You should never leave these babies alone and whatever was stolen, if money, should be hidden better than inside a house!! All of this for some water, take more than one jug when you go, or route water closer to you home
Es tut weh die Kinder so leiden zu sehen 😢😢, warum lassen sie die beiden alleine... Was sind das für Videos 😢😢wo man beklaut wird und die Kinder gequält 😢nehmen sie ihr eigenes Kind doch auch mal auf den Arm, sie lassen ihn nur links liegen, er ist so lieb, was sind sie für eine Mutter
Intenta cerrar la casa ,veo vídeos de estos y en estos países no tienen nada suyo roban todo , abandonan a bebés , niños , violan alas mujeres no tienen ni techo ni comida pero tienen hijos .Un desastre pero cada pais tiene su forma de vida , cuida de tus hijos si te importan porque te los pueden quitar malas personas , bendiciones 😞🙏🙏😘😘
Ystävä hyvä, voisitko mitenkään etsiä itselle ja lapsille toista kotia, jossa olisitte turvassa! 🏡 Voisitko pyytää apua! 🙌 Tämä oli aivan sydäntä särkevää nähdä!😥 Paha ihminen voi viedä vielä ihanat lapsetkin!😥 Lapsille jää pysyvä trauma, joka ei parane! 😥 Ole hyvä ja mene poliisille kertomaan tästä sydämettömästä pahantekijästä! Viisautta ja voimia sinulle! ❤❤❤
You shouldn't be leaving those little babies alone that's wrong there just babies. You're only a young girl why have you got two tiny babies that's not right
🎉 yeah she’s lucky like I said she’s lucky that the children wasn’t the ones that that took two I just can’t believe that they leave them children like that that long it’s just mind blowing please please please you need to take those kids back and especially the one oh my she continues to cuddle the other child there as you can see just rocking back-and-forth but not the other one. She moved a little closer and that was it but the other baby just gets hugs and kisses and this one gets absolutely done and it was the other one. I am sitting here actually crying seeing that the baby the other child first child gets the whopper and the other child. She was still standing up there and she had a motion for her to come out. She’s such a good baby, but she doesn’t get anything extra she doesn’t get what this child has in the stroller, why don’t they bring that baby stuff like that too? Is it this one? It’s so obvious what they do for her I’m actually tearing up. This is what it does to me. Please get away from them. This is so cruel.
Isso tudo e por viralizaçoes são vídeos montando mas vai mexer muito com opsicologico das crianças não sei oq se passou da mente desse mãe sou criadora de conteúdos mas chamas Faria nada pra tralmatiza meus filhos 😢😢😢😢😢
🎉 yeah she’s lucky like I said she’s lucky that the children wasn’t the ones that that took two I just can’t believe that they leave them children like that that long it’s just mind blowing please please please you need to take those kids back and especially the one oh my she continues to cuddle the other child there as you can see just rocking back-and-forth but not the other one. She moved a little closer and that was it but the other baby just gets hugs and kisses and this one gets absolutely done and it was the other one.
Did you notice what she did when she first came in the door this time after that man had been there and the kids were screaming the other one was crying a lot harder than that first one was but she watched straight over to in there and picked up him for her whatever him or her first and then picked up the other baby. I did just shocks methat it shocks me
Passam fome,😢 abandonados,😢 assustados, 😢que tristeza 😢não volto a ver estes filmes 😢😢se fosse no meu país já não tinha as crianças e já estava presa😢😢
Saya sangat gemes melihat ibu anak ini padahal dirumahnya ada air mengalir mengapa dia harus pergi jauh mengambil air ? Saya ingin berhenti menonton vidio ini ..ibu seperti itu hstus dipukuli meninggalkan anaknya begitu lama . Kepentingannys saja diurusinnya anaknya tidak diperdulikannya . Sedangkan ada pria jahat mencuri pakaian anaknya . Prudeser bila anda ingin mendapatkan uang berhentilah menyiksa anak anak itu dn ibu anak anak inu harus dikeluarkan kalo tidak postingan anda dn yg komen semus keluar
Kalo anda malas bekerja kedua anak anda akan kelaparan dn sakit karena ulah anda sendiri . Anak anak itu tidak suka memakan pohon pisang hanya anda yg suka . Bila anda tidak bisa mengdapatkan uang anda semakit melarat dn miskin tapi bila anda rajin bekerja anda bisa dapat usng apapun bisa anda beli dn anda tidak kelaparan bahagia slalu dengan anak anda dn pengemar anda semakin banyak
Vocês acreditam nesses vídeos? Vocês acham que essas crianças passam fome? Essas crianças estão gordas, bem cuidada e só sabem berrar de manhosos. Crianças com fomes são magrinhas. Olhem as crianças na África coitadinhos, eles sim passam fome.
