Živela Kraljevina Srbija ! Ovo treba puštati svaki dan na javnom servisu da deca vide kako izgleda kada se Venčaju Kraljevske porodice ne pevaljke nepismene i Kriminalci .
The groom is the second son of Crown Prince. Prince Petar(Best man ond this wedding) is the first(after his father) in line of succesion of Serbian thron. This Prince is only younger brother.
E moj sine, neka je srecno i dugovecno al nisam cuo ni strofu Srpske muzike na Srpskom dvoru. Da su ovi bar Mokranjca odsvirali... Petar prvi, veliki kralj, u grobu se prevrce.
I think you should have gone to school first. That's where geography is usually taught. Since you strangers are not ashamed to lecture everyone, and you're all tentatively illiterate. You don't even know what continent they're on
Because of his childbearing, Peter the ancestor of Karadjordjevic is turned into a tomb because he made a fatal mistake. He baptized Alexander Karadjordjevic in the Gothic Benedictine abbey of Westminster, from which Satan himself watches Bezelbul where he says "Ora et labora" (pray and work). they maintained relations with the Serbian princes and local powerful, as evidenced by a group of at first called the Lokrum forgeries, which they sought to prove ownership of certain churches. In the time of the early Nemanjic, the Serbian rulers were their patrons, as evidenced by the well-known gift charter of King Stefan the First-Born to the Benedictine monastery of St. Mary in Mljet. Significant abbeys have been preserved in Dubrovnik, Kotor, Budva, Bar and Shkoder. They were especially taken care of by some Serbian rulers, and their relations with them especially developed during the reign of Serbian Queen Jelena, as the great patron saint of Catholic monasteries in the Littoral. In addition to the Benedictines, the more well-known Western monastic orders include Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, Augustine hermits, a company of Jesus, Christ's soldiers, and Jesuits led by Satanist General Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal. Descendants: Petar Karadjordjevic, Filip Karadjordjevic and Aleksandar Karadjordjevic. They should take down this shameful shame on their grandfather Peter II; that the defect of sectarianism and the retraction of the Jesuits into Serbia is through nutrition on Svetozavska Street in Vracar. to baptize their children in any Orthodox church in the world, though they should be baptized in the church of St. Sava at the porter. we do not have kings but traitors to our lineage and faith.
The royals were actually exiled because they gave up their country and their people to the Nazis so could they could escape alive. Partizans were the ones that freed it and the people never lived better until Tito.
The Royal Serbian army (Chetniks) collaborated with the Nazis. That’s why the cetnik leader Draza Mihailovic was convicted of high treason and sentenced to death by firing squad after WW2 The Royals just did a runner 🏃♂️ to England lol.
@@mehanikal5639 Because of his childbearing, Peter the ancestor of Karadjordjevic is turned into a tomb because he made a fatal mistake. He baptized Alexander Karadjordjevic in the Gothic Benedictine abbey of Westminster, from which Satan himself watches Bezelbul where he says "Ora et labora" (pray and work). they maintained relations with the Serbian princes and local powerful, as evidenced by a group of at first called the Lokrum forgeries, which they sought to prove ownership of certain churches. In the time of the early Nemanjic, the Serbian rulers were their patrons, as evidenced by the well-known gift charter of King Stefan the First-Born to the Benedictine monastery of St. Mary in Mljet. Significant abbeys have been preserved in Dubrovnik, Kotor, Budva, Bar and Shkoder. They were especially taken care of by some Serbian rulers, and their relations with them especially developed during the reign of Serbian Queen Jelena, as the great patron saint of Catholic monasteries in the Littoral. In addition to the Benedictines, the more well-known Western monastic orders include Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, Augustine hermits, a company of Jesus, Christ's soldiers, and Jesuits led by Satanist General Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal. Descendants: Petar Karadjordjevic, Filip Karadjordjevic and Aleksandar Karadjordjevic. They should take down this shameful shame on their grandfather Peter II; that the defect of sectarianism and the retraction of the Jesuits into Serbia is through nutrition on Svetozavska Street in Vracar. to baptize their children in any Orthodox church in the world, though they should be baptized in the church of St. Sava at the porter. we do not have kings but traitors to our lineage and faith.
