Redlick's Daughter Testifies Mom Was "Toxic"

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • Jadyn Redlick, the daughter of Danielle and Michael Redlick, was 15 at the time her father was killed. She's 18 now.
    She told the jury that her mother was "toxic" and the primary aggressor in her parents' relationship.
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  • @CourtTV
    @CourtTV  2 года назад +2

    WATCH #CourtTV LIVE -

  • @jreifsnyder2225
    @jreifsnyder2225 2 года назад +67

    The daughter did not say her mother was toxic, she said her father's and her mother's relationship was toxic - that's a completely different meaning - tell the truth - you are a Court TV just relay what the daughter said accurately - thank you

    • @idontcare1481
      @idontcare1481 2 года назад +7

      WOW! Very misleading @CourtTV. I hope you correct this for the minor daughter’s sake if no one else!

    • @oooBASTIooo
      @oooBASTIooo 2 года назад +7

      The daughter said: "The relationship was toxic" (5:00) and that "her mother was the primary source of the toxicity"(5:10).
      So, the person trying to not tell the truth is certainly more you than CourtTV.

    • @the-finn
      @the-finn Год назад +3

      Listen to her sentencing statement, no misleading there she clearly blames her mother for everything and accesses her of being abusive to her and her brother. Neither child has anything to do with her.

    • @glenf6639
      @glenf6639 Год назад +1

      That’s not true. Even at the sentencing the daughter pled for the judge to keep her mother away from her and her brother. She felt that her mother had pulled one over on the jury.

  • @rfcomedy4499
    @rfcomedy4499 2 года назад +28

    She said he did it to him HIMSELF*. Her team claims *SHE did it in SELF DEFENSE. So which is it?!

    • @Becki545
      @Becki545 2 года назад

      I don't know. I've heard so many versions of the story. Not sure if that's the medias fault or that she told different people different stories.

    • @jessanna4138
      @jessanna4138 2 года назад +5

      She lied so many times even the 911 call she said he had a heart attack. I'm not convinced she did it in self defense

    • @oooBASTIooo
      @oooBASTIooo 2 года назад +2

      @@jessanna4138 And even if she did, she would have had the responsibility to call 911 and get him into the hospital after the immediate threat was over.
      I cannot shoot someone in the stomach in self-defense and the wait until he bleeds to death before calling an ambulance. That is not self-defense anymore, it is manslaughter.

  • @Lotuslaful
    @Lotuslaful 2 года назад +15

    Horrible position for the child to be in
    She changed her testimony from three years ago
    Wonder where she’s been living and who has been in her life to change her mind

  • @timmcdraw7568
    @timmcdraw7568 2 года назад +13

    I was raised in a household with an abusive father, it was like the air to me though, like water to a fish. If someone would have asked me who was the toxic parent at 15 or even 18, 21, i would have said my mother. She seemed shrill, unhinged, on edge and ready to blow, unhappy, unrelentingly impossible to please. While he seemed perfectly confident, sure footed, in charge, and also seemed to have special information about how “stupid and unfairly reactive” my mother was. Now i am in my 40’s , I understand so much more, I’ve had many years of therapy, and i can look back and see that the traits i was seeing in my mother were from fear, and confusion, and a deep deep well of disappointment. She had sacrificed everything to make him happy and in the end she accomplished nothing. All she’s been able to do is raise other people other than herself, and heal from an abusive marriage and that’s that. Healing isn’t a life though. She’s a senior now. Dreams=dead. He’s happy as a clam though in his life!

    • @rilenixx
      @rilenixx 2 года назад +1

      Here is the question. Why would she be on a dating website AFTER she fatally stabbed her husband to death and BEFORE she called 9/11? Also why did she never say her husband attacked her and it was self defense when she called 9/11 eleven hours later?

