Mom Abandoned Me, So I Exposed Her Lies to Her Rich Ex and Got the Last Laugh.

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 185

  • @Telltales.
    @Telltales.  9 месяцев назад +642

    There was a small mistake done by the OP at the beginning of the video where she says she lives half of the month with her dad and the other with her dad. It should be half with dad and the other half with her mum.

    • @HenryGamerYT
      @HenryGamerYT 9 месяцев назад +11


    • @doesthisworkatleast
      @doesthisworkatleast 9 месяцев назад +7


    • @brendancrowley3085
      @brendancrowley3085 8 месяцев назад +19

      OP's mistake was the writing, but it's entirely on you that it made it into the video, so I dont see why you're passing blame

    • @ChottoGaming
      @ChottoGaming 8 месяцев назад

      agreed but their lazy thats why they use tts@@brendancrowley3085

    • @Cornholio174
      @Cornholio174 8 месяцев назад

      @@brendancrowley3085that’s what happens you you just copy and paste into an ai to pump out content

  • @Trivial_Whim
    @Trivial_Whim 8 месяцев назад +121

    Should have contacted the boyfriend with evidence your mom wanted you to lie for her, as in any court case that might occur, that'd be witness tampering which is a huge no no.

    • @RequiemPoete
      @RequiemPoete 7 месяцев назад +2

      Hello bf. .om wants me to tell you I made everything up and show you this photo I took yesterday of me in a sling.

  • @DarkEinherjar
    @DarkEinherjar 9 месяцев назад +415

    Oh, she wants to be a mother now? She's three years far too late for that.

    • @electrobuster5483
      @electrobuster5483 9 месяцев назад +23

      3 years? more like a life time too late

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig 8 месяцев назад +13

      See, this is a realm I am not sure about. I know that postpartum depression can be so severe that it will turn violent towards the kid, and some mothers had lost their custody all together for this... So in a way, I get that she didn't want to tell the one person who could make her recovery not worth it.
      However, I am unsure if ppd lasts 3 years, or why, after the first year, she couldn't have her sister reach out.... Or maybe that's why her sister visited, and it was the sister who didn't forward the messages?... it just feels off but I don't know enough about ppd to make a full verdict.

    • @ladylily
      @ladylily 8 месяцев назад +15

      If the shrink she's been seeing all this time is telling him she isn't ready, there was absolutely something seriously mental going on with her. She did the right thing by the child. It's never too late for a parent to make amends if they are sincere. The little girl should have her mother if and when her mother is mentally stable.

    • @Stryker_-qd4nq
      @Stryker_-qd4nq 8 месяцев назад +19

      ​@@ladylily bet you wouldn't be this defensive if it was a dad that abandoned the kid would you?

    • @blabla-fw9ix
      @blabla-fw9ix 8 месяцев назад

      @@Stryker_-qd4nq Its absurd what stupidity some people write . So she just left , just like that and then came 3 years later back like some stranger , hell no , if that man has more than 2 brain cells he is not going to trust that woman with that child , and how could he after what she did . If she has mental problems , fine but then she is clearly in no condition to raise a child . A child isn't just a coat you can hang and come pick it up when it pleases you , heck a pet isn't that let alone a human infant .
      But you know how the internet is full of women and simps who will defend a woman's every action but if the man did the same thing and used the same ,, excuse ,, he would be crucified by the internet . It just goes to show that nobody takes women seriously as adults , it least not like they do with men , they are always going to be treated with kid gloves no matter what they do .

