What is Western Civilization? - SGJW

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Bilibili:space.bilibili...
    “If the jade is not cut and polished, it can’t be made into anything.”
    - Chinese Proverb
    Over the recent decade or so American and certain European journalists and politicians have taken rhetorical aim at China. Often their perceptions of events in China are either based on wrong information or else deliberately cast aspersions on anything the people of China undertake. The articles herein seek to dispel the hexes of ignorant writers. The people here are kind and welcoming. The culture here has depths of which one cannot find the bottom. There is virtually no crime, living is more modern and more convenient than elsewhere, and people take care of themselves and others. This is truly a place of social harmony.
    This site is devoted to helping ‘western’ people better understand China. The articles herein aim to help stem the tide of hatred and vitriol welling up in America and Europe about China. I hope the insights people gain reading here can contribute to an appreciation of the beautiful culture I’ve found in China and prevent racism and national discrimination against China and the Chinese people. If you too are a fan of peace, please share this site with your friends.
    All Content and Photos are original and the property of Shang Guan Jie Wen.

Комментарии • 39

  • @meow4619
    @meow4619 2 года назад +9

    but the native Americans have already lived in this land for thousands of years, why try to find a father from Egypt?

    • @spadeysay6846
      @spadeysay6846 2 года назад +4

      That is just another attempt to re write history. In this case writing the native pre-Columbians out of the US history. Genociding them were incomplete. So they have to write them out.

    • @inkbold8511
      @inkbold8511 2 года назад

      Bc they consider Indians to be inferior beings.

  • @wllingtonsingh5080
    @wllingtonsingh5080 Год назад

    Great show Jason it’s very interesting love history.

  • @sara.cbc92
    @sara.cbc92 2 года назад +1

    Underrated channel

  • @EdricHsu
    @EdricHsu 2 года назад +1

    Great summary of ancient Western civilisation history, well represented by the replicas of those cities’ monuments in your video’s background!

  • @ChatGPTv2023
    @ChatGPTv2023 Год назад

    في عصر بلا حضارة ، كان الناس يقتلون بعضهم البعض من أجل الغذاء والبقاء على قيد الحياة ، وكان الرجال والنساء يمارسون الجنس المختلط ، كما استهلكوا العقاقير مثل نبات الماريجوانا الطبيعي. إذا كنت تستخدم هذا المعيار لقياس الدول الغربية المتقدمة ، فإنهم لم يتطوروا بعد إلى الحضارة المجتمع ، وفي الثلاثين عامًا الماضية ، كان مستوى حضارتهم يتدهور. على سبيل المثال ، إسبانيا وهولندا وألمانيا ، وخاصة الولايات المتحدة ودول أخرى ، يمارسون الهيمنة في العالم لعرقهم الخاص ، في إفريقيا في الماضي ، والآن في الشرق الأوسط ، يذبحون البلدان الأخرى ويقتلون المدنيين في العراق وسوريا ودول أخرى هي قنبلة ذات قوة عظمى ، وهي منخرطة في LGBT + في بلدها ، الاختلاط بين الرجال والنساء ، الرجال والنساء ، النساء والنساء ، الاختلاط الجنسي ، عدم تجريم المخدرات ، التنمر على البلدان النامية من أجل حياة الغرب الشريرة والوقحة ، لذلك ، فإن معظم الدول الغربية لم تتطور بعد لتصبح بشرًا متحضرين. الآن لديهم فقط التكنولوجيا ، ما يسمى بالمهارات الغريبة والبراعة ، تمامًا مثل اللصوص الذين يقاومون البنادق وآلات القتل. التكنولوجيا المتقدمة ، لكنها بالتأكيد ليست "متحضرة"

  • @ChatGPTv2023
    @ChatGPTv2023 Год назад

    À une époque sans civilisation, les gens s'entretuaient pour se nourrir et survivre, les hommes et les femmes avaient des relations sexuelles libertines et consommaient également des drogues telles que la marijuana végétale naturelle. Si vous utilisez cette norme pour mesurer les pays occidentaux avancés, comme l'Espagne, les Pays-Bas, et l'Allemagne, en particulier les États-Unis et d'autres pays, ils exercent une hégémonie dans le monde pour leur propre race, en Afrique dans le passé, et maintenant au Moyen-Orient, ils ont massacré d'autres pays à grande échelle et largué des bombes extrêmement meurtrières sur les civils en Irak, en Syrie et dans d'autres pays, et S'engager dans les LGBT + dans leur propre pays, la promiscuité entre hommes et femmes, hommes et femmes, femmes et femmes, la promiscuité sexuelle, la dépénalisation des drogues et l'intimidation du grand nombre de pays en développement pour le La vie pécheresse et éhontée de l'Occident, de sorte que la plupart des pays occidentaux n'ont pas encore évolué vers la civilisation, et maintenant ils n'ont que la technologie, les soi-disant compétences et l'ingéniosité étranges, tout comme les voleurs résistant aux armes à feu et conduisant des machines à tuer, ils ne possèdent que des avancées technologie, mais ce ne sont certainement pas des "civilisations"

  • @diezero2483
    @diezero2483 2 года назад +9

    It’s not even 500+ years, Technically you should count from when the British staring colonize the North America.