    • @timmcdraw7568
      @timmcdraw7568 2 года назад +2

      @@rilenixx in states of heightened adrenaline and anxiety, like the one im sure she was in, its been my experience that the brain goes into a sort of tunnel vision. I don’t have dating apps on my phone, but i have other apps, Instagramme, news, etc. in states where the fear is extreme but there’s a need to calm down enough to take action, to decide to take action, or simply not to explode into a billion pieces, i have experienced compulsive scrolling. I don’t think im even processing what’s in front of me but my thumbs are scrolling extremely quickly and my eyes are following the motion on the screen. It’s a way to soothe ones self, to reconnect the motion of the hand to the physical environment, which is mirrored by the eye. It’s like the calming, grounding meditation where the person names the objects in the room while touching their fingers to their thumb. The scrolling doesn’t work very well to ground a person, but its still the impulse, and its often done without blinking, is if in a transe. If she spent time on that app it would be a natural place to land, familiar, rewarding, understood as a place where she has received dopamine, and for her hand to go there automatically needs almiost zero cognitive decisions to get there.

    • @rilenixx
      @rilenixx 2 года назад +1

      @@timmcdraw7568 With all due respect and I mean no ill will here. This woman was on a dating app after she murdered her husband! So the battered, traumatized and shocked narrative is ridiculous.
      She was on probation for assaulting a woman when she was drunk. She was/is a violent person. She was ordered by a judge not to consume alcohol. She had consumed alcohol the night she killed her husband. Then waited eleven hours to call 9/11.
      She proceeded to tell the dispatcher she thought he had a heart attack after he stabbed himself. She never once mentioned she was being attacked by him or she acted in self defense. She changed her story a half dozen times even after that.
      She moved the body and tried cleaning the crime scene. In between all of this she decides to to go her dating website? Sorry but she got away with murder.
      Children lost their father. Children who all had a very close relationship with him. I am a single father and this is my opinion on this case. Jury's can get it wrong. OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony to name a couple.

    • @timmcdraw7568
      @timmcdraw7568 2 года назад +1

      @@rilenixx Also, she seemed deeply ambivalent about hating her husband. She was obviously enmeshed with him, and loves their children. Not only was she afraid that she’s be punished for his murder, i imagine that if someone i shared my life with was dead on the ground, i would take a little while to call the police too. Historically people got to spend time with the bodies of their loved ones, but today, the moment you call the authorities the body is whisked away, and in the event of murder or suspected murder, there is no grieving process just interrogations and court. I am not saying that this case didn’t need these things, or even whether the system is wrong, im just saying i understand wanting the time to sit with the body and have the last times you’ll ever see the person in the material be on ones own terms.

    • @timmcdraw7568
      @timmcdraw7568 2 года назад +2

      @@rilenixx she spent the night at the hospital because of the wounds she got from him. Whether or not he attacked her was not in question.

  • @Loarnold
    @Loarnold 2 года назад +7

    She was obviously the aggressor. If she was scared of him, she wouldn’t have planned a girls trip on their anniversary weekend. Also throwing eggs at him? Weird..

    • @Sweetpeabanana
      @Sweetpeabanana 2 года назад

      @@JJ-mp5ye This probably won’t be the end of the road for Danielle with her history. She was on probation for an altercation with another woman and resisting arrest when she killed Michael. If she starts drinking again, her temper will get the best of her.

  • @hannah3146
    @hannah3146 2 года назад +20

    The thing I can't get past is the fact she waited 11 hours and was on dating apps.

    • @hldrofhs
      @hldrofhs 2 года назад

      Like he never cheated!

    • @jasonwinstanley436
      @jasonwinstanley436 2 года назад +1

      @@ashleyr.6953 why do you believe the claims when she was the main aggressor and on probation for dv? Throwing eggs etc obviously not scared of Micheal

  • @lesliewheeler7071
    @lesliewheeler7071 2 года назад +8

    Popcorn murder trial proved the force and response doesn't have to be equal 🤬

  • @deborahwood1531
    @deborahwood1531 2 года назад +8

    I’ve really lost interest in COURTV. There is more TALK by the hosts and commercials than actual trial coverage. Don’t know why this is. The coverage used to be great. STOP TALKING about what I just saw and heard. It’s so annoying.