  • @KenW418
    @KenW418 8 месяцев назад +201

    Story 2 - Update 3:
    I didn't intend to do another update until my ex and I had made good progress but she made a confession yesterday and I don't know how to handle it.
    She called me yesterday morning asking if we could meet up since she had something important to tell me. I was off and kiddo was at preschool so I had half an hour to meet her. Soon after I got there, she asked me about our girl and I told her she was doing well. Moments later, she broke down and told me that she wanted to tell me why she decided to reach out so that there weren't any secrets between us.
    She admitted that she had been seeing a guy, I don't know his name so we'll call him Luke, for about eighteen months. I was initially pissed off at the thought of her dating while I was raising our girl alone but she was in tears so I held back. She admitted that Luke had taken her to his nephew's christening and she had a total breakdown at the sight of the baby and the thought of our daughter. She apparently got really drunk and broke down in tears before admitting to Luke that she had a child that she had basically abandoned. Apparently, she tried to distance herself from Luke after that but he stuck with her and his love and support inspired her to see a therapist and reach out to me. (I would've run a mile if I was in his shoes so he has my respect for helping her through that difficult time.)
    I told her I was glad she told me and happy that she has someone that is so devoted before I left to collect kiddo but now that it has fully sunk in, I can't wrap my head around it. How could she have gone off and dated someone else while I was left with our child? I've started to have second thoughts about her second chance but since I'm not going to my therapist for another week, I thought I'd share it here to hopefully get some advice because while I would like my daughter to know her mother (in some capacity anyway) I can't overlook the fact she was dating someone else while I was raising our daughter by myself.
    There's more too, if you find the post.

    • @carolinamansur113
      @carolinamansur113 8 месяцев назад +13

      Thank you so much for posting it

    • @DukerGamerz
      @DukerGamerz 8 месяцев назад +25

      If you abandon a child for more than a year you lose rights. She left for THREE YEARS!!! She does not deserve to see the kid and her dating someone else proves that she doesn't care about the kid.

    • @TheKG636
      @TheKG636 7 месяцев назад +8

      What she did was terrible, and it’s a tough situation, you would be completely justified to not allow her to see the child anymore but just make sure that if it is the decision you make, it’s because it is what is best for your daughter and not due to your own pain.
      Your girl is very lucky to have you, you’re a fantastic dad.

    • @danialdirty5656
      @danialdirty5656 7 месяцев назад +2

      damn. and here i thought at least she didn't see another guy behind his back but no.

    • @jackolantern147
      @jackolantern147 6 месяцев назад +4

      So she made a promise to put the child's needs first, then ditched you for her own selfish desire for 3 years, and now she wants to play happy family? And on top of that, she's been dating someone while leaving you to raise the child alone! She doesn't even care about what happened to you and only wants to be a part of the child's life after abandoning both of you. Take this matter to court, sue her for child support, then take time to yourself to really process what happened, you put your child first, and that is absolutely the right thing to do, but you were a victim just as much as the kid.

