LaTocha FAILS To Show Up For Sound Check | SWV & XSCAPE: The Queens of R&B Highlight (S1E4) | Bravo

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 189

  • @Bloooooooooooppp
    @Bloooooooooooppp Год назад +357

    Tiny just be laughing at everything 😂

    • @kamariatoure42
      @kamariatoure42 Год назад +24

      I would be too if I had a millionaire rapper at home that took care of me fr

    • @funnybones2677
      @funnybones2677 Год назад +15

      Because she’s high 😂😂😂😂😂, someone gonna have the munchies

    • @JTScott1988
      @JTScott1988 Год назад +4

      She’s a follower of course she does

    • @timafiggy
      @timafiggy Год назад

      She having fun .I guarantee if shit hit the fan she jumping on Heiress ship under the house and she outta here 🤣

    • @tehee3631
      @tehee3631 Год назад +6

      I love it because I’m the same😂

  • @Redd91ful
    @Redd91ful Год назад +641

    I hope Tamika tap in with Tiny & Kandi and find different ways to make a bigger bag for her and her family. I wanna see her on top with a peace of mind. She deserves it

    • @florazul5240
      @florazul5240 Год назад +8

      I concur

    • @keepsit100atalltime9
      @keepsit100atalltime9 Год назад +19

      She has a cookbook and seasonings.

    • @andreamiller135
      @andreamiller135 Год назад +30

      @@keepsit100atalltime9 I want her to have a restaurant and a grocery store lol

    • @keepsit100atalltime9
      @keepsit100atalltime9 Год назад +14

      @@andreamiller135 lol. Maybe she'll get her seasonings in the grocery store. She should create some sauces, as well. Too bad she don't sell plates, I sholl would buy some. That chicken be looking good

    • @kylesummers2462
      @kylesummers2462 Год назад +9

      She needs to be on RHOA and start some side businesses like kandi

  • @Erikaisfavored
    @Erikaisfavored Год назад +427

    I love this for Tamika. She is shining. It’s her time and we love it.

  • @MakeItMakeSensemims
    @MakeItMakeSensemims Год назад +365

    Tamika’s voice is so smooth and powerful ❤

    • @deebaskin3178
      @deebaskin3178 Год назад

      Both of the sisters can blow

    • @livewell-xt5xr
      @livewell-xt5xr Год назад +14

      Our sis has pipes for days

    • @lovebug6477
      @lovebug6477 Год назад +6

      Yes it is and I love watching make it make sense.

    • @sharronjones1017
      @sharronjones1017 Год назад +3

      It’s Tamika’s time to shine! Love it❣️❣️❣️

    • @AyeYoReef
      @AyeYoReef Год назад +1

      Facts 🔥 Kandi the only one that needs sound check 😂

  • @staciagrant4786
    @staciagrant4786 Год назад +277

    Tamika has been held back for years playing the little sister role.Its your time now Tamika, EVERYONE gets a turn, good or bad, DO YOUR THING sis!

    • @Sunshine134chick
      @Sunshine134chick Год назад +4

      Facts 😂😂😂😂

    • @lamoskgr
      @lamoskgr Год назад +1

      You're speaking the truth like you're under oath. Yes

  • @leelee4692
    @leelee4692 Год назад +130

    Tiny’s laugh is so cute 😂😂😂

  • @terriemarie8836
    @terriemarie8836 Год назад +307

    We need a Season 2 Bravo make it happen, and I love how Tamika is standing up for herself and is finally finding her voice. She is becoming a strong, beautiful businesswoman.

    • @Candy.A.
      @Candy.A. Год назад +6

      AGREED! On everything you noted above

    • @naturalkinks8683
      @naturalkinks8683 Год назад +4

      I love both groups but we dontneed a season 2 of this bs. There's nothing entertaining about watching black women NOT get along. Especially sister's. 😕

    • @Jodha1
      @Jodha1 Год назад +2

      Season 2...HA. Lowtocha ain't gonna be there. Too much tea has been spilled on her and her bad behaviour. Kandi is over it at this point and SWV definitely won't be with it. Especially coco and all them stank faces she keeps giving in interviews. Season 2 NOTHING!

