I love pastor Wright preaching. whenever i listen to this pastor i feel it in my bone.Praise the Lord forever and ever till he comes. With that trumpet sound i want to be there by his grace thank you Lord Jesus.
Powerful, Spiritually-Uplifting, Inspirational, Motivational, Holy Spirit-Anointed Message from Almighty God ❤️; made particularly special ✝️ with the MESMERIZING Presence of a 4-octave BROADWAY 🎨 🎭CALIBER Virtuoso🎶 /Maestro🎵 /"SANGER" {The Ineffably-Talented PAUL HEFLIN 🏆 👏 👏 👏!!!
I'm so.... Thankful for this sermon. Well needed! Well appreciated. Thank you pastor for allow God to use you to deliver His word and The Message He want His children to receive. Thank you Perry for sharing. God bless you.
Jesus doesn't live in Babylon, Jesus lives in Heaven he sits at the right hand of God. It is we who live in Babylon but God being merciful when we pray he hears our heartfelt prayers to intercede on our behalf through our Lord Jesus Christ. I have never heard until now a preacher declare this is a great sermon. A bit less theatricality and more humility, humbleness and concentration on the actual word of Our Heavenly Father.
how can we get this MAN to Westend church in Atlanta.. we need a MAN who is as true to the needle as the pole . A MAN WHO WILL STAND FOR THE RIGHT THOUGH THE HEAVENS FALL!!!
"...true to the needle as the pole..." there is unequivocally a writer ✍️ in YOU substantiated by your keen insight/perception/analysis of a Virtuoso/Maestro 🎶 🎵{PaulHeflin}- Holy Spirit-Anointed Ineffable God-given singing 🎶 🎵talent PRODIGY/🎁- showcases your Profound Intellectual Prowess 👏 👌 🏆 ⛳️!!!
SALVATION for the unbeliever/sinner for today (the dispensation of the grace of God Almighty) in the Pure, All Truth, and All Authority…KING JAMES BIBLE: Romans 3:24, 25, 26, Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Acts 16:30,31 (Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ). The 1st four chapters of Romans which lead a loss person to justification before the eyes of God Almighty. To them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, You Have Four Things to look forward too: INDIGNATION, TRIBULATION, ANGUISH, and WRATH upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile. (Romans 2:8,9,). If you want TRUTH (Holy Scriptures) taught, & preached Aright go to: www.thescripturesalonebibleschool.net
Acts 17:10-11 ¶ 10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. KJV
Wayne Fox Jeremiah 4:30 read please ,Christian Experience and Teachings 191.2 The Review and Herold January 13, 1863; That i may know Him 312.5 Read for yourself it is for your Soul Salvation People, Half Day Sabbath worship won't do, Sabbath keepers will receive the Mark of the Beast too, it must be a complete and whole hearted surender to God is needed now
Please send me his address let me speak to and pray for him. 1 selected messages 400.2 ;; 3 Spiritual Gifts p 136.1 , p 137.1 ; 1T 20.1, Rev1:3 Please read the text again Matthew 18:15 -18 i went to see Jesus lifted up , with voice Jesus is lifted up but the Hand lift another (voice of Jacob but the hands are the hands of Esau) John 4:24 (Jesus is truth John14:6; GOD's Law is the truth Ps 119:142; GOD's word is the truth John 17:17) this happen before the world Pro 27:5 Open rebuke is better than secret love. Pro 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. what do you love nursery rhyme or the word of GOD,what do you love darkness (John 3:16-21) Oh who is the pussyCat And who is the Rat (1Co 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. 1Co 15:34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.) One Love and peace My Brother
I'm very sorry for causing such grief; but I abhor the self righteous posturing of an individual who would enter a room and only see the most miniscule perceived errors of others. Here is a young man doing something to enhance the service of the Lord. Amid all the positive comments relative to his ministry; your comment is about a RING on his finger. A very non-salvific issue. Luke 11:18The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. 12I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. 13And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. 14I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
Chris Jones We believe in not harming the body, but don't think that our faith lies in tradition it lies in Jesus. By receiving Jesus we feel convicted to keep our Body Holy(1Cor3:16). A veggie link is fake sausage pretty much lol.
