  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 180

  • @momitch62
    @momitch62 11 дней назад +1

    @4:50 you are the perfect chill guy to demonstrate this function properly for us

      @ANTISHANTY  4 дня назад

      Haha, thank you, appreciate it!

  • @gsizzle45
    @gsizzle45 Месяц назад +33

    Why not make the tent bigger if the bed and cap are huge?

    • @tailewis8210
      @tailewis8210 Месяц назад +9

      cause that would cut into profits lol

    • @JeffCleverley
      @JeffCleverley Месяц назад +5


    • @TristenHernandez
      @TristenHernandez Месяц назад +2

      This set up, probably cost more than most trucks. It will live on top of.

    • @UncleFjester
      @UncleFjester Месяц назад +4

      Ground top tents are bigger!

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Great question! Some reasons include: manufacturing in America, maintaining production flow, increased weight, increased cost = increased price for you as the consumer.
      Thank you for the comment, we appreciate it and take the good ones into consideration, we may make one that includes a longer sleeping platform, stay tuned!

  • @_Spacecraft
    @_Spacecraft 7 дней назад +3

    I'd love to see a bill of materials and labor with costs for one of these to see how close it comes to the $15k price tag. Overlanding / camping stuff has gotten so expensive it's unreal.

      @ANTISHANTY  4 дня назад +1

      Appreciate the comment! Surprisingly enough, there are some products out there with soft tent sides for about the same price. Building extremely high-quality products right here in the USA has its value.

  • @skiptheroad
    @skiptheroad Месяц назад +14

    There should be standing height at the rear of the truck bed when the tent bed is in position allowing acces to the bed without having to remove the bed platform panels.
    The heater exhaust port should be located in the lower part, not up in the sleeping area. Keep the heat source low as heat rises.

    • @JeffCleverley
      @JeffCleverley Месяц назад +4

      Yup, poor design, but let's them two existing stuff together...

    • @mtnbound2764
      @mtnbound2764 Месяц назад +4

      yeah i agree, it should just be a flat pop up roof all the way across

    • @jasongardner1910
      @jasongardner1910 Месяц назад +1

      100% correct

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      Great suggestions! We appreciate all of the comments and the feedback and take the good ones into consideration for product updates. You are welcome to add a heater port in the lower section. The sleeping area is up top, once the floor is closed, to run your diesel heater most efficiently, you will want the port up in the sleeping area.

  • @jeromethemechanic6871
    @jeromethemechanic6871 Месяц назад +8

    Great design and construction! Cool to see so many great ideas implemented!

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you! Really appreciate that, a lot of cool ideas came together on this one.

  • @Ericcanvas
    @Ericcanvas Месяц назад +5

    Awesome great job. Looks to be well thought out and well-made.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you so much for watching the video and leaving that comment.

  • @hoagiesherlin7732
    @hoagiesherlin7732 15 часов назад

    Bro that's baddass

  • @davidmerkel1874
    @davidmerkel1874 21 день назад +2

    Very well thought out, great presentation

      @ANTISHANTY  20 дней назад

      Thank you! Really appreciate that!

  • @hendo337
    @hendo337 День назад

    It's pretty cool, I would really want some screened windows, in the desert that's not a concern but, insects in most areas are terrible and you can get away in most northern places with a few windows open instead of worrying about powering an AC unit. I definitely like what are doing with your product.

  • @timothywildhaber2798
    @timothywildhaber2798 Месяц назад +2

    Wow NICE !!! Love your design guys !!! One day I’ll have your dwellshell on my truck !!! Keep it going guys , you rock !!!!

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you! Really appreciate the positive comment haha. We would love to build you one! Don't be afraid to reach out. Good time to take advantage of our Black Friday sale.

  • @Beardinc
    @Beardinc Месяц назад +2

    this is really nicely designed! Hope to see it at one of the expos in 2025

      @ANTISHANTY  20 дней назад

      That would be awesome! With limited booth space, we will have to see which DWELL SHELL is available and which will fit.