    • @LindaKayHolevas
      @LindaKayHolevas 2 года назад +3

      Same! They also seem a little biased with certain cases. Court TV used to be my go to news source, but they've lost me. I recently unsubscribed.

    • @SpandexSuperstarr
      @SpandexSuperstarr 2 года назад +1

      They've definitely become some sensationalised lately. Must be chasing subscribers.

  • @tamimoncrief2264
    @tamimoncrief2264 2 года назад +13

    Guys she killed her 65 year old husband. She already had another guy in the wings. She was enraged when he told her he wasn't moving out like he had the last time. She was gonna lose her lifestyle. She did NOTHING as he lay bleeding out. She waited 11 hours to call 911.
    Case closed.

    • @annebosworth7048
      @annebosworth7048 2 года назад +1

      I agree..

    • @aq1184
      @aq1184 2 года назад

      ACQUITTED! It's apparently legal for women to murder men in Winter Park, FL

  • @jameslinmd
    @jameslinmd 2 года назад +6

    The conclusion of Danielle being toxic is false. The question was about the source of toxic relationship and it's Danielle because she brought it up? Do people understand there is a difference between the actual source of incursion and the person who brought it up?

    • @oooBASTIooo
      @oooBASTIooo 2 года назад

      Do you understand that what you think she means with "she brought it up" might not be what she meant by saying "she brought it up"?

    • @jameslinmd
      @jameslinmd 2 года назад

      @@oooBASTIooo ??? She didn't say she brought it up. It was the conclusion drawn by those who heard the testimony. I heard the entire interview recording. She never said her mom was toxic. She said her parents' relationship was toxic. My point is you need to understand the source of this toxic relationship. Someone can react to the toxicity and appear to be the perpetrator of the toxic relationship. But he or she can in fact be the victim.

  • @aq1184
    @aq1184 2 года назад +15

    She doesn't have a "bias" she is literally the closest person to the truth of the relationship dynamic. There would be no question about any bias in her statements if a man was on trial.

    • @glenf6639
      @glenf6639 Год назад

      I totally agree!!!! In fact, when she was initially questioned she had said that her mom and her had been growing really close lately and that her mom had been telling jadyn “her” side of things…. The person between these two that was absolutely proven to be violent was Danielle. She was convicted of it and there was a mom who witnessed her get aggressive as well as Michael’s 911 call saying she was a threat to harm herself or others. He then told cops she was asleep when they arrived to check on things. Sounds like a typical abuser scenario where he was covering for her. This isn’t to say that Michael wasn’t an equal part in the general dysfunction but this isn’t a scenario of some weak & mild mannered victim.

  • @sarahallenhumboldt2638
    @sarahallenhumboldt2638 2 года назад +10

    Could this commentator, "Jack", behave any more inappropriately? This is about someone having been murdered, and is not a comedy show.

    • @Becki545
      @Becki545 2 года назад

      So weird for sure. But his actual commentary was pretty good, if only his mouth moved along with the audio, not likely his fault.

    • @whiteninja5546
      @whiteninja5546 2 года назад

      Maybe there was some lady under his table.

    • @Becki545
      @Becki545 2 года назад +1

      @@whiteninja5546 That's a crude comment but most innocent explanation I can think of.

  • @janetvallance1177
    @janetvallance1177 2 года назад +15

    So the mom “brings up issues” in front of her daughter. Give me a break. “That’s huge!”. ? Every lawyer I hear being asked to testify on domestic violence issues is completely stunted on how families actually work and interpersonal dynamics.
    They are so used to manipulating the evidence to suit their needs that they don’t care what the truth really is.

    • @PriorLib74
      @PriorLib74 2 года назад +5

      Yes! The prosecutor was SO annoying. She deserved to be acquitted and I’m so glad she was.

