NO SUPER BOWL FOR YOU: Best 5-Year NFL Runs WITHOUT a Super Bowl

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 236

  • @cccproductions2019
    @cccproductions2019  3 месяца назад +1

    Follow up video pertaining to the late 80s/early 90s Buffalo Bills:видео.html

  • @ThatGuyz82
    @ThatGuyz82 4 месяца назад +49

    How you cannot put the "Lost Rings" Bills on here is mind boggling. They won more games in their 5 year stretch AND made the Super Bowl 4 times... without winning.
    They were literally the only choice for the #1 spot and you left them off completely.

    • @rondemurphy4401
      @rondemurphy4401 4 месяца назад +6

      @@ThatGuyz82 sometimes the system itself is flawed. It seems like any football fan old enough would see what you’re saying. Even without a computer….

    • @connorjordan3551
      @connorjordan3551 3 месяца назад +3

      They are the obvious and only top choice

    • @calvinharmony1
      @calvinharmony1 3 месяца назад +1

      I’m not even going to continue watching then

    • @khalidcabrero6204
      @khalidcabrero6204 3 месяца назад +3

      Yeah, their absence pretty much renders this worthless.

    • @RockSmithStudio
      @RockSmithStudio 3 месяца назад +1

      @@calvinharmony1ya same. There’s a reason Buffalo Bills is synonymous with so close yet so far

  • @daved1535
    @daved1535 4 месяца назад +67

    I thought I would see the Eagles on here from 2000-2004. They had a record of 59-21 and made it to 4 straight NFC Championship games and 1 Super Bowl during that span

    • @PatClevenger0709
      @PatClevenger0709 4 месяца назад +6

      I was wondering that too

    • @Phinal_Flash
      @Phinal_Flash 4 месяца назад +2

      The NFC wasn't very good at the time. So, maybe that's why they didn't make the list.

    • @mramisuzuki6962
      @mramisuzuki6962 4 месяца назад +1

      AFC had 2.5 good teams. The rest were overrated for Brady meat riders.

    • @Phinal_Flash
      @Phinal_Flash 4 месяца назад +1

      @mramisuzuki6962 The NFC was really bad though. Look up some of the scores from 2004.

    • @mramisuzuki6962
      @mramisuzuki6962 3 месяца назад +2

      @@Phinal_Flash NFC has much better defenses the top NFC teams of that era had multiple HOFer and halls of very gooders.
      Scores don’t mean anything.
      Patriots won 3 super bowls cheating while being a good team obviously.

  • @chargingbadger867
    @chargingbadger867 4 месяца назад +131

    Would be interesting to see the opposite - the worst 5 year stretches with a super bowl win

    • @KWCline91
      @KWCline91 4 месяца назад +29

      Giants would be on there.

    • @brianreuss256
      @brianreuss256 4 месяца назад +19

      Giants could probably have two different timelines on there. from 1989-1993 and from 2007-2011

    • @rtchidc
      @rtchidc 4 месяца назад +5

      My worst 10 without overlapping franchise seasons:
      1.1977-1981 San Francisco 49ers (1981 season winners)
      2.1995-1999 St. Louis Rams (1999 season winners)
      3.1970-1974 Baltimore Colts (1970 season winners)
      4.1968-1972 Miami Dolphins (1972 season winners)
      5.1988-1992 Dallas Cowboys (1992 season winners)
      6.2015-2019 Denver Broncos (2015 season winners)
      7.2003-2007 New York Giants (2007 season winners)
      8.2005-2009 New Orleans Saints (2009 season winners)
      9.1968-1972 New York Jets (1968 AFL champions and Super Bowl winners)
      10.2002-2006 Tampa Bay Buccaneers (2002 season winners)
      One thing all of these have in common is that their Super Bowl win was either the first or last year of that 5-year stretch.

    • @big8dog887
      @big8dog887 4 месяца назад +6

      My guess would be the 1978-1982 49ers.
      1978: 2-14
      1979: 2-14
      1980: 6-10
      1981: 13-3 Super Bowl Champions
      1982: 3-6 Strike year, missed the playoffs when 16 out of 28 teams made it.

    • @lon9047
      @lon9047 4 месяца назад +1

      @@rtchidcWell yeah, because that’s the years you are using. The 92 Cowboys is also a start to there next dynasty. Doesn’t really belong with the 1988-1991 years.

  • @brotheldan2009
    @brotheldan2009 4 месяца назад +86

    The Bills made 4 super bowls in a row and didnt make the cut??? gimmie a break

    • @rondemurphy4401
      @rondemurphy4401 4 месяца назад +11

      The logic is weird on this. I like the concept. The execution is a little off. IMO

    • @brotheldan2009
      @brotheldan2009 4 месяца назад +16

      @@rondemurphy4401 Like he put the other Bills on here and they didnt even make it to a superbowl and Im almost 100% positive the 90s Bills won more games in their 5 year period

    • @Demssuck2016
      @Demssuck2016 4 месяца назад +1

      Their fans suck and don't deserve a Lombardi trophy

    • @Ysoserious1
      @Ysoserious1 4 месяца назад +8

      They are the poster child for a video like this

    • @smoceany9478
      @smoceany9478 4 месяца назад +1

      check description, whatever formula he used put them with 85 points, not enough to make the list.

