[Hearthstone] Tavern Brawl #70: One Card Sadness

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 637

  • @clipperinokripperino7128
    @clipperinokripperino7128 8 лет назад +177

    0:04 - [Talkerino]
    1:40 - a never lucky start
    4:52 - the super power battle
    7:19 - they doubted this
    15:17 - pure counterplay

    • @yanozera
      @yanozera 8 лет назад +2

      i like you

    • @BingbongDeNiro
      @BingbongDeNiro 8 лет назад +1

      Can we have this for every video?
      "From toe to tip, this is a Kripp"
      -Kripperino Groening

    • @justinbowman3567
      @justinbowman3567 8 лет назад

      you should be paid handsomely for your work

    • @justinbowman3567
      @justinbowman3567 8 лет назад +1

      you should be paid handsomely for your work

    • @clipperinokripperino7128
      @clipperinokripperino7128 8 лет назад +3

      Bingbong DeNiro I try to do this for every video. I tend to be later than most Kripperinos and for this I apologise, but I can usually deliver within 24 hours.

  • @maxpush-up
    @maxpush-up 8 лет назад +257

    Исследования канадских стримеров показали, что ежедневный пропуск монолога Криппа экономит вам в среднем 6 минут 21 секунду вашего времени. Его можно потратить на 1 катку фейс шаманом. Берегите себя и свой ранг в Хартстоуне, ведь возможно именно из-за это одной катки вы не возьмете 20 ранг и не получите сезонную рубашку 1:40

    • @Dall_
      @Dall_ 8 лет назад +29

      Спасибо, получил рубашку.
      Белая, чистая.

    • @Dall_
      @Dall_ 8 лет назад +5

      VAVLIE Chocolate as an adjective
      (For example >chocolate< rabbit)

    • @G3neralis
      @G3neralis 8 лет назад +4


    • @BlackShadowSonic
      @BlackShadowSonic 8 лет назад +9

      Can someone make a Google translaterino kripperino and translate the comment ?

    • @fUtal1mistake
      @fUtal1mistake 8 лет назад +2

      it means Chocolate

  • @jake-xy3pq
    @jake-xy3pq 8 лет назад +45

    I picked Aviana and tried to be friendly by armouring up but not attacking, and spamming greetings and thanks. It worked half the time.

    • @jake-xy3pq
      @jake-xy3pq 8 лет назад +31

      And then there was a priest who topdecked Mindgames and figured it out, lmao

    • @quantumplatinum3029
      @quantumplatinum3029 8 лет назад

      Jaikob Butcher use upgrade warrior

  • @Lakupata
    @Lakupata 8 лет назад +86

    1. Pick explosive trap
    2. Play the easiest games you have ever played in hs

  • @caramida9
    @caramida9 8 лет назад +19

    That top-deck purify in the second game... gosh I felt the burn all the way to my heart...

  • @debries1553
    @debries1553 8 лет назад +193

    one card, one match, one uninstall.

    • @thepurityofchaos
      @thepurityofchaos 8 лет назад

      Murloc Tidecaller?

    • @debries1553
      @debries1553 8 лет назад

      The Purity of Chaos no, mech warper.

    • @ebbandfloatzel
      @ebbandfloatzel 8 лет назад +5

      A Mind Vision Priest conceded to me and I didn't even have to play a single card as Murloc Tidecaller Hunter... You know you're playing cancer when people concede before you even play a card...

    • @kubba007
      @kubba007 8 лет назад +3

      played around 50 games didn't see a single mech warper. A lot of murlocs and mindblasts, but renounce darkness deals pretty well with it.

  • @Chomacho
    @Chomacho 8 лет назад +275

    22 Me's, 22 Seperate Lines.

  • @controlerinokripperino7509
    @controlerinokripperino7509 8 лет назад +84

    Yessssss: Mind Blast! My time to shine!

    • @tharrock337
      @tharrock337 8 лет назад +35

      you are not Prieterino you are controlerino. Mind blast is the opposite of control, Jeez you are really the worst Kripperino ever.