    • @emmisu9724
      @emmisu9724 2 года назад

      I find it so disturbing, how often prosecutors are just in it to win it..These ppl don't want justice. Thry want a conviction, doesn't matter if ur guilty or innocent. Then the extremely difficult decision making is left to individuals picked from the general public, who have no clue about law. The American justice system is corrupt.

  • @leighk2702
    @leighk2702 2 года назад +25

    Has she been in prison since the incident? I would have took the 10 yrs and then enjoy rest of my life

    • @lovepet4565
      @lovepet4565 2 года назад +5

      She was offered a deal right?

    • @January.
      @January. 2 года назад +4

      *would have taken *enjoyed the rest of my life

    • @leighk2702
      @leighk2702 2 года назад +2

      @@January. I usually have better grammar 1976 8th grade lesson . 🤗

    • @co9221
      @co9221 2 года назад +2

      Even if you weren't guilty?

  • @dimitriwimbley4126
    @dimitriwimbley4126 2 года назад +12

    That what he gets for marrying his stepdaughter. only a pervert would do that. People have no morals or values anymore. It's all about sex and greed these days.

    • @Sookielein
      @Sookielein 2 года назад +1

      Actually this was very common the further you go back in time. Personally I think we have more morals and values than ever before in time.

    • @pommiebears
      @pommiebears 2 года назад +1

      @@Sookielein oh…no. We really don’t. Society has slipped. I’m nearly 50, and I can tell you, morals have gone completely down the toilet.

    • @mellowyellow2022
      @mellowyellow2022 Год назад

      Well I guess Madonna, Demi Moore, Nicolas Cage, etc etc all deserve to be harmed because they're "grooming" these people in their twenties. She wasn't groomed. Give me a break. She willingly had intercourse with him. She willingly married him, had children and willingly murdered him.

  • @Ambah818
    @Ambah818 2 года назад +15

    This man was once married to Danielle's own mother, who died of cancer. That bothers me so much. It seems Danielle had a plan to be with him. Was there life insurance involved at all? I haven't watched much of this trial so idk.

    • @hannah3146
      @hannah3146 2 года назад +2

      That's a good question I'm sure he had great life insurance he worked with high league basketball teams and I think was a lawyer. Hopefully the kids get it all

    • @ashesr7
      @ashesr7 2 года назад +3

      He was literally twice her age when they met and she was in her early 20's. He also wanted her to move to live with him when he changed jobs and he kept paying for her to fly to visit him then basically said "surprise I bought a house for us" to get her to move with him.
      Regardless of whether or not she was justified in stabbing him she definitely should have called for medical assistance for him immediately afterward.
      But why on earth do people always act like young women somehow seduce old men into inappropriate relationships. Ridiculous.

    • @kitchenlife1516
      @kitchenlife1516 2 года назад +2

      From what I understand he pursued her. Asking her to move in to help raise her siblings after her mom passed away.

    • @candilease938
      @candilease938 2 года назад +1

      Ok wait a second!! I didn’t know that! That’s kind of sick and I don’t know who seems more disgusting in that situation! Both really! How do you get with your step daughter or your step father !? I’m so confused by this entire case!

    • @ninasmith4099
      @ninasmith4099 2 года назад

      Modern day Lizzie Borden, jury said not guilty. August 5 I think she meets with the judge again for tampering, the jury did find her guilty of this.

  • @makeupqueen130
    @makeupqueen130 2 года назад +4

    Not guilty!❤

  • @Mony2489
    @Mony2489 2 года назад +21

    Congratulations to Danielle Redlick on NOT GUILTY!

  • @runninggreywolf8313
    @runninggreywolf8313 2 года назад +22

    She will be very sorry that she didn't take the plea. I believe they will find her guilty based on the 911 call and being on the dating app as he lay dead on the floor.

    • @Mony2489
      @Mony2489 2 года назад +5

      Have you watched any of the trial? If not, you might want to and you’d see why parts of your comment is not true. I’m guessing you listened to the 911 call and opening statements from the prosecution?

    • @TarahRice84
      @TarahRice84 2 года назад +5

      I've watched it all and she's right. She will be found guilty.

