How To Align Your Psytrance KICK & BASS!

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 88

  • @MiddleD
    @MiddleD  3 года назад +5

    Let me know in the comment section what you would like to see next on my channel, I'm always open to new suggestions! 😉

    • @ELCHimoiX1
      @ELCHimoiX1 3 года назад +1

      Which video was the last one? You shuld leave the link in the description so we can check the 1st one.

    • @justynwclark
      @justynwclark 3 года назад +2

      When do we get the kick & bass layering video? I'm so excited for it.

    • @psynstein646
      @psynstein646 2 года назад

      teach me the neelix saw base :D ♥

    • @enoch13th85
      @enoch13th85 Год назад

      Your tutorials were the best. I'm working on a track that I used your bass tutorial for and it's turning out really well. I hope you're doing well!

    • @HolyRhythms
      @HolyRhythms Год назад

      we really need that

  • @imaginarycolleagues1243
    @imaginarycolleagues1243 3 года назад +16

    Cool tutorials, thanks a lot for that👍
    Just a recommendation for future videos (which I hope are going to come😀): When showing the difference between settings or turning plugins on and off, just don't pause the playback and say "Now, with this on/off you can hear...." and then start the playback again. Just let the playback run while switching whatever setting you want to show, so anyone can immediately hear the difference. When you are pausing the playback and speaking, there is no possibility to hear subtle differences, because you just forget what it sounded like before.

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  2 года назад +5

      Thank you for the suggestion! I appreciate it 😁

    • @abhisflyingsoon
      @abhisflyingsoon 2 года назад

      damn good tip!

  • @snook-official
    @snook-official Год назад +3

    Thanks for running through your process! Just a suggestion, when doing A/B comparisons, it's easier to hear the difference if you don't interrupt it with your talking

  • @jorgedelarco8851
    @jorgedelarco8851 2 года назад +1

    This channel is pure gold

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  2 года назад

      Thank you Jorge!

  • @carptackula7536
    @carptackula7536 Год назад +1

    How can you talk about Phase without an Oscilloscope?
    -you edited the phase with voxengo, but then isolated the first 1/16th bass note and added EQ (which alters the phase again).
    Without an oscilloscope, you miss out on seeing what you have done to the phase relationship between this and the kick!
    -seems like if you aren't going to use an oscilloscope, a better way (without eq) to treat the bass would be at the synth level: 2 synth patches, one with the fundamental and one without. You then don't need to eq cut, or worry about the effect of eq on phase for that no fundamental note.
    Sorry for all the questions, but it just doesn't make sense, but you're tutorials are GREAT!

  • @michaelsibayan2307
    @michaelsibayan2307 2 года назад +2

    Your videos so far has been the best and clearest work through of making clean basslines

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  2 года назад +1

      Thank you Michael!

  • @masoodkhodayi
    @masoodkhodayi Год назад +1

    very useful :D better A&B without any speech in middle , mr middle :P thanks for tips

  • @alexanderzaitsev9003
    @alexanderzaitsev9003 3 года назад +1

    dont stop, friend. doing videos. its very no bad

  • @origenic5237
    @origenic5237 2 года назад +3

    Another way to lower the sub on that first bass note is to use waves C6 multiband side chain compressor, use the kick as the side chain signal and set the low band to turn down the sub and bypass all the other bands with a release time of around 1/8 so that it comes back up after the first bass note, I found it gives a smoother release/transition than cutting the audio up.

    • @AboveEmAllProduction
      @AboveEmAllProduction 2 года назад +1

      That destroys phase alignment

    • @origenic5237
      @origenic5237 2 года назад

      @@AboveEmAllProduction you could always render it down with the compression after and realign the phase.

    • @AboveEmAllProduction
      @AboveEmAllProduction 2 года назад

      @@origenic5237 yeah that you could :)

  • @garlandjamieson
    @garlandjamieson 2 года назад +1

    amazing, aweswome songs, and
    super tutorial

  • @hyurisalvador3914
    @hyurisalvador3914 3 года назад +2

    I always love the coffee drinking in the intro. 😂😅
    Anyway nice tutorial. 😎👍🔥

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  2 года назад

      Cheers Hyuri!

  • @robodopsnei
    @robodopsnei Год назад

    Thanks very much! I’ve been looking for a breakdown of this very thing! Very well explained ;) Cheers!!

  • @enzococuzza4982
    @enzococuzza4982 Год назад

    brotheer, if you use the shaperbox to make the sidechain, you can cut the low end of the first bass without having to duplicate the chanel

  • @rolandpirker2697
    @rolandpirker2697 3 года назад +1

    Thanks so much!

