Palos music. Dominican Republic.

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • This is one of the first genres in Dominican Republic. It's called Palos.
    This video was recorded in Barahona, Dominican Republic
    It is a Dominican sacred music that can be found through the island. The drum and human voice are the principal instruments. Palo is played at religious ceremonies - usually coinciding with saint's days - as well as for secular parties and special occasions. Its roots are in the Congo region of central-west Africa, but it is mixed with European influences in the melodies. Palos are related to Dominican folk Catholicism, which includes a pantheon of deities/saints (here termed misterios) much like those found in the Afro-American syncretic religious traditions of Cuba, Brazil, Haiti, and elsewhere. Palos are usually associated with the lower class, black and mixed populations. They can be seen in different regions of Dominican Republic, but with variations.
    Palo music is played on long drums termed palos.The word palos means trees, and therefore all Dominican palos drums are instruments made from hollowed out logs. The head of the drum is made of cowhide and it is attached to the log portion with hoops and pegs in the Eastern region, or with nails in the Southwest. There is a master drum (palo mayor) which is the large, wide drum played with slimmer drums (alcahuetes) alongside: two in the East or three elsewhere. Palos are usually played with guiras, which are metal scrapers. They may also be played with maracas, or a little stick used to hit the master drum, called the catá. The Dominican region in which the palos are played determines the form, the number of the instruments, and how they are played.
    Palos are associated with the Afro- Dominican brotherhoods called cofradías. Originally, the brotherhoods were composed solely of males. As time progressed, females and family inheritance maintained the brotherhoods' sanctity. Each brotherhood is devoted to a particular saint. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the brotherhood is to honor the saint with a festival. Historically, cofradías were established on principals similar to those of the Mediterranean guild-based societies and those founded by Africans that inhabited southern Spain. Through colonization and the slave trade, these traditions were brought to the Dominican Republic. However, the cofradías are not limited to the Dominican Republic, they are found in other parts of the Americas as well, where they may be adapted to Native-American folk Catholicism, particularly in Mexico and Central America.
    Palo music is generally played at festivals honoring saints (velaciones) or during other religious events. The configuration of instruments present depends on the region in which these events take place. Palo drums are played with the hands, held between the legs, and tied to the palero's waist by a rope. The three paleros each play a distinct beat on their palos, which ultimately blend together. These rhythms vary depending on the region as well. For example, in the East, the "palo corrido" rhythm is popular, while in San Cristóbal, one may be more likely to find the "palo abajo" rhythm. While they play their drums, one of the paleros simultaneously sings verses of a song. The surrounding audience and the rest of the paleros repeat the chorus of the song after each verse, taking on the call-and-response form present in many Congolese musical genres, emphasizing the genre's African roots. Contrastingly, however, the lyrics of these songs are often based in Catholic tradition; honoring saints, etc. These religious songs are played towards the beginning of these festivals, and, as they progress, become increasingly secular, their main purpose being to provide entertainment and something to dance to. Sacred palo music that is played at ceremonies often invokes spirits of ancestors or saints, and it is not unusual to encounter participants becoming possessed at these events.

Комментарии • 74

  • @lunalea1250
    @lunalea1250 2 года назад +5

    Beautiful people, beautiful music celebrating their African Roots!🥳💜☮

  • @Zebsnyc
    @Zebsnyc 4 года назад +41

    Thank you Mother Africa! 🙌🏾

    • @TejiMadeEm
      @TejiMadeEm 3 года назад

      Not Africa

    • @beirys8957
      @beirys8957 3 года назад +1

      Dominican repulic

    • @stefanodomeni
      @stefanodomeni 2 года назад +7

      @@beirys8957 This music comes from Africa. Stop denying our African roots.

      @OZORIAMEDIA 2 года назад +2

      @@TejiMadeEm 100% AFRICA!

    • @vermalyscornelio658
      @vermalyscornelio658 2 года назад

      tiene raices, mas no es de Africa.