You came in the house, the older girl was crying so hard, but you picked your daughter up first 😡. Why are you playing favorites? If you cannot treat both girls equal, give that older one to a family that can give her the love and attention she needs and is not getting from you.
Que mamá esta que se va por el agua y dejas tanto rato solos a sus niños aviendo tanto loco maniático ladrón se le robo todo que injusticia los niños quedaron traumatizados que pecado que dolor y además dejó la puerta abierta pero así era la grabación estos videos tan tristes con mis bebes tos no me gustan me parte el alma.😢
Pourquoi faire de telle vidéo en traumatisant les enfants, c'est nul aucun intérêt. Faites des vidéos en montrant que vous voulez améliorer la vie de ces enfants.
Ihope them beauiful babies be alright they so amazing prayers for your family .❤😇🙏😇🙏😇🙂
Ужас, детей с сума сведут. Зачем такие страшные показывать
Мама бы подумала о психике детей, прежде, чем соглашаться на таккие
You should never leave these babies alone and whatever was stolen, if money, should be hidden better than inside a house!! All of this for some water, take more than one jug when you go, or route water closer to you home
thank you
Tadinho da criança 😮😮
You should NEVER leave babies or children on their own no matter how ever long that is for. Anything could happen to them
É só deixar de segui_la pessoal o q ela fez com as crianças nao tem perdão 😢
Γι'αυτό που έκανε στα
Παιδιά αυτή η γυναίκα
Πληρώθηκε παραπάνω και τώρα
Κλαίει να την λυπηθούν τη πουτ
Es tut weh die Kinder so leiden zu sehen 😢😢, warum lassen sie die beiden alleine...
Was sind das für Videos 😢😢wo man beklaut wird und die Kinder gequält 😢nehmen sie ihr eigenes Kind doch auch mal auf den Arm, sie lassen ihn nur links liegen, er ist so lieb, was sind sie für eine Mutter
Mahsuz yapılıyor bence günah o minik kıza
Мама бы подумала о психике детей, соглашаясь на такие ''сценарии''.
Witam, ja opisałam te drastyczne sceny i zgłosiłam kanał do zamknięcia. REPORTED
Pobrecitos les duele la garganta tanto llorar
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢as crianças chorando muito com medo não deixa sozinhos
Si después que encontro a la niña le roban debe denunciar. ,pero no lo hara porque es una estúpida , nolo vere mas
Tão com medo selvagenzinhas não tenha medo não ele é um selvagem igual a vocês
Il est taré ce mec de faire peur aux bébés,ils peuvent être traumatisés à vie
Proszę o zgłoszenia tego kanału do zamknięcia. REPORTED
Intenta cerrar la casa ,veo vídeos de estos y en estos países no tienen nada suyo roban todo , abandonan a bebés , niños , violan alas mujeres no tienen ni techo ni comida pero tienen hijos .Un desastre pero cada pais tiene su forma de vida , cuida de tus hijos si te importan porque te los pueden quitar malas personas , bendiciones 😞🙏🙏😘😘
Какие хорошенькие детки, нельзя оставлять одних.
После такого видео детей надо будет лечить, хватит издеватся над детьми
Que maldade, fazer as crianças gritarem de medo. Pra que isso? Sinceramente, gostava do seu canal. Agora, nao gosto mais.
Дети , такие хорошие , спокойные
Θεε μου
Πόσο κακη ανθρωπη
Το ποιο ωραίο βίντεο 😂
Que vídeo tan horrible pobres niños y esa disque madre lo permita ya no la voy a seguir
Vá deixar os selvagenzinhos só eles tiveram um susto de outro selvagem e ainda carregou suas coisas
Have children no father alljoke
Не нужно писать комментарии, и это хамство прекратится.