Дракчеееее!!!!Опет си побегао из Чика Лазе?!Ајде,одма' назад да ти Чика Лаки да бонбонице-таблетице и кошуљку лепу на копчање одпозади👕👕👕🍦🍦🍦🍡🍡🍡🍪🍪🍪🍨🍨🍨🍧🍧🍣🍣🍣
Zato sto je pokatolicio decu, Petru II karadjordjevicu se preci okrecu u grobu, jer je napravio kobnu gresku, Aleksandra Karadjordjevica je krstio u gotskoj benediktinskoj Vestminsterskoj opatiji sa koje gleda sam Satana sa Bezelbulom gde pise „Ora et labora“ (моли и ради), oдржавали су везе са српским кнежевима и локалним моћницима, о чему сведочи и група испрва названих Локрумски фалсификати, којима су они настојали да докажу право својине над појединим цркавама. У доба раних Немањића српски владари су били њихови заштитници, о чему сведочи и позната даровна повеља краља Стефана Првовенчаног бенедиктанском манастиру св. Марије на Мљету. Сачуване су значајне опатије у Дубровнику, Котору, Будви, Бару и Скадру. О њима су посебно бринули поједини српски владари, а везе с њима нарочито су се развијале у доба владавине српске краљице Јелене, као великог покровитеља католичких манастира у Приморју. Поред бенедиктинаца, у познатије западне монашке редове спадају фрањевци, доминиканци, кармелићани, августиновски пустињаци, druzba isusova, hristovi vojnici i JEZUITI pod vodjstvom generala satanista Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal. Potomci: Петар Карађорђевић, Филип Карађорђевић i Александар Карађорђевић. Treba da skinu tu bruku isramotu svog dede Petra II; da se manu sektasenja i uvlacenja jezuita u Srbiju, preko nutricinencije u svetosavskoj ulici na vracaru. da svoju decu krste u bilo kojoj pravoslavnoj crkvi na svetu, mada bi trebali da ih krste u hramu svetog save na vracaru. mi nemamo kraljeve nego izdajnike roda i vere svoje.
@@aleksandradimkovic2805 Добро и? Једним помазанијем постају Православци, прекрштени су. И? То је толики грех! Па и Исус је био Јевреин! А сви смо потекли од Јудеизма. 🤪 И Јуда је постојао уз Божије допуштање да би се десило Васкрсење. Ајде мало да се хватамо свако својих дужности. А не ми краљевских... Једна од најдивнијих проповеди Христових је пред Његово хапшење када даје последње савете Апостолима... Волите се као што вас воли Отац ваш Небески. А шта је љубав- најдивније објашњење је у Посланици Апостола Павла Корићанима! Ово је савет за сав наш род јер ово заборавља занешен оваквим тривијалним стварима а не осуда за Вашу констатацију. Срдачан поздрав.
This family needs to be reinstated as the Royal Famiky of Serbia. They are doing a pretty good job as royalties. ❤️
You are not even Serbian, why do you care?
Dimitrije Petrovic I just feel like they have to be reinstated.
@@StyleByAdriel lol
@@StyleByAdriel the most idiotic answer, LOL
Dimitrije Petrovic The Prince can't even speak Serbian properly.
Младенцима, Све Најбоље у Њиховом Животу. А. ти Публико, Живи Свој Живот.
Živela Kraljevina Srbija ! Ovo treba puštati svaki dan na javnom servisu da deca vide kako izgleda kada se Venčaju Kraljevske porodice ne pevaljke nepismene i Kriminalci .
Најлепши дан за Србију , женидба и весеље у Краљевој кући .Живели Ваша Височанства и од Бога све најбоље !!!.❤❤❤
The groom is the second son of Crown Prince. Prince Petar(Best man ond this wedding) is the first(after his father) in line of succesion of Serbian thron.
This Prince is only younger brother.
Petar is gay
@@dixieserb damn
@@KL-dm1hx No, he really is
He renounced the throne in favor of his younger brother.
wonderful couple!!! i love them !god bless
Lepa mlada a i mladozenja neka im je sa srecom.