I have some words of encouragement in the midst of what's going on. It might sound wierd, but it is for real and I thought it would be important to say it. Its long because I've tried to and any faqs! Hopefully this will answer some of those nagging questions - Why can't evil be forgiven and let off, how is the whole "Jesus dying" thing really relevant to anything? To you? if you still have any questions let me know x Ever struggle? Ever doubt that God Loves You After what you've done? Ever wonder if He exists for that matter? Read this: All of us have lied, stolen (even tiny things count), spoken badly to our parents and had embarrassing and detestable thoughts in our thought life. The Bible calls this "sin", the breaking of God's laws. You might think, so what? Everyone lies and thinks bad things about others! Its human! You're right. That's exactly what the Bible says, we're "born into sin" and that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - Romans 3:23 What is that "glory", morally speaking? Well, the opposite of human nature and desires. Not lying, not stealing, and having a perfect thought life is God's standard for us. But if its God's standard and we were made in "God's image", Why don't we meet it? Well, Remember Adam and Eve and when they sinned. Before sin they were perfect in thought word and DEED completely, but after the first sin occured due to Satan's tempting in the Garden, it destroyed that part of us that was morally perfect and in perfect harmony with God's morals, standard, and love. So while we kept certain things, the ability to be thinking individuals with unique personalities, the moral part (affecting how our thoughts, actions and personalities operate) was damaged. To the point where we are "opposed" to God, hence His nature and standards being the opposite of what we see as reasonable or possible. The Bible even makes it clear that "apart from God you can do nothing" - John 15:5. Without Him, it will 100% feel "opposite", unreasonable and alien to us. Only WITH Him can we gain victory in these things. Why doesn't God just let sin off and leave it? God is described as a "righteous judge" in the bible, many wonder why God doesn't just let sin off and leave it, but He can't. Why? That's like a if a judge let off a murderer who broke the state law. Everyone would attack that judge and call Him corrupt, saying that he had not done right and should be fired for failing to punish the murderer for his evil. AND to completely love and be good as God is, means you need to, in turn, hate all forms of evil. You can't truly love good unless you hate the existence of evil. This essentially means that God needed, as a righteous judge to punish sin with the ultimate penalty of death and separation from His presence forever. Hence Hell. "The soul that sins shall die (in Hell and suffer damnation)" - Ezekiel 18:20 But God, who is also love, did not want to see His creation tortured and cut off from Him. He cares so much for is that He couldn't bear to see us fall into Satans hands and suffer death, even though we broke the law and deserve to bear the guilt, pain and be cut off from perfection forever through damnation. Because of justice, God could not leave sin and evil unpunished, BUT because of LOVE, God provided someone else to take that punishment on our behalf, satisfying both justice (by punishing the evil committed), and love (by sparing OUR lives) despite our sin. God sent His own SON - think about that. His *Son*, the one whom He loved infinitely (the same way He loves us). God allowed Him to take the pain we deserved, He took ALL of Gods wrath for every single sin you and I have committed. He was punished brutally and completely as if He was the picture of mankind's sin itself so that we do not have to be punished. Back in the courtroom scenario: He paid the "fine" at His own expense (His life had to be morally perfect on this Earth, then He had to be killed as a sinless sacrifice on our behalf). So when He returns to remove all evil from the face of the Earth, we can be spared and free because Christ has already BEEN punished on our behalf. He then rose again on the third day, conquering not only life and sin and temptation, but DEATH. "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live (immortallly and eternally in Heaven when I return)" - John 11:25-26 ALL we have to do is accept it by faith. Faith alone in Christ alone. Religion = rules to be saved The gospel = Christ saved us already we just have to believe it by faith. If you lack faith (as I did before), pray. He will make it strong it time. Trust Him as you would trust those close to you. He knows you even better than that. He created you and knows you inside out. ...WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? What does it actually mean for us? It means we can be completely free from the penalty of damnation. Not only that but we can be restored to Him and recreated into His moral image AGAIN as long as we accept Jesus having paid