lambretta rt kit build part 2

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 33

  • @65mini
    @65mini Год назад

    Nice one Steve on the exhaust bolt mod. I will be doing this, thanks. Paolo.❤

  • @PaulSmith-ff4kf
    @PaulSmith-ff4kf 2 года назад +1

    Great vids Steve, keep em coming. I have an Rt230, great kit, easy fitting, lots of work by Mb with reed 😉 very durable

  • @jfrorn
    @jfrorn 2 года назад

    Love how you show the issues (and mistakes 😁) and how you sort them out Steve. Glad you’re sharing this build with us!

    • @TheSteelweasel
      @TheSteelweasel  2 года назад

      Sorry battery went flat and the port was done . Next time buddy

  • @bruceduff1
    @bruceduff1 2 года назад +1

    love the colour and another great video! learnt loads!

  • @midge225
    @midge225 2 года назад

    Another great video Steve , i love watching you work your magic on Lambrettas , nobody better my friend 👍

    • @TheSteelweasel
      @TheSteelweasel  2 года назад +1

      My number 1 fan Dave get well buddy

    • @midge225
      @midge225 2 года назад

      @@TheSteelweasel thankyou Steve , im getting there slowly mate , cant wait to get back out there on my lambretta , watching your vids is keeping me going lol , 👍

  • @jfrorn
    @jfrorn 2 года назад +2

    I wonder if you could do a video on the different types of clutches and why and how they’re better? I’d love to see that!

    • @TheSteelweasel
      @TheSteelweasel  2 года назад

      would be nice but i dont have 2 grand to spare at the mo

    • @brucemcgeehan8255
      @brucemcgeehan8255 Год назад

      Never use grese on head bolts if you use grese on large truck head bolts they will brake

  • @darrenwebb6431
    @darrenwebb6431 2 года назад

    Love your Videos Steve..., I’m learning so much from you ... thank You buddy

  • @SsSs-xl8iw
    @SsSs-xl8iw 2 года назад

    Very nice👍

  • @kevinhendon
    @kevinhendon 2 года назад

    Yet another interesting Video Steve, now go and have another beer mate👍🍺

  • @brianpearson108
    @brianpearson108 2 года назад

    Hi, you use PWK carbs a lot and I wonder if you could give me some advice on the manifold you use on an RT195 and jetting also. I’m not sure why these carbs are not more popular in the UK as they are very low cast compared to a Deli. Cheers mate keep up the good work.

    • @TheSteelweasel
      @TheSteelweasel  2 года назад +1

      I use the bgm manifold and 21 mm pwk main jet 115 to 120 pilot 42 and needle on second from top .

    • @brianpearson108
      @brianpearson108 2 года назад

      @@TheSteelweasel hi Steve, did I read that right? you only use a 21 mm PWK on a RT195. Trust me to have just bought a 28 mm one!

    • @TheSteelweasel
      @TheSteelweasel  2 года назад

      @@brianpearson108 yes mate the rt isn't a tune engine it works better with a smaller carb , 28 will work fine but it will use much more fuel for very little gain .

    • @TheSteelweasel
      @TheSteelweasel  2 года назад

      @@brianpearson108 main jet will be around 120 to 125 .

    • @brianpearson108
      @brianpearson108 2 года назад

      @@TheSteelweasel Thanks for that Steve. Bearing in mind the cost of the Koso one I’ve just bought it won’t kill me to buy a 21 mm one and use your original jetting advice and save a load of fuel. Cheers mate keep up the good work.

  • @martintucker2971
    @martintucker2971 Год назад

    Good video, where did you get the extension pieces on your ramp to fit the lambretta?

    @RIDE-HARD 2 года назад

    Thanks for the helpful video.
    With your lifting platform you have extensions on the side. 

    Did you build the widening yourself or is there the extension to buy?

    • @TheSteelweasel
      @TheSteelweasel  2 года назад +1

      That's the front wheel clamp that it came with welded on the sides for the stand ......

    • @RIDE-HARD
      @RIDE-HARD 2 года назад

      @@TheSteelweasel gracie mille, very smart 👍🍻

  • @lucianoregalin1086
    @lucianoregalin1086 2 года назад

    Muito bom seu video aqui nós não temos ninguém que faça vidios assim e muita dificuldade pra comprar praças tudo inportado
    Tenho uma li 150 1964 série Brasil o projeto está parado por inquanto att

  • @MTG54PGF
    @MTG54PGF 2 года назад

    Where does the yellow wire go 🥸