    • @Shayne_T
      @Shayne_T 2 года назад

      Bad people can still defend themselves though .. she should have called the police.

    • @Loarnold
      @Loarnold 2 года назад +1

      She’s extremely guilty. Too many lies and holes in her story. Bottom line is if she was scared of him she wouldn’t have planned a girls trip on their anniversary, especially if he thought she was cheating. She also wouldn’t antagonize him like their daughter said she was constantly doing, and by throwing eggs when he supposedly had her phone and went to the game he text her from telling her to join.. she got that text telepathically? He had taken her phone and she supposedly didn’t find it until after she stabbed him.. And she didn’t have any injuries. Ever. Not from this incident or any prior. She got one black eye one “a friend “ saw.

    • @runninggreywolf8313
      @runninggreywolf8313 2 года назад

      @@Loarnold Yeah she's going down big time. She should've accepted the plea.

  • @sharonmchugh7730
    @sharonmchugh7730 2 года назад +3

    Battered? If she was she wouldn't hv thrown eggs at him in front of son

  • @vango7499
    @vango7499 2 года назад +11

    I believe she is an was toxic because of the grooming issues from day 1,from Micheal redlick. The reason why is the dad husband step dad grommed is wife from a young kid

    • @beachgirl468
      @beachgirl468 2 года назад +7

      Proper punctuation would make your comment SO much easier to read and comprehend.... just sayin'

    • @ceilconstante640
      @ceilconstante640 2 года назад +1

      @@beachgirl468 I understood the comment perfectly!

    • @ceilconstante640
      @ceilconstante640 2 года назад

      Vango74 you're one of the few that has an understanding of long term Narscistic abuse! I can tell by her demeanor she's been groomed since childhood and was an easy targets for step daddy to control!

    • @Sweetpeabanana
      @Sweetpeabanana 2 года назад +9

      Michael didn’t know her as a young kid. Danielle was in her mid 20’s when he was with her mom.

    • @vango7499
      @vango7499 2 года назад +3

      @@Sweetpeabanana she is still a child at 20 years old. She was still his step daughter an he had no business marrying her or even having a sexual relationship.

  • @helgagaines3598
    @helgagaines3598 2 года назад +12

    Nothing is worse then having a child testify against a parent. I think In this situation the daughter is influenced by someone. Not looking at her mother and only points at her for being toxic??? That is not evidence for what happened that night. What If her mother got caught up in defending herself and that's why she is inconsistent with her story... Don't let her daughter live with the result of a guilty verdict when she must always wonder ..
    If her mother may be the victim.

    • @fernandatrapp6173
      @fernandatrapp6173 2 года назад +2

      I was pretty impressed by Danielle's deposition, I was hating on her already, thinking it was obvious she is a murderer but her testimony seemed so candid and full of detail, it changed my mind. About her daughter's testimony she will always resent Danielle for killing her father, self defense or not.
      From the texts they showed today of the day of the crime, it seems pretty obvious the children acknowledged that it was dad that was being violent and was very drunk etc.
      That's a non winning situation, even if the jury find her not guilty, she'll probably never be forgiven by her kids.

    • @Sookielein
      @Sookielein 2 года назад +7

      But her daughter had an interview with officers at the time of the incident and her testimony was the same. So I think there wasn't someone else who interfered. The one person who would know what was going on in that household would be the daughter and she was old enough to understand whats going on. Not even her daughter buys her story and that's saying a lot.

    • @joech1065
      @joech1065 2 года назад +1

      @@Sookielein I think the daughter was manipulated by same people who interviewed her from the beginning. They were very manipulative, not even telling her that her father has died before trying to lure any information out of her that can help them convict her mother. It is pretty easy to be manipulated at that young age. Maybe there's some real anger and sorrow that her father has died. It's easy to weaponize that, especially if she's talking to essentially a professional manipulator whose job is to bend people to in desired directions.