    • @0ctaviaPony
      @0ctaviaPony 8 лет назад +6

      the best way to play control is to make it so your opponent cant do anything. And the best way to do that is to reduce their hp to 0. ez control game

    • @Anaklusmos42
      @Anaklusmos42 8 лет назад

      +Octavia Philharmonica lmao

    • @controlerinokripperino7509
      @controlerinokripperino7509 8 лет назад

      Exactly. I'm controlling their hp pool.

    • @giithuub4893
      @giithuub4893 8 лет назад

      Mind Blast is SO easy to counter with Raven Idol! Easy game! Priest goes crying!

  • @themetadaemon
    @themetadaemon 8 лет назад +106

    I picked Ice Block and roped every single turn. 95% win rate.

    • @jacobbiskupski726
      @jacobbiskupski726 8 лет назад +16

      The people who dont give up and concede are insane

    • @quantumplatinum3029
      @quantumplatinum3029 8 лет назад

      TheMetadaemon did something similar with shield block. If want fast use upgrade.

    • @Dehumanized33
      @Dehumanized33 8 лет назад

      I just watch RUclips and take the free win. It's their time they're wasting not mine.

    • @PongzeLor
      @PongzeLor 8 лет назад

      There's no WAY they can wait that long!

    • @tman301j
      @tman301j 8 лет назад +1

      I think I've only played against one ice-block mage this brawl. It ended up dying to a flame leviathan draw.

  • @duckerinokripperino7067
    @duckerinokripperino7067 8 лет назад +442


  • @Unseenarchivist
    @Unseenarchivist 8 лет назад +19

    This is one of those Brawls that really highlights the problem within the Hearthstone and CCG communities in general. After the first win to get your pack, winning doesn't really matter, at all, in brawl. You'd think this would lead to weird, fun experiements, but it doesn't. there are people who sit there with tidecaller and spam win after win after win purely for the same of their own hypotheical E-Penis, rather than at all considering the idea of fun. The times i was able to beat a tidecaller deck were satisfying as all hell and the times i did run into interesting ideas (i'd call it a 50/50 split of games vs tidecallers against games vs literally anything else) this brawl was a lot of fun.

    • @TheSquareOnes
      @TheSquareOnes 8 лет назад +2

      Exactly, no idea why these games attract so many insufferable losers but they really do.

    • @H34db34ng
      @H34db34ng 8 лет назад

      TheAlbion Maybe all the tidecall players didn't get their pack lol

    • @ipadm3nfr
      @ipadm3nfr 8 лет назад

      Im doing that to complete my quest with class i hate such as hunter and warlock

    • @RockOn398
      @RockOn398 8 лет назад

      it's easy and fast to farm gold playing garbage and fuck all of you that cry about murlocks play ghoul warrior or mech warper and win every game

    • @TheSquareOnes
      @TheSquareOnes 8 лет назад

      Even if you assume a 75% winrate (which I doubt most of these people have) and 5 minutes per game, that's still something like 20 minutes per 10 gold. You couldn't pay me to do something that mind-numbingly dull, why do it willingly? You could work a shift or two at the nearest fast food place and just buy a pile of packs instead, saving time in the process.

  • @jestbone89
    @jestbone89 8 лет назад +6

    "He's got 22 mind blast, that isn't even enough to kill me."
    Suddenly Velen!

  • @jaxsonbateman
    @jaxsonbateman 8 лет назад +6

    Man, that priest player (when Kripp was playing Armorsmith) was so damn bad. Didn't even play to the possibility of having Velen in his deck - just kept throwing practically useless Mind Blasts at his face. Exactly the kind of player that goes the Mind Blast deck in this brawl because it's strong and requires no thought.

    • @tobiasL1991
      @tobiasL1991 8 лет назад

      Krip didn't think alot either... He just needed to save his cards to flood the board in one turn, to one turn kill that enemy minion. Instead he plays 2 now, 2 then and just stalls the game for no reason...

  • @roostermbakb6727
    @roostermbakb6727 8 лет назад +15

    The light of naaru card for priest was pretty fun

    • @Felixr2
      @Felixr2 8 лет назад +6

      Fun but bad.