  • @timwood5143
    @timwood5143 4 месяца назад +18

    Dude, Philadelphia eagles, Donovan mcnabb, three straight NFC championships, finally got to the super bowl loss of the Patriots by three points

    • @aceassn716
      @aceassn716 3 месяца назад

      Willie Beamen McNabb?!?
      Yet T.O on one healthy leg played all out

  • @Colaws
    @Colaws 3 месяца назад +6

    1989-1994 bills, 2011-2016 packers, 1983-1987 broncos

    • @bannedsocks
      @bannedsocks 3 месяца назад +1

      Is this the colaws???

  • @steelhere5519
    @steelhere5519 4 месяца назад +12

    - How about - “The Worst 29 Year Run Without a Super Bowl.”
    - Of course, I’m talking about the Dallas Cowboys.

    • @coments101
      @coments101 4 дня назад

      Them or the 49ers, making it isn't winning it.

  • @bigkev9539
    @bigkev9539 4 месяца назад +33

    *I'm surprised that the 1989-1993 Bills and 2019-2023 49ers weren't included in this list.*

    • @Rickman897
      @Rickman897 4 месяца назад +7

      I think the reason why the 49ers weren’t on here was because their 2020 season was disappointing.

    • @BrockBoone
      @BrockBoone 4 месяца назад +3


    • @leonzaduncan2438
      @leonzaduncan2438 4 месяца назад +3

      ​@@Rickman897even then the Chargers are on here, with no superbowl appearances, 1 title game, a missed playoffs and a 8-8 season

    • @rondemurphy4401
      @rondemurphy4401 4 месяца назад +1

      @@leonzaduncan2438 the Eagles 4 conference championship games are less impressive by this system. Apparently at least 11 teams have a better non SB resume than the Bills by this guys “skilled analysis. The Chargers with those performances scoring higher in his estimation. Makes it tough to stick with the quality of this metric.

    • @leonzaduncan2438
      @leonzaduncan2438 4 месяца назад +1

      @@rondemurphy4401 and the year before the 4 straight conference championship they made the divisional.

  • @GlobalWarmingSkeptic
    @GlobalWarmingSkeptic 3 месяца назад

    How this channel has only 2k subscribers is beyond me. This channel needs to blow up. The presentation and quality of content are too good.

    • @cccproductions2019
      @cccproductions2019  3 месяца назад

      Thank you! Hopefully one day, but to be honest I'm pretty thrilled with 2k... at the moment anyway haha.

  • @jimnfl7134
    @jimnfl7134 4 месяца назад +5

    Glad that Vikings were included. 1996-2000 would be close, reached NFC Championship Game twice, went 15-1 in 1998 and had Randy Moss.

    • @shaneturner1778
      @shaneturner1778 3 месяца назад +1

      Don't you mean 16-2? Hehe, GO FALCONS!!!

    • @jimnfl7134
      @jimnfl7134 3 месяца назад +1

      @@shaneturner1778 name a good 5 year run for Falcons...i mean 3 year run??

    • @shaneturner1778
      @shaneturner1778 3 месяца назад

      2012 - 2017 probably the closest the Falcons came to a 'run', but Whattaya gonna do right?

  • @BrockBoone
    @BrockBoone 4 месяца назад +36

    1989-93 bills would’ve been good

    • @Revolver1701
      @Revolver1701 4 месяца назад +2

      Truth. Gotta be so frustrating to be a Bills fan from that era and the the next choice from the video.

    • @donaldverhota7503
      @donaldverhota7503 4 месяца назад +4

      I don't know what id do with going to four straight SB and not winning it's gotts mes with your head

    • @Revolver1701
      @Revolver1701 4 месяца назад +2

      @@donaldverhota7503 I watched my falcons lose two super bowls but they were spaced a ways apart. 4 in a row is awful to bear.

    • @AmirKhan-yv8jm
      @AmirKhan-yv8jm 4 месяца назад +1

      @@Revolver170118 years apart for the Falcons!

    • @ThatGuyz82
      @ThatGuyz82 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Revolver1701 it is.

  • @rayrioux9521
    @rayrioux9521 3 месяца назад

    Really good video! Just needs the background music turned down a little

  • @kylesloane3815
    @kylesloane3815 4 месяца назад

    Wow this is really interesting. I love for facts based this is and no subjectiveness. Really cool to see. Learned quite a few things as well about teams from back in the '70s and '60s too. Thank you for great video

  • @chargingbadger867
    @chargingbadger867 4 месяца назад +8

    Also, slight correction: the 1982 season was actually played without divisions, since if they were implemented teams would play different amounts of divisional games

    • @rtchidc
      @rtchidc 4 месяца назад

      It finished the last 7 weeks of the regular season without divisions. But for the first two weeks, before a seven-week player strike, the standings included the usual six divisions (three per conference).