  • @andrewzhou7647
    @andrewzhou7647 2 года назад +16

    Wow! This is the best explanation so far of the Western Civilization. Not only is it informative, it is also quite entertaining. You are a good story teller. I am subscribing you now.

  • @yewwohpoon1486
    @yewwohpoon1486 2 года назад +13

    By this logic, American history can be extended to all the way to the Neanderthals since they were the people populating Europe at the time. And quite fitting too - American behaviour today has not changed much. Might is right.

    • @tancsun
      @tancsun 7 месяцев назад


  • @ChatGPTv2023
    @ChatGPTv2023 Год назад


  • @Pheer777
    @Pheer777 4 месяца назад

    You’re ignoring all the different languages, subcultures, and kingdoms that existed in China for those 5,000 years. If you were to use your own logic, then modern Chinese civilization only started in 1949, which we know would be a ridiculous statement.

  • @tusker2418
    @tusker2418 2 года назад +6

    Really enjoyed your video! I've never made the connection you explained about attempting to make Western Civ start much earlier, mostly cause I just always kind of throught of the foundation of "Western Civ" being the dark ages. But now that you point it out, that's exactly what they are doing.
    Also, have a recommendation for you if you're interested. There is a guy named Michael Parenti that wrote a book called The Assassination of Julius Caesar. From his arguement, Julius Caesar was actually killed because he attempted land reform for peasants and slaves, along with a bunch of other progressive policies for the common man. If you don't have the time to read the book, the do a RUclips search for his lecture on the book. Blew my mind the first time I listened to the lecture and got a copy of the book as soon as I was done listening!

    • @inkbold8511
      @inkbold8511 2 года назад +1

      Make sense, those who try to make something beneficial for everyone will be killed by their handlers ie elites ~ wealthy ppl who like to consider themselves to be different species than commoners.

  • @ChatGPTv2023
    @ChatGPTv2023 Год назад

    En una era sin civilización, las personas se mataban entre sí por comida y supervivencia, hombres y mujeres tenían sexo promiscuo y también consumían drogas como la planta natural de marihuana. Si usa este estándar para medir los países occidentales avanzados, aún no han evolucionado a la civilización. sociedad, y en los últimos treinta años, su nivel de civilización ha ido decayendo. Por ejemplo, España, los Países Bajos, Alemania, especialmente los Estados Unidos y otros países, ejercen la hegemonía en el mundo para su propia raza, en África en el pasado y ahora en el Medio Oriente, masacran a otros países y matan a civiles en Irak, Siria y otros países Es una bomba con gran poder, y se dedica a LGBT+ en su propio país, promiscuidad entre hombres y mujeres, hombres y mujeres, mujeres y mujeres, promiscuidad sexual, despenalización de las drogas, acoso a los países en desarrollo por la propia vida pecaminosa y desvergonzada de Occidente. Por lo tanto, la mayoría de los países occidentales aún no se han convertido en seres humanos civilizados. Ahora solo tienen tecnología, las llamadas habilidades extrañas e ingenio, al igual que los ladrones que resisten las armas y conducen máquinas de matar. Solo poseen tecnología avanzada, pero definitivamente no son "civilizados"

  • @narf0339
    @narf0339 2 года назад +4

    how the western history book define "columbus found america" ? if 1 day china invade taiwan and occupied taiwan, can china claim "china found taiwan" ?

    • @kwokholuk8723
      @kwokholuk8723 2 года назад +3

      China reunify Taiwan, not occupy Taiwan. Taiwan was part one China.

    • @inkbold8511
      @inkbold8511 2 года назад

      His just talking figuratively

    • @kwokholuk8723
      @kwokholuk8723 2 года назад +1

      Indian Americans (They are people from Siberia. ) found America first in more than 10,000 years ago, Columbus came to America in 1492.