    • @Sookielein
      @Sookielein 2 года назад +1

      @@joech1065 But that could go both ways. If they told her she could have felt to lie for her mum and to protect her.
      We saw the officer on the stand who interviewed her and honestly I didn't feel like she was a manipulator. Look at that moment they tried to impeach the daughter. The officer was almost too quick to answer even tho she knew it wasn't in favor for the states theory.
      But what speaks volumes to me is that we're three years after the fact and her daughter doesn't believe her. She had time to process and she has grown and probably matured way to quickly because of the situation.

    • @trailrunner925
      @trailrunner925 2 года назад

      I don't think any child has deep insight into their parents relationship. The very fact this old goat went after a woman young enough to be his daughter, and expected to be "in control" like he was her father....

  • @sharonmchugh7730
    @sharonmchugh7730 2 года назад +2

    She killed him, 1st degree

  • @MM-ci2cv
    @MM-ci2cv 2 года назад +11

    so this bird married her step dad? very odd.... Oh yeah they live in florida, as you were......

    • @tigi2428
      @tigi2428 2 года назад +1

      I'm from Scotland so don't really get the joke, ..but loving your delivery of it nonetheless 😀😃

    • @Rebecca-hc5ju
      @Rebecca-hc5ju 2 года назад

      Not the right/normal area of Florida though, lol! They lived in a very affluent area. I doubt this has happened in that area before.

  • @fernandatrapp6173
    @fernandatrapp6173 2 года назад +1

    Does anyone think that Danielle's defense attorney, Catherine Conlon talks like Kim Kardashian? I'm not a native English speaker but I get this feeling, lol.

  • @rowanawilliams56
    @rowanawilliams56 2 года назад +1

    Did not aggressive. She said toxic. Brought up issues that bothered her.

    • @agatanakonieczny2213
      @agatanakonieczny2213 2 года назад

      I am shocked how they can twist the actual words the daughter said!

  • @msbb5007
    @msbb5007 2 года назад +2

    6:05 A battered woman DOES instigate, or can. It’s counterintuitive, but I have seen it first hand.

  • @verabolton
    @verabolton 2 года назад +2

    7:00 I hope I'll never need to face this man, he scares the life out of me lol

  • @lilslils796
    @lilslils796 2 года назад +1

    jack's smile is scary

  • @bipperbanuelos6460
    @bipperbanuelos6460 2 года назад

    What I hear is a conflicted daughter. Hard not to be upset with her mother, when her father is deceased. She texted her mother when her mother was asking if it was safe to come home and said that she was going to go to a hotel Jaden wanted to go with her she also didn't want to be there with the dad. She even asked if she should pack a bag for the younger brother.

  • @johanakeene1464
    @johanakeene1464 2 года назад +1

    Anyone can be victims of domestic violence to.😪o

  • @peak_911
    @peak_911 10 месяцев назад

    Those feminists bots on law&crime network, made me puke, wtf.

  • @Loarnold
    @Loarnold 2 года назад +1

    I knew it. She wasn’t scared. That was a front.

  • @Mony2489
    @Mony2489 2 года назад +5

    What is the guy on the left, freaking laughing about🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬. He obviously thinks a teenage daughter whose lost both parents having to testify, is comical. I cannot even 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

    • @LindaKayHolevas
      @LindaKayHolevas 2 года назад +2

      I am hoping he was just nervous & that's why he was smiling. I have a friend who giggles when he's really nervous. He can't help it, it's just what he does. It comes across rude & inappropriate sometimes, but I understand now. Let's hope that's what's going on here 🤞. If not, RUDE!

  • @shaonrahman9404
    @shaonrahman9404 2 года назад

    6:30 why the Lawyer smiling ear to ear . WTF

  • @PriorLib74
    @PriorLib74 2 года назад +5

    So glad Ms Redlick was acquitted! My faith in our justice system is restored!

    • @rilenixx
      @rilenixx 2 года назад +4

      Why would she be on a dating website AFTER she fatally stabbed her husband to death, BEFORE she called 9/11? Also why did she never say her husband attacked her and it was self defense when she called 9/11 eleven hours later?