    • @keepsit100atalltime9
      @keepsit100atalltime9 Год назад +2

      @@naturalkinks8683 Yeah, I don't want to see Tamika in a negative light. I prefer her upbeat attitude. RHOA would surely bring out the ugly in her

    • @naturalkinks8683
      @naturalkinks8683 Год назад +1

      @@keepsit100atalltime9 It's good to know I'm not the only 1 that feels this way. I stopped watching this show after the 2nd episode because it was very triggering for me. I have 5 sisters and it sickens me when we're not getting along. Smh

  • @christinamorris6272
    @christinamorris6272 Год назад +174

    I never really paid attention to Tiny, but she now has my full attention. She has been the peacemaker in this group and a wonderful friend. I love her mom and what she’s done for these ladies. Tiny and her mom are real ones. Kandi and Tamika seem real too with receipts. Praying for you Tamika. I know this has to be horrible not being accepted and truly loved by your own blood family. Embrace the real ones and let them love you-sometimes it’s not blood. God first, then the real ones on earth!

    • @latishabuckner8231
      @latishabuckner8231 Год назад +12

      I love Tiny energy, she seems so unbothered, like ok this is happening what we gone do about it, in a calm manner. Though if it were me, I'd be much more on Kandi speed if not worse.😅

  • @msladylibra8373
    @msladylibra8373 Год назад +197

    Kandi, Tiny & Tameka have my 💯% SUPPORT get that bag 💰 ladies keep it pushing y'all vocals are Stellar 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • @mhill94
    @mhill94 Год назад +54

    Tiny at 1:06 🤣🤣🤣 ‘Okay well whatchu thankin? Whatchu feel like?’ Tiny say well let’s talk about it gatdammit lol

    • @ScorpiosTarot
      @ScorpiosTarot 4 месяца назад +3

      Tiny said let’s put it all out on the table chile…. 😂😂😂😂

  • @Ajanla
    @Ajanla Год назад +115

    Tamika is going to be doing more of this, she is going to be great at it

  • @philipglore7053
    @philipglore7053 Год назад +75

    Tamikas ALWAYS had a GREAT VOICE.

  • @miraclestar7815
    @miraclestar7815 Год назад +42

    I'm all for Tamika, to get her shine.🌟 She deserves it now.💯 Shine like the sky is all yours 🔥

  • @miajones3822
    @miajones3822 Год назад +103

    I love Tamika Scott we need more of her in some capacity

    • @dmcr9525
      @dmcr9525 Год назад +1

      Right! @Bravo it’s time for her to have a show! We need this positivity and this new Woman in our lives!!!

  • @babygirl23532
    @babygirl23532 Год назад +40

    It's crazy that Kandi is the youngest out of both groups and the most business minded out of them all

  • @phophivuma
    @phophivuma Год назад +98

    I love the sister hood within Xscape minus Toscha😂😂😂

  • @LeeDfined
    @LeeDfined Год назад +21

    0:19 Kandi (talking about Toscha): She STILL moving the same. This is why Kandi was hesitant to go all in 2017 when they reunited. If Kandi didn't forgive, they would not even have this opportunity.

  • @johnsonke9509
    @johnsonke9509 Год назад +27

    Im rooting for you Tamika 🎉❤ We are all rooting for you cause standing up for yourself is POWERFULLLLLLLLLL

  • @kristopherdavis2715
    @kristopherdavis2715 Год назад +46

    Tamika & Taj are the coolest from both groups. Just fun & easy going. I like that.