  • @emanuelramirez8462
    @emanuelramirez8462 8 месяцев назад +38

    Story 2 - Update 4:
    First off, I want to address some comments on the last post saying how I was posting but not taking action (legal or otherwise) and others mentioning child support. I have been busy dealing with my ex but I've been keeping my cards close to my chest to this point. Locally, sole custody is instantly given to the mother if the child's parents aren't married meaning my ex could've asked for custody and would've been likely to get it (even though she's a stranger to my daughter). So once she resurfaced, I got the ball rolling for sole custody and finally, it was granted to me.
    With help from a friend who studied law (and helped me get sole custody) I've drawn up a draft of a custody agreement for my ex stating that she needs to start paying child support before any visitation is discussed and I'm hoping to get a clause where I can void the agreement at any time (so my daughter is protected in case she disappears again) but I'm not sure if it will be included. My friend and the solicitor/lawyer she works for are sorting it out and they understand that my daughter's wellbeing is the only thing I care about. Now that I have sole custody, she's legally obligated to start paying child support so I'll have a bit more financial security. The matter of the back pay is still up for debate (it's going to be included mainly so we have something to drop if the agreement is contested) but either way, my baby girl is all mine and that's enough for now.
    This brought about a tense meeting with my ex. Following my solicitor's advice, we met face to face and I told her to bring a witness so she couldn't claim that she didn't receive a copy of the custody agreement. I was expecting her to bring her sister since she and I stayed in contact so she could have a relationship with her niece but I was wrong. I got there a few minutes earlier than we had arranged to meet so I could rehearse what I was going to say but as I sat there waiting, something bothered me. And then, my ex walked in with a guy, a little shorter than me and it didn't take me long to guess who it was. 'Luke'.
    My ex and I chatted away about her therapy sessions (Luke chimed in once to reassure me that my ex wanted nothing more than to make up for her mistakes but I basically ignored him) and I then told her that I had been to a solicitor and she had a legal obligation to start paying child support.
    I also told her that I was done talking to her for the time being and that visitation was out of the question. I admitted that if she could prove that she was able to be an actual parent this time (stable home, a source of income with child support being paid on time and her therapist confirming that she is attending her appointments and is improving mentally) I would be willing to talk about visitation but not anytime soon. She accepted that though she did shed a couple of tears (I'm fairly sure it was legit crying and not crocodile tears). Luke then chimed in again to tell me that all my ex could talk about was my daughter but I ignored him again and gave my ex the paperwork from the solicitor and told her she was welcome to get a solicitor to look it over first. I also said that if my daughter wants to meet her when she's older, I won't stop her but I will tell her about how her Mom abandoned her if the subject comes up. She swore that she was going to do everything she could to make amends with me but I told her that I'm not the one she needs to make amends with. The innocent child she abandoned is.
    Aside from that, I've been seeing a girl for about six/seven months now but it was really just a casual hookup sort of thing since my daughter is my main focus which she understands. Then four weeks ago, we had a pregnancy scare but it got us talking about us and the future. We both wanted to make things more serious between us so I introduced her to my daughter last week and they're already growing close which I'm delighted about. Just last night, she popped in after work for a visit and my daughter asked her for a kiss goodnight when it was her bedtime. Before that, she never asked or allowed anyone other than me to kiss her goodnight. Not even my brothers or my parents so believe me, I was amazed.
    Plus a young couple recently moved in over the road with a three year old girl and four month old baby so my daughter has been making friends with them which is awesome. She hasn't got many friends outside preschool so it's great she has someone around her age to play with. She's living her best life and as a Dad, I couldn't be happier. Plus we're going bowling tomorrow to celebrate getting sole custody. She's too little to understand the whole sole custody thing but she's excited so to her it's a Daddy Daughter date. (We played two games and I lost both times but she had a lot of fun so I'll probably bring her for little dates more often.)
    I might do another update once my ex and I have an agreement in place but we'll see. And I know this may sound crazy but part of me still cares about my ex and I really hope she finds happiness like I have with my daughter. In the meantime, thanks again for the comments and support. I cannot overstate how much it means to me.
    P.S. When I uploaded this update before, I mentioned meeting 'Luke' once. I spoke to a mate that was with me and told him about it and he found a picture of my ex with 'Luke'. He doesn't think it's the same guy and I'm not sure after one meeting where I mostly ignored him.

  • @danacarter9147
    @danacarter9147 8 месяцев назад +54

    I see the future where the mother looks at pics of OP walking across the stage at her high school graduation, pics of OP celebrating her new life in her new state, and walking across the stage at her college graduation, pics of OP walking down the aisle at her wedding, pics of OP at her gender-reveal party, and baby shower with her replacement family (her beau, her best friend, her best friend's family, and in-laws), pics of OP with her beau and their new baby, and not only has trouble figuring out why OP went NO CONTACT with her, but also has trouble figuring out why OP excluded her from those important milestones.⚠️

    • @k0t01d8
      @k0t01d8 8 месяцев назад +8

      hoping that happens, leaving for 3 years to "figure" things out, cheating then coming back and wanting to still be the mother of the child is actually so shitty

    • @danacarter9147
      @danacarter9147 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@k0t01d8 Oh, believe me, it will.

  • @getcomfortable3373
    @getcomfortable3373 8 месяцев назад +26

    I find it silly that her dad paid child support. If they have joint custody there shouldn't be child support money at all.

    • @KenW418
      @KenW418 8 месяцев назад +12

      lol that almost never happens. Even with a 50/50 split a lot of the time someone pays child support and it's usually the man.

    • @JesseJordanTheSuper
      @JesseJordanTheSuper 8 месяцев назад +9

      Whoever makes more tends to pay the child support even in a 50/50

    • @bear.b
      @bear.b 5 месяцев назад

      too many things in that story don't add up so it's most likely fake

  • @lynngrant533
    @lynngrant533 8 месяцев назад +9

    @15:21….. I’m laughing out loud because nobody “falls pregnant”! We “fall sick”, but the thought of falling pregnant tickled my funny bone! Thanks for the chuckle!

    • @Bijecarli
      @Bijecarli 7 месяцев назад +1

      That is actually an old term. People used to say it, but it's quite antiquated now.