the price for us and accept Him as our Lord, the one who is in the front seat of our lives. He has a plan for your life, He's created you for a purpose. Just remember that. A purpose that includes being recreated into His image, one you can only accomplish through Him and reliance on His power and by following HIS way of life. What is this new way entail? It entails love, true love and service and aid to others, to "love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength" and "love your neighbour as you love yourself" Matthew 22:37, 39. Sharing the message of Christ's death, resurrection and soon return on this Earth to give justice OR mercy depending on what the person chose. Sound "opposite" again? God knows it sounds opposite, which is why, as The Bible states, this is NOT something we can do alone. It's not in our nature. We need a new nature in the front seat, and the first step is to repent (turn from and reject our sin, pursuing the opposite direction and drawing close to God) Christ will give us an actual DESIRE to do these things. Through the, Holy Spirit, sent by Him to us after the ascension. He speaks to us through thoughts, verses, ideas and prayers and guides us so that we gain a desire to follow God and be able to do these "opposite" things through Him. ... What is the way FOR though? Firstly its to save you from sin - the only way to gain victory over sin and not have it as your master is through having Christ as your master and following His aid to resist the devil's temptations. Christ lived down here for 33 years suffering EVERY FORM of temptation that you have ever faced - "who in every respect [has] been tempted as we are, yet without sin" Hebrews 4:15. Therefore He is able to help us through our struggles. When the devil knows people have left his camp, he always tries harder with more temptations and evil attacks. BUT - His way is also there to guard and teach you daily in the midst of this (and despite this) sinful, selfish world. The path He wants you to walk is one of committment and love - its not about rules and regulations to save us - what Christ did GAVE us salvation. All we need is faith to believe it. The rest, the "fruits of good works (the will to obey and follow Him)", are what come through true, maturing faith. It's all about faith and the relationship God wants with you just like before sin arrived. God preferred His own Son to be tortured and *killed* to give a chance to us (who broke His law of perfection) so that we can live as His children again. He wants us to love and trust and worship Him. What if I still sin after accepting Christ? That's why Christ died, For our sin. His death doesn't fix us in a snap like that, but it does protect us from the damnation that our past, present and future sins would bring without Jesus. It's a process - a lifelong one - of God bringing you back to Him and away from the destructive pleasures of sin (think greed, selfish temptations, trampling on people to gain). This process takes a *lifetime*, as it does for all, but NEVER give up, when you fall, know Christ paid for that sin you committed already - just acknowledge your sin and ask for forgiveness - and you can get back up again because He already bore your guilt and shame. Regardless of the darkness you are in or the extent or frequency of the sins you have committed or will commit, regardless of how doubtful you may feel, know that Jesus UNDERSTANDS completely and He is faithful. "those who come to Me, I will by no means cast out" - John 6:37 ...HOW DO I LEARN MORE? Don't know where to start? Note down the Gospel of "John", or "Luke" (if you want a more detailed account of it all). Remember that He will "NEVER - and that means never - leave you, NOR forsake you" - Deuteronomy 31:6 Regardless of what goes on down here, God knows, Jesus has been down here and felt all the emotions you are feeling. You can go to Him with them and be assured that He loves you and is for you. Even in the storm, God is still there, walking on the water alongside you. Keep your heart open to Him and remember that if we pray for Christ to enter our lives, He will. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son, that whomever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life". - John 3:16 Thanks for reading if you did xxxx. I just felt that I should tell you regardless, just so that you know, tried to answer any questions. Xx let me know if you have any more if you need clarification xx
I am thinking the singer Paul is a new Christian/new to Adventist faith or do we now wear Rings and the like - just asking . whatever we cannot give up For GOD becomes our God
Mizz Kimberly in every thing give thanks: for this is the will of GOD in Christ Jesus Concerning you 1 Thess 5:18 Christian Experience and Teachings 191.1-191.1
Its a good sermon , but all the acting of the preacher draw attention to himself. I can not see Jesus acting , the words of Christ had power and no need for acting . We have all much to learn ....
