Dragon flies don't use high temperature to grow graphene structures in their wings. They have a really good fabrication technique that we can and should copy.
we can use graphene as oil-water separator for oil industry, which can lower their cost about TWO dollar per barrel. Moreover, we can use graphene as air filter which is better than 3M.
paul g You are 100% incorrect. Just because you want to believe that it hasn't been shown doesn't make it so. The fact is now irrefutable. Proof now exist. It's worldwide now. Wake up.
@@jasonmcqueen1411 wrong. No independent test have ever found it in the vaccine. The truth is greater than your fiction or others deception. Where's the proof? I've only seen proof that it's not.
@@paulg666 It has, by independent researchers. Pfizer wanted to hide all of their data for 75 years. And all the companies are claiming they can't disclose their ingredients. There were no inserts in the packaging to tell anyone about ingredients or possible side effects. They also weren't b told they're in the world biggest pharma trial that doesn't end until 2023. You need to do more research instead of talking about things you have no clue about.
We don't take people like him for granted, but I think we want products instead of talking ideas that makes our mouths water. I mean look at this example (and there are MANY of them, not only him) it gives you a tiny bit of hope for the future and that you will be able to encounter this technology within your lifetime. But in the end it's just a carrot on a rope... I think we must demand products, applications, things that are REALLY helping us forward. And NOT in the military advancements, but just for the common folks.
Yes it is. A few months ago I watched news from India it was a short documentary of a group of scientists that did a study on the jab. They found Graphene Oxide in it and they explained what it does to the body, YOU. And they also did autopsy on people that died after the jab. People are magnetic, that's why blood clots form together.
@@bjh1 I watched a news program from Germany they got a Lab to do a Biogenic Spectrometry test and they said that it was not in the vaccines. They also did a TIODI (Total Isotope Osmosis Dendritic Intrascope) on vaccinated persons and found that they were not magnetic.
This is big, bigger than oil, this is Star Trex stuff. I can feel the cool of space just thinking about graphene. Clearly they will magnetize, and roll it out, like a printing press. Wow and double Wow!!
Except for one thing - if it flexes so easily, then graphene does not have the properties predicted. He demonstrated the electrical conductivity though.
Graphene body suits and full helmets that bullets cannot penetrate. The first country that invents that will have an army that will virtually be unstoppable.
of course not. These things stay under the radar forever. The big companies are not interested in any of these applications because then they have to invest millions for something from which they don't know if it's going to be profitable or not. Which is a shame though...
Oh we just invented the 4th most abundant material on the planet. Ooops. Now lets put it in the vaccines and see what happens= 100% death rate.....? ✔ for yourself.
A good idea is to solid graphene foam-like structure infused with helium. Think about what that could mean for the airship industry and aircraft industry as a whole.
I left a comment on top but let me tell you my only concern is graphene just as mountain bikes that were made of carbon fiber about 10 years ago people are finding that they shattering WITHOUT WARNING. When we get to that point I'm sure we'll have some kind of ultrasound and safety measures in place to spot fractures. a miracle element? Yes. But that doesn't mean we throw away all our safety devices. Check twice fly once 😉
Can somebody can educate me. Hindsight being what it is 20/20 armchair quarterback and all that, we now see that carbon fiber is brittle that it can break and shatter after many years of stress such as mountain bikes. How likely would it be for this material to come to the same fate as carbon fiber? My concern is as much as we want to use this in airplane fuselage and use it in heavy industry and I forgot the technical term will there be "graphene fatigue" if you will. Thanks
The patent or ingredients do not show graphene, and No independent test has ever shown graphene in the V. (I'm not counting the made up stories of fake tests by fake doctors).
In case people were wondering, this is real tech, that I use TODAY. Instead of the standard lithium-polymer batteries, I use graphene LiPo's in my racing drone, and they FAR surpass anything else on the market! Oh, and they're on sale for like $16.99 a battery, too. Friggin awesome, and I can't wait till it hits mainstream!
I like you joke (i lol'ed). But this guy makes his pronunciation up with his brilliance and his research for us to take advantage of in the future. Please give this guy more resources!