    • @cccproductions2019
      @cccproductions2019  4 месяца назад +1

      It's certainly true that the NFL disregarded the division structure for the playoffs. While Dallas did technically finish behind Washington in the division, I suppose the more accurate term would be that they finished behind them "in the standings." Good call.

  • @jamesdunn9609
    @jamesdunn9609 4 месяца назад +17

    I'm surprised the Bills from '91 to '95 aren't on this list. They went to the playoffs all 5 years and lost 4 straight Super Bowls. It would be hard to get closer than that without winning one.

    • @lon9047
      @lon9047 4 месяца назад +4

      Yea I don’t know how that was missed. Should be number 1 on everyone’s list.

    • @rondemurphy4401
      @rondemurphy4401 4 месяца назад +3

      A scoring system that eliminates those Bills as a top non championship team is beyond suspect.

    • @JasonBender-r9v
      @JasonBender-r9v 4 месяца назад +1

      Yeah that is what I'm wondering those Bills teams going to 4 straight Superbowls most definitely should be on this list

  • @romansans1
    @romansans1 4 месяца назад +3

    The 2017-2021 Saints would probably be a good honorable mention. The '21 season is the kicker that bring that 5 year stretch down, but all four of the previous years the Saints were a top contender in the NFC, going 58-23 overall (49-15 from '17-'20), and they probably would've made the Super Bowl in 2018 without the infamous no-call.

    • @chrisuncleahmad666
      @chrisuncleahmad666 4 месяца назад +1

      Even 2021 they just barely missed the playoffs

  • @sen74diehard
    @sen74diehard 4 месяца назад +1

    Awesome video great research.

  • @jayg1438
    @jayg1438 4 месяца назад +9

    OK I have to ask, what was the 1990-1994 or 1989-1993 Bills CSCORE??? I am flabbergasted....
    What was Buffalo's inter-conference record in that era?
    1980s Browns or Denver Broncos are also interesting

    • @BrockBoone
      @BrockBoone 4 месяца назад +1

      1983-87 broncos

    • @rtchidc
      @rtchidc 4 месяца назад +2

      @@BrockBoone I have the 1985-1989 Broncos at #53, just ahead of the 2000-2004 Steelers, and just after the 2007-2011 Colts.

  • @megusta123s
    @megusta123s 3 месяца назад

    I’m shocked the 1989-93 Bills weren’t on this list.
    A few honorable mentions in my book:
    The current 49ers era (2019-23)
    2000-2004 Eagles
    2016-2020 Saints
    2014-2021 Packers (this is longer than 5 years but they came so close for a long time)

  • @joemamma137
    @joemamma137 4 месяца назад +5

    Before watching I’m going with
    Eagles 88-92
    Eagles 00-04
    Dolphins 81-85
    Bears 86-90 (91 too)
    Bills 89-93
    49ers 19-23
    49ers 95-99 (99 was a trash year, but it’s “5 year runs” so…)
    Colts 01-05
    Patriots 05-13. There’s 2 or 3 right here.
    Jets 98-02
    Broncos 85-89
    I’m sure you can put the Raiders, Vikings, and Dolphins of the 70s in there. But I’m just going with what I know off the top of my head.

    • @rtchidc
      @rtchidc 4 месяца назад +1

      I have:
      1988-1992 Eagles - #30, 2000-2004 Eagles - #11, 1981-1985 Dolphins - #15, 1986-1990 Bears - #59, 1989-1993 Bills - #10, 2019-2023 49ers - #6, 1995-1999 49ers - #32, 2001-2005 Colts - #18, 2006-2010 Patriots - #1, 1998-2002 Jets - #44, 1985-1989 Broncos - #53
      My top 1970s Dolphins non-title 5-year span would be 1974-1978 at #51.

  • @clarkvaughan
    @clarkvaughan 4 месяца назад

    My guesses were the Fouts Chargers, Warren Moon's Oilers, Elway's 80's Broncos, Brees' Saints, Jim Kelly's Bills, the Chris Carter, Randy Moss Vikes, and maybe the 1990's Run-and-Shoot Lions with Barry. Uhh... not quite. Great work, great highlights, really thorough research.

  • @Harmonarealtor
    @Harmonarealtor 3 месяца назад

    I am so shocked the 1988-1993 Bills are not on this list...a lot of people forgot that 88 team that lost the AFC Championship game to the Bengals. Then the next year losing to the Browns in the Wildcard game before the start of the Super Bowl run.

  • @rtchidc
    @rtchidc 4 месяца назад +2

    My list would be:
    1.2006-2010 New England Patriots (same)
    2.1969-1973 Minnesota Vikings (same)
    3.1967-1971 Oakland Raiders (4th in video)
    4.2019-2023 Baltimore Ravens*
    5.2004-2008 San Diego Chargers (8th in video)
    6.2019-2023 San Francisco 49ers*
    7.2019-2023 Buffalo Bills (10th in video)
    8.1978-1982 Dallas Cowboys (7th in video)
    9.1967-1971 Los Angeles Rams (6th in video)
    10.1989-1993 Buffalo Bills*
    11.2000-2004 Philadelphia Eagles*
    12.1972-1976 Dallas Cowboys*
    13.1966-1970 Dallas Cowboys (5th in video)
    14.2017-2021 New Orleans Saints*
    15.1981-1985 Miami Dolphins (9th in video)
    16.1973-1977 Los Angeles Rams (3rd in video)
    *not in video

  • @zachsoma6564
    @zachsoma6564 4 месяца назад +4

    90s bills. Mid 2000s Pats. Late 2010s 9ers. I'm not sure what other 2 could be

    • @rondemurphy4401
      @rondemurphy4401 4 месяца назад

      @@zachsoma6564 Eagles 4 conference championship games and 1 SB loss should be in the mix too.