  • @Dasanijazzy
    @Dasanijazzy Год назад +50

    Tamika this is your time to ✨ shine ✨ you’re such a gem. I hope we see you on more tv shows ❤. Hint: BRAVO

  • @kamariatoure42
    @kamariatoure42 Год назад +21

    Chile Shane looked scared to death when they called her over to inquire about Tocha's whereabouts😄🤣

  • @angelahudnall8622
    @angelahudnall8622 Год назад +44

    That's right Tamika, COME on OUT GF!!! SPEAK, BE HEARD & Show us what you're working with GF!! I LOVE this NEW Tamika Scott that's come out of her shell. Keep on thriving in your success with Tiny & Kandi, it can be done & from what I see thus far, you ladies are doing a FABULOUS job!!! God Bless and be safe out there while yall touring. 🥰💞😘

  • @tyreesmith7028
    @tyreesmith7028 Год назад +25

    Kandi done had enough. Sis said Tocha be having them out here looking like Dun Dun Dun’s. 😂😂

    • @stephe.8818
      @stephe.8818 Год назад +1

      F Kandi! She was the one planned to expose LaTocha, to begin with, then want to act surprise when LaTocha doesn’t show up.

  • @JenellChantè
    @JenellChantè Год назад +49

    That road manager was acting so strange ??😂

    • @MsUngodly
      @MsUngodly Год назад +6

      Weirdo lol

    • @KL-Lady
      @KL-Lady Год назад +8


    • @kazimali8383
      @kazimali8383 5 месяцев назад

      It’s a tv show 😂she’s acting lol

    • @ericdwhitmorec
      @ericdwhitmorec 5 месяцев назад

      Cause she knew tocha was on bull$hit and she didn't want the messenger (her) to be shot.

  • @txsumusicman4162
    @txsumusicman4162 Год назад +15

    Team Tameka! She has a vibrance about her. So glad she's being more vocal and stepping into the light.

  • @Sweetheartbabez
    @Sweetheartbabez Год назад +45

    Trio it is!!!!!!!! The show stops for no one!

  • @jsexplosion
    @jsexplosion Год назад +26

    why was the road manager acting like that?

  • @allmine0808
    @allmine0808 Год назад +22

    That is so unprofessional. It’s not like she’s someone bigger, even Mariah Carey does a sound check

  • @thatgirlPAIGE94
    @thatgirlPAIGE94 Год назад +21

    Tamika has such a pretty voice 🥰 Taj is such an amazing and likable person; She’s always been my fave

  • @tedmonds676
    @tedmonds676 Год назад +14

    I’m Loving This Tamika‼️🦾❣️

  • @waleedwicked
    @waleedwicked Год назад +7

    Tiny is such a queen so tiny with a huge pure heart 🩵🩵🩵

  • @babybluepradas1
    @babybluepradas1 Год назад +13

    Kandi has always been right about latocha

  • @LovelyTS
    @LovelyTS Год назад +7

    The funny thing is Latosha wants to get her solo off the ground, but its giving Tamika the chance to shine. So KARMA is on Tamika's side at her sisters expense. She gone get her money back and then some..

  • @fortyfive5516
    @fortyfive5516 Год назад +11


  • @eventsdecorbynatashagi5423
    @eventsdecorbynatashagi5423 Год назад +5

    I’m out of practice but I could definitely do the tour it always been my dream, love you guys

  • @kylawaiters896
    @kylawaiters896 Год назад +6

    seeing tamika blossom is truly beautiful.

  • @sonyaunderwood933
    @sonyaunderwood933 Год назад +12

    Lol… Loved Tamika’s response :retired stripper look 🤫🫣😉💙

  • @ericdwhitmorec
    @ericdwhitmorec 5 месяцев назад +4

    She doesn't want to come to the rehearsal or the sound check...then she doesn't need to be in the group

  • @yourwhateverhomegirl
    @yourwhateverhomegirl Год назад +9

    I need a reality show with Tamika and her family. Her husband and her kids and all what she got going on. I would like to see that. Not her family, just her, her kids and her husband.

  • @nataliemscrzysxycoolharris
    @nataliemscrzysxycoolharris Год назад +10


  • @allentrice1547
    @allentrice1547 Год назад +10

    No wonder what Tamika got her voice 🥰🎵🎶

  • @princefavio
    @princefavio Год назад +5

    I’ve had a crush on Tamika Scott since I was a kid. I love her 😍

  • @StellarAvenger
    @StellarAvenger Год назад +3

    Not LaTocha thinking she David Ruffin

  • @kathleenweinberg6442
    @kathleenweinberg6442 Год назад +15

    Sorry to hear that Xscape is not getting along with each other

    • @muhsalihu
      @muhsalihu Год назад +1

      It's so sad, Grandmothers but they stay fighting like children!

