Tetanus: The Deadly Consequences of Neglected Wound Infections | Lockjaw | Tetanospasmin

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • #Tetanus #Lockjaw #tetanus spore #bacteria #brain #nervous system
    #opisthotonus #muscle #spasm #muscle contraction #tetanus toxin
    #clostridium tetani #vaccination #tatanus vaccine #tetanus immunoglobulin
    #TIG #neurons #nerve #antibody #prevention #diagnosis #treatment
    #symptoms #nails #injury #wounds #soil #immunity #immunization
    #puncture #gram positive #tetanus bacteria #tetanus disease #neurotoxin
    #muscle stiffness #neurotransmitter #rust #tetanospasmin #wound care
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    Tetanus, often referred to as "lockjaw," is a potentially life-threatening bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. This bacterium is commonly found in soil and can enter the body through open wounds, cuts, or puncture injuries.
    Once inside the body, Clostridium tetani produces a powerful neurotoxin leading to muscle stiffness, spasms, and can result in severe complications, including difficulty breathing and death.
    Soil: Clostridium tetani is commonly found in soil, particularly soil that contains organic matter. Gardening, farming, or playing in soil can potentially expose individuals to the bacteria.
    Gardening Tools: Garden tools, especially those that come into contact with soil, can harbor tetanus bacteria. Puncture wounds caused by stepping on a rake, shovel, or other garden tools can introduce the bacteria.
    Animal Feces: Tetanus bacteria can be present in the feces of animals, including farm animals like cows, horses, and sheep. Contact with contaminated feces or manure can pose a risk.
    Rusty Objects: Contrary to common belief, rust itself is not a source of tetanus. However, rusty objects like nails, barbed wire, or other sharp materials can provide an ideal environment for tetanus bacteria to thrive, especially if they are in contact with soil or organic matter.
    Muscle Stiffness: Stiffness and tension in the muscles, especially in the jaw and neck muscles. This symptom often leads to difficulty in opening the mouth, giving rise to the condition known as "lockjaw."
    Muscle Spasms: Painful muscle spasms, which can be severe and occur frequently. These spasms can affect various muscle groups, including the facial muscles, back muscles, and abdominal muscles.
    Difficulty Swallowing: Tetanus can cause difficulty in swallowing, known as dysphagia, due to the stiffness and spasms of the throat muscles.
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