  • @M1ch43l33
    @M1ch43l33 8 месяцев назад +28

    You said the kid comes first? Well the most beneficial for her well being is not being around her deadbeat mother that has shown to not be trustworthy to take care of a kid

  • @nemesis676reaper
    @nemesis676reaper 8 месяцев назад +9

    For story 1 op could’ve been more sly and tell the ex of what the evil mother wanted op to do

  • @Valast
    @Valast 8 месяцев назад +8

    story 1; i'd head down there and ask how it feels like being betrayed.

  • @averagejoeysguns5752
    @averagejoeysguns5752 8 месяцев назад +5

    If you cheat... You belong to the streets!

  • @KudaXD
    @KudaXD 8 месяцев назад +3

    Nah girl just didn't want to have to deal with a baby and now that she's growing up and it's easier she wants to come back

  • @NightCourt1984
    @NightCourt1984 4 месяца назад

    If her ex mom doesn't want to be manipulated then the ex mom shouldn't have tried to manipulate others. I just read the third update to this second story. It's a good thing that the OP fell out of love with her because she shows back up and says she is seeing someone else. She abandoned them because she couldn't stand the lockdown because of the pandemic, stays away for 3 damn years and only comes back because she is in another relationship. This woman really needs to be asking for his forgiveness. You don't abandon your responsibilities because things get a little tough. And she never asked for forgiveness for what she did. I say keep her at arms length around his daughter.

  • @dylankeggen6668
    @dylankeggen6668 5 месяцев назад +1

    Yeah the wrong parent definitely died in this

  • @etornusgaming9752
    @etornusgaming9752 8 месяцев назад +3

    2 horrible fcking mothers. Second OP really went through it. Glad he kept his daughter cuz one parent is better then non and i also would file for full custody

  • @nuggie4lifer
    @nuggie4lifer 3 месяца назад

    “Half of the month with my dad and the other with my dad..” 😂

  • @jonesbalong-angey4668
    @jonesbalong-angey4668 2 месяца назад

    Tell Someone the Truth,,So that the Story Won't change Soon and instead you are the one Left for Years...

  • @Tyson-co4oc
    @Tyson-co4oc 8 месяцев назад

    Id show no mercy to either. The second one especially a no. She can go have a new family and leave you alone.

  • @Tgc_clan
    @Tgc_clan 5 месяцев назад

    I think op in the 2 story should cut contact and I understand when they said the daughters well-being but the mum left how did that help with the well-being

  • @lodunost
    @lodunost 8 месяцев назад

    So, in story two the husband and child are abandoned by the other parent. He should have gone and filed with the court to make sure he would retain full custody. You shouldn't want to co-parent or even give that person unsupervised access to your child at any time. How can you trust her. The excuses she gave to him are shallow. There is more going on than what she is saying. While you can let her see the kid, but you shouldn't ever trust or give access to that parent outside of the per view of supervised visitation.

  • @simonking7791
    @simonking7791 8 месяцев назад

    As for the first story it kinda makes no sense. Even if the daughter tries to explain to the rich ex that she lied, so what? He knows that he gave her mom 10k, and in a trial if the mom is forced to hand over hospital records she can't, because they don't exist. Even without the mom hospital records can be changed and it can be seem that the girl wasn't in an accident or in a hospital. Kinda makes no sense.

  • @siddey7499
    @siddey7499 5 месяцев назад

    Will you all plz stop fighting like kids 😂😂😂you all should just scold that damn mother and ignore it like a little mistake everyone makes mistake and it is not the reddit fault on the original Posters fault for not fixing it because the reddit give us so many exciting stories and you should just support the original poster

  • @oeldd.tekinium4445
    @oeldd.tekinium4445 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @dudetextme
    @dudetextme 8 месяцев назад

    This parkour guy is terrible, it’s distracting me from the video

    • @Zebrastreifen77
      @Zebrastreifen77 8 месяцев назад

      I liked it better than those flawless runs. Makes it feel more real

  • @Bucketus.Lord.of.Buckets
    @Bucketus.Lord.of.Buckets 8 месяцев назад +457

    Story 2: in a lot of places, abandoning your child for one year terminates rights. She abandoned her kid for THREE YEARS. Why? Because it and the pandemic were *dofficult for her*. She is not a mother - she is an incubator. She does not deserve to see the kid. She has no right to the child.