  • @awfulwarlock91
    @awfulwarlock91 8 дней назад +1

    I'm not even in the market for this product, but damn this is cool.
    Makes me wanna buy a truck again lol.

      @ANTISHANTY  4 дня назад

      Thank you so much! Really appreciate that!

  • @richardhenry1969
    @richardhenry1969 6 дней назад +1

    I'd like that hard top for my van. That would be perfect on my chevy.

      @ANTISHANTY  4 дня назад

      That would be awesome! We sell them for vans with some materials to trim out the passthrough you create.

  • @boatingwithspencer
    @boatingwithspencer Месяц назад +2

    Really great walk-through buddy! incredible product.

      @ANTISHANTY  29 дней назад

      Thank you! Really appreciate that! Have you seen our trailers? Might be something that you'd be interested in, especially with the marine diesel stove and heater combo.

  • @thedodgefather3078
    @thedodgefather3078 25 дней назад +2

    Love the whole set up truck and all

      @ANTISHANTY  20 дней назад

      Thank you, really appreciate it!

  • @CheeseLayong
    @CheeseLayong Месяц назад +4

    Wow. Still the best imo

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you so much! Really appreciate that!

  • @mikesnifferpippets3733
    @mikesnifferpippets3733 21 день назад +2

    Looks like a great product. There isn’t too many companies supporting long bed trucks which is what mine will be (if ram ever launches the 2025’s). With that said, I can appreciate changing the typical layout to something no one else is doing. However, for me I’d prefer a pop up portion that covers the entire bed length as I’ve considered mounting a rack/tray on the cab roof… OR, maybe just the topper without any tent setup. For me, the rear tray isn’t as important. Very unique though. Subscribed for new videos.

      @ANTISHANTY  20 дней назад

      Thank you for dropping the comment and sharing your thoughts, really appreciate it! A full length pop-top would be rad! A full topper would be a faster turn around if you are interested. Thank you for subscribing!

  • @garretc6346
    @garretc6346 27 дней назад +2

    Great job man👊🙂

      @ANTISHANTY  20 дней назад

      Thanks man! Appreciate it haha.

  • @foncyc
    @foncyc Месяц назад +3

    Wow! Nicely done!

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you for following along and thanks for the comment.

  • @coleeades
    @coleeades Месяц назад +4

    Nice work guys!

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you dude, really appreciate it.

  • @tfcooks
    @tfcooks Месяц назад +3

    That back deck area would be a great place to cook in bad weather. I prefer not to cook inside and when the ground is really muddy it's a pain to cook outside. This lets you cook outside and stay clean with no food odor inside the camper.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Could be a great spot to whip something up as you wake up, or to get out of the mud. We like the way you think.

  • @RDuude
    @RDuude Месяц назад +7

    Hell yeah!

  • @espeescotty
    @espeescotty Месяц назад +3

    If I may just add my 2¢ on what I think would be a handy addition. Directly above each rear tire, at the top side of the shell or on the side door panel itself, a grab handle to help a person climb up onto the tire to access the side and top of the Dwell Shell. No doubt it would be used often for a variety of reasons by the owners of these. 🤠👍

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for watching and commenting! Really appreciate the suggestion, that is definitely something we are going to take into consideration. Some grab handles near the tires or the rear tailgate would be awesome.

    • @espeescotty
      @espeescotty Месяц назад +1

      @@ANTISHANTY As the owner of a RAM 2500 with 4-inches of lift, 99% of the time, I am climbing onto the tires and over the bedrails to get into the bed. Any type of a shell without a grab handle would make it nearly impossible to get up there to secure items on top or wash the roof etc. 👍

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Awesome! Thank you for sharing more of your experience! We will take that into consideration.