He’s not acting we all have different personalities. How is he bringing attention to himself preaching about Jesus are you even listening ? I can’t take all this judging it’s very sad smh . You must never heard of him ? Are you recently a seventh day Adventist or what ? He is a pillar in the church we all know his character judge a man by his fruits . You haven’t done a tenth of the work he has done for this church . HUSH UP !
I keep coming back to hear Pastor Wright since his retirement.
A true old time preacher and teacher of Gods word❤
Pastor Henry is a Great Preacher and the Most Specialist APPEAL MAKER IN THE WORLD SDA CH. Let all Pastors learn from him
Have mercy on me and every member of my family wherever they are
Im blessed every time i hear this man. Praise God for him 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thanks for ths wonderful sermon my soul has been blessed .
I love pastor Wright preaching. whenever i listen to this pastor i feel it in my bone.Praise the Lord forever and ever till he comes. With that trumpet sound i want to be there by his grace thank you Lord Jesus.
Gregory toussaint
Dr Henry Wright is truly a man chosen and anointed by God! Pastor Carl Johnson
same here
Sept 2021! This sermon is right on time. Blessed assurance!
Wonderful singing
I'm proud to be SDA
Hallelujah! Spread the good news, He is coming soon. God bless you.
Powerful, Spiritually-Uplifting, Inspirational, Motivational, Holy Spirit-Anointed Message from Almighty God ❤️; made particularly special ✝️ with the MESMERIZING Presence of a 4-octave BROADWAY 🎨 🎭CALIBER Virtuoso🎶 /Maestro🎵 /"SANGER" {The Ineffably-Talented PAUL HEFLIN 🏆 👏 👏 👏!!!
I needed that this morning! 🙌🏾
wow!what a sermon i am really blessed
Praise ye the Lord you so Worthy to praised Glory Hallelujah
Pastor this is the sermon I need to hear thank you Jesus
Thank God for another day of life. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Thank GOD for Pastor H Wright
I Love the way Elder Wright so eloquently expound on God's Holy WORD
This is what Adventist preaching use to be like, good old days
I'm so.... Thankful for this sermon. Well needed! Well appreciated. Thank you pastor for allow God to use you to deliver His word and The Message He want His children to receive. Thank you Perry for sharing. God bless you.
Praise the Lord! You're welcome! 😊
How many times I read that passage i didn't see it as clearly as today thank you for posting .....
Marie Savannah Praise the Lord! You're welcome.
God I love this
Praise the Lord! 😊
The word appropriate to the current moment.... Lord,save us
That brother can sing ! Amen!
+MiszLS Check this out, too. ruclips.net/video/hnTvwvyi2Tc/видео.html
powerful singing....
Powerful Amina
Sing Bro. Paul!
Beautiful rendition thank you......!!!!!
Jesus doesn't live in Babylon, Jesus lives in Heaven he sits at the right hand of God. It is we who live in Babylon but God being merciful when we pray he hears our heartfelt prayers to intercede on our behalf through our Lord Jesus Christ.
I have never heard until now a preacher declare this is a great sermon.
A bit less theatricality and more humility, humbleness and concentration on the actual word of Our Heavenly Father.
Hallelujah !!!
Ohh my days... Wow!
how can we get this MAN to Westend church in Atlanta.. we need a MAN who is as true to the needle as the pole . A MAN WHO WILL STAND FOR THE RIGHT THOUGH THE HEAVENS FALL!!!
