⚠️READ BEFORE COMMENTING⚠️ this hacker/exploiter doesnt go around flying or have speed 100, all he does was removing his animations which makes it a bit harder to 1v1 and after this video he becomes gojo honored one high up in the sky for some reason idk 💀. and for those who think hes just laggy, you're wrong. a laggy person would be stuck in the air, stuck in one place, slow movement or even get disconnected and this is NOT private server, and NOT my alt account. This js just random exploiter grinding kills, and for those whose saying "its fake! theres no one in the background!" just look closely, I don't fake my videos, not once. Everybody got animations except him, if he was laggy i still can see his animation but not him and he did the uppercut + hunter grasp tech perfectly and the 4 m1 side-dash flowing water tech perfectly which a laggy person cant do, I had like 80-90 ping at that time, He was in the server for 40-50 minutes i believe and i was there for an hour. He did NOT just joined nor me. btw join my discord - discord.gg/nNQaWQFsqv
@@daronfairweather4159wrong if you think it’s a glitch and it happened to you that means there was a hacker that scripted everyone’s animations away otherwise known as “lag everyone” I know because I’m one of them lol (I do it for trolling trust)
I dont think thats how fastflags work. I think bloxstrap is client-sided mod not a server-side. It sure have to do something with the server if other people can see you without animation aswell
I found a hacker in duels, I was bout Rank 70 and lost two matches against him....he kept coming to my matches and I snapped....he downgraded my rank to 60....I then gave it my all, in that moment every single ounce of my being was put onto to defeat that hacker...and in the end...I won....Got 80 rank btw, he called me a Hacker at the end lol.
tbhhhh id be always using the gojo reskin saitama and enables no stun so the gameplay can be more creative and im learning avout scripting so i can make it so people can see my gojo effects
it is kinda funny, you just kinda got to adapt to the animation of the script. besides that, the script is just mostly used for comedy, if you still lose to a gojo to Saitama animation script guy, you suck Edit: I forgot he said no stun, never mind what I said
@@Ramzi_The_Hedgehog if you didn't read my comment. I said streak not rank and having a streak is a challenge for me just like having a streak in pubs but better. My friend also challenges me every rank reset and he gives me random gifts like robux or irl stuff, and these "funny" guys ruins it. They better stay in pubs. There you go, i answered your question.
It's a common bug,it happens to me and a lot of people get accused by hacking ,the game doesn't have time to load the animations but some minutes later it gets fixed and ur animations back
this hacker/exploiter doesnt go around flying or have speed 100, all he does was removing his animations which makes it a bit harder to 1v1 and after this video he becomes gojo honored one high up in the sky for some reason idk 💀. and for those who think hes just laggy, you're wrong. a laggy person would be stuck in the air, stuck in one place, slow movement or even get disconnected and this is NOT private server, and NOT my alt account. This js just random exploiter grinding kills, and for those whose saying "its fake! theres no one in the background!" just look closely, I don't fake my videos, not once. Everybody got animations except him, if he was laggy i still can see his animation but not him and he did the uppercut + hunter grasp tech perfectly and the 4 m1 side-dash flowing water tech perfectly which a laggy person cant do, I had like 80-90 ping at that time, He was in the server for 40-50 minutes i believe and i was there for an hour. He did NOT just joined nor me.
btw join my discord - discord.gg/nNQaWQFsqv
Nope, that'd not lag that's fps, and also when somebody joins their animation is renoved for a little
@@dinogonzales8805 he was in the server for 40-50 min and I was there for an hour.
@@TootleChips ... Wel ok
Its not hacks its a glitch that happened to me before@@TootleChips
@@daronfairweather4159wrong if you think it’s a glitch and it happened to you that means there was a hacker that scripted everyone’s animations away otherwise known as “lag everyone” I know because I’m one of them lol (I do it for trolling trust)
this mf is the most RESPECTFUL person to fight a hacker! when he won he just sat there, no “ez” or emoting he just SAT there
I think because he just removed his anims no speed x100 no fling and etc
@@baconmanaizenstill annoying and unfair
@@Waffle_DEVv i know hacking is bad and shit but chill tf out.
@@thetruesans2 im chill? hacking is still wrong tho and he has an advantage non the less
@@Waffle_DEVv i jus fucking told you that i know its bad and shit.