  • @gregoryrodzenko1026
    @gregoryrodzenko1026 Месяц назад +2

    I've had a FlipPac on my truck for 13 years. This is a hard sided "version" with extra features - something to think about. There are some interesting suggestion below. I'd like to spend an afternoon with you looking at the CAD drawings > maybe some next steps?

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Those FlipPacs are pretty cool! A hard-sided version FlipPac would be pretty wild! Appreciate the comment, we are open to suggestions and would love to hear them!

  • @_FreedomSeed
    @_FreedomSeed 29 дней назад +2

    4 wheel campers lookout! there's a new 30k cab-over in town

      @ANTISHANTY  20 дней назад +1

      Haha, thanks for commenting. Cut that price in half and you're there!

  • @Ripsaw_Creations
    @Ripsaw_Creations 3 дня назад

    Do u make them for 2013 lifted Chevy Silverado???

  • @joshuaeck2712
    @joshuaeck2712 Месяц назад +3

    That's so cool!!

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you man! Appreciate it! Would love to build one for your truck!

  • @mtnbound2764
    @mtnbound2764 Месяц назад +1

    cool! i could maybe make some different design choices but i like what you are doing!

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you! If you have any suggestions, we would love to hear them and take them into consideration.

  • @anthonyjohnson100
    @anthonyjohnson100 Месяц назад +2

    Definitely needs a bigger tent / sleeping area. Somehow get it to fold out into a 8’x8’ tent. That I would buy.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Bigger could be better, although heavier. Thanks for the suggestion! Now an 8'x8' hard sided pop-up, that's a head scratcher.

  • @donward8915
    @donward8915 Месяц назад +2

    It would be great to see a truck canopy only option from you guys.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      It would be awesome! We have talked about that several times, if you are interested, please reach out: info@antishanty.com

  • @malonlabe8806
    @malonlabe8806 7 дней назад +1

    I have a 2000 F350 with an 8 foot bed. Not much in today’s market for me. Would this fit?

      @ANTISHANTY  4 дня назад

      Great question, it could! Reach out to us at info@antishanty.com and we can have you take some specific measurements to make sure. Thank you!

  • @Ripsaw_Creations
    @Ripsaw_Creations День назад

    Do u make one for a 2013 Chevy Silverado???

  • @freedompanda9438
    @freedompanda9438 Месяц назад +2

    I was initially opposed due to the hard sides. I am a photographer who travels a lot and am looking for a good solution while on the road. I’ve spent the last 2 years in serious research mode. But…I was just made a cat dad, and the cat will be coming with on many of the road trips. The hard sides make more sense, as does the larger space of an 8 foot bed. Being able to mount an air conditioner is key as well. Very interested!

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you for following along! We really appreciate that! The hard sides are a game changer, especially when animals are involved, whether they are yours or not haha. Could be a great solution for you and your cat. We also have our DWELL SHELL in standard bed lengths if you already have a standard length truck. We would love to chat more: info@antishanty.com

  • @InfoSecTangSoo
    @InfoSecTangSoo 29 дней назад +1

    Cool. Rear gunner position. Where does the .30 Cal mount?

      @ANTISHANTY  20 дней назад +1

      Wherever you would like haha.

  • @BronsonCrites
    @BronsonCrites Месяц назад +1

    Hey i want one of these as a bicycle trailer. something that is 25 inches wide by 7 ft long or so. A false bottom with a pop top a frame style hard sides aluminum insulated walls as you have it. if you can make it a slide out camper that turns the trailer into a 4 ft long trailer and keep it weather proof all the merrier. Even better a way to put a stove inside of the camper or heat it with a small propane tank for one or two nights to survive. Goal is to pull it with a fat tire 4.5" wide snow tire for winter adventure rides.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Sounds awesome! We don't make something to tow with a bicycle, but have you seen our AS-1 Trailer or 4XD Trailer? Our AS-1 trailer is an all hard-sided a-frame pop-up. All aluminum, insulated walls. No wood or canvas. Ultralight, ironically enough, it is so light that we have pulled it in the shop with a bike haha. It has a diesel heater/cooktop inside that dries your air and is much more efficient than propane. You could heat the space for a week in winter weather. You can have a queen bed and haul bikes inside.