  • @neldadon
    @neldadon 9 лет назад +18

    Quisqueya la bella

  • @svaldez737
    @svaldez737 9 лет назад +15

    Wow love it need longer video

  • @bigfish6742
    @bigfish6742 4 года назад +54

    For all the Dominicans that deny their African heritage lol

    • @alejandroalba7010
      @alejandroalba7010 4 года назад


    • @bigfish6742
      @bigfish6742 4 года назад +2

      @Lola Torrez you clearly missed the point of my comment

    • @yaboyaang5639
      @yaboyaang5639 3 года назад +4

      @Rolls Royce Jamaicans & Haitians have no issue claiming to be Black so why should Dominicans worry about it?

    • @yaboyaang5639
      @yaboyaang5639 3 года назад +2

      @Rolls Royce Then we need to educate society of the meaning of Blackness cause Black people exist outside of America

    • @ychanan36
      @ychanan36 3 года назад +1

      Dominican Republic people are from the tribe of Simeon. One of the tribes of Israel

  • @CopperMe9
    @CopperMe9 6 лет назад +9


  • @Ki55yface
    @Ki55yface 3 года назад +4

    This sounds beautiful yo

  • @atrueearthling4326
    @atrueearthling4326 2 года назад +1

    I grew up seeing this

  • @nissifeliz1242
    @nissifeliz1242 5 лет назад +3

    What the name of the song

  • @dontrustwhiteyevery1
    @dontrustwhiteyevery1 5 лет назад +5

    Feel like im about to go to war.

  • @TheNewLeaderOfZoePound
    @TheNewLeaderOfZoePound 4 года назад

    🇩🇴🐍 som ven-set...som ven-set sou dife 🔥 ×2 cho sou lil'jimmy younggun willieane...🇩🇴🐍 lil'jimmy younggun willieane mwen ya # raasclot livin vre

  • @joellycollado4366
    @joellycollado4366 2 года назад +1

    What are tha names of these types of drums? Como se llaman este tipo de tambor?

  • @anettedesire8824
    @anettedesire8824 2 года назад +6

    The irony that Dominicans hate what they love the most. Because this is pure African

    • @Elchampolinbellacado
      @Elchampolinbellacado 2 года назад +2

      The fact that your ignorant that you don’t think we don’t accept our African roots like these people in this video we are well aware of our African roots maybe you just found out

    • @MrCarpio05
      @MrCarpio05 2 года назад +9

      Don’t speak generally, many of us like me are very aware of it and are always looking for ways to embrace it. We have many colours and are a mix of culture so everyone follows their ethnic origins cultures.

    • @Jay-jb2vr
      @Jay-jb2vr Год назад

      I said the same thing lmfao *"I NO BLACK"*

    • @JoseMartinez-bh1ng
      @JoseMartinez-bh1ng Год назад

      @@Jay-jb2vr I'm not black. I'm Dominican. I'm mixed race. DR is not the US. No black Dominican in DR denies being black. The 10 Million Dominicans that live in DR and don't speak English don't even know that you hate us so much. The hate is because we are a free Sovereign and Independent Nation.

    • @JoseMartinez-bh1ng
      @JoseMartinez-bh1ng Год назад

      You US people are weird. Talk cash shit about Dominicans that can't speak English well, mostly black Americans, and see that Dominicans mostly stick to their own. Just because Black Dominicans don't want to hang out with Black Americans because of the bullying doesn't mean they aren't black. It also doesn't mean they deny being black they just don't like black Americans. Black Americans aren't the only Black people in the world and we don't have to like you.