  • @HAudiii
    @HAudiii 8 лет назад +31

    some guy was playing the murloc tidecaller deck and i was completely screwed on his next turn but the rng gods let me top deck a flame leviathan

    • @TheAgamemnon911
      @TheAgamemnon911 8 лет назад +2

      You too got blessed by interrupting leviathan, clearing the board. And then I drew into Ronin. Followed by a Flamewaker. RIP Babbling Mage, machinegunned to death.

    • @kennyxu6721
      @kennyxu6721 8 лет назад

      Wait is your hearthstone user "Starkiller"

    • @Arch_bishop
      @Arch_bishop 8 лет назад +1

      I've started countering all the tidecaller murloc decks with consecration paladin, feels good man

    • @nicholasthompson4060
      @nicholasthompson4060 8 лет назад

      Played against so many murloc decks just to counter with hungry crabs

    • @giithuub4893
      @giithuub4893 8 лет назад

      With Raven Idol I almost only lost against thos Tidecallers.... Other than that, Raven Idol is OP in this Brawl, even though it takes almost 10 minutes every match.

  • @Bansheesdie
    @Bansheesdie 8 лет назад +1

    I had a lot of fun playing as Rogue with Swashburgler. You can get a lot of really cool stuff, and is usually pretty darned fun to play.

  • @crazychaze9910
    @crazychaze9910 8 лет назад +3

    I picked unstable portal, and the remaining random cards were unstable portals too! And they all gave me a dr.boom that cost 1 mana, draws 2 cards and removes 3minutes from your opponents life expectancy!

  • @dodolicht4027
    @dodolicht4027 8 лет назад +1

    9:42 this is the real control warrior everyone dreams of

  • @SoulerVids
    @SoulerVids 8 лет назад +2

    6:34 How every Priest player feels right now
    get memed on

  • @JamesEck
    @JamesEck 8 лет назад

    They hit me with the Tavern Brawl quest on the last day, also had a Rogue quest. Buccaneers really seemed to take everyone by surprise.

  • @Mathmachine
    @Mathmachine 8 лет назад +9

    Honestly though, I like this one. It's pretty fun. There's some cool anti-cancer decks, and then you can just do something stupid like Malch. You'll probably win only 1/10 games with Malch, but it's fun and hilarious when you do get that non-cancer matchup.

    • @IcoN377
      @IcoN377 8 лет назад +1

      try frostnova xd its hilarious

    • @josef2012
      @josef2012 8 лет назад +1

      dat 52 card deck,tho'

    • @Felixr2
      @Felixr2 8 лет назад +1

      With 52 card deck you mean babbling book? xD Cuz Malcezaar would result in 60...

    • @quantumplatinum3029
      @quantumplatinum3029 8 лет назад

      Mathmachine Use upgrade

    @BITCOIlN 8 лет назад +35

    It's one of my favorite brawls because almost every card is the same so it's good because I have autism.

    • @tellaboutwayne
      @tellaboutwayne 8 лет назад +3

      Not even a kripperino DansGame

    • @aajjeee
      @aajjeee 8 лет назад +6

      fuck off

    • @BITCOIlN
      @BITCOIlN 8 лет назад

      Don't bully me guyz, I was bullied in school because I'm asian with autism ;(

    • @Unseenarchivist
      @Unseenarchivist 8 лет назад

      And you're blocked and reported. shitbag.

  • @Mooseplatoon
    @Mooseplatoon 8 лет назад

    Kripp at 6:40 is me in every single match of this Tavern Brawl so far.

  • @MythrilZenith
    @MythrilZenith 8 лет назад

    Played Babbling Book for this brawl, ended up being the most consistent (oddly) because the random spells you get usually give you something to deal with most decks. Except mind blast; for that you need pretty specific cards (i.e. ice block);

  • @tugnori
    @tugnori 8 лет назад

    I had plenty of fun with my "30 random discount cards" renounce darkness deck. It was actually interesting to see how a "normal" deck fared against some of the 1-card combos. Timberwolves and tidecallers aren't that scary if you just get some discounted spells.

  • @raymondshort1340
    @raymondshort1340 8 лет назад

    6:34, that purify, lol. Dreams crushed.