  • @nikoazucenas1989
    @nikoazucenas1989 Месяц назад +1

    one day!! just hope that day comes soon lol

  • @driftin90src
    @driftin90src Месяц назад +1

    A bit niche due to the lack of a crew cab but will make an amazing journey for 2. Wonder how the metal used on the tent would actually affect cooling and insulation in extrem temps despite the claims.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you for watching and for the comment, really appreciate it. It would make for a great journey for 2! The 8 ft. DWELL SHELL is made for most all current models. So the crew cab or single cab is up to the customer, we just manufacture and install the DWELL SHELL. Check out the other truck options under our DWELL SHELL product page on the website.

  • @T_157-40
    @T_157-40 Месяц назад +1

    Like the top unit but at 6’3”, 230 lbs, does not look like I will be able to sleep comfortably up there with a cold sleeping bag & pad. In Pac NW, it can get -30 so you need a thicker bag as I have rated to -50 of you do winter camping.
    I think the deck is less important than the sleeping unit - needs length. And when unit is closed, then you could have tie triangles for storage during transit.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      A longer unit would be more ideal for you. The diesel heater port would work great for you in those temps, the diesel heaters that us and other customers are using work great and heating that sleeping space!
      Thank you for the comment, we will take that into consideration, really appreciate it.

  • @red6743
    @red6743 Месяц назад +2

    If two are sleeping up top, how would you get out to pee since the panels to exit are holding up the bed?

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you for watching, great question! There are a couple of options, open up the side door or step out onto the back deck and take the elevated approach haha. A ladder and ladder mounts could be added to either side of the DWELL SHELL to enter/exit out of the side doors. Or the panel can be slid or lifted out of the way to then drop into the truck bed and out the back.

    • @red6743
      @red6743 Месяц назад +2

      @@ANTISHANTY thanks for the response. Carrying two ladders doesn’t seem like a viable option and I don’t believe you had enough room to maneuver on the deck while the door is open. Love the hard sided concept but still too many concessions to get me out of my AluCab.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you for the response! Could be viable, but maybe not ideal for some, we get you. Thank you for loving the concept and dropping the comments.

  • @Hudinie
    @Hudinie Месяц назад +1

    Get rid of tail gate go to 2 ambulance doors 🤘🏻

      @ANTISHANTY  20 дней назад

      Ambulance doors would be rad.

  • @nvrmor023
    @nvrmor023 9 дней назад +1

    Are you going to sell the cap alone in the future?

      @ANTISHANTY  4 дня назад

      You bet! That is the plan!

  • @internetoverland
    @internetoverland Месяц назад +1

    Amazing work. Would y'all consider doing a passthrough sunroof for the standard RTD?

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Great question. It is something that we could potentially supply materials for you to cut and trim out.

  • @kalebperez4412
    @kalebperez4412 Месяц назад +1

    Is there any way to have the tent moved back so there is no overhang on the cab of the truck?

      @ANTISHANTY  20 дней назад

      Potentially, if you are interested, we could probably make it happen.

  • @moflexmusicinc.6060
    @moflexmusicinc.6060 Месяц назад +2

    This is dope

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      Haha, thank you! It is pretty dope.

  • @J.Young808
    @J.Young808 Месяц назад +2

    How do you not get water/snow inside while opening/closing the RTD?

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you for the comment, that is a great question. It can be closed very quickly with very minimal water intrusion, weather depending. Putting a tent away during a rainstorm is going to leave you with a wet, and potentially moldy mess. The RTD panels can be easily wiped down during take down, or afterwards. We don't use materials like canvas or wood that would rot and mold overtime. All aluminum and marine-grade materials.