  • @lurchlogan
    @lurchlogan 4 месяца назад

    Going further back a bit. The 1958-1963(6 years total)NY Giants went to the NFL Championship game 5 out of 6 years and lost all 5 of them.

  • @johnsmith-kc8rk
    @johnsmith-kc8rk 4 месяца назад +12

    How do the Bills lose four straight Super Bowls and not make this list? That’s totally ridiculous regardless of what you think of the conference

    • @mheff28
      @mheff28 4 месяца назад +10

      Actually, this kinda invalidates these rankings. This puts too much emphasis on strength of schedule. If your team dominates your division and conference, and you get to the SB, you are the reason you don't have a tough strength of schedule.

    • @3GPtv
      @3GPtv 4 месяца назад +1

      @@mheff28 Just stop it with your logic and common sense. This man has flawed formula to push.

    @THEREDHOTWRECK 4 месяца назад +4

    Thought the Packers would be on this list with their run of misfortune.

  • @OWqueensara
    @OWqueensara 15 дней назад

    Without the Lamar injuries, there’s a good chance the 2019-2023 Ravens would be on this list. Incredible seasons in ‘19 and ‘23, 11-win ‘20 campaign, and two years(‘21 and ‘22) where they were in strong 1-seed contention before losing their starting QB.

  • @outsidesteelerfan433
    @outsidesteelerfan433 3 месяца назад

    The 1993-97 Steelers have to be close to this list. With 1995 being the most frustrating in almost beating the Cowboys in SB 30 😒

  • @Turd_Ferguson0
    @Turd_Ferguson0 3 месяца назад +1

    Gotta do a 10 year stretch. Rodgers and the packers have to be near the top of that list.

  • @tylerturnage
    @tylerturnage 4 месяца назад

    Clever title. Great video. Keep it up.

  • @chaosgreyblood
    @chaosgreyblood 4 месяца назад

    I'm amazed that the Bills didn't have a repeat appearance on this list, unless we start counting from 1989.

  • @chrisuncleahmad666
    @chrisuncleahmad666 4 месяца назад +2

    I'm surprised the late 80s/early 90s Houston Oilers didn't make this list.

    • @pp3k3jamail
      @pp3k3jamail 4 месяца назад

      I'm not go back and look at their records it wasn't like they was having tremendous seasons and having bye weeks every year.
      I think the only time the late '80s early 90s oilers had a bye week was 1993 the last year they were good. Every other year they were a wild card team and they never got to a AFC championship game.
      This guy uses weird ranking systems. The bills should be number one. They went to four straight Super bowls and lost.
      Also he didn't even have Andy Reid's Eagles on here. from 2000 to 2004 they were 59-21 went to four straight NFC championship games and a Super bowl

  • @corey2232
    @corey2232 3 месяца назад +1

    It's shocking that the 90's Bills who went to 4 straight Super Bowls didn't make the list of "Best 5 years runs without a SB." 😂
    A team that made the Super Bowl 4 of 5 years, yet won 0 of them, didn't crack the best 5 year runs lol

  • @Matt-xv2cp
    @Matt-xv2cp 4 месяца назад

    The Vikings and Raiders had outstanding runs from 1970-1975; 2nd and 3rd highest winning percentages respectively behind the Dolphins, both came up empty.

  • @littleblackduck3134
    @littleblackduck3134 4 месяца назад +1

    Great video, old geezers like me appreciate your work

  • @westcoastnative2523
    @westcoastnative2523 4 месяца назад

    The most heart breaking one has to be to my Rams. They had beaten us twice that year. In fact they did most of the heavy lifting in the playoffs. They beat green bay to give us home field in the NFC championship. I didn't like our chances in green bay. Id def preferred Tampa (even with the GOAT). They had the lead and lost it. And no doubt they would've beaten Cincinnati in the super bowl. That NFC championship game against the eagles was hard to watch. If Brock purdy doesn't go down they would've had a great opportunity to beat Philly, but the outcome would've probably been the same back to back years (losing to the Chiefs). That super bowl against the ravens... Wasn't meant to be. Ravens were blowing them out before that electrical issue happened. We can talk about those NFC championships against Seattle too. That's way back in the early 2010s. 9er fans brag about their 5 championships, but I have to remind them... The last time they won the super bowl... 2Pac and biggie were alive. 😂

  • @warpdrivefueledbyinsomnia8165
    @warpdrivefueledbyinsomnia8165 4 месяца назад

    I'm curious as to what this scoring method had for the 1999-2003 Tennessee Titans. They had a combined record of 56-24, made the playoffs in 4 of the 5 seasons, went 5-4 in the playoffs including the legendary Super Bowl 34 loss to the Rams, played three of those seasons in the brutal AFC Central before the division realignment, and had Steve McNair co-winning MVP with Peyton Manning. They did have the rough season in 2001, but were a solid team outside of that flub. Even in 2001, they were 7-9 and managed to beat a few playoff teams in regular season play.