"...true to the needle as the pole..." there is unequivocally a writer ✍️ in YOU substantiated by your keen insight/perception/analysis of a Virtuoso/Maestro 🎶 🎵{PaulHeflin}- Holy Spirit-Anointed Ineffable God-given singing 🎶 🎵talent PRODIGY/🎁- showcases your Profound Intellectual Prowess 👏 👌 🏆 ⛳️!!!
SALVATION for the unbeliever/sinner for today (the dispensation of the grace of God Almighty) in the Pure, All Truth, and All Authority…KING JAMES BIBLE: Romans 3:24, 25, 26, Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Acts 16:30,31 (Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ). The 1st four chapters of Romans which lead a loss person to justification before the eyes of God Almighty.
To them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, You Have Four Things to look forward too: INDIGNATION, TRIBULATION, ANGUISH, and WRATH upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile. (Romans 2:8,9,).
If you want TRUTH (Holy Scriptures) taught, & preached Aright go to: www.thescripturesalonebibleschool.net
Did anyone else see that guy vanish in the first second of the video?
Yes. That was Elder William Winston.
That's good news.....
Acts 17:10-11
¶ 10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.
11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
True G Passley. Some wear rings and some Gossip. Now I wonder, who goes where?
IS it not wonderful that GOD will have the final say?
Wayne Fox Jeremiah 4:30 read please ,Christian Experience and Teachings 191.2
The Review and Herold January 13, 1863; That i may know Him 312.5 Read for yourself it is for your Soul Salvation People, Half Day Sabbath worship won't do, Sabbath keepers will receive the Mark of the Beast too, it must be a complete and whole hearted surender to God is needed now
Wayne Fox Was Elijah, john the Baptist , and Jesus Gossiping ?
Please send me his address let me speak to and pray for him.
1 selected messages 400.2 ;; 3 Spiritual Gifts p 136.1 , p 137.1 ; 1T 20.1, Rev1:3 Please read the text again Matthew 18:15 -18 i went to see Jesus lifted up , with voice Jesus is lifted up but the Hand lift another (voice of Jacob but the hands are the hands of Esau)
John 4:24 (Jesus is truth John14:6; GOD's Law is the truth Ps 119:142; GOD's word is the truth John 17:17) this happen before the world Pro 27:5 Open rebuke is better than secret love.
Pro 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
what do you love nursery rhyme or the word of GOD,what do you love darkness (John 3:16-21) Oh who is the pussyCat And who is the Rat
(1Co 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
1Co 15:34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.)
One Love and peace My Brother
I'm very sorry for causing such grief; but I abhor the self righteous posturing of an individual who would enter a room and only see the most miniscule perceived errors of others. Here is a young man doing something to enhance the service of the Lord. Amid all the positive comments relative to his ministry; your comment is about a RING on his finger. A very non-salvific issue. Luke 11:18The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. 12I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. 13And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. 14I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
love the message but the volume to low
I'm sorry. It must be something with your computer or phone.
When is this meeting
+Jonathan Shook In June.
Aren't Adventists allowed to eat chicken or caffein? What's a vegielinx?
Chris Jones We believe in not harming the body, but don't think that our faith lies in tradition it lies in Jesus. By receiving Jesus we feel convicted to keep our Body Holy(1Cor3:16). A veggie link is fake sausage pretty much lol.
I have some words of encouragement in the midst of what's going on. It might sound wierd, but it is for real and I thought it would be important to say it.
Its long because I've tried to and any faqs!
Hopefully this will answer some of those nagging questions -
Why can't evil be forgiven and let off, how is the whole "Jesus dying" thing really relevant to anything? To you? if you still have any questions let me know x
Ever struggle? Ever doubt that God Loves You After what you've done? Ever wonder if He exists for that matter? Read this:
All of us have lied, stolen (even tiny things count), spoken badly to our parents and had embarrassing and detestable thoughts in our thought life. The Bible calls this "sin", the breaking of God's laws. You might think, so what? Everyone lies and thinks bad things about others! Its human!