    • @stuckgrenadepin.225
      @stuckgrenadepin.225 Месяц назад

      @@ANTISHANTYdo you have an insulated liner? Did you mention it and I miss it?

  • @richardcarby2371
    @richardcarby2371 20 дней назад +1

    Does this come in a 6.5ft bed without the camper on top.

      @ANTISHANTY  18 дней назад

      It does come in a 6.5ft. bed option, but the camper on top is included. It could potentially be removed and replaced with a roof. But the shell would be taller than the cab by a few inches. Is that something you would be interested in?

  • @NicktheStumpGuy
    @NicktheStumpGuy Месяц назад +1

    Shell is cool but what is that wheel and tire combo? Sizes? They look sweet

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you for watching! They are BFGoodrich KO2s, 315/70R17 on Method Race Wheels

  • @richardvalitalo3670
    @richardvalitalo3670 Месяц назад +1

    Would you make it not go over the cab & 8 ft. tent?

      @ANTISHANTY  20 дней назад

      Good question, maybe! Could be sweet!

  • @ramzizaz
    @ramzizaz Месяц назад +2

    How about a full height vs wedge tent

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for commenting. A hard-sided full height is a great suggestion! Maybe someday. There are some hard-sided straight up pop-ups out there, no sure if they make them for 8 foot beds or not.

    • @ramzizaz
      @ramzizaz Месяц назад +1

      @@ANTISHANTY Only option out there is Hiatus Camper but it is not aluminum and does not look as durable as your solution

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      They do make a cool product! Thank you, we really appreciate that!

  • @NikolaiGazdzik
    @NikolaiGazdzik Месяц назад +2


      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you man! Appreciate it!

  • @Ned-p1y
    @Ned-p1y Месяц назад +1

    Gave you a sub from Upstate New York. Do you make one for 2022 chevy 2500hd 6 foot 9 inch bed

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Appreciate the sub! Delish! We do make a DWELL SHELL for the 2022 Chevy 2500HD 6'9" bed, we would love to build one for you. You can place your deposit on our website to get on the build schedule. If you have more questions, reach out to info@antishanty.com

  • @odlanorirom
    @odlanorirom Месяц назад +2

    ..what is the gross weight of the dwell shell system?

      @ANTISHANTY  20 дней назад +1

      The whole system starts at 365 lbs. for mid size trucks.

  • @mattpaarlberg2264
    @mattpaarlberg2264 Месяц назад +1

    Very cool. Base price?

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      @@mattpaarlberg2264 Thank you, appreciate it! Pricing for the different models are under our DWELL SHELL product page on our website.

  • @divadtineb21
    @divadtineb21 19 дней назад +1

    TJ Miller sells these now?

      @ANTISHANTY  18 дней назад +1

      Yeah man! Isn't that wild?

  • @alvindorris4373
    @alvindorris4373 Месяц назад +1

    Wish top pop up was about 2 ft longer.not all way but close. ❤

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      Thanks for the comment, we appreciate all of the feedback here. We look forward to taking these into consideration.

  • @landbarron1420
    @landbarron1420 Месяц назад +2

    Screens on windows??

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Great question! Screens for the side doors are getting dialed in.

    • @matthalfpenny1534
      @matthalfpenny1534 16 дней назад +1

      @@ANTISHANTYSo the arctic tern windows aren’t the kind with built in screens?

      @ANTISHANTY  16 дней назад

      @@matthalfpenny1534 great question! They are built in. The screen and bug screen attach on the back and are featured in our trailers, but they do not fit in the RTD.

  • @kenmcdougal97
    @kenmcdougal97 Месяц назад +1

    Do you sell that heater port separately

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      We don't sell it separately, but if you would like help sourcing one or finding a supplier, let us know: info@antishanty.com.

  • @carlosmf2751
    @carlosmf2751 Месяц назад +1

    Buen trabajo.

  • @milesb4231
    @milesb4231 Месяц назад +2

    this is cool but the setup exposes people to rain, wind, snow - wouldn't it be better to have the sides come out last?