Tbh, I would rather be happy more than be mad to see a hacker like this, he's pretty chill and at least, goofy moves 💀
I got a friend who use hack for animation of kj side dash is like sonic front dash is like 2nd ability of sererui
ofc is the bacon
he is chill,not pretty chill
He remove his animation. Even if it’s minimum it’s still exploiting the game
those A posing heavy in tf2 be like:
"Scout is MEDIC! " and then taunts
DOCTOR I REQUIRE SOME ASSISTA-*dies* @@progamergamingboy69
@@progamergamingboy69 real
Cries in F2P
Funny as hell. Imagine fighting someone and he's just standing there, menacingly
He hits you with pure aura alone
Standing here, I realize
He could be a scripter that either used headless or someone random that got bugged in their animation.
Bro got aura
Bro that is an 9 yr old downloaded happymod 😂
Bro really said 🧍♂️
That prediction dash bro nice
435 likes and no replys? Let me fix that
قد ضغطت للتو على زر الترجمة 🤣
ofc he'd go there tho
That is what you call a bloxtrap abuser he used graphic sets to remove his animations on bloxtrap so he could get advantage
no fastflags. I use them alot
No its exploits
Yes but it can be done in bloxtrap
@@ToastcrunchhFunkyno its kadehubs player modifiers
I dont think thats how fastflags work. I think bloxstrap is client-sided mod not a server-side. It sure have to do something with the server if other people can see you without animation aswell
bro is NOT a normal guy💀
but that prediction was CLEAN as hell
Lots of muscle memory
I swear that isn’t me
@@justanormalguy7494 💀
Im pretty sure he was afk.
Im vibing with the music a bit too much...but the gameplays even better
Bro is too good that even hackers cant stop him 🔥🔥🔥🗿
Wtf u mean this exploiter wasnt even using exploits for a better gameplay gtfoh with those 2022 emojis WAKE UP DAMN
@@ZamasuBlsomeone’s mad
Imagine getting banned 1320 times 💀
@@louielinklett5595 yeah no shit
@@ZamasuBlI can only imagine the amount of piss you had to discover in your morning cereal to behave like this
That guy was pretty skilled ngl he didn’t have to hack when he’s already pretty decent
For the funny
His exploits are mainly just for looks.
That catch was insane broo 🔥
Only if every hacker was like this, at least you’d actually be able to play against them rather than them flying around teleporting across the map.
Yup the custom movesets one are so cool to fight
Bro was just 🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍
Bro said "I'm just a chill guy"
At least he isnt flying and spamming, also tbh he is playing good:)
-editing removes hearts
-so many likez :0
"TootleChips, I choose you!"
Ahh grab 😭🙏
What does this mean
That prediction wad fire 🐢🔥🔥
The way the hacker grabbed him with hunter's grasp💀
"hes just standing there... MENACINGLY" aah hacker
I found a hacker in duels, I was bout Rank 70 and lost two matches against him....he kept coming to my matches and I snapped....he downgraded my rank to 60....I then gave it my all, in that moment every single ounce of my being was put onto to defeat that hacker...and in the end...I won....Got 80 rank btw, he called me a Hacker at the end lol.
Footage would be crazy
Getting called a hacker while not using hacks id literally the best compliment lol
“All I saw was red” ahh rage moment
one time a hacker did that and I said uno reverse
You never know when he will press preys peril if that happend😭🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
Didn't know people can cook this hard with metal bat. W🔥🔥🔥
American bird: I'm a hawk!
Australian bird: I'm a hawk too, eh?
Hawk tua-
Is this even related to the video?
@@Top5-randomstuff put the fries in the bag
Hawk 1: Mangos 💀💀
hawk two: those who winter arc 👽👽
First to like love ur videos pin me annnnndddd ur slowly becoming kirkiimad toots
I can tell your a toddler by looking at your profile picture and first joined
@@adamhisham8425 bro what
@@adamhisham8425 I ain’t a toddler man I’m the same age as tootle
Void ur a toddler for chun li 😂
Lets give this man regcnoction not only from the prediction but the combo was clean af bro
When a hacker says to a good player "hacker!!!!!!" When bro is literally a hacker himself
Atleast this hacker uses skills rather than being goofy fighting you
b😊at les goofy fight use it’s skill not etoj😊
id be always using the gojo reskin saitama and enables no stun so the gameplay can be more creative
and im learning avout scripting so i can make it so people can see my gojo effects
It's not funny nor fun in ranked. I lost my 60 streak just because someone thought it would be funny to use that script.
it is kinda funny, you just kinda got to adapt to the animation of the script. besides that, the script is just mostly used for comedy, if you still lose to a gojo to Saitama animation script guy, you suck
Edit: I forgot he said no stun, never mind what I said
@@FizerDose first of all
what does rank even give you ?
the rank dosent even give you a reward :/
@@Ramzi_The_Hedgehog if you didn't read my comment. I said streak not rank and having a streak is a challenge for me just like having a streak in pubs but better.