  • @Blue-jd8jf
    @Blue-jd8jf 2 года назад

    🏛️I consider western civilization the Mediterranean region, Greek and Roman Empire, their democratic politics🗳️, Roman Catholic religion⛪, and Latin language🗣️. The countries that kept those traits like Spain, France, Italy and Potugal. Finally the countries that were colonized by these western world countries in Latin America.
    Other European countries like England,, Germany, etc northern European countries, are secondary western civilization because they basically adopted mostly from Mediterranean civilizations, they write in Latin script but not speak a Latin based language they, practice Christianity but not Catholicism and they adopted Greek democracy. I dont consider countries that dont use Latin or Greek script as western civilization, like Russia and Ukraine for example...... the exception of Ireland which practice Catholicism, write in Latin script and are a democracy, they just lack Mediterranean culture
    🌎In the Amerias, Latin America was colonized first1️⃣ and thus has been a western civilization region longer than U.S, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, which were colonized later 🌏
    White doesn't equal western civilization, because the Roman Empire was a diverse Empire unlike northern Europe

  • @sunnyking8881
    @sunnyking8881 2 года назад

    Sorry, from the archaeology, Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Sumerians, Ancient Chinese, they r the same people, 😂

  • @jayleo8350
    @jayleo8350 Год назад

    The thrust of Western civilization narratives is about enrichment n glorification of pre chstian hystory, and it was a fulfilled ambition to bring down Christian hegemony. Though its role in the processes of science n indistural revolution appears to be undervalued somewhat. Anyway it does not really have much to do with the "length of civilization" competitions, arguably taking place (mainly in the field of archaeology studies) in regions that went thru industrialization later including perhaps Japan, USSR, Korea, China and even Vietnam, bear in mind that western civilization may as well encompasses stories about euphrates, persian and Indian. Such competition, if true, came much later, after the western civiltn narrative was established.

  • @josephdewuhan
    @josephdewuhan 2 года назад

    I noticed that unlike vlog videos from many other expats in China, I cannot download your video from RUclips. I understand why some musicians block vIewer’s download option. I like some of your videos very much and want to show them to some older Chinese friends who do not have VPN to watch RUclips. Too bad, I cannot download your video. Since you have so little subscribers and so low viewing counts, why don’t you allow people download your videos?

  • @kelvinzhong429
    @kelvinzhong429 2 года назад

    The funny thing is that the Greeks and the Italians are not accepted by the general public until the USA has to deal with the problems of the model minority. so I really don't know what western history is that version.

  • @ChatGPTv2023
    @ChatGPTv2023 Год назад

    В эпоху без цивилизации люди убивали друг друга ради еды и выживания, мужчины и женщины занимались беспорядочными половыми связями, а также употребляли такие наркотики, как натуральная растительная марихуана.Если вы используете этот стандарт для измерения передовых западных стран, они еще не эволюционировали до цивилизации общества, и в последние тридцать лет их уровень цивилизованности снижается. Например, Испания, Нидерланды, Германия, особенно США и другие страны, они осуществляют гегемонию в мире для своей расы, в прошлом в Африке, а теперь и на Ближнем Востоке, устраивают резню в других странах, убивают мирных жителей в Ирак, Сирия и другие страны Это бомба с большой силой, и она занимается ЛГБТ+ в своей стране, распущенностью между мужчинами и женщинами, мужчинами и женщинами, женщинами и женщинами, половой распущенностью, декриминализацией наркотиков, травлей развивающихся стран за собственную грешную и бессовестную жизнь Запада,Поэтому большинство западных стран еще не превратились в цивилизованных людей.Теперь у них есть только технологии,так называемые странные умения и изобретательность,так же как грабители сопротивляющиеся ружьям и управляющие машинами для убийств.Они только обладают передовые технологии, но они точно не "цивилизованные"

  • @casey7057
    @casey7057 2 года назад +2

    Great article again

  • @chengcheng7930
    @chengcheng7930 2 года назад +3

    Good job... Thanks share...

  • @tanzine91
    @tanzine91 2 года назад +2

    Support! RUclips algorithm should give this good content a good exposure

  • @小夏-r3k
    @小夏-r3k 2 года назад +2

    Benefited a lot from your lecture !❤

  • @pengzhang5081
    @pengzhang5081 2 года назад


  • @djallalnamri1
    @djallalnamri1 2 года назад

    quote (about Averroes - Ibn Rochd of Cordoba) :
    His work is of great importance in Western Europe, where he influenced the medieval Latin philosophers and the so-called Averroist Jews, such as Siger of Brabant, Boethius of Dacia, Isaac Albalag and Moses Narboni. During the Renaissance, his philosophy was widely studied in Padua. Generally speaking, he is esteemed by scholastics who call him the “Commentator” of the “Philosopher” (Aristotle) for whom they have a common veneration. On the other hand, Thomas Aquinas and then the Neoplatonists of Florence reproached him for denying the immortality and the thought of the individual soul, for the benefit of a single Intellect for all men who activates intelligible ideas in us.

  • @gangzhou5407
    @gangzhou5407 2 года назад


  • @fionaz4404
    @fionaz4404 2 года назад +5

    Great content Jiewen. This video definitely deserves more likes!