Ma perché tengono sempre in braccio solo quei bamboccioni dei figli più piccoli son ridicole ste cose e il più grande che soffre sempre 😊😊😊
That is her child she is holding
Lo k no sea de ella alas autoridades no puede con tanto
thank you
Ystävä hyvä, voisitko mitenkään etsiä itselle ja lapsille toista kotia, jossa olisitte turvassa! 🏡 Voisitko pyytää apua! 🙌 Tämä oli aivan sydäntä särkevää nähdä!😥 Paha ihminen voi viedä vielä ihanat lapsetkin!😥 Lapsille jää pysyvä trauma, joka ei parane! 😥 Ole hyvä ja mene poliisille kertomaan tästä sydämettömästä pahantekijästä! Viisautta ja voimia sinulle! ❤❤❤
thank you
I think, that man is father of babies .this is the content
You shouldn't be leaving those little babies alone that's wrong there just babies. You're only a young girl why have you got two tiny babies that's not right
thank you
Video ini adalah contoh kecerobohan dn keteledoran seorang ibu, yg akibatnya menambah susah diri sendiri🤔🙏
ibu ini sengaja prgi lama ,ank di tinggl sndri,tu ada orng jhat msuk gbuk km,,😊
Ele fez medos aos seus filhos.
Ibunya masih anak anak 😂😂😂😂😂
🎉 yeah she’s lucky like I said she’s lucky that the children wasn’t the ones that that took two I just can’t believe that they leave them children like that that long it’s just mind blowing please please please you need to take those kids back and especially the one oh my she continues to cuddle the other child there as you can see just rocking back-and-forth but not the other one. She moved a little closer and that was it but the other baby just gets hugs and kisses and this one gets absolutely done and it was the other one. I am sitting here actually crying seeing that the baby the other child first child gets the whopper and the other child. She was still standing up there and she had a motion for her to come out. She’s such a good baby, but she doesn’t get anything extra she doesn’t get what this child has in the stroller, why don’t they bring that baby stuff like that too? Is it this one? It’s so obvious what they do for her I’m actually tearing up. This is what it does to me. Please get away from them. This is so cruel.
Ya no te seguiré mas. Este tipo de video perturbador no es nada agradable y me parece de muy mal gusto
Isso tudo e por viralizaçoes são vídeos montando mas vai mexer muito com opsicologico das crianças não sei oq se passou da mente desse mãe sou criadora de conteúdos mas chamas Faria nada pra tralmatiza meus filhos 😢😢😢😢😢
Im not going to watch no more after seeing this
🎉 yeah she’s lucky like I said she’s lucky that the children wasn’t the ones that that took two I just can’t believe that they leave them children like that that long it’s just mind blowing please please please you need to take those kids back and especially the one oh my she continues to cuddle the other child there as you can see just rocking back-and-forth but not the other one. She moved a little closer and that was it but the other baby just gets hugs and kisses and this one gets absolutely done and it was the other one.
Ոնց հիասթափվեցի ձեզանից
Hati2 ada yang ngintip
Did you notice what she did when she first came in the door this time after that man had been there and the kids were screaming the other one was crying a lot harder than that first one was but she watched straight over to in there and picked up him for her whatever him or her first and then picked up the other baby. I did just shocks methat it shocks me
She's playing favorites. The baby is hers and the other one she found. If she can't treat them equal, she needs to find a family for that older girl
انه تمثيل فقط لاغير يخيفون الأطفال من أجل المال
Зачем. такое. показывать????)))???????????Нелюди. какие. то. Бегают
อย่าทำเช่นนี้อีกเลย คุณจะสูญเสียผู้ติดตาม
No creo
Passam fome,😢 abandonados,😢 assustados, 😢que tristeza 😢não volto a ver estes filmes 😢😢se fosse no meu país já não tinha as crianças e já estava presa😢😢
En tu país y en cualquier otro eso es una crueldad torturar así a unos bebés
La niña está verdaderamente aterrada le va a dar slgo
Saya sangat gemes melihat ibu anak ini padahal dirumahnya ada air mengalir mengapa dia harus pergi jauh mengambil air ? Saya ingin berhenti menonton vidio ini ..ibu seperti itu hstus dipukuli meninggalkan anaknya begitu lama . Kepentingannys saja diurusinnya anaknya tidak diperdulikannya . Sedangkan ada pria jahat mencuri pakaian anaknya . Prudeser bila anda ingin mendapatkan uang berhentilah menyiksa anak anak itu dn ibu anak anak inu harus dikeluarkan kalo tidak postingan anda dn yg komen semus keluar
Kalo anda malas bekerja kedua anak anda akan kelaparan dn sakit karena ulah anda sendiri . Anak anak itu tidak suka memakan pohon pisang hanya anda yg suka . Bila anda tidak bisa mengdapatkan uang anda semakit melarat dn miskin tapi bila anda rajin bekerja anda bisa dapat usng apapun bisa anda beli dn anda tidak kelaparan bahagia slalu dengan anak anda dn pengemar anda semakin banyak
Целый месяц не мылась что ли?