With a little research I discovered Lockheed Martin Corporation bought a patent for a type of graphene a few years back and is getting ready to reveal some new uses. Lockheed may not be a bad company to invest in.
there are many kingdoms; for there is no space in the which there is no kingdom; and there is no kingdom in which there is no space, either a greater or a lesser kingdom. 38 And unto every kingdom is given a law; and unto every law there are certain bounds also and conditions. 39 All beings who abide not in those conditions are not justified. 40 For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgment goeth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things. 41 He comprehendeth all things, and all things are before him, and all things are round about him; and he is above all things, and in all things, and is through all things, and is round about all things; and all things are by him, and of him, even God, forever and ever. 42 And again, verily I say unto you, he hath given a law unto all things, by which they move in their times and their seasons; 43 And their courses are fixed, even the courses of the heavens and the earth, which comprehend the earth and all the planets. 44 And they give light to each other in their times and in their seasons, in their minutes, in their hours, in their days, in their weeks, in their months, in their years-all these are one year with God, but not with man. 45 The earth rolls upon her wings, and the sun giveth his light by day, and the moon giveth her light by night, and the stars also give their light, as they roll upon their wings in their glory, in the midst of the power of God. 46 Unto what shall I liken these kingdoms, that ye may understand? 47 Behold, all these are kingdoms, and any man who hath seen any or the least of these hath seen God moving in his majesty and power. 48 I say unto you, he hath seen him; nevertheless, he who came unto his own was not comprehended. 49 The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not; nevertheless, the day shall come when you shall comprehend even God, being quickened in him and by him. 50 Then shall ye know that ye have seen me, that I am, and that I am the true light that is in you, and that you are in me; otherwise ye could not abound. fantastic for a limitless future, no matter how big or small.
Can you believe that this was in 2015 ? Actually, he have not tried even the 1% Tiny Tiny fraction of possibilities... Revolution is here and there is no need of any fancy equipment. Now anyone can do it in the kitchen - just heat the conventional soybean oil to 800 °C with any size of nickel foil added and you will receive 1000 times better results than the presenter is showing! Best regards ;) Just try and check !
I love how we are coming up with new tech that will make our lives nicer. But we really need to think about how we can make our new electric powered World more reliable and robust. A system that won't be effected by lightning or charged particle ejection from the sun. Our current system could be knocked out dead, with a large enough solar flare discharge from our Sun or an E.M.P. (electromagnetic pulse) discharge from a terrorist act or a rogue country. An electric future is great, but let's not make it susceptible to where, if damaged, we would be left in the dark and many would panic. Modern people panic way too easy, compared to those who grew up with no electronic devices.
From the article, it appears that the plasma - assisted method is used to produce nano-walls, a 3-d structure. This is not the single layer graphene that En Zhou speaks of here. The room-temperature method likely would produce a different product with different applications.
We have to find different way of mass producing graphene. This is really good, but it suffers from a drawback of using natural gas. Then this would promote more pumping of natural gas from earth. Some of it will escape to the atmosphere causing more greenhouse effect.
Don't worry about the greenhouse effect. Earth would be a frozen snowball without the greenhouse effect from water vapor. So rejoice! Fear the next ice-age instead.
I don't understand why a smart man like him can't come up with a different approach of heating things up other that with natural gas. This process can be done entirely off the grid, certainly nowadays.
*Smack forehead* Look there is no free lunch. You have to get energy from somewhere to make something. You can wave your arms around all day to make graphene but you got to kill a cow to feed you or use a ton of water to grow the vegetables to feed you thus depleting natural resources because you're waving your arms around so fast to make graphene. Times that by 5 billion can you imagine how many people we have to feed to wave their arms around real fast? Sheesh. It's not even talk about the waste that's produced. 😁 Resources have to be used to build windmills which take mining operations to make the metal from natural ore that use heavy industrial mining trucks which in turn use thousands of gallons of diesel to move those trucks. My point is follow the energy chain all the way back from your golden idea. There is no magic pill. Take ethanol for example. Looks green sounds good but they've already proven it takes a massive amounts of resources in terms of diesel, water and fertilizer to make 1 gallon of ethanol.
+Ahmad1342 Yes. A sheet of graphene, one molecule thick and therefore transparent and invisible, could support the weight of an elephant at a point as small as the tip of a pencil.