    • @annebosworth7048
      @annebosworth7048 2 года назад +6

      Everyone seems so happy for her.. yet neighbours said they saw her hit him sereral times.. she was out on probation for attacking 3 others.. She broke her probation by drinking on the night she killed her husband...

    • @rilenixx
      @rilenixx 2 года назад +4

      @@annebosworth7048 I believe she got away with murder. I found her to have no emotion and to be so cold while testifying as well.

    • @annebosworth7048
      @annebosworth7048 2 года назад +3

      @@rilenixx I agree..

    • @oooBASTIooo
      @oooBASTIooo 2 года назад +2

      @@rilenixx I believe she got away with manslaughter, because the prosecutor decided to charge her with murder in the 2nd, although he had no means to prove intent... Just an awful prosecution.

  • @ГюнельАскерова-щ4ь
    @ГюнельАскерова-щ4ь 2 года назад

    Why the hell did they smiling

  • @marinafoley4308
    @marinafoley4308 2 года назад +5

    She's guilty.

  • @lesleyhughes3174
    @lesleyhughes3174 2 года назад +2

    Stop laughing! How is this funny?

  • @bosshogg6653
    @bosshogg6653 2 года назад

    I can't speak for this relationship because I don't have enough info to do so BUT in a relationship where one person is being vindictive and manipulative that other spouse that confronts these can come off as the one that always has a problem and starts fights, arguments etc because the person thats lying, using drugs or alcohol and cheating or whatever they are living two diff lives they come home and act like there's not a problem because they just want to keep sneaking around dousing whatever they want and pretend it's not happening yet the spouse on the other end of it refuses to live this lie and confronts them and calls them out in there B.S. wich in return makes them outvto be the aggressor and the problem starter!

  • @greeneyedmimibostian3013
    @greeneyedmimibostian3013 2 года назад +1

    You go girl

  • @jasonmuller1199
    @jasonmuller1199 2 года назад

    The daughter needs to watch her words her mother might stab her if she says anything wrong

  • @astrialindah2773
    @astrialindah2773 2 года назад

    Why do you lie like that in your title?? Despicable 🙄

  • @GheyR
    @GheyR 2 года назад +1

    That's happened with a father figure..stepfather grooming her stepdaughter...for sure they started even before mom dies.. she gets older..and release that...which created drama, anger, resentments, toxic relationship..she just growth out, easy the jury saw 👀 him as an child abuser & pervert too..for sure his new girlfriends are younger..and her obviously wants something fresh too

    • @annebosworth7048
      @annebosworth7048 2 года назад

      U act as if u knew them he was only married to her mum a short time danielle was 22 when she met him fgs..

  • @jameslinmd
    @jameslinmd 2 года назад +6

    Why is the lawyer wearing a facemask? Theater!

    • @beachgirl468
      @beachgirl468 2 года назад +4

      I thought the same....take the dang mask off, they are worthless.

    • @Whynotcreate
      @Whynotcreate 2 года назад +5

      Especially considering no one is even around her, seems like she just wants to hide her face

    • @DC-kz6ub
      @DC-kz6ub 2 года назад


    • @neikystephenson4401
      @neikystephenson4401 2 года назад

      Because it is typical of her culture. They been wearing mask long before covid so nothing will change now.

  • @Amir-ti9pv
    @Amir-ti9pv 2 года назад

    The prosecutors disgust me typical set up to make light of this she was clearly defending herself .. look at track record .. Police reports ... she didn't take the terrible deal and she goes with her knowing she was defending herself happy for her life 💓

  • @liveandletlive7152
    @liveandletlive7152 2 года назад +4

    Danielle was probably very irritated over the ED and the low testosterone because she was deprived in a sense. This tends to make a woman moody when she's not getting any action over a period of time. I have seen a friend deal with this and she was very irritated towards her partner because he did not want to seek help out of shame. This could have been Danielle's reason for starting petty arguments. I'm not going to judge her too much because of that.
    Now Mike was drinking a lot. It's very possible he was physically aggressive and that night that he went too far almost killing her,so she stabbed him to get him off her. She probably didn't think it was in a dangerous area.
    She did make a series of silly decisions but fear and panic does that to someone.
    What baffles me is how come Mike didn't call 911 himself. He was probably too drunk and she was way too scared to come out of that hiding place. I don't think she intended to kill him. I think she will get time though but not too much.