    • @idowhatiwant_hiphopbeef
      @idowhatiwant_hiphopbeef Год назад +9

      ​@@muhsalihu LaTocha isn't there, they aren't fighting. What more is their to fight over with a woman that doesn't take accountability for herself or hold her husband accountable for his actions?

  • @luarconstantly9588
    @luarconstantly9588 Год назад +10

    Taj is always a good time! I remember wanting her to win Survivor so badly just for her personality alone!

  • @gamerhead2584
    @gamerhead2584 Год назад +2

    Tiny so real she like what do you thank? Cause lowkey she no kandi wanna say do it without tocha but tryna not say it on camera that’s why tiny like SPEAK Up!!

  • @hoodbttm871
    @hoodbttm871 Год назад +2

    She still moving tha same 😂😂😂😂😂 in my Kandi voice

  • @roter13
    @roter13 Год назад +7

    This show has really made me like Tamika.

  • @onlyh8720
    @onlyh8720 Год назад +12

    Stop splitting the money equally when she doesn’t show up for practices and sound check.

    • @TheMwendaa
      @TheMwendaa Год назад +1

      THAT part! Only pay for work actually done

  • @truthtorpedo4068
    @truthtorpedo4068 6 месяцев назад +2

    What Kandi said they stay looking like? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @TheVoiceOfReazun
    @TheVoiceOfReazun Год назад +3

    Tamika gives the humor you never knew you needed and it’s SO AUTHENTIC!!!!!!

  • @agriswold2009
    @agriswold2009 Год назад +6

    I really like Tamika❤

  • @c.p379
    @c.p379 Год назад +8

    Beyoncé don’t even act like this - never did!

    • @bestjerkyever
      @bestjerkyever Год назад

      Because you don't know what Bey is like behind the scenes.

  • @symonette79
    @symonette79 Год назад +17

    𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚❤

  • @dimiadarnay3586
    @dimiadarnay3586 Год назад

    Awesome 🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾💖🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾💖💖💖🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾

  • @louissaganira2051
    @louissaganira2051 Год назад +11

    Tamika being her own the best thing ever. I love her.

  • @kimistri
    @kimistri Год назад

    Yaaas Ma'am❗You Betta Week‼️💃🏽🎙️💫

  • @mel...s
    @mel...s Год назад +6

    Tiny is hilarious

  • @ReadyorNot811
    @ReadyorNot811 Год назад +8


  • @mr.lamont1420
    @mr.lamont1420 Год назад +3

    Even if they tour and had a background singer, they are good. Stop wasting your energies on someone that OBVIOUSLY doesn't want to be a part of the movement. Go!

  • @mel...s
    @mel...s Год назад +1

    Lmao 0:18 why Shane moving like a jay😩😮‍💨

  • @zoeysosa6361
    @zoeysosa6361 Год назад +1

    I love the show I wish we would of got at least 8 episodes

  • @tayishawestern2869
    @tayishawestern2869 Год назад +2

    Taj is me with the spice Girls except instead of the spice Girls dolls I had the stickers I collected and put them on the front of my comp notebook 😆.

  • @jessjourney7416
    @jessjourney7416 Год назад +3

    Both groups should open singing a few popular songs together.

  • @angellaramsey9799
    @angellaramsey9799 Год назад +1

    😂😂😂 she acting like David for the temptations huh 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @678tanesha
    @678tanesha Год назад +3

    Tiny is so cute and funny.

  • @ShaniLee-vd5pe
    @ShaniLee-vd5pe 7 месяцев назад +3

    Tosha wrong 😂

  • @hustonbrice8654
    @hustonbrice8654 Год назад +2

    I like this

  • @MsBettyAnna-lu7nc
    @MsBettyAnna-lu7nc Год назад +1

    Tamika be making her money outside the group. She got spices and other stuff going on.
    I think that's why Latocha jealous of her. Tosha sings, Tamika was on Tyler Perry show, Remember " meet the Browns?".