+Ahmad1342 i don't think that little sheet he showed could zstop a 50 cal bullet, but carbon nanotubes, which are tiny cylinders of graphene, have double the strength, so we would just need to run tests and see how many we need to stackk in order to get a bulletproof product.. and honestly it probably wouldn't need to be that much thicker than printing paper
@@sarashepard7504 Eh, Sara... don't know if you heard but the ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere is dramatically increasing. And CO2, being a gas with 3 molecules, is a greenhouse gas. And I'm sure you know what happens in a greenhouse. So, in a few decades, we will have to have a negative carbon production... or we won't survive as a species.
This technology needs to merge with the tesla system and solar and wind systems. EQUALS; remote renewable energy systems!; equals, we no longer need to endanger our atmosphere and acosystem with internal combustion engines
We need to find a better way to connect the research laboratories with the manufacturing industries and financial institutions asap. The technologies that will transform our lives are already sleeping in dusty old research papers and laboratories desperately waiting for funding.
norvasc28 the discovery of laser and quantum physics was not useful until half a century later to become the fundamentals of many of the technology we use today. Patience my dude
+Jason Axford What would you call "our overall problem?" Overpopulation? Addiction to fossil fuels and associated climate change? Concentration of nearly all the worlds wealth in the hands of a few? Corruption in leadership in most nations? War? Religion being misused to oppress populations?
Overpopulation. All of the other items are intrinsic and cultural problems that have little impact in their own right (addiction to fossil fuels is fine if you don't have the high population to consume it). The planet doesn't care who is being controlled. The numbers game impacts all organisms and is an extrinsic factor which makes it an objective truth. Technological innovations, renewable sources of energy... doesn't matter.
+Jason Axford Yeah, I can't disagree with you there. we could fix everything else but civilization would still be doomed to collapse (with possible human extinction) if we don't get a handle on our numbers. Maybe widespread use of graphene will lead to a wealthier 3rd world leading to better education leading to smaller families. Probably not.
Riche Bright We can only hope and help the oppressed as much as we can (without influencing their culture so much as to be seen as oppressors ourselves). I don't think we'd go extinct (not every population will suffer the same irreparable damage to its ecological support system). I also think climate change will affect populations disproportionately. Yes, some populations will suffer greatly and could even go extinct, yet some may not even notice any change. What we'll see is mass migration before mass death. If you're keeping up with the refugee crisis at the moment, see this as a small prequel for what's to come when drinkable water runs out.
Amazing. Wish capitalism didn't exist so you didn't have to work around funding and all scientistw worked together instead of 1000s of small groups all trying to sabotage and stab each other in the back to be the first to the bag, and stuff, and humanity just collectively realized the necessity and importance of science. Would love to get to experiment myself.
Yeah, they thought Radium and Asbestos were miraculous and safe too🙄
Thanks to TED hard working scientists like these can get their moment in the spotlight.
Small question sir : Can include this material in new Vaxx for COV-ID , for 7 Billion of Human?
Yes they can
Yes , Graphene oxide.
The patent or ingredients do not show graphene, and No independent test has ever shown graphene in the V. (I'm not counting the made up stories of fake tests by fake doctors).
@Clinton kildepstein rubbish
@@paulg666 And their list is all inclusive?You trust that though?Since they tell us everything ( the truth) so often and never exclude information from the public domain...🙄
Thank you for all of the work you have done. We are heading for a better future technologically but our humanity needs to improve to remove our greed for our societies to survive.
Thank you for your work Shou-En Zhu
Showmanship of Jobs with the genius of Wozniak rolled in one.
this guy is a true genius..
Not really. He's just a grad student, and the material he covered here is relatively basic. Universities are packed with people like this.
Yes.. he has the persistence required
I doubt it Craig
@Chemical Craig yep, here alone at the university of Groningen there were TWO occasions where students "found out" about the characteristics of graphene - even farther, they made it to an usable application. One of which was the making of photovoltaic paint of it.
2021 is the year
Graphene is a good material to exchange the world. Is is a revolution of world.
Dragon flies don't use high temperature to grow graphene structures in their wings.
They have a really good fabrication technique that we can and should copy.
We all need to WAKE UP!!!
Awesome advancements that will Change everything. Need Good Leaders and Peace First.
we can use graphene as oil-water separator for oil industry, which can lower their cost about TWO dollar per barrel. Moreover, we can use graphene as air filter which is better than 3M.
Amazing job, Thank you so much for your hard work. The world is very greateful for everything you are doing.
