Jaguar XJ6 and XJ12 Gauges - Removal, cleaning and changing bulbs

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 76

  • @tedjohnson64
    @tedjohnson64 4 года назад +2

    Yes, a complete gauge restoration video would be great, thanks!

  • @angelocaruso2913
    @angelocaruso2913 3 года назад +1

    Yes, a complete gauge restoration.

  • @slow4life104
    @slow4life104 2 года назад

    Years later here I love the video recently got a 78 xj12 and having electrical issues (no clue if car runs when started) but nothing happens when I put a new battery in and cleaned up all the connections of the battery wires. Deciding to just clean things up for now so I hope that one day a full gage resto video happens

  • @klwthe3rd
    @klwthe3rd 5 лет назад +1

    The reason this video is important to me is because people often need to remove the gauges not just to clean and restore them but also to get any other components behind the wood paneling where the gauges mount.

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  5 лет назад +1

      That is very true! I find myself having to remove the tach or speedometer pretty often to get to the electrics behind them.

    • @CauliflowerMcPugg
      @CauliflowerMcPugg 5 лет назад

      Merry Christmas Kenneth or as you American's say Happy Holidays.

    • @klwthe3rd
      @klwthe3rd 5 лет назад +1

      @@CauliflowerMcPugg Thank you McPugg! You're one of the few people on RUclips that I really enjoy your comments and conversation. I wish the best for you and your family in the New Year.

  • @syedishraqueahmed
    @syedishraqueahmed Год назад

    Thank you. Your videos are really clear, concise, and easy to follow. I recently purchased an XJ6 series 2 in the UK, but unfortunately, it's not starting now. Hopefully, I can resolve it soon.

  • @peguesemiles43
    @peguesemiles43 5 лет назад +2

    Awesome video! Now I know I don't have to remove the whole dash just to remove the gauges. Definitely going in my favorites playlist

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  5 лет назад

      I'm glad you enjoyed it! A lot can be done with the dash in place. Only time I've had to remove it is when I replaced the AC.

  • @Cedvig
    @Cedvig 4 года назад +2

    Im restoring my dashboard on my xj12, and today I found out by replacing the gauge that none of them would work properly if they're not in their place. Looking at the wiring diagram left me discover that the bracket that tight the gauge served as Ground. So everything have to be tight back in position to work. Hope saving some hour to people working on it.

  • @DanielJett
    @DanielJett 5 лет назад +1

    Gauge restoration is a good topic for a new video

  • @tonycollingridge4347
    @tonycollingridge4347 4 года назад +1

    Thanks Adam. Good video. I'd like to see a full gauge restoration when you get the time. Thanks.

    • @jackroutledge352
      @jackroutledge352 4 года назад +1

      Tony Collingridge Me too! Mine is broken (the Rev counter needle doesn’t move), so I’d be interested if there’s any way of fixing it.

    • @tonycollingridge4347
      @tonycollingridge4347 4 года назад

      @@jackroutledge352 I'm not sure what car you have but on my Mark 2 there is a separate circuit which operates the rev counter driven by a generator off of the back of the cylinder head. If you have a similar arrangement on your car I recommend you check that the circuit is working before removing and checking the gauge.

    • @jackroutledge352
      @jackroutledge352 4 года назад

      Tony Collingridge thanks, I’ll take a look

  • @20REMMUS
    @20REMMUS 4 года назад +1

    Great video which gave me the confidence to have a go. Oil pressure gauge was a bastard to remove (RHD) because it has 2 finger tighteners on the retaining bracket and access is near impossible! Got there eventually but it's harder to get out than all the other gauges.

  • @chrismaley895
    @chrismaley895 4 года назад +1

    Another very fine video: simple-concise and engaging, Adam. My daughter's 87Xj-J-6 gages all work well, as do my son's 85 XJ-6 gages. However, my wife's 85 XJ-6 and my 86 XJS gages works all except the fuel gage. Perhaps Adam, we can persuade you to do a comprehensive video on fuels gage/indicator problems? Thanks again for another fine tutorial, Adam! Chris/Colorado Springs/USA

  • @Rick-sl7iw
    @Rick-sl7iw 2 года назад

    Thank you Adam this really helped me out today 😄

  • @CauliflowerMcPugg
    @CauliflowerMcPugg 5 лет назад +2

    I've changed mine to LED and one bulb in my series 3 I think it was in the Speedo was a push in. I also replaced the boot/truck light with an LED which has made a real difference. The interior lights I will leave original as I like the gentleman's club ambience they give. Merry Christmas 🎅

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  5 лет назад +1

      Do you have a Serie 2 or a series 3? The interior lights on these cares are wonderful! It really does look like a gentleman's club like you said 😊
      Merry Christmas to you too! 🎅

    • @CauliflowerMcPugg
      @CauliflowerMcPugg 5 лет назад +1

      @@LivingWithAClassic I have a Series 3

  • @williamellis3961
    @williamellis3961 3 года назад

    Yes show restore a gauge video.