    • @KenW418
      @KenW418 8 месяцев назад +61

      In his actual post he explains how the mother can be instantly granted custody in his state regardless of the time that she was absent. He got on with the custody process and successfully got sole custody to stop this. He also updated that she told him she abandoned him and only reached back out about their child because her new partner convinced her to. Luckily she's got to pay child support, but we all know that those payments wont be made lol

    • @adambenes3728
      @adambenes3728 8 месяцев назад +7

      In a lot of places but not everywhere. In my case my ex could not get our son with me alive but on 2/4 neighboring countries She could. It Is not the same even in EU or USA

    • @downsouthmagog3844
      @downsouthmagog3844 8 месяцев назад +11

      ​@@KenW418and for not paying you go to jail so is ok

    • @christianthrasher8677
      @christianthrasher8677 3 месяца назад

      Turns out the reason why she came back is because she was in a relationship

  • @sunsetfruitdude
    @sunsetfruitdude 8 месяцев назад +128

    I want op in the second story to ask for 3 years worth of child support from the ex. She left doestnmean without consequences

  • @tartlynerdy
    @tartlynerdy 8 месяцев назад +179

    I would honestly still give a side eye to a man hopping around from girlfriend to girlfriend the way op's mom exchanges her relationships. That's a sad way to live honestly. "The guy was head over heels in love with my mom" so he had really low standards. 💀 Oh well. At least the guy didn't have a low opinion of himself to actually let op's mom to get away with fraud and theft. Op is not horrible. She just gave a jumpstart to the karma op's mom deserved. Op was smart to use her mom's desperation against her to sign away her parental rights.

    • @jackolantern147
      @jackolantern147 6 месяцев назад

      Smoke and mirrors are powerful. Why else do such great people marry trash?

    • @nekorei2023
      @nekorei2023 4 месяца назад +1

      She swaps guys like she swaps her bra 💀💀😭😭

  • @Musty_Moth
    @Musty_Moth 8 месяцев назад +40

    My birth mom tried to get back into my life when I was 18 (26 now, adopted by loving parents as an infant, it was a planned adoption through an agency, I have ever only known my parents as my parents, and I was informed I was adopted since birth. Side note, do NOT hide a child's adoption status from them, for the love of god it is an unjust and evil thing to do that only saves your hide and hurts them forever) and she was heartbroken when I said she could be in my life but my bio family, including three bio sisters, would only ever get updates through social media. I would not be calling on hollidays, I would not visit save for to catch up, and they wouldnt suddenly be "welcoming their big brother home to his family." I had to break it down for her that I was already a big brother, and I already had parents and a family, a family she hand picked for me no less. I felt guilty for a while, but she had to come to terms with it and as a grown man I feel no guilt whatsoever. The mom in story 2 deserves no part in the child's life, and OP is a dawg for protecting his little girl from further heartbreak when, inevitably, the mother continues to regard her child as a fun hobby like minigolf or knitting.

  • @THELTX427VA
    @THELTX427VA 9 месяцев назад +58

    i relate to first op a good amount. and man i hope op has an amazing life

    • @wandRng
      @wandRng 8 месяцев назад

      Research covert narcissism

  • @xXSetsuaiXx
    @xXSetsuaiXx 8 месяцев назад +6

    S1: I think OP did the right thing, but I would have taken it farther. I would have waited until my mother signed the documents, told my parents, then proceeded to contact the ex, give him the 'my mom said' talk, then tell him I'm willing to talk to his lawyer and give a testimony. Yeah, you probably wouldn't have been able to be adopted by your parents or might have made it harder, but your testimony alone with win the ex his case and you'll get to see her go down in flames.

  • @parisiennexl
    @parisiennexl 4 месяца назад +6

    OP in story 2 should not, under any circumstances, allow his ex to see their daughter. Odds are she’ll kidnap the kid and OP will never see either of them again.

    • @Owl_bee
      @Owl_bee 3 месяца назад

      Yeah, like fathers do all too often 😢

  • @lawsonallen7741
    @lawsonallen7741 8 месяцев назад +18

    Story 3. She walks out on you & you let her back in your life. Letting her back in to your life makes you a bad dad.