  • @RichieDcik
    @RichieDcik 8 лет назад +17

    Renounce Dankness, went 6-1 with it. Only loss as mind blast priest

    • @tohnic441
      @tohnic441 8 лет назад +1

      JimG I just rekt one with shifter zerus pally :)

    • @Wightspider11
      @Wightspider11 8 лет назад

      I beat mind blast Priest twice with Renounce Darkness Warlock. First time got mage and coined out animated armour. Second time got healadin and survived the burst until double Ragnaros Lightlord on turn 7 and 8

    • @giithuub4893
      @giithuub4893 8 лет назад

      Every Renounce Darkness deck lost against my Raven Idol. ;)

  • @guisepepe8947
    @guisepepe8947 8 лет назад

    My favorite deck, or at least the one I enjoyed playing the most, was Forbidden Shaping. Perfect curve and different every game.

  • @hugovandyk9918
    @hugovandyk9918 8 лет назад +3

    Forbidden Shaping, perfect curve every time. Quite fun too. You never know what you're going to get!

    • @TheEvolNemesis
      @TheEvolNemesis 8 лет назад

      Swashburglar was really fun to use too... Won so many games vs really strong decks in just crazy ways with the best possible cards from their class.

    • @hugovandyk9918
      @hugovandyk9918 8 лет назад

      I played against a few of those. It made for tough but interesting battles.

  • @o0_ANTI_0o
    @o0_ANTI_0o 8 лет назад

    So if you where to play commanding shout on a board of armor smith's (no enemy minions) and then you go with bouncing blade do you gain infinite armor?

  • @MrFourteetwo
    @MrFourteetwo 8 лет назад

    I did a Rogue "deck" with Buccaneer, pretty fun to play but not completely broken.
    Every Buccaneer buffs your weapon and adds presence on the board. It smashes mindblast priest but is weak against Arcanemissile mage (yes people did that).

  • @dyrnwynski
    @dyrnwynski 8 лет назад

    Had more fun this Tavern Brawl than I have in any for a long time.

  • @Swimmerwoad
    @Swimmerwoad 8 лет назад

    The happiest day of this tavern brawl was commanding shout + armorsmith + bouncing blade. The combos were real

  • @robertjackson2002
    @robertjackson2002 8 лет назад

    Forbidden Shaping beats mind blast priest, timber wolf and mech warper. Using it as a zero drop let's you burn the murloc and timber wolf deck until hey can only play one per turn. Really cool and fun deck with the randomness and is really strong

  • @mystmotone258
    @mystmotone258 8 лет назад

    I used Babbling Book and Swashbugler in this brawl. They themselves are replaced by something new which can be used to generate card advantage.

  • @michaeldean555
    @michaeldean555 8 лет назад

    -Parent walks in the room-
    "What are you doing son"
    -Turning head slightly-
    "Preying on the misfortune of others and feasting on their misery"
    -She looks at me skeptically-
    "Murloc Tidecaller?"
    "Murloc Tidecaller"

  • @Ryperz518
    @Ryperz518 8 лет назад

    I had the best time of my life playing any hero hungry crab, i was insta conceading every other non murloc deck., but man, that BM when i saw a murloc coming out. Priceless

  • @Dreadwins
    @Dreadwins 8 лет назад

    You can hear Ben Brode's loud laugh booming all the way from Blizzard HQ

  • @samiamrg7
    @samiamrg7 8 лет назад

    I liked this brawl. Coming up with good ideas took some thought, and there were some unexpected ways to play, like that Curse of Rafaam deck.

  • @OkasPL
    @OkasPL 8 лет назад +2

    3:12, Kripperino facerino and noiserino of the week

  • @danger6204
    @danger6204 7 лет назад

    Didn't he have lethal at 21:45 ? He could've just triple bashed for 9 damage and then whirlwind the last one damage? Please be gentle if I missed something.

  • @JFrameMan
    @JFrameMan 8 лет назад +1

    The purify draw was beautiful on so many different levels.

  • @maplepuff2358
    @maplepuff2358 8 лет назад

    Clearly that purify top deck was the greatest highlight of this video.

  • @Suomitikru
    @Suomitikru 8 лет назад

    What I really enjoyed on the tavern brawl, was that I tried Brave archer, and just pump all of them out, and spam hero power... good times

  • @BujuArena
    @BujuArena 8 лет назад

    OMG, Raven Idol is so good! I got that guy who says you get both effects on "Choose One" cards and all my Raven Idols gave me a minion AND a spell. It was ridiculous.