E moj sine, neka je srecno i dugovecno al nisam cuo ni strofu Srpske muzike na Srpskom dvoru. Da su ovi bar Mokranjca odsvirali... Petar prvi, veliki kralj, u grobu se prevrce.
A sto srpsku da sviraju kad je mladozenja samo 1/8 srbin. Moze, svaka osma pesma srpska da mu bude.
Jaoj slusaj ove novinare POLJUBAC POLJUBAC pa nisu ti ovo Raznatovici nego Karadjordjevici aman! Uzgred budi receno nisam rojalista.
Kakvi svatovi takvi i novinari 😏
The sanctity of marriages cultural.
i can't seem to find Yugoslavia on a map anywhere
Serbia* Did you find it?
Herobrine666 aaand who Said we dont know that?
@Herobrine666 Yes, but the Karađorđević-dynasty is serbian.
I think you should have gone to school first. That's where geography is usually taught. Since you strangers are not ashamed to lecture everyone, and you're all tentatively illiterate. You don't even know what continent they're on
Take an old maps from 20 years. The state has disappeared.
Why are they speaking English. We have our own language. It's not one more it's Jos jedan.
Because of his childbearing, Peter the ancestor of Karadjordjevic is turned into a tomb because he made a fatal mistake. He baptized Alexander Karadjordjevic in the Gothic Benedictine abbey of Westminster, from which Satan himself watches Bezelbul where he says "Ora et labora" (pray and work). they maintained relations with the Serbian princes and local powerful, as evidenced by a group of at first called the Lokrum forgeries, which they sought to prove ownership of certain churches. In the time of the early Nemanjic, the Serbian rulers were their patrons, as evidenced by the well-known gift charter of King Stefan the First-Born to the Benedictine monastery of St. Mary in Mljet. Significant abbeys have been preserved in Dubrovnik, Kotor, Budva, Bar and Shkoder. They were especially taken care of by some Serbian rulers, and their relations with them especially developed during the reign of Serbian Queen Jelena, as the great patron saint of Catholic monasteries in the Littoral. In addition to the Benedictines, the more well-known Western monastic orders include Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, Augustine hermits, a company of Jesus, Christ's soldiers, and Jesuits led by Satanist General Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal. Descendants: Petar Karadjordjevic, Filip Karadjordjevic and Aleksandar Karadjordjevic. They should take down this shameful shame on their grandfather Peter II; that the defect of sectarianism and the retraction of the Jesuits into Serbia is through nutrition on Svetozavska Street in Vracar. to baptize their children in any Orthodox church in the world, though they should be baptized in the church of St. Sava at the porter. we do not have kings but traitors to our lineage and faith.
This guy is Liam Gallagher
That’s why Protestants aren’t Christian
A real blood
😮🎉❤❤shes already prego😂😂😂
The royals were actually exiled because they gave up their country and their people to the Nazis so could they could escape alive. Partizans were the ones that freed it and the people never lived better until Tito.
'gave up their country', um no, they didn't give up their country to the Nazis at all.
The Royal Serbian army (Chetniks) collaborated with the Nazis.
That’s why the cetnik leader Draza Mihailovic was convicted of high treason and sentenced to death by firing squad after WW2
The Royals just did a runner 🏃♂️ to England lol.
@@Ndh-fw8fh draza mihailovic didn't have a fair trial in communist court. Partisans had death camp Goli Otok
@@Ndh-fw8fh Ustashes collabrated with comumists, but chetniks saved 500 American pilotes.
The wedding seems more middle class than royal.
It's because they are not royals.