    • @fernfunk
      @fernfunk 2 года назад +4

      Gosh in such a dysfunctional and unloving relationship I doubt she was upset about his ED. That was probably the best thing about their relationship for her!!

    • @carrieanncancino5118
      @carrieanncancino5118 2 года назад

      You must be deaf and blind. She murdered him in cold blood. SHE IS A DAMN MURDERER!

    • @trailrunner925
      @trailrunner925 2 года назад +3

      Likely, he was more irritated than she .... his insecurity about her getting her needs met elsewhere. I have no sympathy for these men who marry woman young enough to be their daughters.....

    • @akarimova6595
      @akarimova6595 2 года назад

      He did call 911 before getting stabbed. Look up "911 Call of Florida Woman Accused of Fatally Stabbing Her Husband" on Law and Crime channel

    • @liveandletlive7152
      @liveandletlive7152 2 года назад

      @@akarimova6595 save me going back there if you can pls. If he called then why did they not come? I'm baffled.

  • @ihateutube1143
    @ihateutube1143 2 года назад +4

    She is Amber!and there's so many out there just like her!

    • @niks44
      @niks44 2 года назад +3

      Not even close watch her testimony ull realise...

    • @hldrofhs
      @hldrofhs 2 года назад +1

      Definitely Not

    • @whiteninja5546
      @whiteninja5546 2 года назад +4

      Lol, yes every woman on trial is now Amber. I hope people like you are not in the jury.

    • @rowanawilliams56
      @rowanawilliams56 2 года назад +3

      She was calm no theatrics. Answered questions asked no embelishments.

    • @hldrofhs
      @hldrofhs 2 года назад

      @@whiteninja5546 and i hope people misogynist, women hater like you are not in the jury

  • @the-finn
    @the-finn Год назад +3

    I listened to the 17 yr old daughters statement read in court during her sentencing. It's clear that there was another side to this case that the prosecution wasn't very good at telling what so ever. I feel bad for the daughter and her brother who clearly loved their father saying their mother (who they won't call mom, or even be in the same room with) was always the 1 who caused conflict. How many abused women are on dating apps when you're so terrified by your husband 🙄. This woman snowed so many, good job to Danielle and the defense.

  • @ohreallyeliza
    @ohreallyeliza 2 года назад +5

    Poor kids

  • @catzska
    @catzska 2 года назад +3

    Why are people Not smart enough to realize the daughters words were twisted. The daughter DID NOT say her Mother was toxic.

    • @annebosworth7048
      @annebosworth7048 2 года назад

      Her daughter did say her mother was the instigator and aggressor in the relationship..

    • @ellewoods8055
      @ellewoods8055 2 года назад

      @@annebosworth7048 the daughter said the RELATIONSHIP was toxic! Law&Crime Network did the exact same thing in the Depp v Heard trial! I watched every minute of every day as I was recovering from back surgery. Court TV and main stream media were ALL horrible straight up lies after millions of us watched it with our own eyes! I will never watch any of them ever again! Despicable that they couldn’t admit they were wrong after it became evident they were!

  • @chevlife3311
    @chevlife3311 2 года назад +13

    She's lied from the beginning. Could have left at anytime. Guilty

  • @hallelujah969
    @hallelujah969 2 года назад +2

    I would have voted guilty.

  • @cynthiameyer3255
    @cynthiameyer3255 2 года назад +1

    wish female defense

  • @sharonmchugh7730
    @sharonmchugh7730 2 года назад +1

    Her decision to go to trial?- she killed him