  • @SchrödingerKousae
    @SchrödingerKousae 8 лет назад

    As someone with 59 wins, and not a single use of mind-blast priest, arcane spam mage, murloc/alpha swarm, I can say with certainty that the strongest deck I've used in this brawl is hunter with tracking.

  • @danielma7281
    @danielma7281 8 лет назад +2

    that game as warrior against tyrande reminded me of different times, you know?

  • @abdulmasaiev9024
    @abdulmasaiev9024 8 лет назад

    1. Play mage
    2. Play ice block
    3. Laugh as you collect rage-fueled friendship requests
    And on top of that fun you can actually win if you don't get popped super quick and manage to actually draw some burn from the 8 random class cards. This is contingent on the opponents getting enraged enough to keep popping you instead of letting you mill yourself with all the ice blocks.

  • @univ1204
    @univ1204 8 лет назад

    Imagine if the last battle was animated. Garrosh crushing Anduin while he is trying to break his mind. Blades are flying, everyone are dying. And Anduin finally lost by taking 5 axes to the face... pretty epic! :P

  • @broadbander
    @broadbander 8 лет назад

    Renounce Darkness has been my favorite. I've countered the murlocs, Warpers, Poison, etc. Really RNG, but fun.

  • @Khanstant
    @Khanstant 8 лет назад +5

    Downer? This Brawl ruled, you crazy

  • @salon9417
    @salon9417 8 лет назад +33

    Do you know what is astronaut's favourite button on the keyboard?
    The SPACE
    plz kill me

    • @vitorqueiroz8791
      @vitorqueiroz8791 8 лет назад

      salon9417 lol

    • @wintercurse2507
      @wintercurse2507 8 лет назад

      I enjoyed the joke xD

    • @tehmastawow
      @tehmastawow 8 лет назад +9

      ━╤デ╦︻(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)
      You asked for it punk.

    • @salon9417
      @salon9417 8 лет назад

      +Who Cares thx

    • @TaIathar
      @TaIathar 8 лет назад +1

      Except it's a SPACE-BAR. (Quit looking at me funny. They have bars in space)

  • @ManeFunction
    @ManeFunction 8 лет назад

    Cho + Curse and Armorsmith + Bouncing Blade combos are legendary!

  • @alexsoo7090
    @alexsoo7090 8 лет назад +18

    explosive trap hunter. done.

    • @Unseenarchivist
      @Unseenarchivist 8 лет назад +4

      I ran into one of those using a leper gnome deck. he conceded after the first explosion. :P

    • @MartinJHesse
      @MartinJHesse 8 лет назад +1

      Alex S. Forbidden Healing Paladin, you stand no chance.

    • @DritterMixxer
      @DritterMixxer 8 лет назад

      Alex S. fickn

  • @dejanf8168
    @dejanf8168 8 лет назад

    personaly had some fun with light in darkness pal deck. Dont work against some decks but when it works it feels good as hell

  • @FyreFry
    @FyreFry 8 лет назад

    Warrior with Armorer - Fantastic play, there.

  • @Ambigant
    @Ambigant 8 лет назад

    I had the most fun playing with a friend using random decks and such. Much better in that respect.

  • @Rob-qe3cg
    @Rob-qe3cg 8 лет назад

    I enjoyed this brawl. I've been playing swashburgler rogue and babbling book mage. You win against a lot of the annoying decks (including the murloc tidecallers) pretty consistently, you just have to get passingly lucking with low cost removal and trade intelligently.

  • @samiamrg7
    @samiamrg7 8 лет назад

    One idea I used was Thing From Below. You just hero power until you can play a ton of 1 mana 5/5's with taunt. It's good, but not unbeatable by fast decks and spell decks.

  • @guilhermecorreia1270
    @guilhermecorreia1270 8 лет назад

    Actually got to counter priest with eye for an eye pala (first thing i tought of after seeing that abomination you call a deck). worked pretty neat and got me with 15 health to turn 6(he wanted to build a burst to counter the secrets), when i healed using ivory knight and finished him on 7 with my hero power board with 3 health left

  • @stevenklnes7148
    @stevenklnes7148 8 лет назад

    I enjoyed Maelstrom Shaman, Elek Hunter, Brave Hunter, and Babbling Mage for this Tavern Brawl. Blast Priest is annoying this week. And so many Tidecaller everything.