@@mehanikal5639 Because of his childbearing, Peter the ancestor of Karadjordjevic is turned into a tomb because he made a fatal mistake. He baptized Alexander Karadjordjevic in the Gothic Benedictine abbey of Westminster, from which Satan himself watches Bezelbul where he says "Ora et labora" (pray and work). they maintained relations with the Serbian princes and local powerful, as evidenced by a group of at first called the Lokrum forgeries, which they sought to prove ownership of certain churches. In the time of the early Nemanjic, the Serbian rulers were their patrons, as evidenced by the well-known gift charter of King Stefan the First-Born to the Benedictine monastery of St. Mary in Mljet. Significant abbeys have been preserved in Dubrovnik, Kotor, Budva, Bar and Shkoder. They were especially taken care of by some Serbian rulers, and their relations with them especially developed during the reign of Serbian Queen Jelena, as the great patron saint of Catholic monasteries in the Littoral. In addition to the Benedictines, the more well-known Western monastic orders include Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, Augustine hermits, a company of Jesus, Christ's soldiers, and Jesuits led by Satanist General Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal. Descendants: Petar Karadjordjevic, Filip Karadjordjevic and Aleksandar Karadjordjevic. They should take down this shameful shame on their grandfather Peter II; that the defect of sectarianism and the retraction of the Jesuits into Serbia is through nutrition on Svetozavska Street in Vracar. to baptize their children in any Orthodox church in the world, though they should be baptized in the church of St. Sava at the porter. we do not have kings but traitors to our lineage and faith.
@@aleksandradimkovic2805 Nije lako bit lud a? lol
Would that be because you can't tell the difference between spectacle and substance?
She was pregnant when she got married.
Stefan Karađorđević is beautiful blond blue eyed prince
beautiful bride horrible horrible dress
Wheres the Partizans when you need them ..to clean this mess up that they left unfinished
srećne vam zadušnice Karađorđevići!!!
Дракчеееее!!!!Опет си побегао из Чика Лазе?!Ајде,одма' назад да ти Чика Лаки да бонбонице-таблетице и кошуљку лепу на копчање одпозади👕👕👕🍦🍦🍦🍡🍡🍡🍪🍪🍪🍨🍨🍨🍧🍧🍣🍣🍣
Zato sto je pokatolicio decu, Petru II karadjordjevicu se preci okrecu u grobu, jer je napravio kobnu gresku, Aleksandra Karadjordjevica je krstio u gotskoj benediktinskoj Vestminsterskoj opatiji sa koje gleda sam Satana sa Bezelbulom gde pise „Ora et labora“ (моли и ради), oдржавали су везе са српским кнежевима и локалним моћницима, о чему сведочи и група испрва названих Локрумски фалсификати, којима су они настојали да докажу право својине над појединим цркавама. У доба раних Немањића српски владари су били њихови заштитници, о чему сведочи и позната даровна повеља краља Стефана Првовенчаног бенедиктанском манастиру св. Марије на Мљету. Сачуване су значајне опатије у Дубровнику, Котору, Будви, Бару и Скадру. О њима су посебно бринули поједини српски владари, а везе с њима нарочито су се развијале у доба владавине српске краљице Јелене, као великог покровитеља католичких манастира у Приморју. Поред бенедиктинаца, у познатије западне монашке редове спадају фрањевци, доминиканци, кармелићани, августиновски пустињаци, druzba isusova, hristovi vojnici i JEZUITI pod vodjstvom generala satanista Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal. Potomci: Петар Карађорђевић, Филип Карађорђевић i Александар Карађорђевић. Treba da skinu tu bruku isramotu svog dede Petra II; da se manu sektasenja i uvlacenja jezuita u Srbiju, preko nutricinencije u svetosavskoj ulici na vracaru. da svoju decu krste u bilo kojoj pravoslavnoj crkvi na svetu, mada bi trebali da ih krste u hramu svetog save na vracaru. mi nemamo kraljeve nego izdajnike roda i vere svoje.
@@aleksandradimkovic2805 cim se drogiras
А и Сpбији, такође!
А и теби који пишеш латиницом, и свим твојом једномишљеницима и једноделатнима!
Добро и? Једним помазанијем постају Православци, прекрштени су. И? То је толики грех! Па и Исус је био Јевреин! А сви смо потекли од Јудеизма. 🤪
И Јуда је постојао уз Божије допуштање да би се десило Васкрсење.
Ајде мало да се хватамо свако својих дужности. А не ми краљевских...
Једна од најдивнијих проповеди Христових је пред Његово хапшење када даје последње савете Апостолима...
Волите се као што вас воли Отац ваш Небески.
А шта је љубав- најдивније објашњење је у Посланици Апостола Павла Корићанима!
Ово је савет за сав наш род јер ово заборавља занешен оваквим тривијалним стварима а не осуда за Вашу констатацију. Срдачан поздрав.