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Than you for watching! Great question! It is pretty cool how each flange and bend is designed. It is a super solid structure in the wind, and does amazing in the rain and snow. With high winds, you might as well keep your standard tent closed, with the DWELL SHELL, you can comfortably take high winds all day long.

  • @philgriswold2133
    @philgriswold2133 Месяц назад +1

    Did I miss the screens on the upper windows?

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +3

      The screen design for the upper doors is getting dialed in! 👍🏼

  • @carltrano1325
    @carltrano1325 17 дней назад +1

    Nice setup, bet it is insanely expensive. Yup not worth it’s way to expensive.

      @ANTISHANTY  14 дней назад

      Appreciate the comment! Surprisingly enough, there are some products out there with soft tent sides for about the same price. Building extremely high-quality products right here in the USA has its value.

  • @Fahim-il7wz
    @Fahim-il7wz Месяц назад +1

    Yall missed the mark on this one, we want a larger tent, for more walkable space in the bed.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you for watching and for the comment! We value the feedback and comments and will take the good ones into consideration.

  • @largol33t1
    @largol33t1 Месяц назад +1

    If I win the lottery, I'm buying an International Sportchassis. It's the largest production pickup in the world (sorry Ford!). Then I'll have one custom built to fit the truck bed exactly.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      We wish you the best of luck! The International Sportchassis would be super cool with a big DWELL SHELL on there. We like the way you think!

  • @ThePogoIV
    @ThePogoIV Месяц назад +1

    seen this in logan a bunch.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      Glad to hear it! We do all of our manufacturing right here in Logan!

  • @pl5861
    @pl5861 Месяц назад +1

    The top sleeping are doesnt look very water tight

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      @@pl5861 thank you for watching and for leaving the comment, appreciate it! Could you expound on your observation? It does incredible in wind, rain, and snow.

    @CRITESBIKER Месяц назад +1

    Trailer for a bicycle! MAKE IT SMALLER. False bottom and a pop top for a sleek weather proof camper trailer. FIRST OF ITS KIND!!!!

  • @danhardern4520
    @danhardern4520 Месяц назад +8

    Just call that sleeping area "The Easy Bake Oven", I can only imagine how hot that tin box is going to get on a 30 degree day. And where are the screens? That thing would be full of flies and mosquitos in 2min. Weird design to be sure. I'll fix it for you if you hire me as your design engineer, only $200k per year lol.

    • @fredeschen3783
      @fredeschen3783 Месяц назад +2

      It has ventilation and a fan in that part. It should be fine.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +2

      Don't forget to mention the 1-inch thick, closed-cell, foam insulation in the roof and floor as well as the insulation kit on the interior folding walls.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you for watching and for the comment, appreciate the input! There is insulation in the roof, floor, and on all of the sidewalls. More insulated than a tent with plenty of ventilation options and built in port for an A/C unit.
      The bug screens are getting dialed in for our DWELL SHELL design. Thank you.

  • @mikeklinger1712
    @mikeklinger1712 15 часов назад

    Window here window there but not a screen to be seen! I see nothing to keep the Minnesota state bird the 🦟 mosquito out!

  • @loveracing1988
    @loveracing1988 Месяц назад +1

    That thing is amazing but not 15k amazing...

      @ANTISHANTY  29 дней назад +1

      Surprisingly enough, there are some products out there with soft tent sides for about the same price. Building extremely high quality products right here in the USA has it value.

    • @mikesnifferpippets3733
      @mikesnifferpippets3733 21 день назад +1

      I got a quote for an A.R.E cap with supports for a RTT and it was damn near $8000 being fiberglass. I’ll pay for the premium aluminum material, but I have to have some option to choose from. I’m sure the manufacture can understand that it’s not a one size fits all. So I’ll be watching for different configurations. 🤞🏻

      @ANTISHANTY  20 дней назад

      Appreciate that comment. We have designs for most current models. Let us know what you got and we will see if we already have it designed.

