Hypertrophy of left ventricle which leads hypertrophy of left atrium and dilatation of left autrium which resulting with blood stasis of the lungs this blood is squeezes in lungs which leads to a disorder contractility function systoles decontractility function diastoles and beats which overloads and complicates the work right ventricle in pumped blood in pulmonary artery which leads to hypertrophy of right ventricle this condiction leads to blood stasis in right ventricle which resulting with failure of triscupid valve then blood is back right atrium which leads to occurence dilatation of the right atrium and leads to blood stasis of right atrium and vena cava inferior and vena cava superior.this situations leads to heart valves defects.this conditions leads to mitral stenosis leads to chronic heart failure and dilated hypertrophy cardiomyopathy
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Спасибо большое. Очень доходчиво и информативно
Сергей Иванович делал мне операцию на сердце. Бегаю прыгаю Спасибо вам.!!!!!
Здравствуйте ! Пожалуйста напишите здесь Ваш телеграмм канал или иные Ваши контактны для связи . Благодарю .
А сколько стоит операция по замене клапана ? И если еще и на аортальном клапане стеноз ?
Добрый день у меня порк сердца враждйон Я хочу апириват
Hypertrophy of left ventricle which leads hypertrophy of left atrium and dilatation of left autrium which resulting with blood stasis of the lungs this blood is squeezes in lungs which leads to a disorder contractility function systoles decontractility function diastoles and beats which overloads and complicates the work right ventricle in pumped blood in pulmonary artery which leads to hypertrophy of right ventricle this condiction leads to blood stasis in right ventricle which resulting with failure of triscupid valve then blood is back right atrium which leads to occurence dilatation of the right atrium and leads to blood stasis of right atrium and vena cava inferior and vena cava superior.this situations leads to heart valves defects.this conditions leads to mitral stenosis leads to chronic heart failure and dilated hypertrophy cardiomyopathy