My friend also challenges me every rank reset and he gives me random gifts like robux or irl stuff, and these "funny" guys ruins it. They better stay in pubs.
There you go, i answered your question.
@@FizerDose ohh, but my guy, by the reskin and no stun, i was talking about making it a accurate gojo script, NOT a unfair gameplay for others
Atleast he's not flying, not using god mode, normal things that a hacker do, hes a good Guy at least
Bro really took "Expect the unexpected" into a whole another level
It's like "Slenderman in survival in area 51" he have no animation
Me if i see the bacon: look at this happymod user
Not all hacker use happy mod it's always gotta be delta,fluxus,arceus,
People just must be dumb.. your acting as if changing your animations make it so you get an advantage
@@simpisarobuxrobux8829 It literally gives you an advantage also, you're the dumbass here if you can't even form simple sentences.
@@simpisarobuxrobux8829almost a little advantage but still wont change anything
these skids know nothing about exploiting
I swear, if somebody calls this fake for being in a private server, there's clearly people in the background in the beginning you just gotta search
Bruh my account name is literally normalperson
How that hacker felt after dying:😢
"Hes just standing there... MENACINGLY.."
Thats not an hacker
Thats an exploiter
Hacking and exploiting is same and there is two more thing which is same to hacking called scripting and cheating
same thing lil bro
It aint same
@@zjedzciastko. they're interchangeable
He was cooking either way 😭 💀
Bro are that one ahhh RUclipsr who gets cooked then he said hacker😂
The predict was good 😊
The hacker was too poor he can't even afford an animaton 💀
Bro that side dash was CLEAN! 😤😤😤
What a good day ahh moment 😂😂
After beating a hacker I cant help my self but say ez hacker😂
NICE KYOTO COMBO BRO I RATE IT 100000000000000/1000000🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
This is like me when I lag to much i can't see my animation but others can
imagine beeing so good that you start knowing where will your opponents go
That was clean my guy
Good catch u look pro wanna 1v1? (Chinx_God) what’s ur?
Excuse me but do you really thought an RUclipsr would add some random dude?
That's crazy
Tbh he might I got to 1v1 cbrag
@@shadow-zj8jqbro said it like this guy is some super popular content maker but not a yet another youtube shorts roblox kid
I'm up for r6s 1v1
Removing animations will be harder to predict what they're doing. It's like trying to pluck out the person's exact card
These are the best types of hackers; they don't use exploits for an unfair advantage, they do hilarious stuff, and usually aren't toxic
Bro the same thing happened to me, one without animation and another with speed☠️☠️☠️☠️
Bros him either way earned a sub
The dash trap made me liked this video
Bro said nah I’d stay still ahh moment💀
Forgive me but I thought you dressed up as Pocoyo for a second
He's just standing there... MENACINGLY!
Wow u r so good at tsb
Bro is a smart metal bat MAD respect
The only thing i was thinking... was
It's a common bug,it happens to me and a lot of people get accused by hacking ,the game doesn't have time to load the animations but some minutes later it gets fixed and ur animations back
Hes just standing there... MENACINGLY!!!!!
The last dash was smoother than butter
This is a GOOD kind of hacker no flying, no godmode no superspeed just standing there, MENACINGLY
A little lag:✅🗣️🔥🔥
Damn that predict was clean
😅Man, the worst thing is that I already fell with this guy and he bugged me completely without animation
Bro knew he was cooked and enabled his animations again
NAHHHH bro was bouta become "the tree guy"
Ngl that hacker was chill asf
That prediction was just smooth as butter
Me when lagging:✅
Bro this is creative mode☠️☠️
This is what i see when im lagging
Bro beat him so hard, so that his animation came back 😂😂
I must admit that bacon hair looks nice Quieto:3
Bro died t-posing 😭
bro has a future foresight 😭🙏
How the strawhats felt when fighting kuma in the arc where they got separated:
Hacker really went:
🧍 🧍♂️💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨
My hacker: yo im. Upside down😃
Bros is chilll guy 😉👍
I thought the hacker was gonna heartfull (like hugging or smth) because of the song 💀
Bro got read like a book💀
"who needs animations when you can predict?"
That front dash prediction was clean
This song Makes me Think of roblox Nostalgia.
Good job and good combo
Bro cured him 💀💀
Bro just woke up and decided to "🧍♂️"
Chiaotzu in dragon ball sparking zero:
Bro trying to run when he got 25% hp☠️☠️☠️😭😭😭
That forward dash at the end💀🪢
Atleast he was fair with it “Most chill hacker”
That actually kinda good ngl
Bro that's just pure funny