    • @jaewilliams9685
      @jaewilliams9685 3 месяца назад

      This is what I came for. Not to mention the music city miracle & Eddie George prime.

  • @leonzaduncan2438
    @leonzaduncan2438 4 месяца назад +4

    Someone has explain how Cscores work. Because no one can tell me a team that made 2 super bowls, another title game, and 2 other divisional games but lower than the Chargers who didn't make a super bowl?!

    • @brianreuss256
      @brianreuss256 4 месяца назад +2

      Explanation of C-Score:
      C-Score is a metric created by this channel to assign an overall value to a football team. It takes a team's:
      -Results, including standard and Pythagorean W-L record
      -Performance, including game control and play-by-play production
      -Quality of opponents, specifically performance level against opponents
      and distills all of that into one cumulative and comparative score reflecting the context of the season in question. When applicable, a team's playoff performance is also included.
      A C-Score of 0 represents an average football team, whereas anything above 0 represents an above average team and anything below 0 represents a below average team.
      A team's record is important, but not always indicative of C-Score. An 11-5 team can rate higher than a 13-3 team or lower than a 9-7 team. Not all records are created equally.

  • @goldenraven2046
    @goldenraven2046 3 месяца назад

    I know it's prior to the Super Bowl era, but from 1958-1963 the Giants went to the NFL Championship 5 out of 6 seasons and lost all of them.

  • @matthewmcgowan9341
    @matthewmcgowan9341 4 месяца назад

    Can’t believe the Ben-Brown-Bell Steelers aren’t on here

  • @StrikeBuster-b2b
    @StrikeBuster-b2b 3 месяца назад

    I was born in 1980 wrapped in a New Orleans saints blanket. The one Superbowl victory is good enough. Beating Payton Manning made it much better.

  • @Spongemonkey26
    @Spongemonkey26 4 месяца назад +2

    The Niners could be on this list twice in the same decade :(

  • @joshuamountz6891
    @joshuamountz6891 4 месяца назад

    I thought that the Browns from 1986-91 would have made the list, 4 playoff appearances 3 AFC championship games losing all 3 to Denver,with the 87 game having a fumble on the Broncos 2yard line in the 4th when a touchdown would have won the game

  • @mattschipper2060
    @mattschipper2060 3 месяца назад

    How about the 2019-2023 49ers? How close did they come to making this list?

  • @davidalexander8996
    @davidalexander8996 4 месяца назад

    Honorable mention could also belong to the Aaron Rodgers led Green Bay Packers from the '10s to the early '20s. After winning the Super Bowl following the 2010 season, with nothing but road games in the playoffs to boot, the Packers failed to even reach the title game despite over a decade of elite play by the Green and Gold. Also while the Warren Moon led Houston Oilers may have been in a weak conference, the Tennessee Titans during the Steve McNair and Eddie George era (1999-2003) and the Derrick Henry era of the last five seasons could make better cases. Finally, the Lamar Jackson led Baltimore Ravens are starting to make their own case.

  • @michaelmcdaniel786
    @michaelmcdaniel786 4 месяца назад

    The fact that the highlights were 49ers makes me so happy. I hope they make it to the super bowl every year and lose

  • @trevertravis8963
    @trevertravis8963 4 месяца назад

    I was expecting to see the Broncos from the 80s on here.

  • @danielparker928
    @danielparker928 3 месяца назад

    The amount of damage my patriots have done to franchises on this list is incredible

  • @Mark_Cadden
    @Mark_Cadden 3 месяца назад +1

    How did the Bills who lost 4 in a row not make this

  • @albertjewell1963
    @albertjewell1963 3 месяца назад

    The Saints went 52-15 from 2017-20. Curious what the C score was for this time period for the Saints.

  • @jarondetty8001
    @jarondetty8001 3 месяца назад

    2019-2023 49ers would absolutely be on here if they didn't get destroyed by injuries in 2020

  • @Gruntpla
    @Gruntpla 4 месяца назад

    My dolphins might be the most cursed franchise lmao

  • @Mitchel-lz9um
    @Mitchel-lz9um 3 месяца назад

    Screw the formula, the 90s Bills should be on here regardless

  • @HarryBlack-m4r
    @HarryBlack-m4r 4 месяца назад +1

    The Bills made 4 super bowls in a row and aren't on this list? The Eagles made 4 straight championship games and a super bowl and don't make this list? Come on now

  • @eliice1715
    @eliice1715 4 месяца назад

    Packers from 2011 season to 2015 season should've got one 😢

  • @user-hk8lf9ki5b
    @user-hk8lf9ki5b 4 месяца назад +1

    The 2014-2018 Steelers would like a word

    • @rtchidc
      @rtchidc 4 месяца назад +1

      I have them at #24, just ahead of the 1970-1974 Redskins, and just after the 2007-2011 Eagles.

