Chat is this the real life? Is the beloved Lilcali finally fulfilling our requests for him to play glorious fortnite? Is this the renaissance of content we have been waiting for? This is a day for the books my friends, this is a day for all of history.
Could it be. This, my friends, is a momentous occassion, second only to the birth of Christ. For thou lord and savior sir Littlith of California hath blessed us with thou divine juices. Thou that corrected thy day, nay, thy week, nay, thy year. For I have waited a millennia, many of fortnights for this very moment. Fortnite, battle royal
W finally
Is this lil cali from Fortnite
Chat is this the real life? Is the beloved Lilcali finally fulfilling our requests for him to play glorious fortnite? Is this the renaissance of content we have been waiting for? This is a day for the books my friends, this is a day for all of history.
Ok plato
Bro responded to himself 💀😊
@myboyeee Schizophrenic ahh post
@myboyeee “Bro responded to himself” shut the hell up buddy
Could it be. This, my friends, is a momentous occassion, second only to the birth of Christ. For thou lord and savior sir Littlith of California hath blessed us with thou divine juices. Thou that corrected thy day, nay, thy week, nay, thy year. For I have waited a millennia, many of fortnights for this very moment. Fortnite, battle royal