  • @LiiChinHo
    @LiiChinHo 8 лет назад

    I tried a social experiment. I played Nat Pagle and wanted to see how people would react in the face of absolute dominance. Would people show mercy? Would people play along? Or would people flat out BM knowing I was powerless?
    In the end, I hoped for at least one person to concede me the win. After 2 hours of impressive Tidecallers and Mindblasters, I gave up. Faith in humanity wavering.

  • @Sephiko
    @Sephiko 8 лет назад

    Those mind blasts just bounce off that metal plate in your head.

  • @karandex
    @karandex 8 лет назад

    What would have happened if there is commanding shout in blade armoursmith combo?

  • @AquaLordTyphon
    @AquaLordTyphon 8 лет назад

    At 6:27 you can hear the fading laughter of the Brode...

  • @ExFragMaster
    @ExFragMaster 8 лет назад +1

    6:24 if you listen, you can hear ben brode laughing

  • @riklaunim
    @riklaunim 8 лет назад

    I had mostly lepper gnomes or magic missile brawls - so I used Twilight Flamecallers ;) Curse is annoying.

  • @Madougatee
    @Madougatee 8 лет назад

    What happens with 22 Malchezars? still just 5 legendaries? or 110?

    • @PAI-Ghypu
      @PAI-Ghypu 8 лет назад

      Madougatee Fidgetwaffle 60, It was 60 in the pick 3 event as well since 60 is max deck size

    • @Madougatee
      @Madougatee 8 лет назад

      Ah didnt know that, thanks

  • @RM_3D
    @RM_3D 8 лет назад

    I found that hunter with just animal companion worked quite well aswell as warlock with darshire council with those i manage to beat murloc deck, never saw that mind blast one seems kinda lame lol

  • @yourhynis9163
    @yourhynis9163 7 лет назад

    how do you make decks like this? i can never find any answers on it.

  • @Ukkepuk123
    @Ukkepuk123 8 лет назад

    This brawl is actually a lot more fun when you stop using those burn spells.. Babbling book, paladin discover, roque discover, druid discover. Make it fun for yourself

  • @char1194
    @char1194 8 лет назад

    I played a deck with 22 frost novas :)
    What are mechwarpers?

  • @redguy12344321
    @redguy12344321 8 лет назад

    fallen hero worked pretty well for me. it beat most decks except mind blast and warlock mechwarper

  • @davidgallaher8102
    @davidgallaher8102 8 лет назад

    Kripp frank hanging out in the attic writing in his hearthstone journal

  • @nypad5
    @nypad5 8 лет назад +2

    6:32 "so i hear you talked alot of shit about me..." - Purify card

  • @lilithlissandra8047
    @lilithlissandra8047 8 лет назад

    Claw's pretty fun. It's pretty much a counter to mind blast. Then there's the times I used consecration and holy nova to counter those stupid tidecallers.

    • @jimgar1994
      @jimgar1994 8 лет назад +1

      try living roots to counter to tidecallers my opponent insta conceded when he saw it xD

  • @Pizza_Box
    @Pizza_Box 8 лет назад

    I found living roots worked well. I dont have it, but i bet flame leviathan would be good too.

  • @marcusossowicki2729
    @marcusossowicki2729 8 лет назад

    kripp, the most epic battle ever is the shieldmaiden vs. finley... I was in one of those battles and won with the finleys after the warrior had 100+hp

    • @marcusossowicki2729
      @marcusossowicki2729 8 лет назад

      and I use druid since there is a lot of good board buff cards aswell as other stuff

  • @ScrewsTowne
    @ScrewsTowne 8 лет назад

    Dark Peddler Warlock is my favorite in this. you get answers for everything lol 10/10 make people rage

  • @edwardfeys5022
    @edwardfeys5022 8 лет назад

    I had a lot of fun with a Thing from below Shaman deck.

  • @mikewayne5978
    @mikewayne5978 8 лет назад

    Had great luck with Whirling Zap-o-matics Shaman. Beats Mind Blast priest everytime.