    • @alar_x
      @alar_x 8 месяцев назад

      story 2*

    • @remix2593
      @remix2593 8 месяцев назад +4

      tbf he already said he has no intentions on getting back with her romantically, just that he wants to remain friends so he can co-parent with her, which has the benefit of not being a single parent (obviously) as raising a child by yourself can be stress inducing, and the daughter will at least have a mother figure in her life, assuming she truly did change as a person
      this isn't to say I'm defending her, there's no excuse for her to leave for 3 years, but it's more so the fact you can't accuse him of being a "bad dad" based off 1 decision he made, and that "1 decision" will likely affect their daughter in a positive way too

    • @tianahorsey-daydreamer8962
      @tianahorsey-daydreamer8962 7 месяцев назад

      There are several updates in the comments here on RUclips. I'm not sure where the original post is, or I would link it. But he's using a lawyer, and she's not allowed to actually physically see her daughter until she has a stable job, a house, is paying child support, and her therapist says that she is maintaining her sessions and progress. If she fails to meet any of these prerequisites, there will be no meeting. Also, if his daughter wants to meet her mother when she is older, he won't stop her. But he will be telling her the truth about what her mother did.

  • @joshuamcnally1604
    @joshuamcnally1604 7 месяцев назад +2

    Abandoned daughter story;
    Ppd isn't an excuse to be a bad parent and person.

    • @alorarhodes1568
      @alorarhodes1568 6 месяцев назад +1

      Except it can be an excuse to leave. She didn't do it in a way that was healthy. But it can be an excuse. It can very very easily, especially in abused children, turn into postpartum psychosis. And postpartum psychosis is so concerning you can't be around your baby at all. You have to be institutionalized. Sometimes for years. It's really dangerous. If she had done it correctly, then it would have been the right choice. I heard of one couple who got a lawyer to make sure everything was above board before she went to treatment. She didn't have a job then so she couldn't pay support, but she did whatever she could in other ways. That's the proper way to do it

    • @joshuamcnally1604
      @joshuamcnally1604 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@alorarhodes1568 no. It isn't. The proper way to do it is the way where you don't abandon your kids.

    • @alorarhodes1568
      @alorarhodes1568 6 месяцев назад

      @@joshuamcnally1604 It's not abandoning. It's leaving to go get treatment so you don't hurt anyone. Look up cases of postpartum psychosis. They're horrifying. One woman cut off her baby's arms because God told her to. Another woman murdered all of her children. Those are just the two most famous cases. Both of those cases started out as PPD.

  • @lucasdobkin1281
    @lucasdobkin1281 8 месяцев назад +7

    For story 2 at least it seems the therapist is good considering they did not try to manipulate OP

  • @hitrapperandartistdababy
    @hitrapperandartistdababy 8 месяцев назад +4

    Normally I’d be against going back on a word or lying in this manner regarding the parental rights but screw that. She may have been her mother, but she was never her mom. Didn’t owe her shit and only gave back the same mistreatment and betrayal she had given herself

  • @SchoolVideosGoHere
    @SchoolVideosGoHere 8 месяцев назад +12

    OP should learn not to lie and keep secrets from loved ones. It's a bad habit she likely picked up living with her mom. Though if she wanted to hold up her end of the bargain she could have just told the ex with a wink wink or "my mother wants me to tell you this ... to be clear none of that is true". Or even easier just tell her mom she told him and he didn't believe it. If this story is real she'd likely be called into court as a material witness against her mother regardless.
    I'm glad she's somewhere better.

  • @Dripanos
    @Dripanos 9 месяцев назад +5

    Hey can u tell me which ai text to speech generator do you use and how u add captions

  • @letsgame9740
    @letsgame9740 8 месяцев назад +2

    The mother can’t kick you out. it’s abandonment, and the mother can be arrested

  • @why3338
    @why3338 9 месяцев назад +6

    Sleep would be nice

    • @davileite780
      @davileite780 8 месяцев назад +1

      Would it now? Go ahead and do it. Tell me how it went.

  • @LadyZubat
    @LadyZubat 6 месяцев назад +1

    What the hell is wrong with these really terrible parents demanding their children be grateful for them raising them.