Like introducing this tech into the jab?
Do your research.. You can thank me later.
@@jasonmcqueen1411 Do your research. It has never been found in the v
paul g
You are 100% incorrect. Just because you want to believe that it hasn't been shown doesn't make it so. The fact is now irrefutable. Proof now exist. It's worldwide now. Wake up.
@@jasonmcqueen1411 wrong. No independent test have ever found it in the vaccine. The truth is greater than your fiction or others deception. Where's the proof? I've only seen proof that it's not.
@@paulg666 It has, by independent researchers. Pfizer wanted to hide all of their data for 75 years. And all the companies are claiming they can't disclose their ingredients. There were no inserts in the packaging to tell anyone about ingredients or possible side effects. They also weren't b told they're in the world biggest pharma trial that doesn't end until 2023. You need to do more research instead of talking about things you have no clue about.
Is there any possible way to get Ted X to talk about the relation of Graphene to the desalination of seawater???
it is conductive and flexible is my new catch phrase.
we take people like him for granted, we dont realize their hard work lets us live in such comfort and ease
plus, his voice is soothing af
We don't take people like him for granted, but I think we want products instead of talking ideas that makes our mouths water. I mean look at this example (and there are MANY of them, not only him) it gives you a tiny bit of hope for the future and that you will be able to encounter this technology within your lifetime. But in the end it's just a carrot on a rope...
I think we must demand products, applications, things that are REALLY helping us forward. And NOT in the military advancements, but just for the common folks.
graphene oxide is used in Pfizer and Moderna vaccine
No it is not. Do you have any proof of this or is it all just hot air?
Yes it is. A few months ago I watched news from India it was a short documentary of a group of scientists that did a study on the jab. They found Graphene Oxide in it and they explained what it does to the body, YOU. And they also did autopsy on people that died after the jab. People are magnetic, that's why blood clots form together.
@@jimmyswaggart1189 do you have proof it is not? Or you are just against it?
@@bjh1 I watched a news program from Germany they got a Lab to do a Biogenic Spectrometry test and they said that it was not in the vaccines. They also did a TIODI (Total Isotope Osmosis Dendritic Intrascope) on vaccinated persons and found that they were not magnetic.
@@albertayunda5521 Do you have proof that it is? It is not listed in the ingredients of any of the vaccines so the burden of proof is on you.
Can a graphene membrane be used in a dialysis machine so that the lion is process improves that will help kidney patients lead a better quality life?
this guy is awesome i could listen to him all day
This is big, bigger than oil, this is Star Trex stuff. I can feel the cool of space just thinking about graphene. Clearly they will magnetize, and roll it out, like a printing press. Wow and double Wow!!
Star Trex?
How do we invest early into this technology?
Congratulations...You were right.
Yeah. Can't wait.
Sounds as if the key realization was that those predictions that graphene would be thermodynamically unstable were incorrect.
Didn’t stop them from putting it in the shots that are killing everyone.
@@sarashepard7504 The Vac has an extremely low De ath rate. There is no graph in the V
@@paulg666 Yes, it's so low it cannot be freely spoken of.
@@randomamerican471 They are published in most countries around the world.
Love this guy
graphene age is next
Except for one thing - if it flexes so easily, then graphene does not have the properties predicted. He demonstrated the electrical conductivity though.
Could this be the mark of the beast? Hexagonal shape, i.e. 6 sides. Food for thought. It can be integrated into your body.
This comment aged well.
Great comment!!!
Remember the Rapture occurs before the Mark of the Beast.
This man is my hero.
A mad scientist more like it.
Sara Shepard I don’t think he’s mad at all. Just a hard-working and honest man.
Graphene body suits and full helmets that bullets cannot penetrate. The first country that invents that will have an army that will virtually be unstoppable.
Until they tip bullets with graphene
Jin zhou / I love you Chinese writing in the classic style .
Where can you buy that model of graphene and diamond?
maximum heating of 1000 kelin is a solar process of less energy so the oven can be even bigger
Anyone watching this 10 years later?
Excellent presentation!!
was there any update from Mr. Zhu in 2016 / 2017 ? Im not able to find anything unfortunately :-(
of course not. These things stay under the radar forever. The big companies are not interested in any of these applications because then they have to invest millions for something from which they don't know if it's going to be profitable or not.