  • @VecksJanae
    @VecksJanae 5 месяцев назад +1

    Kandi da dun da dunts 😂

  • @Stacey-ki4qc
    @Stacey-ki4qc Год назад +3

    Am with SWV am the same age as them and i don't blame them. And them not dressing sexy please they are older still look good. Coco I agree with the line up 💯 Am like Taj😄 😅 I like sexy but comfortable I still have my swag.❤ Weak SHOULD END THE SHOW! 🎶🎶🎤💯 TELL THEM LELE! YALL DO YALL THANG! SWV. LOVE ESCAPE BUT DAMN.

    • @marydash5763
      @marydash5763 Год назад +1

      Why SWV need to open and end the show???

  • @jalil746
    @jalil746 Год назад +4

    Okay so my thing is with Swv everybody talking about Xscape “think they better than Swv and Swv sold more albums and have more hits” okay they may have sold more albums then nobody is understanding the business side Kandi is right! If talking business feelings should not be involved then with the album sales Xscape has 3 and sold 7 millions Swv has 5 and sold 30 mill but I’m pretty sure if Xscape was to put out two more albums they would’ve reached that status or more ! I don’t like Swv attitude while I love their songs I feel like their the main ones talking about ego they definitely want things to go their way Coko short tempered …a diva ..and ready fight “and lelee just act too damn old like she somebody grandma “I don’t wanna wear those outfits” “looks like a stripper playground for every stripper in Atlanta” like girl ok y’all complaining about every thing atp! Xscape was being respectful while calmly explaining their business side to things and showing them love like I just can’t !

    • @onlyh8720
      @onlyh8720 Год назад +4

      Tiny explained it on her yt. Headliners gotta pay for stuff and SWV doesn’t want to split the costs but wants to split the profit and be the headliners

  • @prettid051
    @prettid051 Год назад +1


  • @leeamos9280
    @leeamos9280 5 месяцев назад +1

    Of course she’ll will come to the show to get paid

  • @hottgozzip1914
    @hottgozzip1914 Год назад +4

    Can we please just cancel Tasha

  • @carayj
    @carayj Год назад +7

    Tamika has been looking for her moment the entire 5 episodes...she is tired of feeling less than the other 3

  • @cookiochocdrop936
    @cookiochocdrop936 Год назад +6

    But when did they say they Wanted to headline? And "We still haven't decided if we gone let them headline" Huh? Who are ya'll? The whole Xscape group seems somewhat overly egotistical.

  • @ashantej7484
    @ashantej7484 Год назад


  • @PHILLYBOI2011
    @PHILLYBOI2011 Год назад

    Tamika needs to be on RHOA

  • @Stacey-ki4qc
    @Stacey-ki4qc Год назад +2

    UH OH!! TOCHA BABY! Your HUBBY NOT RIGHT. ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.🤑 SO DO ANYBODY BELIEVE SHE DIDN'T KNOW?? THAT MAN IS GOING TO RUIN A FAMILY BECAUSE OF HIS GREED AND BEING A HATER. I had to watch episode 5 like 3 times baby! Why that dude smoking a suge night cigar?? 😅😅Who is he??! You can just tell he ain't shhh. Dude doing too much.

  • @teegreen3909
    @teegreen3909 Год назад

    Tamika laughing at Swv is behooving the Audacity....Coco will body you gurl

    • @tonnymitch4016
      @tonnymitch4016 Год назад

      Coko ain’t gon body no damn body… ain’t nobody scared of no damn Coko

    • @teegreen3909
      @teegreen3909 Год назад

      @@tonnymitch4016 OH what you was saying something because I don't see you

    • @tonnymitch4016
      @tonnymitch4016 Год назад

      @@teegreen3909 you see that’s why you responded lol nice try tho

  • @TUUHH..
    @TUUHH.. Год назад +1

    Why this manager lady looking so goofy/weird 😮

  • @stacycottman4712
    @stacycottman4712 Год назад +3

    I lot Tamika a lot

  • @martelaine
    @martelaine Год назад +2

    Latocha does not need Soundcheck basically They have been doing Singing the same old songs since the 90s ⁉️ nothing now .o why do many rehearsal 🤔 LATOCHA a Professional entertaining Singer.who Carry's herself n that manner ⁉️she aVery Mutual woman with great Vibes for the world to see ❣️ Love Her Swagg⁉️an say what u want TEMEKA SCOTT is very Jealousy of LATOCHA ROCKY MARRIAGE ⁉️