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад

      You're welcome!

  • @PARTY24-7
    @PARTY24-7 2 года назад +1

    really helpful ......please upload more tutorials on a vini vici & whitenoise style.

  • @thestever
    @thestever 2 года назад +3

    This is a great tutorial, but I have one question. Would EQing out the sub freqs from the overlapping part of the bass potentially screw up the phase again?

  • @HolyRhythms
    @HolyRhythms Год назад

    we really need the layering bass video

  • @TranceAlpine
    @TranceAlpine 3 года назад +1 in details.greetz

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад +1

      Thank you!

  • @crazymr1179
    @crazymr1179 Год назад

    This video is very useful, thank you! Can i use the same method? If I were to mix a Melbourne kick and bass in the future, assuming the bass didn't overlap the kick, how would I check for phase?

  • @Martin-vj7zx
    @Martin-vj7zx Год назад

    That diffrence wow 😮😮😵

  • @DeltaSpecies
    @DeltaSpecies 3 года назад +1

    Muito bom manoo!!!

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад

      Muito obrigado!

  • @foxival5150
    @foxival5150 3 года назад +2

    Cool Tutorial 👍

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад +1

      Thank you Elliott! 🙏🏻

  • @someoneelsefromthesameplan4007
    @someoneelsefromthesameplan4007 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for video! But can you show it with stock logic pro x plugin? Step fx or lfo?

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  2 года назад +1

      Maybe one day in the future! 🙌🏻

  • @idanmashta
    @idanmashta Год назад

    Can you please make a tutorial about goa bass and kick?

  • @darbomusic
    @darbomusic 3 года назад +1

    I love your channel 💞

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад

      Thank you! 🙏🏻

  • @Jetek_kalsitek
    @Jetek_kalsitek Год назад

    Good tuto, why did you stop them ? (I m french, sorry if my english is not correct)

  • @lostchamber
    @lostchamber 3 года назад +1

    Aulinha muito boa! No aguardo já da próxima! :D

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад +1

      Obrigado Rodolfo! 🙏🏻

  • @psylover0
    @psylover0 3 года назад +1

    Great video, can you explain what is the difference between linear phase eq and eq and when should one use linear phase eq? Secondly can you explain what can we do with fab Saturn on bass?

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад +1

      Thank you! A normal eq does can cause phase shifts when manipulated, specially with sharp curves, a linear phase eq maintains phase coherence on the signal regardless of your settings, however it does introduce more latency as it requires a higher amount cpu calculations. So if you want to make big changes (steep low cut curves etc) and maintain phase coherence, which can be important on high transient sounds such as the kick and bass, linear phase eq can be very useful, but use it sparingly and only when necessary because it takes up a massive amount of cpu

    • @lukhmanthufile
      @lukhmanthufile 3 года назад

      @@MiddleD what if, after using linear phase eq, I bounce the track and shift it a few ms early so that the delay is compensated?

  • @lebontv6921
    @lebontv6921 3 года назад +1

    So is the voxengo vst now not doing anything if you have removed the clashing with the lfo tools.

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  2 года назад +1

      The Voxengo PHA-979 is changing the phase on the bass, which means that it's relationship with the kick will change regardless of what I do in LFO tool 😉

    • @lebontv6921
      @lebontv6921 2 года назад

      @@MiddleD cool I was just wondering as if your sidechaining then presumably you remove the need to adjust the phase. Unless it sound like you are not completely sidchaining away all phase crossover with kick and bass which sounds like what you are saying.

    @MOSMASTERING Год назад

    Hey, I know that this video is +1 year old no, but I was hoing somebody could help me with a question I have.
    So, I've been getting great results for a long time (been making music for +>15 years) but always looking to add a tiny few extra % percent to the sound wherever possible.
    In Psytrance, this obsessive (yet necessary) attention to detail is because Kick and bass is the foundation of the entire track! So I'm assuming that somebody that has gone through the same processing chain has some answers..
    Regarding LFO tool. It looks really simple. It uts, ducks or filters the audio based on time divisions. (18th/ 1/4 note etc.) but my question is - is the timer running free or is it based on audio triggering the envelope. Because if you make a track and for some reason your song goes out of allignment with the overall DAW sub divisions, then LFO tool will start cutting into the middle of sounds that are already playing, rather than an envelope designed to smooth out the end of the quarter note.
    Is there any way to change LFOTool into trigger mode, rather than a free running BPM counter?