  • @soundcode0246
    @soundcode0246 4 года назад

    I dont even own a XJ12 (yet!!) But I still love watching this

  • @V12motorsports
    @V12motorsports 5 лет назад +6

    Can you make a video on XJ-S guages?

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  5 лет назад +5

      Yes I will do that. I'll be replacing some bulbs on the XJS and I'll go through the dash then

    • @V12motorsports
      @V12motorsports 5 лет назад

      @@LivingWithAClassic thank you

  • @brianrobson5208
    @brianrobson5208 5 лет назад +2

    Thanks for your advice. Great videos as usual 👍

  • @blairjacobs1430
    @blairjacobs1430 5 лет назад

    Terrific video, as all of yours are! I have a Series 3 XJ12 and V12 XJS and would love to see a film about gauge restoration

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you Blair! Gauge restoration video coming up. There will be one on the XJ12 or XJ6 in the near future and one on the XJS also a bit later.

  • @stigmoltu-jacobsen
    @stigmoltu-jacobsen 5 лет назад +1

    Again a very informative video. Thanks! Looking forward the follow-up video. Merry Christmas!

  • @PPtain
    @PPtain 4 месяца назад

    Hello Adam. In your video on the removal and restoration of gauges i didn’t see details on the warning light cluster. Are the individual bulbs in the ser3 cluster replaceable or do you have to buy the whole warning light cluster? Thanks

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  4 месяца назад

      It’s pretty straight forward to remove. Just 4 screws. All the bulbs are replaceable

  • @danieljones7744
    @danieljones7744 3 года назад

    Thanks for a great vid! Have you done that renovation vid of a guage yet? I can not find it.

  • @thorstenhntgs9810
    @thorstenhntgs9810 4 года назад +1

    Another great and helpful video again. How should I know that I have to push the Speedometer in and turn to the left for removal if nobody tells you. Thanks a lot, Adam.
    However I would be very interested to see how you take out the complete wooden board that holds the gauges. Mine has some faults in the finish of the wood. I noticed yours has that as well. So taking it out as a whole and refinish it would be advisable I guess. What do you think? Greetings from Germany, Tobias

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  4 года назад

      Glad I could help! I can show sometime in tye future how to take it all out as a unit

  • @mustangmafiatv3660
    @mustangmafiatv3660 4 года назад

    Great educational video once again 👍🏻

  • @willthomas9579
    @willthomas9579 3 года назад

    Please do a full resto on the Smiths gauges!

  • @thomasklaiber4740
    @thomasklaiber4740 Год назад

    Great, thank's a lot.👍👍👍

  • @singinglyours
    @singinglyours 4 года назад

    Hello, very useful video! Thanks. Concerning the right-hand side large gauge, should I press and turn it anti clockwise also (lhd car as yours) or clockwise (my gauge seems to be really stuck)? thanks in advance.

  • @lyricrf
    @lyricrf 4 года назад

    Another great vid, gauge stripdown would be helpfull. Keep up the great work.

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  4 года назад

      Thank you! I'm collecting a few spare gauges at the moment for the video.

  • @jfv65
    @jfv65 3 года назад

    Is it possible to calibrate the temp gauge? Mine never indicates more then 60C when i know for a fact that the engine is at about 73-75C at that moment.

  • @reouvenz
    @reouvenz 5 лет назад +1

    I really like your videos, they're well done and informative.
    I'd really want to buy a series 2 and restore it, but I'm super scared of reliability issues.
    Also, how much mechanical knowledge would you say one requires to work and upkeep one of these?

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  5 лет назад +1

      I'm glad you like the videos! I'd say that most of the mechanical work can be done at home. Once they are sorted they are very reliable.
      There will be a new video series soon on fixing a lot of things and doing a small restoration on an XJ6 series 2. That series will give you a pretty good idea of what it takes to restore one

    • @reouvenz
      @reouvenz 5 лет назад

      @@LivingWithAClassic XJ6 Series II, exactly the car I want.
      Bring it on! (And thank you!)

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  5 лет назад +1

      Stay tuned for the big reveal soon 😊

  • @ernstboston7640
    @ernstboston7640 4 года назад

    my 1994 jaguar xj6. . the alternator check is ok. but when cold temperatures if vehicle park for 4,5 hrs after use . I need jump start. something killing the battery. what can i do to fixed the issue.