Which is a shame though...
holy shit this guy is amazing.
Scotch/Sellotape method was performed by many people prior to the two who published in 2004. I met someone who did this in 1991/1992.
some of the best inventions and discoveries are usually made by accident.
Oh we just invented the 4th most abundant material on the planet.
Now lets put it in the vaccines and see what happens= 100% death rate.....?
✔ for yourself.
@@jasonmcqueen1411 Not true. It has a tiny death rate. And G has never been found in the V
can anybody plz explain how the machine works???
Vaccines, anyone? 2:03
Please fund this guys research.
The promise of graphene has been around for ages.
They still can't get it to stick together.
@@shiva888lilith No it's not.
It also means we can commit our oil resources to polymer materials production, thus reducing our carbon footprint even further
A good idea is to solid graphene foam-like structure infused with helium. Think about what that could mean for the airship industry and aircraft industry as a whole.
I left a comment on top but let me tell you my only concern is graphene just as mountain bikes that were made of carbon fiber about 10 years ago people are finding that they shattering WITHOUT WARNING.
When we get to that point I'm sure we'll have some kind of ultrasound and safety measures in place to spot fractures. a miracle element? Yes. But that doesn't mean we throw away all our safety devices.
Check twice fly once 😉
Let's get to the point! Can graphene be used to filter the water in Flint, Mich., yes or no?
yes, it's possible. But you question should be: why isn't anyone doing that?
In theory..reverse osmosis, but not sure if they've "mastered" the technology yet.
Can somebody can educate me.
Hindsight being what it is 20/20 armchair quarterback and all that, we now see that carbon fiber is brittle that it can break and shatter after many years of stress such as mountain bikes.
How likely would it be for this material to come to the same fate as carbon fiber? My concern is as much as we want to use this in airplane fuselage and use it in heavy industry and I forgot the technical term will there be "graphene fatigue" if you will.
Really cool Graphene plastic composites are the ultimate material, could replace metal silicon and glass...
....and humans, too...
Have this been used in the vaccines
The patent or ingredients do not show graphene, and No independent test has ever shown graphene in the V. (I'm not counting the made up stories of fake tests by fake doctors).
this is 2016 and with many applications of grapgine is all ready in use in the paints you see now day's like conductive paints that change color.s
very well explained
...still imagining in 2019. When is this happening again?
It is happening.
In case people were wondering, this is real tech, that I use TODAY. Instead of the standard lithium-polymer batteries, I use graphene LiPo's in my racing drone, and they FAR surpass anything else on the market!
Oh, and they're on sale for like $16.99 a battery, too. Friggin awesome, and I can't wait till it hits mainstream!
kalairbo i. Pretty sure theyr scams.. watch out ..
Grass windows?
I have a few ideas for use on and in glass window :)
I like you joke (i lol'ed). But this guy makes his pronunciation up with his brilliance and his research for us to take advantage of in the future. Please give this guy more resources!
Lol perfect
With a little research I discovered Lockheed Martin Corporation bought a patent for a type of graphene a few years back and is getting ready to reveal some new uses. Lockheed may not be a bad company to invest in.
Finding that target with graphene is proving difficult
giving money to anyone that is greedy, opaque, criminal, narrow, and un republic is a damaging idea
mind blowing
there are many kingdoms; for there is no space in the which there is no kingdom; and there is no kingdom in which there is no space, either a greater or a lesser kingdom.
38 And unto every kingdom is given a law; and unto every law there are certain bounds also and conditions.
39 All beings who abide not in those conditions are not justified.
40 For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgment goeth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things.
41 He comprehendeth all things, and all things are before him, and all things are round about him; and he is above all things, and in all things, and is through all things, and is round about all things; and all things are by him, and of him, even God, forever and ever.
42 And again, verily I say unto you, he hath given a law unto all things, by which they move in their times and their seasons;
43 And their courses are fixed, even the courses of the heavens and the earth, which comprehend the earth and all the planets.
44 And they give light to each other in their times and in their seasons, in their minutes, in their hours, in their days, in their weeks, in their months, in their years-all these are one year with God, but not with man.
45 The earth rolls upon her wings, and the sun giveth his light by day, and the moon giveth her light by night, and the stars also give their light, as they roll upon their wings in their glory, in the midst of the power of God.