  • @ravewell
    @ravewell 2 года назад

    Nice one🔥🔥🔥👍🏼

  • @kuba017
    @kuba017 3 года назад +1

    Hey! I never saw this model of Adam's monitors... what model is it?

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад

      They are Adam F7, unfortunately it's been discontinued

  • @technosafelife
    @technosafelife 2 года назад +1

    What about the layering Video? 😁

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  2 года назад +2

      Soon, my friend!

  • @bionikpulse
    @bionikpulse Год назад

    Can we get a filtering kick and bass tutorial?

  • @Beyond_The_Fade555
    @Beyond_The_Fade555 Год назад

    How to know how much rotation is needed in pca?

  • @abyssent
    @abyssent 2 года назад

    can i do it w stock pluggings ? i dont got nothing to change the phase besides the logic pros default gain

    @BFHPET 9 месяцев назад

    8:25 where is this video about this

  • @ninrocks1
    @ninrocks1 3 года назад +1

    Very useful tutorial, just saw some waveforms of professional tracks. I saw there's both fade in and out on the basslines. I will try this out with lfo tool. Will att the basslines get this fade out with lfo tool? Would the voxengo plugin be the same thing as dragging the audio back or forth a few ms? Thank you for a great tutorial 😀🙏.

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад +1

      Hi Conny, thank you! Regarding the fadesm you should not fade in on the attack of the bassline, this will affect its transient and your bass will have a weak attack, but you should always fade out the end of your bass notes. Also, for the voxengo, switching the phase is not the same thing as changing the timing of your note, the PHA-979 also as a "Delay" knob that you can use to adjust that.

  • @funkerfogt1869
    @funkerfogt1869 3 года назад +1

    why u dont use oscilloscope to control phase?

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад +3

      I do! But for this video, which introduces the subject to people that are not necessarily used to it, I decided to start simple with the concept so I can go deeper with oscilloscopes in the next videos.

    • @funkerfogt1869
      @funkerfogt1869 3 года назад

      @@MiddleD Great! Thanks!

  • @marceloribeirosimoes8959
    @marceloribeirosimoes8959 3 года назад +1

    1 kick for each beat.
    1 same note for the entire beat tempo.
    1 single same note over every kick
    I must thank you for the video, of course. It's cool.
    But if the bass has note changes?
    And if the kick were not that boring same never-ending pile-driver pattern???
    The ducking solution is great.
    Nice and clean.
    Thank you very much.

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  2 года назад

      I'm showing it on a simple rolling bass pattern because it's an easier way to teach the basics to producers that are still learning it. Once you have the desired timbre, you can change the notes and the groove as much as you want 😉

  • @ninrocks1
    @ninrocks1 3 года назад +1

    I just tried the Voxengo PHA - 979 on a bass in cubase, while having your setting and adjusting the phase it sounds that the bass doesn´t play in time.
    Is there some kind of latency in the plugin and how can i solve this?
    Kind regards Conny

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад +1

      Stop playback and hit play again, to be able to change phase and timing the pha-979 needs to process its internal buffer and sometimes it doesn’t do it at first, so you need to let it play a bit, then stop and play again.

    • @ninrocks1
      @ninrocks1 3 года назад

      @@MiddleD Thank you very much, i will try this and see what happens 😀🙏

  • @BenbekMusic
    @BenbekMusic 3 года назад +1

    Esse conhece demais 👽🔥🔥

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад

      Obrigado mano!

  • @psynstein646
    @psynstein646 Год назад

    moooore tutirials (x xD

  • @fredericericsson1943
    @fredericericsson1943 Год назад

    Why did u stop making these bad ass tutorials?

  • @doortower3622
    @doortower3622 3 года назад +1

    wen next vid

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  2 года назад

      Soon? Stay tuned!

  • @MrDobleagent
    @MrDobleagent 3 года назад

    good ideas, nice technique, but what I dont like to convert bass in audio, is that is too many edits, and you always need to go back the MIDI instrument if you want to change something

    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  2 года назад

      Well, if you're still using a sampler (like I am), you're still working with MIDI 😉

  • @gryndermusic
    @gryndermusic 3 года назад +1


    • @MiddleD
      @MiddleD  3 года назад


  • @avgdeagling
    @avgdeagling 2 года назад

    or... resampling the last 2 Kick Bars .. repitch it and cut out the first harmonic

  • @dennislacroix9962
    @dennislacroix9962 6 месяцев назад

    But this works as long as the bass doesn't change the note

  • @douglasmotoso3835
    @douglasmotoso3835 3 года назад

    Free Download do Kick