  • @Mvproszn
    @Mvproszn 4 месяца назад +2

    2011-2015 Bengals were good enough to win a couple Super bowls!

    • @slimypickle19
      @slimypickle19 3 месяца назад

      No they were not. Nobody took them seriously.

  • @mheff28
    @mheff28 4 месяца назад

    I would have thought the Packers had 2 runs in rhis list. The five years following SB 31 and 45 both had to be close.

  • @northdakotagamer
    @northdakotagamer 3 месяца назад

    They're booing. I saw a guy say anyone who knows NFL history would include the 4 straight super bowl Bills, another saying that they're the only choice for #1 but your metric is reasonable and those Bills were in the weaker conference in an era before the salary cap. Those Bills being so close so often makes them the best story to never win a title, but not necessarily the best team

  • @henny6566
    @henny6566 4 месяца назад +1

    How do the Jets from 09-12 not make the list. Made the playoffs 3 times and back to back AFC championship games.

    • @rtchidc
      @rtchidc 4 месяца назад +1

      I have the 2007-2011 Jets at #82, just after the 1994-1998 Patriots, and just ahead of the 2016-2020 Rams.

  • @maksports95
    @maksports95 3 месяца назад

    I’m surprised you missed the Steelers from 2014-18 (AKA the Killer Bees) and the Steelers from 1992-97. Also the Bills literally made the Super Bowl every year from 1990-93 and they’re not on here either? Get the Pats off there: they won three Super Bowls after that

  • @tylermathis-kx7pu
    @tylermathis-kx7pu 3 месяца назад

    Kind of surprised the 2008-12 Falcons didn’t make it, but those teams were probably way overrated.

  • @cliffordfrazier7626
    @cliffordfrazier7626 3 месяца назад

    The 90-93 Bills need to be #1.

  • @kurtpunchesthings2411
    @kurtpunchesthings2411 4 месяца назад

    number 1 easily has to be the 1989-1993 Bills
    4 straight Superbowl losses
    1 Divisional Round Loss

  • @MustacheDLuffy
    @MustacheDLuffy 4 месяца назад

    Do the Bears going 54-25 from 1986-1990 count?

  • @philgoad5587
    @philgoad5587 3 месяца назад

    Wonder what the C score for the 85-89 Broncos is.

  • @NH-7
    @NH-7 4 месяца назад

    No Super Bowl for you …. lol
    Awesome title 👌

  • @msolec2000
    @msolec2000 4 месяца назад +2

    How would the McNabb Eagles with all those Championship Game losses rank?

    • @rondemurphy4401
      @rondemurphy4401 4 месяца назад

      If the Bills 4 SB appearances didn’t make it for some reason. The Eagles have to be out for some reason?

    • @cambonious23
      @cambonious23 4 месяца назад +1

      Both should be in the list

  • @kojiattwood
    @kojiattwood 4 месяца назад +1

    Surprised the 90-95 Chiefs weren't on here somewhere

    • @rtchidc
      @rtchidc 4 месяца назад +1

      I have the 1993-1997 Chiefs at #39, just ahead of the 1993-1997 Steelers, and just after the 1969-1973 Lions.

  • @Trashboat221
    @Trashboat221 4 месяца назад +1

    Seahawks from 14-18 is lowkey one of them

    • @rtchidc
      @rtchidc 4 месяца назад

      I have them at #17.

    • @ErikCB912
      @ErikCB912 4 месяца назад

      The problem is that after the Super Bowl with the butler pick, they only won 2 playoff games and never went further than the divisional round. Also they couldn’t get more than 10 wins from 2015-2018.

  • @fsanmiguel666
    @fsanmiguel666 4 месяца назад +1

    It should've been the 2007-2011 Patriots
    They went to two Super Bowls during that span just to lose to Eli Manning twice in a row!

    • @WhydoIsuddenlyhaveahandle
      @WhydoIsuddenlyhaveahandle 4 месяца назад

      And The 07 Pats were the best team of all time too haha

    • @kurtpunchesthings2411
      @kurtpunchesthings2411 4 месяца назад

      @@WhydoIsuddenlyhaveahandle yea that's the insane thing a Historically Great Pats team lost to

  • @markula_4040
    @markula_4040 4 месяца назад

    0:12 Almost 10 minutes left, a 3 point game and the interception would have been at their own 35 and yet I STILL hear people hilariously and delusionally pretend that if this wasn't dropped, it would have magically ended the game. Sorry, I know I'm way off topic but as a Rams fan, it's just so funny to me to see it again.

    • @cccproductions2019
      @cccproductions2019  4 месяца назад

      I hear ya. I'll tell you my perception as a Niners fan. I was watching this game at a bar with one other Niner fan and a ton of Bengals fans, all of whom were rooting for us cause they wanted some Super Bowl revenge. Had Tartt made the pick, no the game wasn't sealed away. But, when he dropped it, I told everyone in the bar that the game was over and we were gonna lose. And so it came to pass. Classic post-Walsh/Seifert Niners.