  • @ramarsal0224
    @ramarsal0224 8 месяцев назад +1

    these MC gameplay backgrounds make me motion sick, i wish youd use something else. The video's entertaining tho. I just get motion sick

  • @karheipa6290
    @karheipa6290 5 месяцев назад

    story 2:
    for me,im a pretty forgiving person,so i would go to couple counselling(even tho theier relationship is ex)and maybe try to work shit out.if progress is thriving might consider getting back together as a actual couple.story 1 you di everything perfectly
    ok i just saw update 3.throw everything i said out the window friendzone her ass.
    so basically she dated another person and he has helped her through the break up between op and op's ex and op said he is glad ex is having more help so getting back together is out of the question unless op's ex's new bf breaks up with op's ex.but until then,op gonna have to friendzone her dumbass

  • @Gennys
    @Gennys 6 месяцев назад

    I'm so confused about story 2. Is it just because a dude is killing the story and moving out a bunch of details, or did the mother just ran off and didn't pay child support or anything?
    It seems like every kind of story I hear like this where the mother leaves they never pay child support then just try to waltz back into their child's life.
    I don't know if it's a Reddit bias but it seems to happen far too often.

  • @jemase7931
    @jemase7931 6 месяцев назад

    Don't have babies with people you aren't committed enough to to marry.

  • @HughJass_MarioFan_2009
    @HughJass_MarioFan_2009 2 месяца назад

    When she kicked you out, you should've called the police and press charges

  • @CoraErickson-cz3zp
    @CoraErickson-cz3zp 2 месяца назад

    In story 2 they should work their way up to co-parenting start with weekly visitation build their way up to longer more frequent visits then visits at her house. Then her on weekends him on weekdays and then alternating whatever increment

  • @christopheryoung935
    @christopheryoung935 3 месяца назад

    Story 2: One of the few times I actually think the story in the video is actually legit lol

  • @MrsJoker-fo9ls
    @MrsJoker-fo9ls 5 месяцев назад

    10:25 you know what would've been smarter? Is having a voice recorder and record the agreement between the two (Op and the mom) while giving her what she wants and after the whole Adoption is done?
    Sending the recorder to the rich ex so she can be in a deeper hole with the law

  • @hinatakenpachi6564
    @hinatakenpachi6564 6 месяцев назад

    The ex shouldn't get to just walk back into the daughter or his life. If she was a he then the ex would have been lashed out at and called trash and a worthless parent and blah blah blah. But because she's a she the ex just gets off free like no big deal?

  • @F4AltplusF4
    @F4AltplusF4 2 месяца назад

    Father might committed suicide after finding out daughter is not his.

  • @Owl_bee
    @Owl_bee 3 месяца назад

    So if the daughter hadn’t randomly smiled at him in her cot, he would have had her adopted…?

  • @sol8531
    @sol8531 8 месяцев назад +1

    Op is real smart

  • @vajasukhishvili473
    @vajasukhishvili473 9 месяцев назад +2

    Is it (f) or (m)

  • @shadowcollins4589
    @shadowcollins4589 8 месяцев назад

    Wtf!? What the hell is wrong with being older? That has never kept a guy from trying to get with. I was like 35 and 36 and I had 23 and 24 year olds coming after me and not caring about my age.
    It don't make us any less desirable. Ha!

  • @jgabrielg
    @jgabrielg 7 месяцев назад

    Story one: I would have kept my word and tell the BF that the bio-mom wanted him to know that she gladly gave up her daughter in exchange for the daughter lying to him and tell him she made up the original story about bio-mom

  • @missamanda2703
    @missamanda2703 6 месяцев назад

    I adopted my sons best friend and little brother. I have never made a better decision especially since my sons former mom is serving 25 and the oldest my boys step brojust got 20 years last year. My 3 boys are all in university.

  • @friendlyneighborhoodshinigami
    @friendlyneighborhoodshinigami 7 месяцев назад

    If they kick you out don't plead to get back in, have some self respect and get the hell outta there, they're not family they are snakes and you should be grateful you get the chance to escape

  • @wolfknight1768
    @wolfknight1768 7 месяцев назад

    Story one is sad to me because it just reminds me of a kid who killed himself as a birthday present to his mother because she said that he was a mistake and treated him like garbage. He still thought she was a good mother and did it to make her happy. I’m pretty sure she was arrested afterwards

  • @synthcqt
    @synthcqt 8 месяцев назад

    at least she didn't cheat in the second story
    oh well nvm i read a comment it's not as bad as it could have gottwn tho

  • @Mr.Infinity669
    @Mr.Infinity669 8 месяцев назад +2

    Really nice stories . I sub for your channel

  • @ladyAgnis
    @ladyAgnis 8 месяцев назад

    I wouldn't show any mercy to the wife in the second story, she was dead the moment she walked out. She can go back and work on her mental health and well being for the rest of her life and that new guy she's dating.