46 Unto what shall I liken these kingdoms, that ye may understand?
47 Behold, all these are kingdoms, and any man who hath seen any or the least of these hath seen God moving in his majesty and power.
48 I say unto you, he hath seen him; nevertheless, he who came unto his own was not comprehended.
49 The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not; nevertheless, the day shall come when you shall comprehend even God, being quickened in him and by him.
50 Then shall ye know that ye have seen me, that I am, and that I am the true light that is in you, and that you are in me; otherwise ye could not abound.
fantastic for a limitless future, no matter how big or small.
citations needed...
If graphene could revolutionize our world, i'd want a graphene wings that allows me to fly :)
Ken Yap holy shit this could actually work right? I mean that shit is really light.
That will be possible one day.
Can you believe that this was in 2015 ? Actually, he have not tried even the 1% Tiny Tiny fraction of possibilities... Revolution is here and there is no need of any fancy equipment. Now anyone can do it in the kitchen - just heat the conventional soybean oil to 800 °C with any size of nickel foil added and you will receive 1000 times better results than the presenter is showing! Best regards ;) Just try and check !
really? Did you try this? (would be awesome :-) )
you can use grapheme and gold foil to make electricity from moving seawater. vids are on my channel
Are there any companies currently making Graphene in anything more than grams at a time?
Versarien (VRS). Buy, buy, buy
I love how we are coming up with new tech that will make our lives nicer. But we really need to think about how we can make our new electric powered World more reliable and robust. A system that won't be effected by lightning or charged particle ejection from the sun. Our current system could be knocked out dead, with a large enough solar flare discharge from our Sun or an E.M.P. (electromagnetic pulse) discharge from a terrorist act or a rogue country. An electric future is great, but let's not make it susceptible to where, if damaged, we would be left in the dark and many would panic. Modern people panic way too easy, compared to those who grew up with no electronic devices.
how about a graphene car or armour or bullet
Nowadays you don't need 1000ºC... plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition at room temperature is now the best way to produce graphene.
Electrochemical exfoliation
From the article, it appears that the plasma - assisted method is used to produce nano-walls, a 3-d structure. This is not the single layer graphene that En Zhou speaks of here. The room-temperature method likely would produce a different product with different applications.
imagine the effect of his butterfly wing :-D !
qed qubit bluemovie
why focus on making it so thin, just make it a little thicker it will still be better and just as useful?
thats how the structure is lol
if you make it thicker, then it loses a lot of it's properties appearntly, and becomes graphite.
@@amiri7392 very intelligent answer!!!
We have to find different way of mass producing graphene. This is really good, but it suffers from a drawback of using natural gas. Then this would promote more pumping of natural gas from earth. Some of it will escape to the atmosphere causing more greenhouse effect.
What are you using natural gas for mass producing graphene. It not used in the method, that I will be using.
Don't worry about the greenhouse effect. Earth would be a frozen snowball without the greenhouse effect from water vapor. So rejoice! Fear the next ice-age instead.
I don't understand why a smart man like him can't come up with a different approach of heating things up other that with natural gas. This process can be done entirely off the grid, certainly nowadays.
*Smack forehead*
Look there is no free lunch. You have to get energy from somewhere to make something. You can wave your arms around all day to make graphene but you got to kill a cow to feed you or use a ton of water to grow the vegetables to feed you thus depleting natural resources because you're waving your arms around so fast to make graphene.
Times that by 5 billion can you imagine how many people we have to feed to wave their arms around real fast? Sheesh. It's not even talk about the waste that's produced. 😁
Resources have to be used to build windmills which take mining operations to make the metal from natural ore that use heavy industrial mining trucks which in turn use thousands of gallons of diesel to move those trucks.
My point is follow the energy chain all the way back from your golden idea. There is no magic pill.
Take ethanol for example. Looks green sounds good but they've already proven it takes a massive amounts of resources in terms of diesel, water and fertilizer to make 1 gallon of ethanol.
What is the name of the company that will manufacture this technology?
well done that man :) and if they wanted a controllable 1000degree furnace use the sun with a controllable lense
that would be cheaper than a furnace
no he needs a furnace so he can put methane into the atmosphere in the furnace
Is graphene bulletproof?