  • @aliciabishop4264
    @aliciabishop4264 Год назад +2


  • @katreasejohnson5787
    @katreasejohnson5787 Год назад +1

    Has anyone ever thought that Latocha just may not be into the devil sexist music industry anymore... Maybe the girl is really changing her life....her new gospel album is actually real good... You can't step into your future...while reliving your past!!!🤷‍♀️🙌💖 And you definitely can't serve two masters....

    • @kiramorrissette3838
      @kiramorrissette3838 Год назад +5

      Well if she’s really changing her life for the better she needs to pay back that money

    • @tanzi4212
      @tanzi4212 Год назад +5

      AND STOP LYING, folks can turn a blind eye if they want to but folks see right through the bs😂

    • @LeeDfined
      @LeeDfined Год назад +1

      Hate to break it to you...gospel business TAINTED TOO

  • @luciusW2791
    @luciusW2791 Год назад +1

    It's her controlling, larceny hearted
    husband, behind the scene, stunts!

  • @clarencinablunt-goldwire3790
    @clarencinablunt-goldwire3790 Год назад

  • @BramptonAnglican
    @BramptonAnglican Год назад +6

    Latocha is so annoying

  • @LEGENDPantherJennings
    @LEGENDPantherJennings 7 месяцев назад +1

    Tamika is Beauty

  • @JTScott1988
    @JTScott1988 Год назад +2

    Why should she… they wanna use her exceptional voice but all three wanna actively try to destroy her too. I would left eye them too! Her sisters foolish. Kandi is beyond messy and is incredibly self serving in all she does.
    And tiny is a major follower.
    None are good for tocha and tocha needs to just focus on herself.

  • @dmcr9525
    @dmcr9525 Год назад +2

    Latocha IS A Fail. Period……

  • @thomasnappo6309
    @thomasnappo6309 Год назад

    Kandi is the Group

  • @mrsbarbarav
    @mrsbarbarav Год назад +4

    Shut up Kandi - inciting hate. do y’all not understand what has happened!? HOW ARE YALL EXPECTING HER TO BE OKAY

    • @mazwide9400
      @mazwide9400 Год назад +2

      Kandi did the same thing,when they had their spin off years ago! They had to beg her to come to the rehearsal! Kandi is very toxic too.

    • @valeriereid1234
      @valeriereid1234 Год назад

      U shut up!! U r the 1 inciting hateration in the comment section!😅😅

  • @trenac4701
    @trenac4701 Год назад +41

    Tamika is my new fave ❤. She’s so sweet and she’s talented.

  • @luciusW2791
    @luciusW2791 Год назад +1

    Still hard to work with after 52 yrs?

  • @charbadarc4167
    @charbadarc4167 Год назад

    Tinys face is scary!

  • @jenniferboswell358
    @jenniferboswell358 Год назад

    Lol Kandi and tiny are the only ones who are important they're trying to make themselves seem important they are just pretty much basic they need to be thanking Kandi and tiny for any
    Just saying you can see right through her because candy said what she said about how the group broke up now she want to act like she's some kind of big celebrity candy makes more money than her with her eyes closed

  • @waterbearer4627
    @waterbearer4627 Год назад +4

    Those Xscape girls turned it from a celebration to a competition coming for SWV's status, money and clothes. Petty and toxic. Not likable at all.

    • @marydash5763
      @marydash5763 Год назад


  • @JTScott1988
    @JTScott1988 Год назад +3

    No one sees how messy Kandi is? No one sees how fast she turns on u as soon as she deems u worthless to her?