  • @maciellz
    @maciellz 8 лет назад +7

    All kripp does in his vids is talk about RNG. Such low tier entertainment.

    • @Trubbyboyy
      @Trubbyboyy 8 лет назад +5

      maciellz and yet, here you are.

    • @maciellz
      @maciellz 8 лет назад +1

      yeah my life sucks just like his videos

    • @maciellz
      @maciellz 8 лет назад

      Good point.
      He looks pretty bored most of the time, even when he's not complaining about RNG (almost never).
      Twitch monkeys and ppl from youtube seem to not get tired of this, tho. He'll only improve as a youtuber (or person) when the need of innovation comes.

  • @Panthror
    @Panthror 8 лет назад

    Did you try Rogue with Swashburglar? I had loads of fun playing that one and didn't lose a single match so far.

  • @komigang0076
    @komigang0076 8 лет назад

    Played this Brawl.
    Priest with 22 Mind Vision.
    First match against Swashburglar rogue.
    Lost because i kept Mind Visioning priest cards.

  • @elijahbuscho7715
    @elijahbuscho7715 8 лет назад

    I've had a lot of fun in this brawl with renounce darkness

  • @SakanaKuKuRu
    @SakanaKuKuRu 8 лет назад

    Question: why save the bashes ?

  • @Edgar-sp6po
    @Edgar-sp6po 8 лет назад +63

    0:04 Watch Kripp fuckers.(This comment is part of a paid promotion.)

  • @commanderchu7192
    @commanderchu7192 8 лет назад

    Also Krip have you considered using on the hunt...ive used it multiple times its very effective...

    • @Felixr2
      @Felixr2 8 лет назад

      I don't even see how that would work against.... a lot of decks though.

    • @commanderchu7192
      @commanderchu7192 8 лет назад

      Imagine Twenty One Pilots! Against the Disco I've had alot of luck with it surprisingly

  • @jessicas8902
    @jessicas8902 8 лет назад

    I've been playing mad bomber. It wins over all. So much fun. Try it krip

  • @lordmccakemuncher4822
    @lordmccakemuncher4822 8 лет назад

    Lol yesterday I as playing my grim scale oracle warlock deck in this tavern brawl and the opposing priest played confuse on my board of four oracles. It turned all of them from 4-1s to 4-4s... needless to say he instantly conceded

  • @keonipitko1193
    @keonipitko1193 8 лет назад

    I was playing seashburgler against a curse of raffam warlock and get that 5 mana 4/4 that gains +2/2 when you take damage on your turn and it instantly became a 12/12

  • @josephcole8102
    @josephcole8102 8 лет назад +4

    pick innervate and hope your 8 cards can draw

  • @fusiformis4520
    @fusiformis4520 8 лет назад

    mechwarpers, murloc tidecallers, mind blasts and maelstorm portals made me barf my lungs out of my chest.

  • @GrimJackal
    @GrimJackal 8 лет назад

    Tried to have some fun with this one but all people wanted to play was Tidecaller and Mind Blast. So dull.

    • @XanderRaidon
      @XanderRaidon 8 лет назад

      I played some "Explosive Sheep", "Upgrade" and "Naturalize" decks. Won about 50% of games xD

  • @colboy1fish
    @colboy1fish 8 лет назад

    I tried to make a deck that killed me as fast as possible, but flame imp was suprisingly good and I won my first 3 games. so then I made a deck with "tracking" and that easily fit the bill.

  • @gqphoenixclops3056
    @gqphoenixclops3056 8 лет назад +3

    i used the Ginger Archer from Hunter for this Brawl lol

  • @Suzerainty950
    @Suzerainty950 8 лет назад

    Renounce Darkness is surprisingly good this brawl. The only deck I lost to was that cancerous Mind Blast Priest.

  • @shafta2010
    @shafta2010 8 лет назад

    Revenge got me good results from minion based decks and I took a maelstrom portal shaman to fatigue and won was fun ...

  • @jkattack2640
    @jkattack2640 8 лет назад


  • @williamostlund858
    @williamostlund858 8 лет назад

    Have you tried Forbidden Healing Paladin or Tracking Hunter? They're both hilarious!