  • @anthony_rivera4735
    @anthony_rivera4735 4 месяца назад

    I'm not sure if I include the 2019/20-present bills on here because they had three 10-6 seasons since and only two seasons where they won 12 or 13 games. I would replace them with the 1988/89-1993/94 bills instead.

    • @daved1535
      @daved1535 4 месяца назад

      I would've had the 2000-2004 Eagles over the 2019-2023 Bills. The Eagles had a 59-21 record vs. the Bills 58-24 record. The Eagles made it to the Conference Championship game 4 times vs. the Bills 1. The Eagles went to 1 Super Bowl vs. the Bills none

  • @donparisheo
    @donparisheo 4 месяца назад

    1989-1993 Houston Oilers

  • @christianwootton100
    @christianwootton100 4 месяца назад +1

    Late 70s early 80s SD Chargers?

    • @rtchidc
      @rtchidc 4 месяца назад +1

      I have the 1978-1982 Chargers at #31, just after the 1988-1992 Eagles, and just ahead of the 1995-1999 49ers.

  • @5spd5thgen
    @5spd5thgen 3 месяца назад

    HOW is the 90s Bills not on this list

  • @DNSKansas
    @DNSKansas 4 месяца назад +10

    The title of your video is very misleading. It should say best five-season runs without a Super Bowl TITLE. You also need to do a video for best five-year runs without a Super Bowl APPEARANCE. I'm certain the 1996-2000 Vikings would be high on that list. So would the 2017-21 Saints.

    • @tykwfl
      @tykwfl 4 месяца назад +12

      It’s not misleading. Without a superbowl implies that they did not WIN, which is the point. Also, “you need to” is exactly how not to make a request. Get out of the basement & talk to people in real life. Practice some. I look forward to revisiting this

  • @stacywebb2177
    @stacywebb2177 4 месяца назад

    How close are the 49ers from 2019-2023? I know they had a really down season in 2020, but still they have to be close right?

  • @Lodawg154
    @Lodawg154 4 месяца назад

    Thought I would see the Falcons from 2008-2012

    • @rtchidc
      @rtchidc 4 месяца назад

      I have the 2008-2012 Falcons at #59, just after the 1986-1990 Bears, and just ahead of the 1975-1979 Oilers.

  • @CoolRexxed
    @CoolRexxed 4 месяца назад

    what about the 2015 to 2019 saints

  • @itachi37
    @itachi37 3 месяца назад

    Does that make the 06-10 Pats the biggest chokers of all time? 🤔

  • @drewpocernich2540
    @drewpocernich2540 3 месяца назад

    So the Packers for the past 13 years, and 13 years before that.

  • @mmaranta785
    @mmaranta785 4 месяца назад

    1970-1975 Raiders also

  • @Joemama..
    @Joemama.. 4 месяца назад

    Where are the 1989-93 bills?