You're right. That's exactly what the Bible says, we're "born into sin" and that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - Romans 3:23
What is that "glory", morally speaking?
Well, the opposite of human nature and desires.
Not lying, not stealing, and having a perfect thought life is God's standard for us.
But if its God's standard and we were made in "God's image", Why don't we meet it?
Well, Remember Adam and Eve and when they sinned. Before sin they were perfect in thought word and DEED completely, but after the first sin occured due to Satan's tempting in the Garden, it destroyed that part of us that was morally perfect and in perfect harmony with God's morals, standard, and love. So while we kept certain things, the ability to be thinking individuals with unique personalities, the moral part (affecting how our thoughts, actions and personalities operate) was damaged. To the point where we are "opposed" to God, hence His nature and standards being the opposite of what we see as reasonable or possible. The Bible even makes it clear that "apart from God you can do nothing" - John 15:5. Without Him, it will 100% feel "opposite", unreasonable and alien to us. Only WITH Him can we gain victory in these things.
Why doesn't God just let sin off and leave it?
God is described as a "righteous judge" in the bible, many wonder why God doesn't just let sin off and leave it, but He can't. Why? That's like a if a judge let off a
murderer who broke the state law. Everyone would attack that judge and call Him corrupt, saying that he had not done right and should be fired for failing to punish the murderer for his evil. AND to completely love and be good as God is, means you need to, in turn, hate all forms of evil. You can't truly love good unless you hate the existence of evil.
This essentially means that God needed, as a righteous judge to punish sin with the ultimate penalty of death and separation from His presence forever. Hence Hell.
"The soul that sins shall die (in Hell and suffer damnation)" - Ezekiel 18:20
But God, who is also love, did not want to see His creation tortured and cut off from Him. He cares so much for is that He couldn't bear to see us fall into Satans hands and suffer death, even though we broke the law and deserve to bear the guilt, pain and be cut off from perfection forever through damnation.
Because of justice, God could not leave sin and evil unpunished, BUT because of LOVE, God provided someone else to take that punishment on our behalf, satisfying both justice (by punishing the evil committed), and love (by sparing OUR lives) despite our sin.
God sent His own SON - think about that. His *Son*, the one whom He loved infinitely (the same way He loves us).
God allowed Him to take the pain we deserved, He took ALL of Gods wrath for every single sin you and I have committed. He was punished brutally and completely as if He was the picture of mankind's sin itself so that we do not have to be punished.
Back in the courtroom scenario: He paid the "fine" at His own expense (His life had to be morally perfect on this Earth, then He had to be killed as a sinless sacrifice on our behalf).
So when He returns to remove all evil from the face of the Earth, we can be spared and free because Christ has already BEEN punished on our behalf. He then rose again on the third day, conquering not only life and sin and temptation, but DEATH.
"I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live (immortallly and eternally in Heaven when I return)" - John 11:25-26
ALL we have to do is accept it by faith. Faith alone in Christ alone.
Religion = rules to be saved
The gospel = Christ saved us already we just have to believe it by faith. If you lack faith (as I did before), pray. He will make it strong it time. Trust Him as you would trust those close to you. He knows you even better than that. He created you and knows you inside out.
What does it actually mean for us?
It means we can be completely free from the penalty of damnation.
Not only that but we can be restored to Him and recreated into His moral image AGAIN as long as we accept Jesus having paid the price for us and accept Him as our Lord, the one who is in the front seat of our lives. He has a plan for your life, He's created you for a purpose. Just remember that. A purpose that includes being recreated into His image, one you can only accomplish through Him and reliance on His power and by following HIS way of life.
What is this new way entail?
It entails love, true love and service and aid to others, to "love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength" and "love your neighbour as you love yourself" Matthew 22:37, 39.
Sharing the message of Christ's death, resurrection and soon return on this Earth to give justice OR mercy depending on what the person chose.
Sound "opposite" again?