  • @gabe_0364
    @gabe_0364 8 месяцев назад

    Tf you mean "story 2"? I thought this was a 20min story

  • @the_seeker.entity9206
    @the_seeker.entity9206 8 месяцев назад

    0:26 Im not shaming her for having a new boyfriend every three months. You should as a kid knowing that your mom is a run through fuck up must be so disturbing

    • @arhael3594
      @arhael3594 8 месяцев назад

      Yeah, normalising hoeing around does not make it normal.

  • @dwwednesday
    @dwwednesday 8 месяцев назад +5

    That’s a wack living arrangement if both halves are with your dad 0:15

  • @zachary6425
    @zachary6425 8 месяцев назад

    Story 2 Depression? Bullshit everyone knows the first three years of a baby's life is the hardest and most stressful. And she clearly didnt want to put in the work. So she bailed and using her "depression " as a cop out.

    • @kpopopedia7402
      @kpopopedia7402 7 месяцев назад

      Who knows maybe she cheated too. She may have been dating someone else and enjoying her life and later returned when dumped

  • @BJ-bc7os
    @BJ-bc7os 8 месяцев назад +1

    Post partum depression is the excuse of weak women

  • @gwenrichard7507
    @gwenrichard7507 8 месяцев назад +9

    2) If she is willing to pay the back child support for her college and is in a stable relationship, OP should consider it.
    We have to consider that from 1 day to 18 years, the reunion gets harder, but also, abandonment gets more unforgettable. 3 is young enough for your daughter to forgive. Don't let your daughter turn into someone who holds a grudge.

    • @VRDejaVu
      @VRDejaVu 8 месяцев назад +9

      Ofc, lets take advantage of the fact that child won't remember her younger years to manipulate her into forgiving a dead beat egg donor...

    • @DezAmmySel
      @DezAmmySel 8 месяцев назад +7

      @@VRDejaVu Oh, good thing she won't remember her younger years, that means she's still able to forget her deadbeat mom!

    • @VRDejaVu
      @VRDejaVu 8 месяцев назад +5

      @@DezAmmySel exactly! people using that as a reason to reintroduce the egg donor failed to notice that it is actually a reason to NEVER allow any contact.
      The child can't miss what she never knew.

  • @hito1988
    @hito1988 9 месяцев назад +9

    you publish 5 videos within 24 hours... quantity over quality?
    this AI generated content is sooooo bad... at least put some effort into them and voice them yourself.
    you stealing letsplay videos, you stealing reddit stories, you let an AI do the voiceover... what part is your work? uploading? im impressed.

    • @AdoManJax
      @AdoManJax 9 месяцев назад +22

      Your watching this. Your giving him the views and comments he needs to continue going. He’s gonna ignore this comment and cash out on the, like, 30 extra views from this comments algorithmic push.

    • @Dripanos
      @Dripanos 9 месяцев назад +1

      @hito1988 do you know how he does it?

    • @hito1988
      @hito1988 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@AdoManJax me landing on this video and realizing what bullshit it is doesnt change the fact he gathered the 1 view from me already, so i dont mind leaving my "opinion" about that. no there is no extra views while im replying here since i use the reply function via the notification tab. and having just 1 subscriber realizing its AI generated after reading my comment is enough to fix the demage ive "caused" and the only one generating traffic is you by replying the obvious to me, thanks smart guy you seem like a hero. have a nice day my friend.

    • @hito1988
      @hito1988 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@Dripanos sure but we dont need more content creators like him, im not helping out in AI related stuff.

    • @ladylily
      @ladylily 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@hito1988 Everyone knows this is AI. Even if English was the second language, it wouldn't be this bad, so yeah, we know it's AI. Terrible AI, too LOL.

    @SYLSKYYT 3 месяца назад

    Op spent half there time with there dad and other half with there dad math aint mathing

  • @heyyitsjanea
    @heyyitsjanea 8 месяцев назад

    2nd story has more to it
    turns out mom reached out after getting into a new relationship and telling her partner about the baby. the partner felt like she needed to step. idk if there was an update after that