  • @josephkaisler9703
    @josephkaisler9703 4 месяца назад

    Where is the Buffalo bills who went to the super bowl 4 years in a row

  • @ghostme1635
    @ghostme1635 3 месяца назад

    The cowboys every year since 1996😂

  • @plntntvzn
    @plntntvzn 4 месяца назад +2

    Incredible stuff. 2019-'21 Buffalo defensive braintrust never called any 5-man (or more) pass-rushes in their playoff losses or even any defensive SPY formations vs Mahommes (last time he lost a playoff game was when Cincinnati's Hubbard was used as a spy and created sack & fumble at end of regulation, forcing 2021 AFC Title game into OT). In 2022 Buffalo's defensive play-calling had gotten smarter but their talent on defense has slipped, just like how the mid-1980s Miami defensive talent had slipped.
    Miami still had a good defense in 1983 when Marino World arrived (that would be the last time they had a good defense throughout the Marino World Era), but their Special Teams got annihilated (outplayed considerably) on both sides in their 1983 Divisional Playoff loss to Seattle, despite the dome team Seattle having to play outdoors in less than ideal weather and conditions.
    San Diego from 2004-'06 still had Schottenheimer as a coach, and I discovered that he refused to use a 5-man or more pass-rush. Early 1980s Cowboys DID often blitz on defense, but by then they no longer had enough talent on run-defense (not after LB Hollywood Henderson cut in his own career short in 1979). Early 1980s Cowboys were once described as though it was mirror-mirror on the wall, and the mirror had cracked. Early 1980s Cowboys vs The World and the world was beginning to win.
    Late 1960s Rams, Coach George Allen was not blitzing on defense enough yet. He later would call enough blitzes on defense as coach of the Redskins but not when he coached the Rams, who after 1970 were in need of an I fusion of youth. From 1971-'72 Coach Tommy Prothro did incredible on the youth movement for the Rams' roster. Still, on the field in 1971 &'72 Prothro's play-calling was way too much fancy-dancy and trigger-happy for that personnel. In 1971 &'72 Coach Prothro would have been way better off just letting the Rams' running game simply and basically take over every game week after week, and Prothro didn't take that route.
    As for mid-to-late 1960s Cowboys, it was one thing to lose in dramatic fashion to the legendary Lombardi's Packers two years in a row in the playoffs, but quite another to lose to an inferior Cleveland team two years in a row in the playoffs. Dallas lost to Cleveland in the late 1960s playoffs two years in a row because Dallas play-calling was pass-happy-trigger-happy, instead of letting the running game take the game over. That was why before the 1970 season began, Cowboy coaching staff wanted feedback from the players how to do better in the playoffs and when the players wrote back that they should let the running game take the game over more, Cowboys then played in the next two Super Bowls. Super Bowl 5 was a fight to the finish before conquering Miami in SB 6.
    Oakland Raiders' playoff fate from 1967-'70 was sealed when in 1966 they erroneously let their DE Rich Jackson end up in Denver, where he became the legendary #87 Tombstone Jackson.
    Mid-1970s Rams' Offensive Lines had the wrong mixture of youth & experience, the type of mixture where it was too much youth and too much experience. LT#73 Cowan (played from 1961-'75)was ancient and couldn't handle any pass-rusher who had an ounce of agility while young RT#75 John Williams was a run-blocking specialist whose pass-blocking didn't improve until late 1970s. Center #50 Ken Iman was near 36 years old when the 1974 season ended and him starting every Ram game from 1965-'74 (after playing 1960-'64 in Green Bay) delayed the progress of #61 Rich Saul, their long-snapper from 1970-'74 who didn't start his 2nd NFL game until 1975.
    In Super Bowl 4, Minnesota simply didn't have what they needed at WR at all (and somebody should have told their kickoff returner to make sure he is standing still when he catches the kickoff instead of running before he catches it, which resulted in that fumble and turnover that helped put KC up 16-0 at halftime). 1970 & '71 Minnesota didn't have QB-ing either. Then Tarkenton did return but in 1973 they still did not have a complete enough collection of WRs while their Offensive Line was way more of a pass-blocking specialist type of an Offensive Line by then anyway. They didn't have enough run-blocking by then, and on defense Karl Kassulke's career was cut short by then, and big picture when you look at Minnesota's 22 1st-stringers on offense and defense by January 1974, January 1975, January 1977, 10 of those 22 1st-stringers on offense and defense (practically half of them) began their NFL careers way back in the early 1960s. That is way too much age by then.
    The 2007 Patriots also had way too much age, specifically on their defense. They played the NY Giants twice, and did not outplay them either game, and generally speaking, the really good NY Giants' teams were way better at low-scoring defensive slugfest type of games than they were at the high-scoring offensive shootout types of games. So in SB 42, there was way too much age on Patriots' defense for them to win a defensive slugfest against a much, much younger NY Giant defense (exception being Michael Strahan's last game) and a NY Giant franchise whose greatest teams have historically absolutely lived for low-scoring defensive slugfests types of games.

  • @eskewroberts7663
    @eskewroberts7663 4 месяца назад

    Before watching, 2 teams i expect to be high on the list
    Bills and Vikings
    I swear they're cursed ... And I'm a falcons fan saying it
    Edit: dead on with Vikings, i was thinking of the wrong bills team and thought it would be higher

  • @ericregan4310
    @ericregan4310 4 месяца назад

    Bills 89-93

  • @willardculver9510
    @willardculver9510 4 месяца назад

    My niners 😢😢

  • @emilrwolanski
    @emilrwolanski 4 месяца назад

    Did we really need the background music?

    • @jimnfl7134
      @jimnfl7134 4 месяца назад +1

      supposed to be flashback to NFL Primetime.

  • @bvogs58schannel90
    @bvogs58schannel90 3 месяца назад

    No Killer B era Steelers?

  • @baugh3162
    @baugh3162 2 месяца назад

    No Eagles '00-'04?

  • @mattx6098
    @mattx6098 4 месяца назад

    Packers 2011-2015

  • @daryle312
    @daryle312 4 месяца назад

    Understanding this list is based strictly on math, and respecting it for what it is, I say any list like this and any calculation system that doesnt some how put the SD Chargers at the top of the list, or at least in the top 3, is flawed. You have 2 eras with HOF QBs and they didnt even make a SB. Their only SB appearance was a fluke in the mid 90s. SD is definitely the franchise, IMHO, who's empty trophy case is the most glaring.

    • @cccproductions2019
      @cccproductions2019  4 месяца назад +1

      I respect that. I'm not worried about any single position, no matter its perceived value. But to say that the Chargers should have closed one out by this point is undeniably true. Chargering is a thing.

  • @williamarnold9821
    @williamarnold9821 4 месяца назад

    Umm... What about the Browns from '85 - '90? Textbook definition of what this video is about

    • @rtchidc
      @rtchidc 4 месяца назад

      I have the 1985-1989 Browns at #68, just after the 1987-1991 Saints, and just ahead of the 2010-2014 Broncos.

  • @leonzaduncan2438
    @leonzaduncan2438 4 месяца назад

    Also i would think 2007-2011 would be the ones

    • @Stephen-to7jx
      @Stephen-to7jx 4 месяца назад

      Actually I was thinking 2 times, 04 ti 08 and 09 to 13, both 5 year periods

  • @fear3682
    @fear3682 4 месяца назад

    Packers 2011-15/16