God knows it sounds opposite, which is why, as The Bible states, this is NOT something we can do alone. It's not in our nature.
We need a new nature in the front seat, and the first step is to repent (turn from and reject our sin, pursuing the opposite direction and drawing close to God)
Christ will give us an actual DESIRE to do these things. Through the, Holy Spirit, sent by Him to us after the ascension. He speaks to us through thoughts, verses, ideas and prayers and guides us so that we gain a desire to follow God and be able to do these "opposite" things through Him.
What is the way FOR though?
Firstly its to save you from sin - the only way to gain victory over sin and not have it as your master is through having Christ as your master and following His aid to resist the devil's temptations.
Christ lived down here for 33 years suffering EVERY FORM of temptation that you have ever faced - "who in every respect [has] been tempted as we are, yet without sin" Hebrews 4:15.
Therefore He is able to help us through our struggles. When the devil knows people have left his camp, he always tries harder with more temptations and evil attacks. BUT - His way is also there to guard and teach you daily in the midst of this (and despite this) sinful, selfish world.
The path He wants you to walk is one of committment and love - its not about rules and regulations to save us - what Christ did GAVE us salvation. All we need is faith to believe it. The rest, the "fruits of good works (the will to obey and follow Him)", are what come through true, maturing faith. It's all about faith and the relationship God wants with you just like before sin arrived.
God preferred His own Son to be tortured and *killed* to give a chance to us (who broke His law of perfection) so that we can live as His children again. He wants us to love and trust and worship Him.
What if I still sin after accepting Christ?
That's why Christ died, For our sin. His death doesn't fix us in a snap like that, but it does protect us from the damnation that our past, present and future sins would bring without Jesus.
It's a process - a lifelong one - of God bringing you back to Him and away from the destructive pleasures of sin (think greed, selfish temptations, trampling on people to gain). This process takes a *lifetime*, as it does for all, but NEVER give up, when you fall, know Christ paid for that sin you committed already - just acknowledge your sin and ask for forgiveness - and you can get back up again because He already bore your guilt and shame.
Regardless of the darkness you are in or the extent or frequency of the sins you have committed or will commit, regardless of how doubtful you may feel, know that Jesus UNDERSTANDS completely and He is faithful.
"those who come to Me, I will by no means cast out" - John 6:37
Don't know where to start?
Note down the Gospel of "John", or "Luke" (if you want a more detailed account of it all).
Remember that He will "NEVER - and that means never - leave you, NOR forsake you" - Deuteronomy 31:6
Regardless of what goes on down here, God knows, Jesus has been down here and felt all the emotions you are feeling. You can go to Him with them and be assured that He loves you and is for you.
Even in the storm, God is still there, walking on the water alongside you.
Keep your heart open to Him and remember that if we pray for Christ to enter our lives, He will.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son, that whomever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life". - John 3:16
Thanks for reading if you did xxxx. I just felt that I should tell you regardless, just so that you know, tried to answer any questions. Xx let me know if you have any more if you need clarification xx
I am thinking the singer Paul is a new Christian/new to Adventist faith or do we now wear Rings and the like - just asking . whatever we cannot give up For GOD becomes our God
Mizz Kimberly in every thing give thanks: for this is the will of GOD in Christ Jesus Concerning you 1 Thess 5:18
Christian Experience and Teachings 191.1-191.1
Thank you G! :-) God bless...
Amen to that!! Man looketh on the outside but God looks at the hearth.
Its a good sermon , but all the acting of the preacher draw attention to himself. I can not see Jesus acting , the words of Christ had power and no need for acting . We have all much to learn ....
He’s not acting we all have different personalities. How is he bringing attention to himself preaching about Jesus are you even listening ? I can’t take all this judging it’s very sad smh . You must never heard of him ? Are you recently a seventh day Adventist or what ? He is a pillar in the church we all know his character judge a man by his fruits . You haven’t done a tenth of the work he has done for this church . HUSH UP !