  • @buickapollo455
    @buickapollo455 Год назад

    How do you get 88-91 head cluster out, help

  • @ListenOrBeatIt
    @ListenOrBeatIt 4 года назад

    Thank you for the video. Do you have any advice for removing the speedometer? I was able to remove the tachometer with ease but the speedometer will not budge. I have a LHD just like you. Any advice would be appreciated.

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  4 года назад +1

      If it's really stuck you can try to get a hand in and pull / twist from behind. If it's really stuck you might need to remove the dash top for more access. Careful use of WD40 could help of its oxidized stuck but not too much. Hope this helps!

    • @ListenOrBeatIt
      @ListenOrBeatIt 4 года назад

      @@LivingWithAClassic I appreciate the advice, I'll give it a shot this weekend!

  • @genemccormick3935
    @genemccormick3935 5 лет назад

    Great video I don't have to remove dash pad. Question the oil pressure gauge is electronic not old school with a plastic tube. The oil pressure gauge needs the
    correct sender that is made for the V12 engine. In other words the V12 original oil pressure gauge has to have V12 sender only,

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  5 лет назад

      Thank you Gene! Yes the oil pressure gauge is electrical and the scales on the V12 and XK engine gauges are different. They have different senders. The oil pressure warning light switch is the same though.

  • @michelevocino560
    @michelevocino560 3 года назад

    How to remove for a Jaguar MK2 too?

  • @BoudeM
    @BoudeM 5 лет назад

    Another cool and useful video, Thanks! I video about restoring the odo would be very cool and helpful, special the day counter (not quite sure how to write it in english). I had an XJ12 before with the day counter broken and now the XJS I have has the same problem. probleby a related issue I guess?! anyway enjoy christmas.

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  5 лет назад

      I will be doing a video on that! I just found an extra speedo I have laying around. I can take that one apart to show some of those parts.

  • @anautumnforcrippledchildre8369

    The fuel gauge on my 1970 xj6 does not work. Is there any way to fix it or do I need to install a new one?

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  Год назад +1

      Have you checked the sender? Checked your wiring? They usually don't fail, it's usually wiring issue.

    • @anautumnforcrippledchildre8369
      @anautumnforcrippledchildre8369 Год назад

      @@LivingWithAClassic I'll be honest with you... I just learned how to drive and bought the xj6 6 days ago so I'll need a whole lotta time to know how to fix things myself. I'll probably need to take it to a garage that deals with classic cars.

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  Год назад +1

      Congrats on your new car! They are pretty simple. Feel free to email me at
      I’d be happy to give some tips

    • @anautumnforcrippledchildre8369
      @anautumnforcrippledchildre8369 Год назад

      @@LivingWithAClassic Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it. I'll definitely mail you because I need all the help I can get. I did a lot of research before buying it and know about all the cons of owning a classic, but I still wanted the car. It's in very good condition. The previous owners all took great care of it, but I know classic cars have numerous problems even with good maintenance. I'm just hoping there's more joy than frustration owning/driving this car. Thanks again.

    • @anautumnforcrippledchildre8369
      @anautumnforcrippledchildre8369 Год назад

      @@LivingWithAClassic Question, what's the best way to close the bonnet? I don't want to bend or flex the hood by going to each side and pushing down on the latch.

  • @buickapollo455
    @buickapollo455 2 года назад

    3 88-96 years how? To replace jlm1930

  • @OrnumCR
    @OrnumCR 5 лет назад

    Never needed to remove/unscrew the white central warning bank of globes. Always remained screwed in place on my Series 2 cars when I’ve needed to remove the gauges for servicing. Yes, the central black plastic dress plate is removed between the gauges and I think the same is stated in the manuals, but I’m sure the manuals don’t indicate that the white globe warning cluster needs removal to do this. Interesting to see you’ve removed yours to pop the gauges out. Personally I’d say that’s an unnecessary step.

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  5 лет назад

      It might be unnecessary but it has helped me when gauges are stuck.

    • @OrnumCR
      @OrnumCR 5 лет назад

      Living With A Classic ....That’s good and great to see your interest in these classic XJ’s...Keep the vlogs interested in what you do next...

    • @LivingWithAClassic
      @LivingWithAClassic  5 лет назад

      Thank you 😊 Just got another project XJ

  • @williamellis3961
    @williamellis3961 6 месяцев назад

    Restore one please.

  • @rishandrajaglal8708
    @rishandrajaglal8708 4 года назад

    Rishand Jaglal

  • @binaryadswebsitedevelopmen6191
    @binaryadswebsitedevelopmen6191 3 года назад

    Thanks I appreciate this video I am off this week I will definitely I’m doing some restoration on my Jago 1971 so I look forward to using this video to remove those gauge