Southwest Aquaculture Coral Farm - Arizona’s Largest Coral Farm Facility

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 52

  • @grandcanyonreefs
    @grandcanyonreefs  Год назад +6

    Code: GCREEFS for 20% off your entire order!

  • @broncoblerd
    @broncoblerd Год назад +5

    Great video. I got 95% of my corals from small trade shows of vendors that are family owned or operated from home.

    • @grandcanyonreefs
      @grandcanyonreefs  Год назад +1

      Thanks!! And that’s really awesome to hear! Love to support local businesses and vendors which are doing good for the hobby!

  • @jasonz.4666
    @jasonz.4666 Год назад +5

    Been to Shane's place and made a small purchase. Great customer service, knowledge and high quality coral. Highly recommended!

  • @sunnygoold9449
    @sunnygoold9449 Год назад +6

    What a legend - love to see people who LOVE what they do... especially if that is coral!

    • @grandcanyonreefs
      @grandcanyonreefs  Год назад +1

      Same! Was truly a great experience getting to chat with Shane for 3 hours! Would highly recommend anyone in the local AZ area to check his place out in person! 🙌🏽

    • @sunnygoold9449
      @sunnygoold9449 Год назад +1

      @@grandcanyonreefs Awesome - I'm on the other side of the globe unfortunately but definitely visiting these farms is WAY worth it especially if you can have a chat with the people that grow the corals ;)

  • @ou812reefing
    @ou812reefing Год назад +5

    What an absolutely great looking facility clean and professional

  • @ReefingwithO
    @ReefingwithO Год назад +5

    I saw these guys at RAP Cali last year! Great guys, the corals I bought from them are doing well!

    @HCBCHEMISTRY Год назад +5

    Great video. cool little project the man has going.

  • @craigvanengen4551
    @craigvanengen4551 Год назад +5

    Just really getting into the hobby recently (had a saltwater tank for about a year and just upgraded a month ago) and I will be going there very soon. This is great stuff and the kind of local business i want to support.

    • @grandcanyonreefs
      @grandcanyonreefs  Год назад

      Welcome to the hobby! And absolutely!! He’s a great guy with an even better business! Well worth the time to check out their store or at-least their corals available online!

  • @queencityreefs
    @queencityreefs Год назад +3

    Great episode. Will definitely share on my FB Group. Thanks for sharing.

  • @erichanasky7884
    @erichanasky7884 Год назад +5

    Subscribed!! Beautiful Farm!

  • @spicyreef
    @spicyreef Год назад +4

    This hobby is amazing, people in every corner thriving. Nicely done 🙂subbed

    • @grandcanyonreefs
      @grandcanyonreefs  Год назад

      It truly is an amazing hobby! Thanks so much for the support!

  • @attackcustombaits8446
    @attackcustombaits8446 Год назад +4

    Keep it coming amazing corals

  • @vidishish829
    @vidishish829 Год назад +4

    Can we get more info on Seans sumps? He said only rock and algae scrubber? No skimmer?

    • @southwestaquaculture
      @southwestaquaculture Год назад +1

      Hi vidishish in addition to rock and the algae scrubber we do run external RK2 skimmers on each row. Thank you!

  • @andrewwarnick2735
    @andrewwarnick2735 Год назад +5

    Absolutely amazing!

  • @VargasReef
    @VargasReef Год назад +2

    Absolutely love this place, many of our corals will be coming from there.

  • @eat_guava
    @eat_guava 9 месяцев назад +1

    Nice interview. Cool to hear about someone pursuing their passion

  • @Moondoggy1941
    @Moondoggy1941 Год назад +4

    Very nice, I would love to see the RO/DI machine. Thanks I have sub'd.

    • @grandcanyonreefs
      @grandcanyonreefs  Год назад

      I think I should have a short video of their RODI, water changing, and packaging station. I’ll post those as RUclips Shorts soon!
      And thanks for the support!

    • @Moondoggy1941
      @Moondoggy1941 Год назад +1

      @@grandcanyonreefs Being from Az I bet your incoming water is not good, so having a good RO/DI machine in a must.

    • @grandcanyonreefs
      @grandcanyonreefs  Год назад

      Not sure what Shane’s water is like at his facility, but in Chandler, Arizona where I live…. my incoming water is 430! So I have a 6 stage RODI system!

    • @Moondoggy1941
      @Moondoggy1941 Год назад +1

      @@grandcanyonreefs My water ranges from 250 to 450, So. Cal. here.

    • @southwestaquaculture
      @southwestaquaculture Год назад

      Our system comprises of high capacity/volume sediment, carbon, and RO membranes feeding commercial deionizing tanks that hold over a cubic foot of resin. Our system makes around 750 gpd with incoming TDS ranging from 400-600ppm.

  • @sharks307
    @sharks307 10 месяцев назад +1

    Great video! If you don’t mind me asking where did you get your frag tanks? Love the setup!

    • @grandcanyonreefs
      @grandcanyonreefs  10 месяцев назад

      Thanks! He got them from a wholesaler, but the best place to get frag tanks like this is probably Zoo Med Low Boys!

  • @IvyLouis-r7h
    @IvyLouis-r7h Год назад +1

    very nice & big facility, cool stuff man. where is it exactly

  • @akvasvet
    @akvasvet Год назад +4


  • @BarrySmithers
    @BarrySmithers Год назад +1

    bummed I missed out the discount dude!

    • @grandcanyonreefs
      @grandcanyonreefs  Год назад

      I’m sure he’ll have more discounts and savings regularly!

  • @rolisreefranch
    @rolisreefranch Год назад +1

    Nice tanks. Who made them?

  • @CopperStateCorals
    @CopperStateCorals Год назад +1

    Does this shop do walk ins? I checked out their website and almost everything shows sold out.

    • @grandcanyonreefs
      @grandcanyonreefs  Год назад +1

      They are constantly updating as new frags are made and heal!
      And I believe he actually just opened up a store front location in Cave Creek/PHX! But let me double check on those details!

  • @mackdeez3247
    @mackdeez3247 Год назад +4