  • @kavik2825
    @kavik2825 Месяц назад +1

    Nope...no mosquito screens....Otherwise, looks pretty good.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for watching! Mosquito screens are getting dials in, allowing you to keep the bugs out, but take in the great views and warm summer breeze!

  • @DerrickLytlephoto
    @DerrickLytlephoto Месяц назад +1

    The deck design is cool but imagine setting up for camp in the middle of a monsoon storm. No thanks.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for watching and dropping the comment! You are right, I can't imagine setting up anything in a middle of monsoon storm! The nice thing about the DWELL SHELL, is that once it is set up, you know that it won't flap or get blown in from the wind. Hanging out inside the shell while the storm passes is also another option.

  • @jackryan8719
    @jackryan8719 Месяц назад +1

    Would be lousy to lose keys to all those locks

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      That it would, as it would to any lock. Good thing you only have two keys to worry about. One for all of the main latches, and one for the front side cabinets. Spares are always provided as well.

  • @jkoonce4244
    @jkoonce4244 Месяц назад +1

    cool as snowman farts

  • @Thefamily-e2l
    @Thefamily-e2l Месяц назад +2


      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you for watching and for commenting.

  • @RobertWill-uq3iv
    @RobertWill-uq3iv Месяц назад +17

    This is a mansion to that guy, cause he looks like he lives in a hollowed-out log.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +9

      Haha, how did you know? He says it's quite comfortable. Loves visitors actually, knock three times, then whistle!
      Address is:
      Logan Canyon Road, 2nd Dam
      4th Tree to the left of the trail head
      Logan, UT USA

  • @denisestarr2314
    @denisestarr2314 Месяц назад +1

    A real truck ..not a 4 door carck with a tiny bed thats useless .

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      That's right! A real truck!

  • @jasongardner1910
    @jasongardner1910 Месяц назад +2

    So many bad design issues with this and the public have listed them all in the comments.

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад

      Thank you for watching and leaving a comment, we appreciate it. We love gathering the feedback from the public and taking in the good ones for consideration.

  • @sharpsticksnz4112
    @sharpsticksnz4112 Месяц назад +3

    This is such a bad design if you can't see how it's mind boggling. What a waste of materials 🤦‍♂️

    • @DaneGlesac0321
      @DaneGlesac0321 Месяц назад +1


    • @freedompanda9438
      @freedompanda9438 Месяц назад +5

      Do us all a favor and explain why. Otherwise, you just sound like a GFC/SuperPacific/Alu-Cab/Harker/DirtBox fanboy who just hates on stuff because it has a different brand sticker on it.

    • @sharpsticksnz4112
      @sharpsticksnz4112 Месяц назад +1

      @@freedompanda9438 lol, na I'm good. I've done enough to educate other business owners. Enjoy your day :)

      @ANTISHANTY  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for watching and dropping a comment, we appreciate it! If you would like to share any specific feedback, feel free. We take good suggestions into consideration for future changes and updates.

    • @mikesnifferpippets3733
      @mikesnifferpippets3733 21 день назад

      Dang! What a negative comment without any substance. Ever heard of “constructive criticism”?

  • @twistnshout3031
    @twistnshout3031 19 дней назад +1

    That upper sleeping section looks cheesy and small. For the amount of space you have to work with id rather see a nicer tent up top. Still a sick rig.

      @ANTISHANTY  18 дней назад +1

      Appreciate the comment! The upper sleeping section (Roof Top Dwelling) is 86″ x 52″ interior sleeping dimensions, all hard-sided and insulated. What tent did you have in mind?

    • @twistnshout3031
      @twistnshout3031 17 дней назад

      @ANTISHANTY maybe not a tent but if the whole thing lifted up instead of a clam she'll for more head room would be a sick design. Especially with hard shell walls. If you could figure that out it'd be the only thing on the market like it.