+Ahmad1342 Yes if its thick enough. It is much stronger than kevlar and steal
that very interesting
+Ahmad1342 Yes. A sheet of graphene, one molecule thick and therefore transparent and invisible, could support the weight of an elephant at a point as small as the tip of a pencil.
+Ahmad1342 i don't think that little sheet he showed could zstop a 50 cal bullet, but carbon nanotubes, which are tiny cylinders of graphene, have double the strength, so we would just need to run tests and see how many we need to stackk in order to get a bulletproof product.. and honestly it probably wouldn't need to be that much thicker than printing paper
+fawkesianaut 23 but it will be flexible anyway.
It's in the COVID shot
Could we someday extract the eccess carbon from the athmosphere and make graphene out of it?
Why? WHY do you want to do that?! Crazy lunatics
@@sarashepard7504 Eh, Sara... don't know if you heard but the ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere is dramatically increasing. And CO2, being a gas with 3 molecules, is a greenhouse gas. And I'm sure you know what happens in a greenhouse. So, in a few decades, we will have to have a negative carbon production... or we won't survive as a species.
You may be the first quintillionaire!
6 neutrons, 6 protons, 6 electrons.
Mark of the beast.
I heard someone said Graphene can destroy your DNA
The world is about to ends...
This technology needs to merge with the tesla system and solar and wind systems. EQUALS; remote renewable energy systems!; equals, we no longer need to endanger our atmosphere and acosystem with internal combustion engines
We need to find a better way to connect the research laboratories with the manufacturing industries and financial institutions asap.
The technologies that will transform our lives are already sleeping in dusty old research papers and laboratories desperately waiting for funding.
Why not just point a bunch of lasers at a single point and move them in concert. Then you could just print the stuff.
Your lying that graphene is use by civilian but the true it’s using in military for war
Graphene, please energize my Iphone.
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Im thinking laser produced Graphene now
Can it stop a bullet
I want graphene sheets for my bed.
I’m guessing you took the jab which means you have it in your body.
Glaphene windows sounds better
The emperor's new clothes
BIG ENERGY will squash and hider graphene dont you think? like they have all other previous inventions of alternate energy
this talk is 2 years ago. still this technology is not out!
norvasc28 ok
norvasc28 the discovery of laser and quantum physics was not useful until half a century later to become the fundamentals of many of the technology we use today. Patience my dude
think you too 😁
Augmentations and Crysis suits wuuw!
so thats related to flexible smartphones
You are capital AND renewable energy motivated? Then good. If ONLY capital then BAD.
Amazing. Still doesn't fix our overall problem, though. It just exacerbates it.
+Jason Axford
What would you call "our overall problem?" Overpopulation? Addiction to fossil fuels and associated climate change? Concentration of nearly all the worlds wealth in the hands of a few? Corruption in leadership in most nations? War? Religion being misused to oppress populations?
Overpopulation. All of the other items are intrinsic and cultural problems that have little impact in their own right (addiction to fossil fuels is fine if you don't have the high population to consume it). The planet doesn't care who is being controlled. The numbers game impacts all organisms and is an extrinsic factor which makes it an objective truth. Technological innovations, renewable sources of energy... doesn't matter.
+Jason Axford
Yeah, I can't disagree with you there.
we could fix everything else but civilization would still be doomed to collapse (with possible human extinction) if we don't get a handle on our numbers.
Maybe widespread use of graphene will lead to a wealthier 3rd world leading to better education leading to smaller families.
Probably not.
+Riche Bright How about a graphene condom, yeah that's the ticket.
reusable? eeewww...
Riche Bright
We can only hope and help the oppressed as much as we can (without influencing their culture so much as to be seen as oppressors ourselves).
I don't think we'd go extinct (not every population will suffer the same irreparable damage to its ecological support system). I also think climate change will affect populations disproportionately. Yes, some populations will suffer greatly and could even go extinct, yet some may not even notice any change. What we'll see is mass migration before mass death. If you're keeping up with the refugee crisis at the moment, see this as a small prequel for what's to come when drinkable water runs out.
Amazing. Wish capitalism didn't exist so you didn't have to work around funding and all scientistw worked together instead of 1000s of small groups all trying to sabotage and stab each other in the back to be the first to the bag, and stuff, and humanity just collectively realized the necessity and importance of science. Would love to get to experiment myself.
its the start of new world. but before that the recessions and wars due to lesser jobs for miner,