Este buraco e propósito
Jadi Mak yg siget kerja nya jngn lelet kaya gini
thank you
Πως μου αρέσει αυτο
esa sra sigue dejando los bebes solo hsi como se llevaron las cosas se llevan a los bebes o les hacen daño
Não é engraçado assustar crianças, triste😢
Охринела , до сих пор зубы чистит , понятно это сценарий такой , жалко детей , делают их нервозными .
Agora e tarde mulher.
Encenação desnecessária. Judiar de crianças assim,vocês deveriam ter vergonha na cara
Обворовали. Разве ....можно. детей. осиавлять ....одних. надолго????????
Βγάζετε λεφτά για αυτο τα τηρανα
Как пративно смотреть ,и слушать как ты жуёш эти палки .
Vocês acreditam nesses vídeos? Vocês acham que essas crianças passam fome? Essas crianças estão gordas, bem cuidada e só sabem berrar de manhosos. Crianças com fomes são magrinhas. Olhem as crianças na África coitadinhos, eles sim passam fome.
Alles verarsche nichts ist real
Vem pra casa mulher .
Παρατημενο με το
Χέρι ψάχνει να βρει
Σιγουριά 😂
He's a cruel bad man scaring the little babies like that making them cry the mother looks like a baby herself
thank you
Так тебе и надо , не оставляй детей одних на долго , в следующий уход ,и дитей выкрадут .
Jahat punya manisia kacsu anak yh tak berdosa
É verdade nao vou mais seguir essa louca
Երեւի հոգեկան խանգարում ունի: Ինչու եք մենակ թողնում փոքրիկներին?
Вот так что надо утащил
Matka s tým scenárom súhlasila,tak nie je normálna neuvažuje,čo to može zanechať na psychike detí😢😢😢🙈
เป็นโรคจิตหรือที่ทำให้เด็กขวัญเสีย มันมีผลต่อจิตใจเด็กคุณรู้รึป่าว
Ինչ անջատված մայր եք:Ֆուու
You came in the house, the older girl was crying so hard, but you picked your daughter up first 😡. Why are you playing favorites? If you cannot treat both girls equal, give that older one to a family that can give her the love and attention she needs and is not getting from you.
Ей нужна бесплатная нянька
thank you
😂😂😂 piches dramas
thank you
Omg, this is criminal to tramatiaze these babies. You should be put in jail and through away the key
Vc foi roubada bem feito
اي دوله همه
Иди ещё погуляй !
These poor need to find a different place to live.....
Ada anak pungut jd rusuh
Discrepted this video we should not watch this anymore it's not good for
Q realidad muestra
Your own fealt leaving babies home and house unlocked
Porque según lloras si permites que sucedan esas cosas pobres niños como sufren están espantados
Tadinha tá com fome 😢😢
Entrega esos mostricos a las atoridades y deja de darles basura por comida, aqui en mi pais eso no se come. Aqui eso es basura
Fak e। video 😂 to earn money
Este tio tiene q estar loco y eq ace el video mas balla jilip....
Que mamá esta que se va por el agua y dejas tanto rato solos a sus niños aviendo tanto loco maniático ladrón se le robo todo que injusticia los niños quedaron traumatizados que pecado que dolor y además dejó la puerta abierta pero así era la grabación estos videos tan tristes con mis bebes tos no me gustan me parte el alma.😢
Pourquoi faire de telle vidéo en traumatisant les enfants, c'est nul aucun intérêt. Faites des vidéos en montrant que vous voulez améliorer la vie de ces enfants.
انه محتوى بائس يعذبون الأطفال وهذا غير صحيح
Anak pungutnya kasih aja polisi