For the Hook: Water is so deep, that setting the hook is almost impossible even if with your improvement. The purpose of using circular hooks is to make sure the fish is on the hook for sure, fish will not easily shake the hook off, and you are not wasting time reeling the whole setup up and checking bait. With that said, I am still curious to see your test result. For the bait: some people use thin copper wire, and some use magic thread to tie the bait to the hooks. Your idea is great too. Good luck and looking forward to your report.
有启发,感谢。第一个方案还有改善空间,挡豆:硬材质过线容易造成拉力不足,而软的很可能嘞断,过大还可能出现松动,其实用浮矶钓的小挡豆,紧紧的固再线上,应该能达到控制子线这个目的。还有建议再子线上 增加八字环,或者八字环直接穿再主线上,因为上鱼中因为咬钩的角度,很可能出现回收翻滚的情况,八字环可以低效一部分。
For the Hook: Water is so deep, that setting the hook is almost impossible even if with your improvement. The purpose of using circular hooks is to make sure the fish is on the hook for sure, fish will not easily shake the hook off, and you are not wasting time reeling the whole setup up and checking bait. With that said, I am still curious to see your test result. For the bait: some people use thin copper wire, and some use magic thread to tie the bait to the hooks. Your idea is great too. Good luck and looking forward to your report.