  • @TheNewLeaderOfZoePound
    @TheNewLeaderOfZoePound 4 года назад

    🇩🇴🐍 som ven-set...som ven-set ap fe mwen raasclot A som ven-set...som ven-set viv oswa lil'jimmy younggun willieane...lil'jimmy younggun willieane mwen ya

  • @kbphilip777
    @kbphilip777 3 года назад +4

    The return of Jesus is at hand!
    📖 John 14:6 says,
    JESUS CHRIST is the only, true way to Salvation! It’s the free gift of GOD to all those who believe and trust Him!
    SALVATION! is the redemption of one’s soul from eternal destruction after death of man, on this earth, by the cleansing of the blood, and by the death and power of resurrection of Jesus Christ
    📖Acts.4:12 says.
    Salvation is found in no one else (except Jesus Christ), for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved."
    How is SALVATION gifted to man?
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.
    📖John 3:3 says,
    Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, Except a man be Born Again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
    How can a man be BORN-AGAIN?
    To be Born-Again in spiritual sense, is to die to our old sinful nature and be born-again in the spirit, to be holy, righteous with a new nature in Christ Jesus.
    👉To be born-again, we need to repent & confess our sinful past for a holy future.
    What is repentance?
    👉 REPENTANCE! Everyone born into this world is a Born-sinner. Human nature is a sinful nature. Sin in us has defiled us and has separated us from the Holy God!
    We have to repent for all the unholy, lawless transgressions of God’s commandments done willfully or unknowingly, in order to obtain mercy and grace so that we might not be judged and fall into condemnation, the condemnation of eternal hell.
    📖 Acts.3:19 says,..✔️Repent, then, and turn to GOD, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the LORD
    What is confession of sins?
    👉 CONFESSION! The guilt of sin and it’s condemnation is rolled away if one truly regrets his sinful past and confesses them in the presence of Jesus Christ.
    📖Romans.10:9 &10
    ✔️That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
    📖 1 John, 1st chapter & verse 9 says..
    ✔️If we confess our sins, He (Jesus Christ) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins(every sin)...
    The sole purpose of sending Jesus Christ into this world more than 2020 ago is this👇
    📖John.3:16-17 says "
    👉 GOD so loved the world (us) that He (Father GOD) gave His only begotten Son to die for us ( our redemption ), that whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) should not perish (in hell) but have everlasting life.
    👉 GOD has not sent His Son to condemn the world (us), but the world (we) through Him (Jesus Christ) might be saved.
    Dear Bro/Sis.🙏🏼, You may be of any race, religion or creed. Rich or poor. White or black or brown. You may be the least sinner or the worst sinner on earth. You may leading the worst of immoral life against the principles of the Almighty GOD. God is concerned about your future and not your past. All He asks you is to repent and confess your sins to obtain mercy and have a secured and a blessed hope!
    📖 Hebrews.10:17
    And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
    If you say this small prayer with faith…👇
    “ LORD JESUS, I am a sinner, I have committed so many sins knowingly and unknowingly. Have mercy on me. Please forgive my every sin with your precious, Holy blood shed on the cross to save me. I believe you died on the cross, you were buried and rose again the third day for my justification. I believe you are the Almighty GOD!
    Accept me as your child. Help me to lead a holy life. Fill my heart with joy, give me heart to seek you.
    In Jesus precious name, I ask and believe. Amen!🙏🏼
    If you have said this prayer, I can assuredly tell you that you are a new creation. You are Born-Again in the spirit through the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
    📖 2 Corinthians 5:17
    “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
    👉 Be Holy as the LORD your GOD is Holy!
    📖Proverbs.28:13 says..✔️He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
    He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not 📌shall be condemned
    ⏩Read the Bible 📖⏩Know the Truth⏩Go to a Christ centered Church⏩Be Baptized⏩Be Blessed!
    ⏩May the Holy Spirit GOD lead you & guide you!🙏🏼
    👉 Be prepared for the RAPTURE! ( Return of Jesus Christ. THE JUDGE )
    May the Lord richly bless you,🙏
    📢 Please SHARE & SPREAD this GOSPEL 📖 to the WORLD 🌏

    • @billyblanco6406
      @billyblanco6406 2 года назад +1

      Government got you blind I see 👁 stay woke 😅

    • @burdock4419
      @burdock4419 2 года назад


  • @Don2024yhgfjjkj
    @Don2024yhgfjjkj 5 лет назад
